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November 02, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-02

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Much cloudiness today, warm-
er; sthowers tomorrow.1


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And The Campus

VOL. XLIX. No. 33




U I - m m~ -

600 Educators
Meet To Talk
Attitude Today
Four-Day Session Is Held
Under The Sponsorship
Of Extension Service
McClusky To Talk
In Morning Session
More than 600 Michigan educators
are expected to attend the ninth an-
nual Parent Education Institute
which opens its four-day session here
today under the sponsorship of the
Wniversity Extension Service, in co-
operation with the education school
and the Michigan Congress of Par-
ents and Teachers.
All sessions of the Institute will be
held in the Rackham building.
The Institute will be opened by a
conference of lay leaders in parents
education, under the direction of
Mrs. H. S. Mallory of the University
Hospital, at 9:30 a.m. today. At
10:30 a.m. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky
of the education school will speak
on "The Significance of Youh
Adult Relations for Parent Educa-
tion." The entire morning session
will be presided 'Over by Mrs. William
T. Banders, president of the Michigan
Congress of Parents and Teachers.
Mrs. Thompson Presides
Mrs. E. C. Thompson, first vice-
president of the Congress, will pre-
side over the afternoon session,
which inclddes a .second conference
of lay leaders, and a lecture on the
relation of adult seducation to parent
education, by Winifred Fisher, ex-
ecutive director of the New York
Adult Education Council, Inc.
Tomorrow's program includes a
lecture on "Parent Education and
the National Congress," by Mrs. J.
K. Pettengill, president of the Na-
tional Congress of Parents and
Teachers, at 9:30 a.m.; a discussion
at 10 a.m. of "What Should Parents
Do?" led by Mrs. Pettengill; and a
lecture, "Teachable Moments in
Health," by Prof. Jay B. Nash of
New York University, at 11 a.m. Lec-
tures by George H. Fern, state direc-
tor of vocational education, and
Miss Fisher complete the afternoon
Dr. Knight Speaks
Dr. F. B. Knight, director of the
division of education and applied psy-
chology of Purdue University, will
speak on "What a Child Really Is"
at the dinner to be given at 6:15 p.m.
tomorrow at the League. Tickets for
the dinner are 75 cents.
A talk by Dr. Knight and a group
of five conferences on youth's rela-
tionships with other factors, with a
closing address by Dr. McClusky,
make up Friday morning's program.
Nahunm Burnett
Will Add ress~
Students Fridada
Socialist Gubernatorial
Candidate Appears On
Student SenateInvitation
Nahum Burnett, Socialist candi-
date fbr Governor, in Michigan, will
deliver a special address for Uni-

versity students at 4:15 p.m. Friday,
in the second of a series of political,
forum meetings sponsored by the'
Student Senate, it was announced atI
the Senate meeting last night. Thej
place of the meeting is to be an-
Invitations were sent out to the
three gubernatorial candidates by the
Student Senate in an effort to stimu-
late student interest in pertinent
problems of State government, Jack
Sessions, '40, in charge of arrange-
ments, said. Gov. Frank A. Murphy
spoke here Monday, Oct. 24, before
more than 400 students. No definite
word has been received from former
Gov. Frank Fitzgerald, the Republi-
can candidate. -"
A condemnation of the activities of
the Dies committee introduced by
Sen. Harold Ossepow, '39, was tabled
for further consideration until next
week. Sen. James Tobin, '40, and
Sen. William Kramer, '40, were ap-
pointed to a committee to investigate
the possibility of an extended
Thanksgiving week-end holiday.

Nazi Code


Found On Luggage
Now Identified
NEW YORK, Nov. 1.-(A')-Leon
Q. T'urrou, former FBI slueth, today
identified coded letters he said he
found in the luggage of Fraulein
Johanna ("Jenni") l))fmann, 26,
red-headed spy trial defendant, al-
legedly containing instructions from
a German espionage ring's "contact
man to agents in New York.
One message was addressed to
Guenther Gustav Rumrich, 32 years
old, therU.S. Army deserter who be-
came a bungling Nazi spy, and stated
that Fraulein Hofmann had $70 for
him as payment for the supposedly
secret "Z Code" of the U.S. Army
Air Force.
iRumrich has testified he obtained
the "Z code" from another defen-
'dant, Erich Glaser, 28 years old, a
U.S. Army private formerly stationed
at Mitchel Field, Long Island, base
of the Eastern Air Force.
The letter instructed Rumrich that
the man who provided the code was to
be paid $40. In his own testimony,
Rumrich said he paid Glaser only $5
for helping him in his plots to steal
American military secrets.
M lichi ganensian
Are Announced
Luders To Be Art Editor;
Meeting Of Staffs Today
In Office Of The Ensian
J. Edward Luders, '39A, was ap-
pointed art editor for the 1939 Michi-
ganensian it was announced yester-k
day by David Laing, '39, editor-in-
chief of the campus yearbook.
Appointments for the design and
layout staffs were made by Luders at
the same time. Members of the de-
sign staff include Harry Benford,
'39E, Carl Guldberg, '40A, Ann Ved-
der, Margaret Whittemore, '41A, Al-
fred Williams, '40A, Lillian Zimmer-
marn and Kay August, '39A. The lay-
out staff consists of June Bock, '40,
John Clifford, Henry Van Veen, '41A,
and Tom Christiansen, '41.
A meeting will be held at 4 p.m.
today in the 'Ensian office of the
Publications Building for members of
both staffs and any other art stu-
dents who are still interested in try-
ing out. All tryouts for the 'Ensian
are asked to meet at 4:30 p.m. to-
The covers design, creative work,
cartooning, illustrating and the gen-
eral theme of the book will be planned
by the design staff, Luders said,
while the mechanical layouts will be
formed by the layout staff.
Ruthven Scheduled
For Visit To Coast
President Alexander G. Ruthven, as
head' of the University of Michigan
which is serving as "president" of
the Association of American Univers-
ity, will;leave next Monday, Nov. 7,
to preside at a two-day session ofi
the association at San Francisco
starting Nov. 12. Dean Clarence S.
Yoakum of the graduate school will
accompany him.
By a system of designation used by'
the Association, the member universi-
ties, rather than individual adminis-
trators, are "officers." The University
is "president" this year.
Campus Shows M
To Radio's

Helps Hitler
To Aid Peace
Seeks Arms Limitations
By Agreement; Spurns
Unilateral System
Outlines His Plans
For Home Defense
LONDON, Nov. 1-UP)-Prime Min-
ister Chamberlain held out his hand
anew tonight to Adolf Hitler in be-
half of economic peace and a curb on
Interpreting to a critical House of
Commons his course "after Munich,"
the Prime Minister also sought quick
Parliamentary approval of his deci-
sion to bring the Easter friendship
pact with Premier Mussolini into
force. He gave Commons one day to
debate and decide.
Turning his back on any new arm-
ament race with the Reich. Chamber-
lain said:
Wants Arms Limit
"What we are aiming at is: first, a
limitation of armaments by agree-
ment, because unilateral disarma-
ment will help nobody; and in the
end, their practical abolishment. That
is looking very far ahead. I shall not
see it, but I do not see why I should
not see the first stages of it if we
pursue a consistent policy."
Chamberlain outlined hisvplans to
hiarness Great Britain's voluntary
civilian effort and to build strong air-
raid defenses under the guiding hand
of Sir John Anderson, newly added
to the cabinet as Lord Privy Seal and
Minister for Civilian Defense.
But he opposed compulsion either
for the mobilization of men or indus-
try "until we have done everything
we can on voluntary lines."
Replys To Germany
Chamberlain replied to German
and Italian suspicions of Britain's
determination to rebuild her defenses
with a disavowal of any aggressive in-
tentions or any desire to enter a new
armaments race.
Referring to the "no more war"
declaration he and Hitler signed at
Munich Chamberlain said "in that
declaration, if it is properly followed
up, lies the chance for a new era of
peace in Europe."
Jean Kohler Killed
In Auto-Train Crash
Funeral services for Jean Koller,
'37, who was killed late Friday when
the auto in which she was returning
from a steak-roast was run-down by
an interurban railway car near Plain-
field, Ind., were held Monday in In-
dianapolis, according to word re-'
ceived here yesterday.
Miss Kohler, who was affiliated
with the local chapter of Alpha Phi
sorority, was on her way to a Hallo-
we'en party at an Indianapolis social
agency where she had been working
for a year, when the accident took
Born 22 years ago in Toledo, O.,
Miss Kohler graduated from Short-
ridge High School, Indianapolis. Sur-
viving her are her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wendell P. Kohler of Indian-
apolis, and a sister, Ruth, a student
Vide Reaction
lartian Invasion'

Accused By Ickes

Ickes Charges
Dies Creates
'Half -Truths'
Statements About P W A
Made By Congressman
Provoke Secretary


Nov. 1-I}

Secretary Ickes accused Representa-
tive Dies (Dem., Texas) today of tell-
ing "half-truths" about PWA's failure
to approye two projects in his dis-
trict and suggested that the Congress-
man stick to his "witch-hunt" in the'
Dies replied immediately to the
charge of "half-truths" with a state-
ment that "few people who know the
Secretary would give him that high a
The Texan said yesterday that a'
$12,000,000 dam project at Rockland,1
Texas, had been cancelled and a
$335,000 grant for a causeway at Port
Arthur, Texas, rescinded since the1
House Committee of which he is1
chairman began its investigation of
urAmerican activities..
While the committee has been criti-
cized by President Roosevelt, Secre-
tary Ickes and 1other administration
officials, Dies said he was not pre-
pared to charge that the cancella-
tions were the result of this disap-
In a statement, Ickes asserted, that
Dies' remarks "contained unmistak-
able implications" that the projects
had been cancelled because of "some
mysterious pressure."
He then denied that the Rockland
project had been rejected.
Rodzinski And
Cleveland Group
IHere On Nov. 7:
Noted Symphony Orchestra
To Give Second Choral
Union Series Concert
The Cleveland Symphony Orches-
tra under the direction of Artur Rod-
insk will appear in Ann Arbor Mon-
day in Hill Auditorium in the second,
program of the 60th annual Choral
Union Concert Series.
In 21 years of concert touring, this
organization has given more than
1,000 programs in 26 states, Cuba and
Canada. Its outstanding musical
achievements have gained for the
Cleveland Symphony ranking in the
first three concert groups in the
Artur Rodzinski, who is regarded
as one of the vital forces in the
development of orchestral music in
America, has conducted the group for
the past six years. He has been
guest conductor of many of the great
orchestras in the European music
capitals and has won many distin-
guished awards. He selected, trained
and organized the NBC Symphony
Orchestra and conducted its first 10
The Cleveland Orchestra is the
first of four ensemble groups to per-
form in the Series this year. The
others are the Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Serge Koussevitsky conduct-
ing; the Budapest University Chorus;
and the Roth String Quartet. Solo
artists to be presented are: Jose
Iturbi, Kirsten Flagstad, Yehudi
Menuhin and Gregor Piatigorsky.
Union Open House

Re gent Heads
Murphy Rally
Here Tonight
Progressive Club's Open
Session Is At 8:30 P.M.
In Ballroom Of Uni,
Hemans, Dawson
To Be Speakers
Regent Charles F. Hemans and
Prof. John P. Dawson of the law
school will discuss the issues of the
coming gubernatorial- election at a
"Why Murphy" meeting to be held at
8:15 p.m. today in the Union Ball-
room. Prof. John L. Brumm-of the
journalism department, who will pre-
side, will be introduced by Joseph
Gies, '39.
The meeting is an open session of
the Progressive Club and not a Demo-
cratic Rally sponsored by the "Mur-
phy for Governor Committee" as was
announced in yesterday's Daily.
Hemans. who did his pre-law work
in the University, was elected to the'
Board of Regents on the Democatic
ticket in 1933. He is now practising
law in Lansing. Professor Dawson was
a member of the Governor's study
commission on reform of Michigan
A group of faculty members have
organized a "Murphy for Governor
Committee" to promote Murphy's
campaign, with the cooperation of a
student group.
The student committee is distribut-
ing applications for absentee voters
ballots throughout the campus. They
may be obtained at all dormitories,
the Union, the Michigan League, the
Rackham Building and the Law
Library. All students, Republican or
Democrat, are urged to make use of
the blanks. The forms must be filled
out and mailed to the clerk of the
student's township, village or city
today to obtain ballots in time for
the election.
Faculty members of the Murphy fQr
Governor Committtee are Prof. Waldo
M. Abbot, Prof. John L. Brumm, Prof.
Russell W. Bunting, Prof. Carl E. W.
Dahlstrom, Prof. John P. Dawson,
Prof. Edgar N. Durfee, Prof. Richard
C. Fuller, Prof. William Haber, Prof.
Louis C. Karpinski, Prof. Harold J.
McFarlan, Prof. Wesley H. Maurer.
Hull Warns U.S.
Of Armed Force
Speech At Trade Meeting
Warns Of Catastrophe
NEW YORK, Nov. 1-(P)-Cordell
Hull, Secretary of State, declared to-
night that the world "is at a cross
roads," but has not lost its "power
of choice" between rule by armed
force and rule by law.
He warned the nations that, if they
place "increased reliance upon armed
force as an instrument of national
policy they will be marching toward
the final catastrophe of a new world
war, the horror and destructiveness
of which pass human imagination."
Speaking at the world trade dinner
of the twenty-fifth National Foreign
Trade Convention, Secretary Hull
said nothing had happened in recent
weeks-meaning the "Peace of Mun-
ich"-to cause him to abandon his
trade-agreements program. On the
contrary, he declared he would "put
redoubled vigor into our efforts to
enlarge its scope and effectiveness."

Post-allowe'en Bat
Interrupts Rehearsal
A black, black bat last night thor-
oughly disconcerted a Play Produc-
tion group burning the midnight oil
as they rehearsed "Counselor-at-
Law" at the Laboratory Theatre.
Taking the situation and 'i Flit gun
quickly in hand Myron Wallace, '39,
rushed forward to do battle with the
monster, estimated by the saner ama-
teur actors to have had a nine inch
wing spread. The Flit didn't work
very well, and the group finally gave
up and went back to work as the bat
settled on a rafter.
The actors have had little experi-
ence with bats, they said, but every-
thing else from rats to termites are
familiar sights at the old Laboratory
Regent Lynch
Debates Brand
On Court Plan
Appointment Of Justices
Is Subject Of Argument
To Be Held In Union
Regent John D. Lynch and George
S. Brand, president of the Michigan
Bar Association, will debate the pro-
posed amendment to the State Con-'
stitution providing for the appoint-
ment of justices to the Supreme
Court bench at 7:30 p.m. today in the
North Lounge of the Union. ,
Regent Lynch will present the
negative case in behalf of the De-
troit chapter of the National Lawyers
Guild, a newly-formed liberal organi-
zation which includes in its member-
ships such men as Gov. Phillip La-
Follette of Wisconsin, Sen. Smith W.
Brookhart of Iowa and Gov. Elmer
Benson of Minnesota.
George Brand will defend the pro-
posal which is sponsored by the State
Bar Association. He has spent the
past few weeks campaigning for the
measure throughout the state.
The first serious demands for an.
appointive judiciary in Michigan were'
voiced early in 1933. After several
bills proposing such an amendment
to the state constitution had either
died incommittee or were acted upon
unfavorably by the legislature, the
proposal finally went on the ballot
through use of the initiatory petition.
Those favoring the bill emphasize
that it will take the Supreme Court
judiciary out of politics and free it
fro political pressure. Its opponents
claim that the amendment ,would
simply remove the responsibility for
the judiciary from the people to a'
commission controlled by lawyers.
They say it would substitute one
form of politics for another with the
additional disadvantage of abridging
the democratic process.
Riggs To Address
Prof. Henry E. Riggs, honorary
professor of civil engineering, will
address the Michigan chapter of the
American Society of Civil Engineers
at 7:30 tonight in the Union. Mem-
bers of the Michigan State College
chapter will attend as guests.
Professor Riggs, who is president
of the national chapter of the
A.S.C.E., will speak on the "Chang-
ing Attitudes of Engineers."
Since his retirement from active
teaching in 1930', Prof. Riggs has
been a consulting engineer for many
large railroads. He has written "De-
preciation of Public Utility Proper-
ties" and num rous articles for tech-
nical publicati ns

France Makes
Cabinet Shift
To Halt Brief
Ministry Split
Entire Adjustment Made
In Secret Conference;
Economic Lift Is Sought
Paul Renaud Gets
PARIS, Nov. 1-(P)--Premier Edo-
uard Daladier tonight hastily patched
ip his cabinet after a short-lived
crisis and his new Finance Minister
started another search for the way
to French financial and economic
The resignation of Paul Marchan-
deau as Finance Minister because the
rest of the cabinet refused to accept
his program of reforms split the
ministry momentarily.
Daladier, however, persuaded Mar-
chandeau to stay in the Government
as 'Minister of Justice, exchanging
posts with Paul Reynaud.
Proposed Exchange Control
The press indicated that among
Marchandeau's severe proposals, now
shelved, were virtual exchange con-
trol, an extraordinary income tax-
and a special levy on stock earnings
The shift of Reynaud to succeed
Marchandeau brought to the Finance
post a moderate, middle-of-the-road
man, Finance Minister in the Tar-
dieu cabinet of 1930 and known in
1934 as a foremost advocate and fore-
caster of devaluation of the franc.
When the People's Front Govern-
ment of Leon Blum finally devalued
the currency in 1936 Reynaud said
it "came too late."
He was one of the cabinet group
reported flatly opposed to the drastic
measures advanced by Marchandeau
and in favor of a policy in line with
the 1936 monetary accord of France,
Britain and the United States.
Readjustment Secret
The entire cabinet readjustment
was effected behind closed doors at
the War Ministry. A brief commun-
ique after the change had been made
was the first official indication there
had been a crisis.
The slender, businesslike Reynaud
let it be known immediately that he
had scrapped all previous plans for
use of the Government's decree pow-
ers in the rebuilding of French econ-
omy and was starting again from the
"My first task will be to establish
a balance sheet for the financial and
economic situation of France," he
said after the cabinet meeting.
"For that task I ask five days. Acts
will follow.
"There was a time when the ques-
tion of devaluation was posed because
prices were too high in relation to
foreign'prices," Reynaud said, refer-
ring to his 1930 campaign.
"At that moment I did not fear to
tell aloud all the truth."
Court Change
Hit By Pollock
Appointment By Judiciary
Committee Condemned
Condemning the amendment for
selecting supreme court judges by a
judiciary committee to be dominated
by lawyers, as a half-way measure
which would obstruct the adoption of

a thorough improvement, Prof.
James K. Pollock, of the political de-
partment, last night announced his
opposition to the bill, at a meeting
of the American Association of
University Women.
The amendment, which provides for
a judiciary commission of nine men,
six to be lawyers, will come before
Michigan voters at the Nov. 8 elec-
Professor Pollock based his objec-
tions on four premises. First, it is
limited only to the supreme court, he
said. Secondly, he distrusts any ap-
pointments a judiciary committee
dominated by lawyers would make.
Thirdly, the plan would divide the
responsibility for judicial appoint-
ments, and in addition eliminates
popular control of appointments.
Gov. Murphy Is Endorsed
By Typographical Union


Daily Photo by Freedman
Sunday night the Mercury Theatre
of the Air under the direction of Or-
son Welles presented a radio adap-
tation of H. G. Well's book, "War of
the Worlds." The dramatization,
done in the form of special radio bul-
letins and "on-the-scene" broadcasts,
pictured the invasion of the earth by
hideous creatures from M a r s,
equipped with death-dealing imple-
ments of war beyond the scope of
our civilization. The creatures were
pictured as landing near Newark, N.J.,
then proceeding to New York City,
wiping out all forms of life in that
THE QUESTION: What was your
reaction to the radio dramatization
of the Martian invasion of the earth
Sunday night?
THE PLACE : Main Library Steps.

happen. I sincerely believe that ac-
tion should be taken against the Co-
lumbia Broadcasting system for al-
lowing this program to be put on the
air. I did not hear the beginning
of the program and had no way of
knowing that the press bulletins be-
ing flashed were merely parts of a
dramatic presentation. I think the
whole thing showed very clearly the
great effect of mob psychology. I
know now how dictators can control
the minds of the masses by instilling
fear into them. My fraternity broth-
ers and I were absolutely stunned
and no thoughts of this being a play
entered our minds."
Madeline Kaufman, '40: "Having
heard the program from the begin-
ning and realizing
it was a sketch and
nothing more, .I
was not frightened

Dorr Says Irrelevant Charges
Are Obscuring Election Issues

The major issues of Michigan's
hotly contested gubernatorial cam-
paign have been obscured by the
charges of boss rule and Communism,
on which the campaign has chiefly
been fought, Prof. Harold M. Dorr
of the political science department
said yesterday.
The real issues, as seen by Profes-
sor Dorr, are: (1) the question of
good government, (2- the cost of gov-
ernment and (3) the question of
lawlessness and labor disturbance. It
is these questions which must be de-
cided by the electorate next Tues-
Both parties favor the Civil Serv-
t'rp Aet' ' and wtraf a v- ,'r,ana'.ni 4 t'

Dorr, "both men showed equal prom-
ise, however, Mr. Fitzgerald has since
attacked the Welfare reorganization,
declaring the referendum on it should
be defeated. He has also opposed the
present Civil Service Administration,
though he still says he favors the
The charge of Communism often
hurled at Murphy, or at least of con-
doning them and accepting their sup-
port is answered with flat denials
from the Democratic camp.
The results of these strenuous weeks
of campaigning will be largely deter-
mined by the balloting in Wayne
County. Figures for the 1936 election
show ,etroit and Wayne county con-
stituted the Democratic stronghold,

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