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November 10, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-10

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Somewhat warmer today;
tomorrow, rain probable


3k igazi


Will Wall Street
Be A Dead End?..
The G.O.P.

VOL. XLIX. No. 40 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, 1ICHIGAN, THURsDAY, NOV. 10, 1938


British Gatherl
Arabians, Jews
In Coenference
To Seek Peace
Abandon Partition Plans;
Migration Of Refugees
Intensifies Arab Unrest
Britain Threatens
Enforced Solution

Poland's Alliances Safeguard


LONDON, Nov. 9-0P)--Great Bri- j
tarn tonighgt sought peace for revolt-
ridden Palestine through a plan to
gather Arab and Jewish leadersa
around a London conference table
seeking compromise of their bittert
dispute over Jewish immigration toc
the Holy Land.
The British government discarded u
as unworkable a proposal to solve thet
problem by setting up Arab and Jew-c
ish states.
Disturbed by general Arab unrest
in the Near East and the growing
Jewish refugee problem in Europe,
Britain warned it would impose its
own solution unless the Arabs and
Jews find common ground soon for
burying their differences.
British Position Outlined
Britain's positon was outlined in a
statement of policy issued along with
the Royal Commisson's report on
Palestine. The Commission, headed
by Sir John Woodhead, found imprac-
ticable a plan to divide Palestine
into separate Arab and Jewish states
with Jerusalem and Nazareth remain-
.ng under British mandate along with
.a strip of the coast.
Such a partition plan was advanced
July 8, 1937, by an earlier commis-
siop headed by the late Earl Peel.
The Woodhead Commission indi-
cated partition would not be feasible
because Jewish and Arab interests
were too firmly inter-meshed in the
land where 1,317 persons have been
killed and 1,141 wounded in violende
of the past four months.
Approximately 20,000 British troops
now are attempting to quell rebellious,
Arabs in troubled Palestine.
Plan London Parley
The British Government plans to
call a London conference soon with
Arabs represented by their leaders
both from Palestine and neighboring
Arab nations and Jews by the Jewish
Agency, world Jewish organization
empowered by the League of Nations
to perform such a function.
Government quarters said rejection
of the partition scheme did not rule
out the possibility of setting up Arab*
and Jewish cantons,.or provinces, in
a federated system. Such a plan
would leave Britain in control of theĀ£
strategic country which flanks her
vital Suez Canal route to the Far~
A hint that Jewish immigration to
the "homeland" promised them by the
Balfour Declaration in 1917 might be1
curtailed was contained in the Com-
mission report which said:
Two Scientists
Give University
Pharmacy And Archeology
Are Subjects Of Talks
By Guest Speakers j
Dr. Marvin R. Thompson, director
of the Warner Institute for Thera-
peutic Research in New York City,
and Prof/ Olav Janse, director of
the Expedition for the Paris Museums
and the French School of the Far
East, will deliver University lectures
today on ,pharmacology and archae-
ology respectively.
Dr. Thompson, who was formerly
professor of Pharmacology at the
University of Maryland, will speak at
4:15 p.m. in Room 165 of the Chem-
istry Building on "The Chemistry
and Pharmacology of Ergot." Pro-
fessor Janse will speak at the same
time in the Amphitheatre of the
Graduate School on "Excavation in
Indo China; Chinese Cultural Finds."
Dr. Thompson is one of the three
men today to whom credit for the
isolation of an alkaloid in the chemi-
cal composition of Ergot, a chemical
compound used in obstetrics, is given.

Jose Ituri To Play
For Choral Union

Peace Prof. Haleckii Declares'
International Cooperation toward either of hese means eventual
Is Key To World PeaeF, absorptionby thdem.
Poland has concluded non-aggres-
Polish Scholar Insists ,ion treaties with both Germany and
ByCARLPETERSENnRussia, Professor Halecki said in the
B~ CAL PETRSENfinal lecture of a two day series here,
Forging the small European states but in addition to these pacts it also
rom the Baltic through ti. Balkans I has made treaties with the smaller:
into a "Monroe Doctrine of Central nations for, since the realignment of
Europe," Poland today is looking to- power in Europe following the advent
ward greater international coopera- of National Socialism to Germany,
tion to solve peacefully the problems Germany has displayed her old lust
posed by conflicting political ideolo- to dominate Cntral Europe, a lust
gies and to strengthen her precarious which Poland fears.
position between Nazi Germany and Poland feels, Professor Halecki said.
Soviet Russia, Prof. Oscar Halecki of that armaments; while a necessity in
the University of Warsaw, Poland, d- this age, are not a sufficient guaran-
clared in a University lecture yester- tee of territorial integrity and there-
day. I fore has turned to cooperation with
In order that world-wide peace be the smaller states. Already she has
assured, Professor Halecki said, a concluded treaties with many of the
great commonwealth of nations must Balkan, Danubian and Baltic coun-
be established and without the ex- tries. These treaties, he empha-
ception of the United States. Each sized, do in no way embrace the idea
nation, he said, must have its own of aggression. They entail merely
deology and must not lean toward 'lose economic, political and intel-
the ideology of either Nazi Germany ectual cooperation among the signa-
or Soviet Russia because inclination tories.
Like Poland's relations with Rus-
sia, which Professor Halecki discussed
Plan Anti-War Rally in his lecture yesterday, her rela-
tions with Germany have not been
"Keep America Out of War" will characterized by hate and bloodshed,
be the theme of the anti-war rally a prevalent misconception, but have
planned by the Anti-War Coi- been rather a series of disputes with
mittee, 4 p.m., Friday, Nov. 11, close approaches to political rap-
Natural Science Auditorium. prochment. However, in the World
Dr. Fred Poole, superintendent War Polish sympathy was with the
of Religious Education of the western allies although she could not
Methodist Church of Michigan, be sure of political and territorial in-
and Francis Hensen, Administra- tegrity until both Germany and
tive Secretary of the United Auto- Russia were weakened, a condition
mobile Workers Union, will be the which the war conveniently accom-
speakers. Dr. Poole has been ac- plished.

tive in the Keep America Out of
War movement in the State of
Michigan, while Mr. Hensen has
been active in his union's anti-war
This rally is the local part of the
nation-wide series of meetings be-
ing planned by the Youth Com-
mittee Against War, on Armistice
Day, in an attempt to build up the
Keep America Out of War ,move-
ment among youth. The Youth
Committee Against War is the
youth section of the Keep Ameri-
ca Out of War Committee.
William Muehl, of the Anti-War
Committee executive committee,
will preside at the meeting.
Mimes Begins
PickincC asts

Ellen Cuthbet
Appointed Head
Of League Fair
'o Work With Committee
For Sophomore Cabaret
To Determine Theme
Ellen Cuthbert, '39, has been named
general chairman for the League Fair,
which will be held Friday and Sat-
urday, Dec. 2 and 3 in connection
with Sophomore Cabaret, Jean Hol-
land, '39, president of the League an-
nounced yesterday.
Miss Cuthbert is a member of Sen-

Rice's Play
Opens 3-Day
jurist, '39, Has the Lead I
In Counsellor-At-Law"
At Mendelssohn Theatre
Muni, Barrynmore
Made Part Famous F
With all the glamor of a Broad-
vay "first night," Play Production
vill open its three day run of Elmer T_
dice's famous "Counselor-at-Law" at 1
:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Mende-
;sohn Theatre.
Edward Jurist, '39, veteran ama-
eur actor, will play the title role as
.eorge Simon, a powerful Jewish New r
York lawyer, who fought his way to t
;he top by sheer force and shrewd- r
ess. Sally Pierce, Grad., another c
Play Production thespian of long F
tanding, will play one of the two
.argest feminine roles as Cora Simon, t
the lawyer's Gentile, blue-blooded i
vife. Mary Jordan, 41, takes the oth- I
r important part as Regina Gordon, o
Simon's private secretary. t
Like 'Street Scene'
The plot of tle story is based onw
3imon's efforts to escape disbarrmenta'
by a rival who has discovered that1
years ago he "fixed" an alibi in order
o save a petty fourth offender frome
% life sentence. The way Simon man-
ages to escape defeat, and how he
bles his aristocratic wife in the pro-
ess will keep the audience interested
every moment of the time, Mitchell9
Raskin, '39BAd, of Play Production,
aid yesterday. h
Rice has created another "Streete
Scene" in this play, as it strainse
through an attorney's office. His
famous dialogue, and very real char-
acters complete the play. "Counselor-d
at-Law" was made famous on Broad-a
way, where it ran for more than a i
year, by Paul Muni, and on the screena
by John Barrymore.
The Casta
The cast for the play in order ofh
appearance follows:
Bessie Green, Miriamn Brous, Grad;6
Henry' Susskfind Vor-' herven,:
40SM; Sarah Becker, Jestine Silver-t
'39; Second Client, Henry Houston,
blatt, '40; First Client, Fred Greiner,
'40; Postman, James Norris, '40; Ze-f
dorah Chapman, Margery Soenksen,A
39; Goldie Rindskopf, Helen Barr,S
Grad; Charles McFadden, NathanP
Gitlin, '39; John P. Tedesco, Myron5
Wallace, '39; A bootblack, LaVerne
Baker. '39; Regina Gordon, Mary
Jordan, '41; Herbert Howard Wein-;
berg, James Barto, G ad; Arthur
Sandler, Ben Wampler, '39A; Lilian
Larue, Bunty Bain, '39Ed; Errand
boy, Joseph Graham, '39; Messenger
win, Stephen Filipiak, '39; Messenger
boy, Theodore Belgooyen, '40; George
Simon, Edward Jurist, '39; Cora Si- '
mon, Sarah Pierce, Grad; woman,
Virginia Greret, Grad; Lena Simon,
Leah Dooley, Grad; Peter J. Malone,
Mark Bailey, Grad; John Breitstein,t
B. Odom Day, Grad; David Simon,'
Julius Epstein, '39; Harry Becker, Ar-r
thur Klein, '39; Richard Dwight, Jr.,
Ransom Miller, '40; Dorothy Dwight,
Nancy Shaeffer, '39; Francis Clark,
Baird, Karl Klauser, '39.
500 Pledges
Enjoy Banquetb
Extra-curricular Endeavor

Advised By Speakers
More 'than 500 recently pledged
students attended the annual inter-{
fraternity pledge banquet held at 6
p.m. yesterday in the main ballroom7
of the Union, accompanied by the
faculty advisors and presidents of,
their respective houses.
The banquet was characterized by'
the lack of any principal speaker for
the evening, presenting instead a
number of introductions of and short
remarks by well known faculty and
fraternity figures. Robert Reid, '39E,
president of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, acted as toastmaster.
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the Eng-
lish department opened the program
with a brief greeting to the recent
pledges from the University faculty.
Prof. Robert P. Briggs of the econom-
ics department, financial advisor for
fraternities, also gave a short greet-
ing. There were also short addresses
by Alfred Connable and Dr. Charles

Fitzgerald's Lead 90,000;
Republican's Majority 3
To 1 In BothHouses
Roads Amendment
Is OnlyOne Passed
DETROIT, Nov. 9.-(P)-Republi-
an candidates rode into control of
he State Senate and House of Rep-.
esentatives in the wake of their suc-
essful candidate for Governor,
rank D. Fitzgerald.
The Republicans landed no fewer
han 24 seats in the Senate and 75
n the House, assuring a Republican
majority of approximately three to
one in both Houses, incomplete .re-
;urns indicated.
The force of the Republican drive
wiped out the 60 to 40 preponder-
ance enjoyed by the Democrats in the
937-38dHouse and the technical 17
o 15 advantage in the Senate, giving
Fitzgerald a well-stocked Republican
legislature with which to work.
Democratic Wayne County elected
five of six Senators, including Leo J.
Wilkowski. Wilkowski campaigned
uccessfully to succeed his brother,
Sen. Anthony J. Wilkowski, who spent
his term in the state prison of south- ,'
rn Michigan for his part in the 1934'
election recount fraud.
One Amendment Passes
The Michigan electorate voted
down two proposed constitutional
amendments and another referendumt
n yesterday's election but approved
another amendment.e
The successful issue was an
amendment to restrict the use of
gasoline and weight tax funds to
highway purposes. It was approved1
602,820 to 415,255, returns from 2691
of the State's 3553 precincts showed
An amendment to increase the
terms of county officers from two to
four years lost, 651,022 to 325,630.
Another which would have made
State Supreme Court Justices ap-
pointive instead of elective failed,E
559,279 to 395,683.
Vom Rath Diesj
of Gutn Wounds
Mobs In Berlin Harass
Jews In Reprisal'
BERLIN, Nov. 10., (Thursday)-(A')
-Wrecking gangs smashing shop
windows took swift vengeance early
today upon Berlin's jewry for the kill-
ing of Ernst Vom Rath, legation sec-
retary in Paris, by a Polish Jew.
Wrecking gangs smashed every
shop window made conspicuous by
white letters painted some months
ago on police orders.,
Systematically they proceeded up
and down street after street. On the
main thoroughfares there was not
one shop window of Jewish owned
business left intact. .
The' assassin, 17-year-old Herschel
Grynszpan, lawyers said, would be
considered an adult in French courts
and would be subject to death on the
guillotine if a jury so decided.
The youth fired two bullets into
Vom Rath on Monday at the embassy.
He said at first he shot the 32-year-
old Nazi diplomat to avenge the recent
expulsion of Polish Jews from Ger-
Lloyd George F
Menace ToI

GOP Adds G11 overnors
7 Men To Cong'ress;
QvSweeps StateLegislature

Latest State Returns
Complete returns at press time-
2:15 a.m.) gave:
Governor (3498 of 3553 pcts.):
Murphy (Dem.) 733,671. Fitz-
gerald (Rep.) 822,661.
Lieut.-Governor (3480 pcts.):
Nowicki (Dem.) 693,915. Dickinson
(Rep.) 782,033.
Secretary of State (3480 pcts.):
Case (Dem.) 730,401. Kelly (Rep.);
Att.-General (3478 pcts.): Starr1
(Dem.) 695,184. Read (Rep.) 765,-
424. .
State Treasurer (3480 pcts.):1
Fry (Dem.) 715,379. Dunckel
(Rep.) 743,433.-
Auditor-General (3472 pcts.):
Gundry (Dem.) 684,161. Brown1
(Rep.) 769,188.
2 To 1 Margin
Held In County
By Republicans
Annex All 11 Washtenaw
Positions; City Charter
Amendments Accepted
Final returns from the 36 precincts
of Washtenaw County reveal that the
Republican candidates in Tuesday's
elections piled up majorities of more
than two to one in annexing all 11
county offices, and gained the largest
percentage of the vote that they have
received in any of the five elections
since 1930.
In only one contest, that for prose-
cuting attorney, did the Republican
ticket fail to carry every ene of the
36 precincts. Although Albert J.
Rapp, Republican incumbent, was re-,
elected by a majority of more than
5,000 votes, he lost the fourth and
fifth wards in Ann Arbor, and North-
field Township to Hubert Thompson,
Sheriff Jacob B. Andres, in winning
reelection to his fifth term, polled,
the largest majority, 17,420 votes tol
6,218 for John W. Rane, Democrat.I
Other Republican candidates, County
Clerk Emmet M. Gibb, County Treas-
urer Charles Crittenden, Register of
Deeds Mrs. Katherine W. Skau, and
Drain Commissioner Cornelius W.
Tuomy, won with almost equal ease.
All four amendments to the Ann
Arbor city charter were overwhelm-
ingly approved. The amendment to
section 65 specifying the time of the
city treasurer's report; the 'amend-
ment to section 186 setting the date
when city oblig tions shall be paid;
the amendment-to section 185 provid-
Iing for an extension of the city tax
collection period; and the amendment
to section 170 specifying Feb. 1 as the
beginning of the fiscal year instead
of July 1all received the required 60
per cent favorable vote.
Scholarships Given
Professional school scholarships
have been awarded to Joseph Henry
Kerzman, '39M; Elizabeth Joy Kitch-
en, '39M, and John Windiate Warren,
Jr., '39M, the'President's office an-
n rnlr~ i iy-.,,c.A

Farley Says Returns Were
Expected And Maintains
Nation Wants New beal
Democrats Still Hold
Control Of Congress
(By Associated Press)
Republican gains in every broad
section of the land-except the South
-fired the expectations of party
leaders for a successful 1940 .presi-
dential campaign and brought predic-
tions of a substantial opposition to
New Deal measures in Congress.
For Tuesday's balloting added, elev-
en Republicans to the roster of the
nation's governors, increased the par-
ty's membership in the House ley more
than 70 and gave it at least eight
additional votes in the Senate.
But even these victories did not
completely measure the extent of the
Republican advance. In several major
contests which the Republicans lost,
Third Party Men To Meet
NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-(P)-
Mayor F. H. LaGuardia said to-
night he would confer next week
in Washington with other pro-
gressives on a program designed
to offset what he described as a
"decided setback" for progres-
sivism in yesterday's elections
over the nation.
In one of his rare press con-
ferences in City Hall, the Mayor,
a former liberal Republican now
enrolled in the American Labor
Party, said that the conferees
would include Senators LaFol-
lette (Prog.-Wis.) and Norris
Rep.-Neb.) -and that he would in-
vite Gov. Frank Murphy, Mich-
igan Democrat defeated for re-
election, and others.
their party displayed much more
strength than in recent years.
Against the Republican triumphs,
there were offsets. One of these was
a narrow Democratic victoi'y in the
all important state of New York,
which retained Herbert H. Lehman,
Democrat, in the Governor's chair.
In addition the Democrats took
California, which has had a Republi-
can Governor for many years, and re-
placed the Republican Governor of
North Dakota with one of their own
The returns pushed the Stock Mar-
ket into an energetic upward swing
that produced new highs for the 1938
bull trend. And the bullish spirit was
apparent, too, in gains for bonds and
commodity prices, although the latter
were moderate.
Former Gov. Alf M. Landon of
Kansas, Republican presidential
nominee in 1936 and nominal leader
(Continued on Page 2)
Prof. Worley
Relates Causes
Of R.R. Ills

ior Society, an honorary group of
independent senior women. She was
All-Male Skits To Be Given a member of the women's staff of the
At Union Coffee Hours Daily in 1935-36, and acted as junior
. night editor for the women's page in
All men students interested in try- 11937-38. Miss Cuthbert worked on
ing out for the Mimes skits to be pre- 'pubilcity for the 1937 Assembly Ball,
sented at the Union coffee hours or the 1938 Junior Girls Play and the
for the forthcoming Union Operetta League.
are requested to attend the tryouts The League Fair, sponsored each
being held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. to-, year by the League Council, is held in
day and tomorrow. Richard Hum- conjunction with Sophomore Cabaret.
phreys, '40, will be in charge of the The Fair consists of booths designed
tryouts and the skits, Max Hodge, and organized by women's campus
'39, president of Mimes, announced honor societies, with these appropri-
yesterday. ate for the Cabaret. Elizabeth Bax-
All men who try for parts in the ter, '38, was chairman of the 1937
skits will be used in some capacity, League Fair, "Monte Carlo."
Hodge stressed. Talent will not be Booths at this Fair, which were
important, as parts will be written to sponsored by Mortarboard, Wyvern,
fit the actors. Senior Society, Theta Shima Phi Sig-
The skits presented at the coffee ma Alpha Eota, W.A.A. and Childrens
hours are to be used as an experi- Theatre, carried out the international
mental ground for types of scenes theme of the Fair.
and lines intended for use in the op- Miss Cuthbert and her committee
eretta which will be given next se- which will be announced later will
mester. Their importance cannot be work with the central committee for
stressed too highly, Hodge conclud- this year's Sophomore Cabaret in de-
ed, as they will give the Mimes au- termining both the theme and the or-
thors an idea of what type of lines ganization for the Cabaret and the
the students like. Fair.


Van Zeeland, World Economicj
Consultant, Will Speak Tuesday

numic;ea yeaueiuuy.

Paul Van Zeeland. the former
Prime Minister of Belgium, who will
speak here next Tuesday, was dele-!
gated last year by the Governments
of France and Great Britain to solve1
the most perplexing of current inter-'
national problems.
In effect these powers said to Dr.
Van Zeeland: "Consult all the prin-
cipal governments, democratic and
totalitarian alike, and see if you can
devise an economic prescription which
can be administered to the sick
world and put it back, hale and
hearty, on its feet again."
Accordingly, the Belgian medicine
man visited most of the countries on
both sides of the Atlantic, consulting
the heads of the various governments,
interviewing the economic authori-
ties, and surveying the general situa-

His specific recommendations pro-
vide for, the extension of new credit
facilities to set international trade
moving on oiled wheels again. In
order to accomplish this, says Dr. Van
Zeeland, it is necessary to reduce
tariffs, abandon import quotas, and
above all, restore a free interna-
tional monetary system. In his opin-
ion the "Tripartite Declaration" of:
the United States, France, and Eng-1
land of September, 1936 should form
the basis for this restoration of fi-
nancial freedom.
In Dr. Van Zeeland's opinion more
countries should adhere to this dec-
laration: they should agree upon
reciprocal parties for their curren-1
cies and should pledge themselves to
limitvariation from these parties, at'
any rate for periods long enough to
free- curvrnt commerc'tial operations

ears Japanese,
Burmese Border,

LONDON, Nov. 9-(GP)-David Lloyd'
George, war-time premier, character-
izing Britain's foreign policy as al-
ways "complete surrender to the dic-
tators," said today that as a result
Japan intended to march to the boun-
daries of Burma.
"For the first time, he told the
House of Commons, "they are right
on our frontier, a great aggressive
military empire commanding millions
of soldiers.
"It is a very grave event for the
British Empire. We have troubles in
India which have revealed discontent
with the concessions made and there

part we want to play in maintaining;
The silver-haired premier, decked
with gold braid and standing before
the Lord Mayor's banquet, said:
"Americans have an expression for
it. I want this country to be a 'go
getter' for peace."
Approving murmurs rolled back
from 900 glittering guests as Cham-
berlain explained: "If we see peace
threatened, we shall use any influence
we may have to save it. If war breaks
out we shall take any means we can
see to stop it."
The Munich agreement of Sept. 29

Blaming the plight of the nation's
railroads on government regulation,
labor pressure, and local taxation,
Prof. John S. Worley, former member
of the Engineering Board. of the
Interstate Commerce Commission,
termed reduction of capitalization,
lower taxes and increased working
hours the only solution of the railroad
The problem is not one of public
service, he declared. "Railroads never
furnished better service than they do
today." Rather it is one of insuffi-
ient income. Caught in the vice of.
rising costs and lower rates due to in-
;reased demand, railroads today can-
not meet their operating costs out of
current income.
Back of this present phenomena
looms the long run problem of the
inability of the railroads to readijust
capitalization to a dwindling traffic.
Built in the days before the motor
truck flung its challenge of cheaper
transportation, railroads expanded
plant and operating costs. Today,
with traffic diverted to the motor car,

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