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November 06, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-06

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Colder, rain or snow today;
tomorrow continued cold.

Yl r e

d8ft A'g-

VOL. XLIX. No. 37




. .. ,:.

FDR Will Ask

History Shows Reasons Weak
For English-American Alliance

A i By BEN MARINO tions of political, constitutional and
F r eConsidering the experience of brok- legal nature would have to be re-
conciled before the ground could be
broken. Besides there is a long tra-
durng he astfewyeas aongthedition of lack of alliances between
D efense F leations of the world, it is doubtful theitwo nations which would have to
if there is any substantial reason be met. A need, purpose and common4
why the United States and Great danger necessitating such a treaty
Budget Will Be Increased Britain should enter into an alliance, would also have to be determined,


B 0 iN according to Prof. Howard B. Calder
By 300 Million If Nwwood of the political science depart-
Plans Are Authorized ment.
_______This was the keynote of Professor{

Army Expansion
Also Planned For
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-(P)-Ad-
ministration circles heard today that
President Roosevelt intended defi-I

Cald'erwood's recent radio broadcast
in conjunction with the national high
school debate on the topic of an An-
glo-American alliance. Professor Cal-
derwood defined an alliance as an
agreement between two or more par-
ties having mutual interests provid-
ing for armed assistance under cer-
tain conditions. Any other type of

nitely to ask Congress to authorize'; international pact such as a recipro-
one of the world's mightiest air fleets, cal trade treaty or tariff agreement
numbering from 7,000 to 10,000 war- would not be included under this defi-
planes, for the Army. Inition of the word, "alliance."
His far-reaching plans to bolster Two basic conditions are necessary
national defenses were reported au- for the compounding of an alliance.
thoritatively to include also full wAr The first is the existence of mutual
equipment as quickly as possibly for interests between the nations in-
a nucleus army of 400,000 or more volved, and the second is the good
men. faith of the parties, an element nec-
It was estimated the program in- essary for the carrying out of any
volved outlays ne34t year exceeding treaty.
by well over $300,000,000 this year's The first flagrant disregard of ex-
appropriations for all military pur- isting alliances during the Spanish
poses, including naval. , Civil War, the Austrian Anschluss,
,,edand the Sudeten Crisis, and also the
A separate 'emergency budget for failure to observe the clause concern-
the new rearmament program was~ ing sanctions in the League of Na-
one device the President was report- tion's Covenant of 1919, are adequate
ed to have under consideration. testimonies to the precarious foun-
dations underlying most modern
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-(R)-- treaty making.
The War Department announced It is too much to expect, he said,
today contract awards totaling that the nations of the world will
nearly $20,000,000, chiefly for keep faith with an alliance upon the
barracks and other buildings be- incident of a new international am-
ing erected at army posts on the bition or objective. In the case of an
largest scale since the World War. Anglo-American treaty, many ques-

Professor Calderwood stated.
There is no objection, he remarked,
against the two great countries co-
operating on questions of trade, tariff,
or law, but this can be done as easily
without the binding influence of aE
Three Experts
To Give Talks
During Week
Halecki, Thompson, Janse'
To Speak On Politics
And Technical Subjects
Four University lectures will be
given here this week by three men
prominent in the fields of interna-
tional politics, pharmacology and
Prof. Oscar Halecki of the Uni-
versity of Warsaw, Poland, will lec-
ture at 4:15. p.m. Tuesday and
Wednesday in the Natural Science
Auditorium on the economic and
political position of Poland, Russia
and Germany in relation to the rest
of the world. He will discuss the
problems of Poland and Russia Tues-
day and Poland and Germany
Prof. Marvin R. Thompson, director
of the Warner Institute for Thera-
peutic Research and former profes-
sor of pharmacology at the University
of Maryland, will speak at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday in Room 165 of the Chem-
istry Building on "The Chemistry
and Pharmacology of the Ergot."
The fourth lecture will be present-
ed at 4:15 p.m. Thursday in the
Graduate School Auditorium when
Prof. Olav Janse, director of expedi-
tions for the Paris Museums and the
French School of the Far East, will
give an illustrated lecture on "Exca-
vation in Indo China: Ancient
Chinese Cultural Finds."

U.S. Business
Recovers Half
O f '37_Slump
NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-(R)-The na-
tion's business, entering the fifth
month of recovery, had reclaimed to- f
day nearly half the groun( it lost in
the slump from the relatively high
industrial levels in the spring and
summer of 1937.
Employment estimates indicated
well over a million workers have been
restored to factory payrolls and pay
envelopes fattened through added
working hours as plants on curtailed
schedules speeded up production.
October figures, presenting a pic-
ture of sharp contrast with the rapid
decline of industrial barometers in
that month last year, showed the
vast building industry far ahead of
1937 levels.
Heavy construction awards, trade
sources reported, were the largest for
the month since 1929. The Associat-
ed Press index of residential building.
where signs of vigorous revival first
were 'visible last spring and early in
the summer, by the end of October
had more than doubled the figure at
the 1938 low point.
Magyars Begin

Varsity Beats Penn 19-11
Title Hpes Soar As 0.5.1
AndWilcas Ae Dwn

Ileoccupa tio
Of Czech Areas
Admiral Horthy Scheduled
To Lead Symbolic March
Into New Hungary
BUDAPEST, Nov. 5-(AP)-Hungar-
ian troops crossed the Danube today
for the first time in 20 years in be-
ginning the reoccupation of 4,875
square miles of their former home-
land awarded Hungary from Czecho-
slovakia through Italo-German arbi-
The soldiers advanced with flowers
bobbing on their shiny helmets or
falling underfoot and by nightfall
they had moved approximately 121/2
miles into the Slqvak regions of
Medve and Doborgaz, north of the
Hungarian towns of Gyor and Mag-
yar Ovar.

The projected reinforcements, the
outcome of an extensive resurvey of
defense needs which was intensified l
by Europe's recent crisis, were said to
be chiefly for the Army and Air Corps.
Also in prospect, however, is a re-
quest for increased appropriations toI
carry out this year's billion-dollar
fleet expansion act, which laid out
the Navy's course for a decade.
Details of the new rearmament
program were hidden in confidential
budget estimates, but in well informed
quarters, it was believed the Presi-'
dent's recommendations to Congress
early next year would include at least
tripling the Army air corps' present
goal of 2,320 fire line fighting planes,
fixed in 1935; undertaking immedi-
ately to equip the Army's "initial pro-
tective force 'of about 400,000 with
"essential" semi-automatic rifles,
anti-aircraft guns, bombs, tanks and
gas masks; and hastening the acqui-
sition of war reserves for a force of
1,000,000 which would take the field
within a few months in the event of
United States involvement in a new
world war.
P Maiirii
SeaksT oday
Catholic Liberal To Talk
On 'Green Revolution'
Peter Maurin, who will talk on
"The Green Revolution"' at 8 p.m.
today at Lane Hall under the auspices
of the Newman Club and the Stu-
dent Religious Association, is well
known throughout the country as a
liberal Catholic devoted to the cause
of the working man.
Co-editor with Dorothy Days of
the "Catholic Worker," liberal month-
ly magazine, he is famous for his
"Easy Essays" printed regularly in
this publication. He has helped to
organize Catholic workers, has main-
tained breadlines in New York City,
'and i& connected with many charit-
able institutions.'
The Newman Club will hold a sup-
per at 5 p~m. today at which Mr.
Maurin will also speak.
Di. Judd To Spak
TGo Group On China

Rdlgian Leader
To Speak Here

Paul Van Zeeland
2nd Oratorical

To Give


Paul Van Zeeland, ex-Prime Minis-
ter of Belgium, who will speak here,
,Nov. 15 in the second Oratorical
Associatign lecture, is probably the
outstanding personality among the
,ounger generation of European
Still in his early forties, Van Zee-r
land has already established himself
in the fields of business, finance,
scholarship and politics. Upon gradu-
ating as Doctor of Laws at Louvain,
his flair for languages won him a
place on the Belgium Relief Commis-
sion to the United States. While here
he studied economics at Princeton
for a year, receiving an M.A. degree.
In 1935 Europe's youngest ruler,
King Leopold, appointed Van Zee-
land Prim'e Minister. During his two
years in office Dr. Van Zeeland
played a key role in the political life
x of Europe inn one of its most critical

Fourteen communities bedecked

with the red, white and green Hun-
garian colors fell to Hungarian con-
* , trol.-
Military administration was applied
at once and passage between the old
To Trium phs and new Hungary was permitted only I
on military passes. Assemblies were
forbidden and inns and cafes were
Rosten Has Second Play ordered to close their doors by 1 a.m.
each night.
Broadcast By NBC Admiral Nicholas Horthy, Regent
of Hungary, who commanded the
Norman Rosten, '38, winner of two Austro-Hungarian World War fleet,
Hopwood prizes and author of "This was scheduled to lead Hungarian
Proud Pilgrimage," which Play Pro- troops into Komarno tomorrow and
duction presented last year, added occupation of the entire territory
another triumph to his young career awarded this nation is to be completed
when the National Broadcasting Com- by next Thursday.
pany last night presented his second
radio play over a coast-to-coast hook-
up. His first, "Death of a King" wasI P1 I ir~ RaIn " -


periods. He resigned to write his now-
famous report on world trade pub-

lished in January which has since given over WJR and later by the
become an indispensable reference for NBC chain.
all plans for the reconstruction of His poetic drama last night, "Sam-
world economy. son Agonistes," brought the Biblical
story up to date, with the modern
world faced by Nazi-like Philistines.
Asks Maginot Additions JSamson; pulling down the pillars of
the Temple, symbolizes the destruc-
PARIS, Nov. 5.--(A)-Lucien Bes- tion of the Philistines through their
set, one of the leaders of the Inde- own evil.
pendent Radical Party, told a Party "Peace comes after the death of
Congress today that the Maginot Line killers," he says, "and peace can only
must be reinforced and 150,000 men come through united aggressive ac-
added to the French army to face "a tion against the forces that oppose
new and more powerful Germany." democracy and freedom."
Students Believe Hitler Most
Likely To Impress Posteri t

To Be In Union
I. F. Council Expects 50)
The annual Interfraternity pledge
banquet will be held at 6 p.m. Wednes-
day in the main -ballroom of the
Union, it was announced yesterday by
Robert Canning, '39, secretary of the
Interfraternity Council


Daily Photo by Freedman
With the names of such widely sep-
arated and dissimilar men as Henry
Ford, John L. Lewis, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mus-
solini and Neville Chamberlain ap-
pearing day after day in the head-
lines of the world's news, it is in-
teresting and by no means unprofit-
able to speculate upon just which of
these men will make the deepest im-
pression on world history.
THE QUESTION: What person in
the public eye today do you think will
be most strongly remembered 200
years hence?
THE PLACE: Library steps.
THE ANSWERS: Florence Krenz-

far-reaching results and effects on
the future history of the world."
S. J. Fauman, '39: "As long as the
memory of democ-
racy exists, for be-
ing the perpetra-
tor of the most
barefaced attempts'
to sell out democ-
racy in our time,
the world will re-
member P r i m e
Minister Chamber-
lain. Perhaps,
along with his name, the world may
remember the names of those who, if
successful, will have defeated his pur-
Bob Berhalter, '40: "Hitler; Because
he unified the Gar- ..x

if 1
f ;

About 500 persons are expected to Michigan wins its two remaining I committee at the Union, and women
attend the banquet, Canning said, in- games, it will be tied for the top to the League judiciary committee.
cluding all students recently pledged, with the winner. According to the new Council rul- I
presidents of various fraternities and But the other teams are not al- ing this committee will be composed
faculty advisors of fraternities. together out. If Michigan ties of eight elected members, five from
Aeu oter one of its games, and Minnesota g e lee (in g tom
A feature of the evening's program the literary college (including two
will be the introduction of a numbert and Wisconsin ties, then Ohio women) and three from the engineer-
of well known faculty and fraternity Sate and . . . aw nutz.ing college.
figures. There will not be any main Judging by jjudiciary committees
speaker for the evening, but there Hayden To Conduct will be based on material contained
will be a number of presentations, in written applications and on per-
most important of which will be the Princeton Meeting sonal interviews to be held Wednes-
awarding of the scholarship cup to daIn hrdy he ofv
Kapp Nuforthebes frterityday and Thursday. Three "to five
Kappa Nu for the best fraternity - candidates for each of the eight posi-
scholastic average in 1937-38. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden. head of tions will be selected by Men's Coun-
Tickets for the banquet will be dis- I the political science department, will cil at its meeting Thursday, acting on
tributed at the various fraternities conduct two roundtables and a series the recommendations of the commit-
at dinner time on Monday, Canning of individual conferences tomorrow tees.
.nd Tuesday at the School of Public
and International Affairs, Princeton
Education Institute University. His discussions will con- 7 '
.Convention cern political, diplomatic and strate- I( Co "ete Tuesday
Closes gic aspects of government in the
Philippine Islands. Seventeen selected representatives
The Ninth Annual Parent Educa- Having been vice-governor of the of the various Speech 31 sections will

Dr. Walter Judd, an American sur-
geon who has lived more than ten
years in China, will speak on "China1
Today" at 8 p.m. Tuesday at a meet-
ing in the Congregational Church.
His talk is sponsored by the American
Committee for Non-participation in
Japanese Aggression.
Dr. Judd is a M.D. of the College
of Medicine. University of Nebraska.

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