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November 04, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-04

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aR!) _ O S W mo- -DGIw T~ ANMO
and managed by students of the University of
a under the authority of the Board in Control of
hed every morning except Monday during 'the
by year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
republication of all news dispatches credited to
ot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
f republication of all other matters herein also
d at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
lass mail matter.
iptions during regular school year by carrier,
r mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Director .

of Editors
Robert D. Mitchell,
. . Albert P. May1o
. Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
* . S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
. Earl Oilman
* . . William Elvin
. . . Joseph Freedman
. . . . Joseph Gies
. . . Dorothea Staebler
* . . Bud Benjamin

.Business Department
ss Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen
Manager.. . Leonard P. Siegehan
ising Manager . William L. Newnan
i's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
i's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
['he editorials published in The Michigan
ily are written by members of ,the Daily
df and represent the views of the writers
l. ' . ; .
Ch amberlain
d The Cantabria ...
E VEN BRITISH phlegm must have
been shocked to read the news dis-
es emanating coincidentally from London
3romer last night. Even those who thought
ng was impossible after Munich were
ished at the breath-taking audacity of
4'ranco destroyer which attacked and sank
itish freighter within gunshot sound of
English coast.
course this instance was only the most
acular of a long series of such attacks on
hipping of the once mighty mistress of the
But this particular episode seems to have
nbolic significance, for while the Canta-
was staggering under the destroyer's shells,
ament was weighing a vote of confidence
e Chamberlain policy, which it finally ap-
K by a decisive margin.
:artoon last week depicted a group of men
vomen representing England, surrounded by
thamberlain catch-phrases of peace-at-any-
etc., gazIhg at the western -horizon where
un was setting on the British Empire. But
graphic by far in its implication of what
ppening to the Empire whose government
[egenerated from the hands of Pitt and Fox
lose of Chamberlain and Halifax, is the
le straightforward wire service account of
nesday's events.
.Chamberlain's policy is at present directed
ly toward putting into effect the Easter pact
Italy through whict it is expected that
ral Franco will be accorded full rights as a
erent by the British government. Status as
ognized belligerent will greatly aid the In-
nt leader in his attempt to enforce a rigid
ade of Loyalist ports. Possibly British mer-
bs and seamen will appreciate the fact that
e future their ships will be shelled by the
of a government which then will have
relations with their own.
. Chamberlain's adherents will doubtless
hat minor violences and depredations are
r by far than war. But the question is not
mple as that. The Cantabria is not the
e. The Cantabria represents one more in
Les of peace-time violations of international
-which for numhber and flagrancy is abso-
r without precedent in previous history-
iitted by an easily identifiable bloc of
nments. It is only one, and a very minor
of the chain of aggressions which number
g them the conquest of the whole of China,
orcible seizure of Austria, the dismember-
of Czechoslovakia at the point of the
net; iii short, the wholesale scrapping of
national law and the substitution of armed
. Chamberlain's sole answer to these aggres-
has ,been to yield to them. Can peace ever
hieved in this way? Can it be achieved even
the sun of the British Empire has finally
peared behind the horizon? Will "peace
ur time" mean anything but the postpone-
of the conflict, postponement to a time
a the fascist bloc is even stronger and more
dent than it is at presentsm4eseph Gies
inge Differences
:- n ,inn howr differnt nAnl *ttah widlv

1/ feems to e
Heywood Broun
A friend of mine is very angry about the recent
bombshell broadcast. He's made because he
missed it. As it happens, my friend is a doomsday
collector. Whenever he hears
that somebody has set a date
for the end of the world he
camps upon the doorstep of
the prophet and waits
around to see what hap-
.t.pens. William Bly-that's
his name-by now has rid-
den his hobby more than
fifteen thousand miles, and
it has taken him into remote and inaccessible
hamlets. Mr. Bly reports that until the emer-
gence of Orson Welles much the best show was
put on by a man in Patchogue, Long Island, who
gave away his house and all his furniture .and
camped upon the roof to await the final trumpet.
Bill Bly says that this individual actually had
some three or four thousand people sitting up
with him and swaying.
When I accused Bly of being actuated by
morbid motives he grew very indignant. I forgot
to say that, in addition to a passion for last
days, my friend also has a bad temper in gen-
eral. He admits it. Indeed, his hobby is built
around this very fact. Hi rage at the moment is
split. He's angry at himself for having been
asleep in Connecticut when the terror came,
and he's irate at those in authority who say
that nothing like the war of the Wells should
ever be permitted again.
* * *
Nothing But Smiling Faces
"There's nothing like a good cosmic fright to
cleanse the heart and mind of a community," con-
tended Bly. "It has been my privilege to go
around several towns the day after the end of
the world, and in every case I met nothing but
smiling faces. Perfect strangers have pressed
pie and doughnuts upon me. If the scare has
bitten deep enough they will even hand out corn
likker. Perhaps you've noticed how nice the air
is after a ripsnorting thunderstorm. The air
seems to have been washed and bleached and
hung out to .glitter on the line. The mrnng
after doomsday is just like that. You would
never know the old place. Come back in a week
and try to get a second piece of pie and they'll
sic the dog on you. But seven days of salvation
and brotherhood is something, just the same.,
"Instead of bawling out Orson Weiles; America
shoud build him a monument, since he was able
to spread the fear of final doom over such wide-
spread areas. Just think what millions owe to
him! I wouldn't be surprised if hundreds of
thousands have stopped beating their wives-
temporarily. It might even be thousands. And of
the multitudes who ran away in the woods or
hid in caves very many crawled back determined
that little Johnny shoud get a better education
than his daddy ever had.
"Fifteen or twenty years from now many lads
will be sent to Harvard for no other reason than
the fact that the head of the house was sucker
enough to fall for a story about men from Mars
attacking the earth. I tell you Welles is a public
benefactor, and a year or so from now, when
things have slipped back into their old rut,
millions will set up the cry, 'Please, Orson,
frighten us again!'
Editors Can't Be Frightened
There is something in what my friend says,
but he has come to the wrong State in which to
do road work on mass hysteria. Connecticut is
dominated by magazine editors. Men from Mars
can't frighten an editor, because they are not
And in addition to the rugged infiltration from
Manhattan, Connecticut has a sound native
tradition of its ownin regard to the end of the
world. In the days when Indians instead of
editors roamed the woods a fright threatened
the local Legislature. By some chance or other
the day was black as night, and word was passed
around that here was the end of the world. A

Republican moved for adjournment, but a Demo-
crat replied, "If this is indeed the end of the
world I think we should all remain here and
continue to do our duty."
And that has been the rule of every resident of
Connecticut ever since.
Campus Wages
We know a student whom we might as well call
Jim who works in one of the restaurants near
the campus. Like most part-time student restau-
rant workers, Jim works about two hours a day
in return for two meals. He never is paid any
cash for his work; all he receives is his meals. At
noon he gets a thirty cent meal; in the evening he
receives a thirty-five cent one.
Jim is a student of average intelligence. He
knows that the state has a Minimum Fair Wage
Act establishing standards of pay for women and
minors in occupations relating to the furnishing
of food. Jim has heard that the law went into
effect in the spring of 1937. He also knows that
his wages are not up to the standards set by the
act. But Jim doesn't say anything.,
Jim is afraid of losing his job. He knows plenty
of students who would be glad to have these two
meals a day in return for two hours' work. They
wouldn't ask about standards either. So Jim
just keeps quiet, and as far as he is concerned
the minimum wage law doesn't do anything
except exist. It has no practical effect.
We think there are a large number of "Jims"
on this campus and also a good many "Marys."
In fact, as far as student eating place employees
are cnnerned it seems to us that the Ohio Mini-

Gets Told

. . .


Roy Heath -

ii 4

(Continued from Page 2)
School will be closed on Friday, Nov.
4. Thank you.

tures under the auspices of the De-
partment of Biochemistry:

'Oh, I'm Lonesome And

Blue ...'

To the Editor:
Are you homesick? Are you filled with loathing
for the University of Michigan? Well I am. "But,"
you say, "all freshmen feel that way for a while.
You'll get over it and come to love our dear old
Michigan as the seniors do." Checkmate, editor!
I'm a senior and more homesick and more dis-
gusted with Michigan than I was three years
If you are following me, two questions should
now occur to yu. What's wrong with Michigan,
and since I don't like it, why do I stay?
The answer to the first is the social life, extra-
curricular activities, and leisure time problems
primarily. In three years I've never met a girl
whom I really felt I would like a date with. I
never did have a date with one that made me
feel I'd like to date her again very soon. Now
don't tell me that I just haven't met the right
ones. I know it; in fact, that's why I'm writing
to you.
I've never had a date with a girl who was
stared at favorably by the other fellows at a
party. I have never had envious friends plague
me to find out whether my . date might have
friends. Yesterday at noon I sat on the library
steps and counted 68 girls go by whom I con-
sidered measured up to what I want as far as ap-
pearance goes. How many of these Aixty-eight
did I know? None! Some people must have dates
with these pretty, witty creatures, but not I.
I've got the finances necessary to carry me
through as active a socal life as can be led
here; I belong to a large, well-recognized fra-
ternity; I lack no teeth, breath through my
nose and shave regularly. I can danceĀ° fairly
well, laugh at the right places and occasionally
make a witty sally.
I went to the first tea dance at the League
this year, and by the two or three non-goon-
girls there I, being a senior, was frankly regard-
ed as an oddity. I have tried the well recommend-
ed policy of' slipping up to a queen after class
and asking if she had the correct assignment for
next time. Brrr, I should have worn scarf and
Second, since I've known for three years that
I seem to be one of those who aren't wanted or
needed here, why do I stay? Well, in 1913 there
graduated from here a boy and a girl, who were
in love with each other to such an extent that
their love overflowed to everything near them.
Hence my parents actually feel about Michigan
the way the songs say one ought to.
So you see, dear editor, why it is that I am here,
and why it is that the Majestic and the Michigan
can keep open. You can also see, I'm sure, how
I'm able to help the Seagram's stockholders make
an honest living.
I should like somehow' to hear from other
students, not the sour ones like me but con-
tented ones if there are any. How does one get
dates with these beauties?
I hope you can help me to be able to sing
"I want to go back to Michigan" without having
my lips curl and my stomach feel funny.
M. L. Craig
c/o General Delivery
Ann Arbor
Another Orchid To Platt
To the Editor:
This little unpleasantness between Miss Jayne
and Mr. Gies-is it a private brawl or can any-
body get into it?
I was deeply touched by the way in which Mr.
Gies came to the defense of our dear little com-
munity-Platt. I should like to bear witness to
the beauty of those Platt sunsets. I doubt if Miss
Jayne could believe that such a lowly place
could have such gorgeous solar displays. We
admit, of course, that they are naturally on a
smaller scale than those of Detroit and other
important centers.
I was also impressed by Joe's modesty and
hardy indifference to Miss Jayne's scorn. He
probably refuses to be discouraged by his ob-
scurity in the light of some of successes of the
past few years. He realizes that Hitler was a
paper-hanger before he grew his moustache,
while Mussolini was a newspaper man (probably
as unimportant as Gies) before he changed
shirts. I will admit that these examples are of
the horrible variety to me-but perhaps not to
Miss Jayne.
There was once a Man who offended the con-'

servative of this time to such extent that they
tried to "kid" Him about His home town. They
said "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
But that Man was peddling a philosophy that
men seemed to need and' want. Consequently,
the idea and ideal spread throughout the world.
Today, while comparatively few really believe His
philosophy and fewer practice it, there are vast
multitudes professing belief and vaster multi-
tudes being influenced by it.
Now perhaps Mr. Gies is not assuming the role
of a Messiah. Judging from his temerity in pre-
suming to criticize the great oracle of Reaction
it seems that he considers himself a voice cryng
in the wilderness, making the way straight for a
social philosophy which will have its place in
human history in spite of the Pharisees-includ-
ing the Davies and the Collies.


Norman Thomas' civil rights werea
not violated when he was denied aU
permit to make a speech in Journala
Square, Jersey City, last April 30, or
when he was forcibly taken from theN
city by police after he attempted to
speak. This is by decision of the New
I Jersey Supreme Court (which inci-
dentally is not the State's highest
judicial body). In refusing to grant a
permit, the Public Safety Director
was exercising valid discretion undern
the city ordinance, the court held,
since he feared a speech by ThomasI
would lead to disorder.
Cities undoubtedy have the right toF
regulate public gatherings, in inter-
est of public convenience and orderly
traffic. In this instance, however, usel
of the ordinance to prevent Normanv
Thomas' speaking was an obviousa
subterfuge, a part of Boss Hague'sv
dictatorial campaign to keep so-called
"agitators" out of his bailiwick.
If disorder threatened, it was the
duty of the police to arrest the per-
sons attempting to cause it, and not
to take action against the speaker.l
Disorder in Jersey City is no idlef
fear, as other exhibitions of mob vio-f
lence have shown, but the personst
producing the disorder invariably are
Hague henchmen, inflamed to action
by the boss' diatribes. In exactly ther
same fashion, European dictators playt
on the feelings of their mobs, andI
refuse a hearing to dissenters. 1
Civil liberties are indeed at a low
ebb in New Jersey when a distin-N
guished American such as Mr. Thomh-c
as can be barred from speaking andi
the courts approve the suppression.i
Page Mr. Hogan's Civil Liberties Com-
mittee of the American Bar Associa-
tion, which up to this moment has not
said a word about the Thomas case!
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Bedtime Story
"D e s p i t e President Roosevelt's
statement that never have the govern-
ments of Latin America so represent-
ed the will of the people, the fact is
that most of them never have less
represented the people, never have
they been under narrower and more
dictatorial rule.
"The story of our Western Hemi-
sphere at this moment is not a pretty
one, and our State Department is
merely hiding its head in the sand
when it talks about noble democratic'
Latin America face to face with a
bad fascist world. This is merely a
bedtime story for children and news-
paper editors. The fact is that most
of Latin America is ruled by govern-
ments that practice the worst features
of Hitlerism.-"The Coming Struggle
for Latin-America."
Hillel Again Alters
Time Of Services
The time arrangement for Hilll's
regular Friday evening services has
again been changed. Orthodox serv-
ices today will begin at 5:30 p.m.,
lasting until 6 p.m. The usual reform
service will begin at 8 p.m., followed
by the sermon, beginning at 8:30.
do something to bring about enforce-
ment of the law.
Last year a StudentaLabor Board
was organized on the campus for the
purpose, but it had very little success
in accomplishing anything. Now it
is time to re-investigate the situation
and find out what can be done to
achieve compliance with the law.
We suggest that some campus or-
ganization or organizations take up
the matter. The questions should be
investigated by a group of persons
who would entertain a spirit of ob-
jectivity, who would be willing to
cooperate with employers and em-
I ployees and who wouldhave no desire
to make sensational headlines.
It seems to us that a plan similar
to the student labor board could be
effective, but action should be care-

fully considere dand judiciously exe-
cuted. Otherwise it will do more harm!
than it will good.
-Ohio State Lantern

The University Bureau of Appoint- C
cents has received notice of the fol-
owing Civil Service Examinations. i
ast date for application to be ac- X
epted is given in each case. C
United States:
Dairyman-Farmer, salary, $1860, f
Gov. 22, 1938.
Junior Dairyman-Farmer, salary, rl
1500, Nov. 22, 1938. t
Junior Engineer, salary $2000, Nov.
4, 1938. ,.
Juvenile Probation and Parole Ad-B
ninistrator, salary $200-400, Nov. 15, o
Petroleum Engineer, salary $150- s
90, Nov. 16, 1938.
Laundry Worker, Salary $75-90, i
Kov. 9, 1938.
Prison Soap Factory Superinten- t
lent, salary $200-240, Nov. 15, 1938. Pi
Complete announcements of the P
above examinations can be had at the
University Bureau of AppointmentsP
and Occupational Information, 201s
Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information..
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 I
and 2-4.
University Division of the Com-A
munity Fund Campaign: The Po-
litical Science Office, 2037 Angell
Hall, is the headquarters for the
University Division of the Community
Fund Campaign. Solicitors may leave
their reports in this office at any time1
between 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon ands
1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. However, it
will expedite the campaign if reportsa
are filed during the following hours,1
when a representative of the Fund
will be on duty in 2037 Angell Hall.p
Friday, Nov. 4, 3-4:30 p.m.
Football Ticket Resale Bureau: Stu-6
dents who turned tickets into the
Bureau to be sold, are asked to call
for their money at the Student Of-
fices of the Michigan Union from 3-5
p.m. on weekdays as soon as possible.
Michigan Wolverine: The followingI
men have been selected to serve int
the Treasurer's office: A r t h u r
Rauchle, Michael Massa, Josepht
Nouse, and Sidney Friedman. The
other applicants will please note that
while this list satisfies the office re-
quirements for the present, there is a
possibility that another man will be
needed at a later time.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after Saturday, Nov. 5, by students
other than freshmen will be recorded
E. Freshmen (students with less
than 24 hours of credit) may drop
courses without penalty through the
eighth week. Exception may be
made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long continued ill-
E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12
a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according
to the following schedule.
Surnames beginning A through G,
Wednesday, Nov. 2.
Surnames beginning H through o,
Thursday, Nov. 3.'
Surnames beginning P through Z,
Friday, Nov. 4.
Students, College of Engineering:
This is the final week for dropping
courses without record. Signatures
of classifiers and instructors should
be obtained before Saturday, Nov. 5.
A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean and
Math. 350b, Foundations of Proba-
bility. This course by Professor A. H.
Copeland, the first of the series of
short courses, will have its first meet-

ing on Monday, Nov. 7, at 3 o'clock,
in 3201 A.H., and will run for five
weeks. Arrangements of hours for
future meetings of the class will be?
made at this time.
Anthropology 153: There will be no
meeting of the class today.
Women Students Registered in
Physical Education. Registration for
the indoor season will begheld at Bar-
bour Gymnasium, office 14, on Fri-
day, Nov. 4, 8-12, 2-5, and on Satur-
day, Nov. 5 from 8-12.
Students interested in taking this
work electively may register any day
during the week of Nov. 7 between
the hours of 8 and 12 and 1:30 and
4:30 in Office 15, Barbour Gymna-,
E4.S * 1AW~L
E hbI&UEitiII

Nov. 4, 4:15 p.m., Amphitheatre,
borace H. Rackham School of Grad-
late Studies, ,The Preparation and
hemistry of the Proteins of Leaves."
Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m., Room 303 Chem-
stry Building, "The Application of
K-rays to the Study of the Long
hain Components of Waxes."
Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem-
stry Building, "Criticism of Methqds
f Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins.
rhis lecture is especially designed for
hose interested in the analytical
hemistry of proteins,
University Lecture: Dr. Millar
Burrows, president, American Schools
f Oriental Research and Professor
f Biblical Theology, at Yale Univer-
ity, will give an illustrated lecture
n "Results of a Century's Digging
n Palestine" on Friday, Nov. 4, at
:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
orium under the auspices of the De-
partment of Oriental Languages. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lectures: Oscar Halecki,
Professor of History at the Univer-
sity of Warsaw and Exchange Pro-
fessor under the auspices ofthe Kos-
ciuszko Foundation will give the fol-
lowing lectures under the auspices of
the Departments of History and Po-
litical Science:
Nov. 8, 4:15 p.m. Natural Science
Auditorium, "Poland and Russia."
Nov. 9, 4:15 p.m. Natural Science
Auditorium, "Poland and Germany."
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Marvin R.
Thompson, Director of Warner In-
stitute for Therapeutic Research
(formerly Professor of Pharmacology
at the University of Maryland) will
lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar-
macology of' Ergot"' on ,Thursday,
Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 165
Chemistry Building, tnder the auspi-
ces of the College of Pharmacy. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Olav
Jans&, Director of the Expedition for
the Paris Museums and the French
School of the Far East, will give an
illustrated lecture on "Excavation 'in
Indo China: Ancient Chinese Cul-
tural Finds" on Thursday, Nov. 10 at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amph-
theatre under the ,auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Seminar on Algebra. Will meet to-
day at 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Dr.
Margaret Wolf will speak on ,"Simi-
larity of Matrices."
Pi Lambda Theta Guest Tea to-
day from 5-6 p.m. in the Women's
League building. All members are,
urged to attend.
Kappa Phi, Methodist Girls' Club
for University Women, requests all
girls interested in the organization
to meet with the membership com-
mittee this afternoon from 4:30 to
5:30 at Stalker H ll, corner State and
Huron. The ch pter will hold its
pledging service at the Michigan
League following a breakfast Sun-
day morning at 8:30. Young women
who are members of the Methodist
Church or who attend that Church
by preference are eligible to member-
Congress District Presidets: Dis-
trict Council meeting tonight at 7
p.m. It will be over at least by 8.
Stalker Hall. Class in "Through
the New Testament" led by Dr. C. W.
Brashares at 7:30 p.m. The Social
Committee have planned an "At
Home" for 9 p.m. All Methodist
students and their friends are cr-
dially invited for both the class and
"At Home."
Hillel Sabbath Services:
5:30 p.m., Orthodox services.
8 p.m., Reform Services.
8:30, sermon, "Seeing Mexico is

9, Social, Alpha Omega, hosts.
Coming Events
Freshman Round Table: Professor
Shepard of the Psychology Depart-
ment will lead a discussion on "A
Balanced Individual" at Lane Hall,
Sunday, 4 p.m.
Association Lecture: Peter Maurin,
of the Catholic Worker, will talk on
"The Green Revolution" at Lane Hall,
Sunday, 8 p.m.
Life-Saving, Women: Instruction in
Red Cross Life Saving methods will
be offered on Tuesday and Thursday
evening at 8:30 p.m. at the Union
Pool. All women students wishing
to take this instruction should en-
roll at Barbour Gymnasium on Fri-
day, Nov. 4, 8:30-12, 2-5, and Sat-
urday, Nov. 5, 8-12.
Toastmasters Club: All present
members are urgently requested to
attend the first meeting on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 9 at the Union. Dinner
will be served at six sharp.
The Congregational Student Fel-


The Editor



--Will Canter
ceive a wage of 25 cents per hour plus the re-
quired number of meals. Mandatory order No.
3, which defines the standards to be placed in
effect under the law, defines "the required num-
ber of meals" as "one meal for a part time em-
ulovee on a shift of five hours or less."

An Exhibition of Early Chinese
Pottery: Originally held in conjunc-
tion with the Summer Institute of
Far Eastern Studies, now re-opened
by special request with alterations


-- - _ _ 4'

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