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November 02, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-02

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Team Scrimmages With Tinker And Olds At Cente


Tony Mazeika and Bob Wehrli, two
of Illinois' injured backs, arguing in
the press box Saturday on the out-
come of the Michigan-Northwestern
game ... Both were hurt when the
Illini met the Wildcats . . . Mazeika
vehemently insists that Micnigan will
win decisively, and Wehrli is just as
certain Northwestern will triumph.
. . A waiter at the Parrott listing the
country's elevens that could beat
Michigan and including Dartmouth
... Mebbee .. . Al Schacht, the ace
baseball comedian, insists that he
was born on a farm located where
left-field now lies in Yankee Sta-
dium .. . Now Al! . It won't be
long now before we'll get around to
presenting Tom Harmon with his
Daily I-M cup which he won as a
freshman by amassing more points
than any participant in intramural
athletics . . If you're wondering why
the Michigan jerseys tend to rip this
year, it's because they're made of a
specla Ilight fabric whith no resis-
tance . . . Crisler prefers to have the
enemy cluting empty silk than a jer-
sey filled with a Michigan bal car-
rier . . . Isn't it odd how the football
coaches of the nation turn to charac-
ter building after losing by a top-
heavy score? . . . If you think the
Michigan staff is taking Pennsylvania
lightly, you should have been aroundl
the Union Sunday afternoon .. , They
were closeted for over two hours
mapping out the week-end startegy.
The palm: To Ed Phillips, varsity
fullback . . . He's, been in there five
weeks now, and the only mention he
gets is in the starting lineup .. . He's
not. a flashy player, does little to
attract attention, and has, scored no
touchdowns . . .et Phillips, a quiet
and reserved senior, has injected his
steadying influence into a young
Michigan backfield that might well
go 'haywire without him . . . Despite
the fact that he has not scored any
of Michigan's points, his climax runs
have set up an eventual score on
several occasions. . .,His blocking
has been effective, and that, along
with his reliability makes him an
invaluable Wolverine asset.
The onion: oTo Dr. Clarence J.
Spears, the crude captain of Toledo
University, who can do football more
harm in less time than anyone I
know... His histrionics in the Wayne'
locker room last week merely in-
creases a reputation which he has
been building up during his tenure as
coach . . You remember him at
Minneota and Wisconsin, no doubt.;
Add onions: To the officious light-
haired gentlemen who is employed by
the Union, and who takes a keen de-
light in slamming doors in visitors'
faces every Tuesday afternoon during
the football movies... I'll no doubt
end up as manager of the Waldorf or
some such . . . To the Detroit col-
umnist, who answers a reader's letter
which states that "football players
have lost their love for the game and
ara only interested in winning," by
pointing to Norm Purucker's punt-
ing incident at Yale as an example.
... It' seems to me that he is stretch-
Ing the point somewhat... consider-
ing the reader's naivete, the col-
umnist might have suggested that
he visit regular practice sessions for
a week 'and watch the boys take their
pounding ... That would have suf-

OB ZUPPKE'S best quote after the1
Michigan game: ."Well, so long
boy4, I'm going home to eat someI
wolf meat" . . Bill Corum suggests]
that Pittsburgh be known as the Blue
and Goldberg . . That thud you
hear is the sound of Detroit news-1
paper men climbing on the Michigan
bandwagon . . . And the echo of1
September comes back: "Listen, if we
aren't given publicity, we won't print
Michigan stuff" . . That clicking
noise is the sound of busy typewrit-
ers hereabouts heralding John Pingelf
as all-American material ... Did you
ever know that in the Michigan1
game, Pingel gained an average of
nine inches per try? . . . In case you
missed it last week (it was buried in
the column) Leo Beebe has merged.
.The Mrs.' name was formerly Lor-
raine Boikeloo . . Davey O'Brien,
sensational T.C.U. back, has account-,
ed for almost 1,000 yards with his1
passes this year ... Chalk him up as
a strong all-American candidate . .
It won't be long now before everyone=
will agree that Tom Harmon is the
best sophomore back in the country
Listen to gridders Jack Bren-
nan and Forest Evashevski put on a
Scotch accent act ... In the Chicago
game Evashevski looked up in the1
huddle to find three other Phi Gam
brothers-Elmer Gedeon, Butch Jor4-
dan and Brennan ... "C'mon gang,

Long Practice
AfterDay Rest
Harmon, Kromer, Strong,
Purucker Devote Time
On Passing Attack

. .

Warned by Assistant Coach Ray
Courtright, that Pennsylvania will be
[far from a pushover, Fritz Crisler
made up for Monday's holiday when
he sent his charges through a stiff
scrimmage session which lasted till
long after dusk yesterday afternoon.
Courtright, who scouted the Quak-
ers in their scoreless tie with Navy
last week, described them as "much
tougher than last season." He was
especially impressed by the work of
Frank Reagan, a sophomore quarter-
back, whom he described as the best
triple-threat back he's seen all year.
Last fall, the Wolverines nosed out
Penn, 7-0 on a rain-soaked Franklin
Kodros In Uniform
Archie Kodros was out on the field
in uniform yesterday, but didn't par-
take of any of the heavy work.
Archie's injury, though not serious,
is still quite painful, and according
to Crisler, it is extremely doubtful
whether the junior pivot star would
be available Saturday. Kodros will
be in shape for the all-important
Northwestern game a week hence,
' To make up for Kodros' loss, Crisler
yesterday- worked Fred Olds, veteran'
guard at the pivot post. Olds was an
All-State center at Lansing Eastern
in 1929 but since has played only at
guard and tackle. He showed good
form in 'snapping the ball yesterday,
but the job of backing up the line is
a new one to him.
Olds Is Utility Man'
Olds will continue to work at guard
and will only be used at center Sat-
urday in an emergency. Horace
Tinker has earned the starting posi-
tion by virtue of his good work as
Kodros' understudy. There is still a
possibility Forest Evashevski will be
moved back to his old center post for
part of the game, but if Tinker lives
up to expectations this is unlikely.
Passing plays were s t r e's s e d
throughout yesterday's', drill. First
the Jayvees provided the opposition,
but their defense wasn't eniough to
stop the Varsity aerial attack, and a
team of Varsity Reserves was later
sent into action.
Tom Harmon, Paul Kromer, Dave
Strong, and Norm Purucker took
turns tossing the oval, and for the
most part all met with success. Pu-
rucker, who missed the Illinois game
because of a shoulder injury, definite-
ly is in shape for Saturday
Savilla Still Out
Besides Xodros, tackle Joe Savilla
is the only major casualty on the
squad. Savilla's foot is not respond-
ing to treatment and according to
Trainer Ray Roberts, it is doubtful
whether the big West Virginian will
play any more this season.
'Biscuit Trims

Penn's Rugged Team Will Prove Big
Surprise To Fans In Saturday's Tilt

For too many football fans Sat-
urday's game with Pennsylvania is
merely a preliminary to the Micni-
gan-Northwestern clash of the fol-
lowing week.
But to Wolverine coaches and play-
ers, armed with scouting reports and
the Knowledge that any team with a
won three, tied one and lost one
record is dangerous, the Pennsylva-
nia game this week is not one to be
taken lightly.
"We'll play our games one at a
time," says Coach Crisler. We'll
think about Northwestern when the
time comes."
Sophomore Star-Reagan
Upon close scruitiny this Penn
Red Wings Reach
Final Player Limit
DETROIT, Nov. 1.-(W)-The De-
troit Red Wings today got down to
16 players, the number they will carry
during the National Hockey League
season, by the sale of two rookies to
Minor League clubs.
Ronnie Hudson, right-wingman,
went to Providence of the Interna-
tional American League while Byron
(Butch) McDonald. left wingman,
was sold to Minneapolis of the Ameri-
can Association. Manager Jack
Adams said both players would stay
with their respective clubs through-
out the season after which Detroit
will have the first opportunity to buy
them back.
Departure of t'ae two players means
that Charlie Mason, former farm-
hand of the New York Rangers, has
become a Red Wing. Unable to use
Mason, the Rangers sold him to the
Red, Wings provided he played with
them and not with a farm club. Ma-
son is included in the 16 players who
survived several cuts of the Detroit

game should provide plenty of fire-
works.. Victors over Yale by a 21-0
count, one point winners over Colum-
bia, and tying Navy last week, the
Quakers, like the Wolverines, have
come up with a sophomore backfield
flash in the person of Frank Reagan.
Reagan, a quarterbn ck, was the
whole show when Penn drubbed Yale.
A fine broken field runner he also
handles the passing and punting for
Coach Munger's team.
Supplementing Reagan in the
starting backfield are Jim Coulter, one
of the best blocking backs in the
country, Mike Burke, put-returner
extraordinary, and Jim Connell, a
210 pound fullback. Coulter and
Burke are seniors, Connell a junior.
Have Big Tackles
The Quakers' line is big with Capt.
Walt Shinn at tackle its biggest single
attribute. Shinn who weighs 215
pounds is the powerhouse type and
can Usually be counted on for the
full 60 minutes. His mate at right
tackle is Rix Yard, a soph9more, who
beat out the 5 ft. 8 in., 215 pound
Roly-Poly Dominic Polilli for the
starting berth. One of Yard's ac-
complishments is hooking the ball
out of a ballcarrier's arms while mak-
ing the tackle.
Munger's ends are Harlan Gustaf-
son, tagged in the east as a tough de-
fensive end and a good pass receiver,
and Joe Miller, one of the Pennsyl-
A.T.O.,10, Theta Delts 4
Sigma Chi 11, Acacia 3
Sigma Phi Epsilon 8, Trigon 6
S.A.M. beat Lambda Chi Alpha
Psi U beat S.A.M.
Alpha Delts beat Psi U
Lambda Chi Alpha beat Alpha
Alpha Kappa Lambda beat Phi


War Admiral
is By Three Lengths
Break Track Record

BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 1.-(IP)-
Seabiscuit, the Cinderella horse, wrote1
the most dramatic chapter in his rags1
to riches story today when he left
the great War Admiral struggling far
behind with a record smashing per-
formance in their long awaited match
race at Pimlico.
The one-time selling plater, carry-
ing the red and white silks of Charles
S. Howard, of San Francisco, matched
the Admiral's famed early speed
with more speed, stuck to his rival
like a leech mid-way of the back-
stretch and then pulled away with a
final drive that sent him under the
wire three lengths in front with a new
track record for a mile and three-
The Biscuit, held at slightly more
than 2 to 1 as the crowd of 40,000
sent the odds on Samuel D. Riddle's
star tumbling to 1 to 4, reeled off the
distance in 1:56 /35.
And so in less than two minutes,
Seabiscuit settled a year-old argu-
ment, won $15,000 and skyrocketed
into second place among the world's
leading money winning horses. His
greatest successes have been since
Howard took him out of the Wheatley
stable for $8,000 late in 1936 after
he had met with little success and
spent much of his time as a work
horse for more highly regarded
For War Admiral, the defeat meant
the loss of a chance to again be ac-
claimed the horse of the year as he
was in 1937, when he nosed ,out Sea-
biscuit' in a nation-wide poll of sport




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