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November 04, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-04

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Alumni Collect
Gayley Papers
For Archives
Collection For Univesrity
Will Be 10-Year Project
Of San Francisco Club1
To collect all the papers, writings
and memoranda of the late Prof.
Charles Mills Gayley, '78, LL.D.
(Hon.) '04, author of "The Yellow
and Blue," and to place them in Ann
Arbor is the plan announced by the
University of Michigan Club of East
San Francisco Bay as its Michigan
Alumni Ten-Year Program objective.

Peace On Earth? HeadlinesTell Story

City May Alter
Street Names

Financial Stability Of Pension
Plan In City Is Important Issue

Cooley, Angell
For University


Professor Gayley was a member of
Michigan's faculty until 1889 and
was ranked as Assistant Professor of
English and Rhetoric when he left
Ann Arbor to join the faculty of the
University of California at Berkeley.
He wrote a hymn for that univer-
sity also and after a prominent career
as a teacher and scholar died a little
more than six years ago.
After work is completed on the
project, inrCalifornia, the "Gayley-
ana" will be sent on to Ann Arbor
and probably placed in the Michigan
Historical Collections, the official
archives of the University. It may be
placed on exhibit from time to time.
Michigan Alumni are hoping that
such documents as the original manu-
scrifts of "The Yellow and Blue,"
"Laudes Atque Carmina," and "God-
dess of the Inland Sea," will be dis-
covered. Professor Gayley wrote the
lyrics for all of these Michigan songs.
Besides the Gayley collection, two
similar projects are being worked on


Peace men dreamed of on Nov. 11, 1918, when armistice ended the
great war proved just that-a dream, and of all ensuing years, 1938
brought the gravest threat of a world-wide conflict. Far from peaceful
are these recent headlines.

In order to lessen confusion and to
perpetuate the name of two of the,
University's most famous figures, aj
recommendation to rename E. Univer-
sity and S. University avenues
will be presented to the city
council at its regular meeting, 7 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 7, by the street com-
mittee. Cooley will be proposed for
the new name of S. University and
Angell for E. University.
The late Thomas McIntyre Cooley,
whose name will be substituted for
S. University Ave., under the proposed
plan was a member of the University's
first law faculty, and served more
than 20 years on the Michigan Su-
preme Court. He was also the first
chairman of the Interstate Commerce
Angell Ave. would honor the name
of James Burrill Angell, president of
the University from 1871 to 1909, who
is recognized as one of the great edu-
cational leaders of the past century.
He was once minister to China, min-
ister to Turkey and a member of the
United States commission on deep
Confusion has resulted from the
fact that E. University Ave. runs
north and south, while S. University
and N. University run east and west.
When these names were first suggest-
ed, they served as boundaries of the
original campus, but now they are

Firemen And Policemen
Waive Disability Clause
To Assure Solvency
(This is the second of a series of
articles dealing with the proposed
pension and retirement plan to be
voted upon in Ann Arbor Nov. 8.)
The questionswhich has caused the
Imost controversy over the proposed
pension and retirement plan for Ann
Arbor policemen and ' firemen is
whether or not the scheme is finan-
cially sound. Can the fund to be set
up make payments to eligible bene-
ficiaries, and, at the same time, main-
tain solvency?
Critics of the bill have argued that
according to the provisions as they
stand now, no system of pensions and
retirements could possibly be estab-
lished that would be financially
sound. They cite Section 6 of the bill
which states that payments shall be
made to policemen and firemen dis-
abled either from natural causes or

policemen signed waivers on the dis-
ability and life insurance benefits of
the pension plan.
By their agreement, the members of
the departments waived their right
to insurance benefits in case of dis-
ability or death from natural causes
or from causes not originating in an
act of duty prior to retirement. They

Cuncannon Analyzes New Deal
Issue In Pennsylvania Election

also waived their compensation
der the pension plan for the p
covered by the Workmen's Coni
sation Act. After the terminati
these state compensation payn
however, they will be eligible I
ceive benefits under the pension
Thus, by means of these wa
firemen and policemen will r4
insurance benefits -only in ca
death from an act of duty, anc
not be paid for disability under
the pension plan and the Mic
Workmen's Compensation Act a
same time,



With the New Deal issue more,
clean cut than in any other state
election in the Union, the electorate
of Pennsylvania willindicate at the
polls next Tuesday its reaction to the
first six years of' the Roosevelt Ad-
The Pennsylvania campaign, ac-
cording to Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon

by these alumni. Members of the
Club, familiar with forestry and con-
servation work are sending to the
campus a collection of pathology and
dendrology specimens at the request
of Dean Samuel T. Dana, of the
School of Forestry and Conservation.
Considerable work has also been done
in furnishing material to the Trans-
portation Library on the early history
and life of David Matthews, pioneer
railroad man and designer of the De-
Witt Clinton locomotive and data on
the San Francisco-Oakland Bridge.
This was done by Clarence W. Whit-
ney, '99E, Director of the Alumni As-
sociation representing the Eighth
Aiton Describes
War Measures
Tells Of Precaution Taken
During Sudeten Crisis
(Continued from Page 1)
made the situation there unusually
critical. It is not probable that Ger-
many could long have sustained a
World War. A number of important
victories would undoubtedly be re-
corded in the first stages of war, he
claimed, but the slow moving but per-
sistent democracies could not fail to
overwhelm the Nazis in the long run.
London and Paris would be terribly
battered early in the war.
It is questionable, he stated, as to
whether the Allies could cope with
Der Fuehrer as successfully now as
they could during the Sudeten trouble.
Now he has an outlet to the east where
he can obtain supplies.
The hectic suing for peace indulged
by Chamberlain and Daladier were
prompted, he observed, by the unpre-
paredness of both France and Eng-
land for war and the uncertainty
of the degree of assistance to be
forthcoming from Russia in the East.
Besides just a few days before the
German ultimatum the great shipping
strike in Marseille had forced
France's mobilization of troops before
a settlement could be made. It took
the threat of international catastro-
phe to bring about a united France.
As to a prediction on further devel-
opments in Europe, Professor Aiton
said, "Only time will tell, but it is a
certainty that Hitler is not to be
rusted. Already he has extended the
Sudeten boundary 20 miles deeper
into Czechoslovakia than was agreed
at Munich. He will probably absorb
the Skoda gun works next and be
more strongly entrenched than ever."
Professor Aiton is on Sabbatical
leave from the University and is en
route for Texas where he will be
occupied until his return here at the
beginning of the second semester
in February.
Auditions Sunday
For Amateur Hour
Two Sunday'night auditions will be
held before the first University ama-
teur broadcast, announced Ted Grace,
'39, yesterday. The first broadcast,
because of a conflict of programs, is
scheduled for Tuesday afternoon,'
Nov. 15, from 3:15 to 3:30 p.m,in-1
stead of Thursday. The remainder
of the broadcasts will be on Thursday
Threenbroadcasting students are
assisting Grace in directing the ven-
ture. They are.Stephen J. Filipiak,'
139; FrankR. Morgan, '39 and My-
ron L. Wallace, '39.

of the political science department,
has been fought almost solely on the
one issue of the New Deal, and will be
watched by political observers as a
barometer of New Deal strength.
Judge Arthur H. James, the Re-
publican nominee for the governor-
ship, has said that he is "against the
New Deal, hook, line and sinker." He
has indicated, according to Profes-
sor Cuncarinon, that he takes the
viewpoint of business and stands for
reviving Pennsylvania industry and
stopping the migration of manufac-
turing to the south which has been
so prevelent during Earle's tenure.
"The Democrats have pit up bill-
boards all over the state in the last
two weeks on which the name of not
one of the candidates for office ap-
pears," Professor Cuncannon said.
"There is simply a picture of Presi-
dent Roosevelt and the legend 'Keep
Pennsylvania Liberal.' "
"Four years ago the Democrats
were accused of riding to power on
President .Roosevelt's coat-tails. That
charge is," Professor Cuncannon be-
lieves, "still valid judging from the
campaigning of this year."
Back of the Democratic candidate
for governor, Charles Alvin Jones, a
scholarly Pittsburgh lawyer, is the
Democratic machine of 31,500 office
holders at Harrisburg and the hoard
of federal employes under Boss Guf-
fey. Even the PWA workers are drawn
into the political arena, says Pro-
fessor Cuncannon, and the state em-
ployes are required to contribute two
per cent of their salary, if it is less'
than $1,200, to the campaign fund'
and five per cent if more than $1,200.
"Judge James is fighting the great-
est machine ever conceived in Penn-
sylvania," said Professor Cuncannon,
"one that makes Vare and Boies Pen-+
rose look like pikers."
Judge James is 55 years old and
has worked his way up from breaker
boy in the coal mines to Lieutenant+
Governor of the state and his present
position of Justice of the SuperiorI
Court. He is a graduate of the Dick- i

inson Law School at Carlisle, Pa., as
is his opponent, Charles Alvin Jones.
Of Judge James, Jack Xelly, Demo-
cratic boss of Philadelphia said, "he
is a foeMan worthy of my steel."
According to Professor Cuncannon,
"Judge James has completely can-
vassed thestate, speaking in xll the
outlying districts and meeting the
local leaders in every section. He is
a vigorous campaigner, strong char-
acter and has made a magnificent
The political strength of Judge'
James lies in Philadelphia and the
four surrounding suburban counties
and in the purely agricultural coun-
ties. He is weak, according to Profes-
sor Cuncannon, in Pittsburgh and in
the coal mining districts where John
Lewis and his Mine Worker's Union
have beehi lining up the vote for the
"Earle has an edge in the Senate
race over Sen. James J. Davis, the
incumbent," Professor Cuncannon
indicated, "although he has been in-
jured perhaps to some extent by the
judicial and legislative investigations
of his administration.
"Unless there should be a James
sweep, which hardly seems likely,
Earle probably will be elected to the
Senate. He is a. good campaigner and
has the active support of the labor
"Should Judge James carry the
state Tuesday," Professor Cuncannon
pointed out, "he will loom as an im-
portant figure in the Republican Na-
tional convention in 1940 and be a
possibility for the presidential nomin-


leading to confusion in the
The street committee has
posed to retain University
N. University Ave.

minds of
also pro-
Ave. for

It is this "natural causes" clause
that has drawn the fire of critics.
According to one of them this means
an insurance coverage for policemen
and firemen far beyond what a priv-
ate individual can hope to secure.
Most insurance companies pay dis-
ability benefits in one lump sum, or
in an annuity for five years. This
provision, on the other hand, c.lls
for an annuity up to half the fire-j
man's or policeman's salary for life
if the disability is caused by any
accident not in the line of duty.
If such benefits were to be paid
for disability by insur nce companies,
the cost to the individual would be at
least $400, according to this critic.
Yet, policemen and firemen are pay-
ing considerably less than that (three
per cent of their yearly salary), and
the city is making good on the rest.
Such a condition would place a tre-
mendous drain upon the fund's re-
sources, and might render it insolvent.
Then, too, not only would the men
be covered for disability# by this bill,
but they would also be receiving dis-
ability benefits under the Michigan
Workmen's Compensation law. This
"double-payment"shas been severely
attacked by non-supporters of the
People interested in the passage
of the bill have acknowledged these
defects, but they are now ready to
state that they no longer exist, for
yesterday Ann Arbor firemen and


Ban ...I Ba..
Blaek Sheep
SOREN is featuring woolens that
would make the proudest sheep
PASTELS-sothingly soft-that
are in vogue both in the stadium
and at the victory dance after-
PASTELS in dusty blue, dusty
pink, persian blue, rose, rust,
wine, beige, and aqua.
$7.95 - $1095
S &SShops
345 Maynard Street
One Block North of William

Local Social Workers
Endorse Welfare



Pointing to the "simplification of
state and county weifare activities"
that will result from passage of pro-
posed Welfare Reorganization Bill,
the Ann Arbor chapter of the Ameri-
can Association of Social Workers
endorsed the measure at a recent
The Bill will go before the voters
on the ballot in the general election
of Nov. 8.
Read The Daily Classilieds



4 Faculty Members
Attend Roundtable
Four members of the University
faculty will attend the Edwin L.
Miller Roundtable conference to be
held today in Charles McKenneyj
Hall at Ypsilanti.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education, Prof. George E.
Carrothers, director of the Bureau of
Cooperation with Educational Insti-
tutes, Dr. Harlan Koch, assistant di-
rector, and Ira M. Smith, registrar
of the University.
The subject of the round table is
to be "The Cooperative Study of Sec-
ondary School Standards."


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SLIP INTO ONE of these
enchanting wraps. There are
plenty of long slim models in
the breathtaking collection .. .
cut full enough to envelop her
wide hoop skirt. And lots of
gay new short numbers to top
off her billowing gown.
Luscious Velvets -all lined
with white. Warm enough for
winter nights. You're sure to
like them.
from $16.95


After the Ball Is Over ... and before, too!
W ear a Dr amatic
New Evening Wrap
NEW EVENING WRAPS in black velvet are exciting accom-
paniments for the elegant, frivolous fashions of this femi-
nine season.
There are long, slim models with the important lumberjack
silhouette . . . cut full enough to envelop your wide hoop skirt.
Gay new short wraps t swing free and full over your billowing
evening gowns. Tight little quilted jackets with matching muffs
that breathe such a Victorian atmosphere ! And everyone
knows the flattery of a wrap with a hood!
You'll want one of these new wraps to wear to the winter's
important parties.
2.95'to 25.00
For Dancing Feet .
Cinderella Slipper
in Gleaming Gold or Silver Kid


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more extreme, for general or dressy wear.
$3.95 and up
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309 South State Street - At the Dillon Shop

YOUR FEET will look small
and dainty enough to slip
into a glass slipper in this
gleaming evening shoe. The
short, high vamp stitched in
a brocade design, the narrow
straps that encase the ankle,
the slim, high heel . , . all
contribute to a fairy princess





Like dancing on air! On a
cloud! In a dream! In these
new, new "platform" soles!
connie's* shimmering sil-
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from $10.91



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