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November 01, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-01

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- ~llr -agi
D rn4 ors5)D, ,ra ,f ,m ere 1I-O-Aroe - N,
and managed by students of the University of
under the authority of the Board in Control of
ied every - morning except Monday during the
y year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
epublication of all news dispatches credited to
of otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
republicationeof allother matters herein also
d at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
;lass mail matter.
iptions during regular school year by carrier,
mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Repesentative
er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors
g Editor !. Robert D. Mitchell.
1 Director .orAlbert P. May10
ttor . . . Horace W. Gilmore
e Editor Robert I. Fitzhenry
e EditorR obert Perlman
e Editor . ...Earl Gilman
e Editor . . . . William Elvin
e Editor Joseph Freedman
itor . Joseph Gies
s Editor Dorothea Staebler
ditor . Bud Benjamin

The Editor
Gets Told.
(Editor's note: The editors want to thank all who
have taken an interest in our page and have written
to us both in favor of and against our inclusion of
David Lawrence's column. Owing to lack of space.
we are printing only one letter today and are
replying to the otherspersonally.)
Piecewic;, A Patriot
To the Editor:
In the present controversy, I shall not concern
myself with whether The Daily editorials should
express only conservative or only liberal views.
However, I shall deal only with the pseudo-
rationalizing as expressed by C. J. to ascertain
the desirability of conservative editorials on
these grounds.
Evidently proper credentials are a prerequisite
for indulgence in the present disputation, and it
is indeed heartening that I am highly favored
with the proper environmental conditioning. I
was brought up in a city on the Atlantic coast
that was founded less than twenty years after
the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. The
streets give every indication that they were
founded on sacred cowpaths. Besides, the city,
including its seven hills, has been Republican
since before the party began functioning. In
fact it is so close to Boston that when a heavy
breeze passes through Boston Harbor, we still can
enjoy the aroma of the historic Boston Tea
Party. As a patriot I find it necessary to drive
over the same route that Paul Revere did. My
only sad neglect is that I haven't acquired the
Harvard adcent, since I spent only one summer
session prowling within its cloisters. With such
environmental conditioning, it becomes less diffi-
cult for even Callie Jayne to nod approval.
I would like to point out that the mere num-
ber of subscribers to a political or scientific
view is no proof of the validity of the view. We
need only turn back to the days of Newton,
Copernicus and Descartes to verify this state-
ment. The present facts regarding gravitation
and position and rotation of heavenly bodies at
that time were held by a few and it only took
time to demonstrate that the majority were
wrong. The auspices under which David Law-
rence writes and the number of his readers are no
criteria of his credibility. In his case as in the
case of anyone else, it depends upon the exhaus-
tiveness of his investigation, and it rests upon
whether he has all the facts at his disposal and
whether his conclusion is the only one possible
in view of all the facts in relation to the com-
plexity of the whole situation.
The old question of aithority and superiority
is once more expounded. Authority or so-called
superiority is not sufficient evidence in proof of
any statement. We need only run through some
of the Senate investigation files to come to the
conclusions that many of our so-called authori-
ties have been paid by industrialists to publish
lies for public consumption. If some of our
superior men held the same views that many of
our common people hold, there would, be no
wars, no crime and no exploitation of classes.
Superiority proves little; it is only from the
mutual agreement of the exhaustiveness of all
facts that we can hope to verify the validity of
any statement.
It is indeed a consolation that C. J. will :efrain
from considering me a radical since I have no
long hairs on my chest-in fact I have no hair
on my chest-so that makes me unquestionably
a staunch conservative Republican.
-Charles Piecewiez

ss Manager
ising Manager .
n's Business Manager
i's Service Manager

Philip W. Buchen
Leonard P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
Helen Jean Dean
Marian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
child Marriage
Social Problem ...
T HE NATION'S PAPERS blared their
loudest feature headlines and the bigi
ress associations broadcasted wirephotos to
'ery Chronicle and Bugle in the land. Rosie
olumbus, at the age of ten, had left her dolls
>become the bride of a Kentucky coal miner.
was a bit of sensationalism to make the sensi-
lities of dowagers and debutantes tingle with
Rosie's marriage is shocking, yet it is appar-
it that Rosie wasn't at fault; she knew only
aguely what was happening, and probably cared
ery little. Nor can her mother, who lied that
osie was a mature fifteen, be blamed. She was
tply making the best compromise she could
ith the situation that had engulfed her.
Marriage to Flem the coal miner was as big
n advance in prestige to Rosie and her family
3 is the union of an heiress to a count in higher
'ciety. The Columbuses lived under a rock cliff;
ieir staple food was pork and beans; their
othes were few and shabby. And Rosie's -mar-
age to Flem meant a cabin, a regular income,
.uare meals. Such things count in these moun-
in lands where a two-roomed shack is not a
Ouse, but "houses."
To live, these people must make the best of
ery fortunate incident that happens to them.
ecently a welfare worker of the Save the Chil-
en Fund, operating in the Southern mountain
gions, visited a district to distribute shoes and
othing among the school children. Attendance
r the school almost doubled within a week.
The mountain section is a social misfit in these
iys of industry and invention. The people were
st from the rest of the world for over a cen-
ry. For them progress stood still. They did not
iprove upon the spinning wheel and the bull-
ngued plow while other sections were discover-
g a new social order built on the coal that
tted everywhere from the mountainsides. They
oke the language and sang the songs of an
igland that had been retained elsewhere only
histories. They devoted themselves to an
cient religion as mystical and potent as that
eached by Reform4tion fanatics. It is no won-
r that Senator "Jo" Blackburn once declared
at a stick of dynamite should be placed under
e mountain section to blow it to Kingdom
Without outside aid and understanding, the
ertia of these people toward progress cannot
overcome. They cannot suddenly learn to cope
th a machine age. Rosie Columbus' marriage
symbolic of the futile attempts they make at

-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-Few reports that
have emanated from the government over a span
of time can compare in enlightened presentation
or constructive advice with the recommendations
just made by the emergency board of three ap-
pointed by President Roosevelt to deal with the
problem of railroad wages.
True, the findings are against the granting of
a horizontal cut of 15 per cent in wages at this
time, and, in this respect, it is a disappointment
to the railroads and their owners, but there is
so much more in the report than that item and
so much sound counsel with respect to what
ought to be done by the railroads, the labor
unions, the government and the investors that,
if the document is carefully studied, it will point
the way at last to a solution of the perplexities
of the railroad problem.
The report is 25,000 words long, yet it is far
more persuasive than the official summary, and
only if one takes the time and trouble to read
it carefully, does the statesmanlike character of
the analysis made by Chief Justice Stacy of
the North Carolina Supreme Court, Dean James
Landis of the Harvard Law School and Professor
Harry Millis of the University of Chicago become
Reference To Labor.. ..
With relentless logic and with pointed refer-
ence to the efforts made by labor organizations
to get Congress to enact full crew bills and other
devices to overcome the economies in payroll
growing out of technological efficiency, the re-
port says:
"The social problem of unemployment result-
ing from technological development is common to
most industries. It admits of no simple answer.
The legislative proposals complained of (that
is, by the railroads) are, in part, the answers that
the employees are seeking to make to the prob-
lem of technological unemployment."
The Facts Of Wage Reductions.. ..
As for wage reductions, the board dealt with
the facts and figures submitted in a way th-
can hardly be described in a newspaper dis-
patch, or any summary, for that matter. It pains-
takingly took all the data, compared them with
wages in other industries and with living costs
in other years and found that the general aver-
age wage now was about $1,553 a year but that
one-quarter of the employees earned less than
$911, another quarter earned between $911 and
$1,433, another quarter between $1,433 and
$1,953 and the remaining quarter earned $,950
or more. In the same way, the board discussed
the $250,000,000 proposed to be saved by wage
reductions, and found that $141,650,000 of this
sum would go to roads neither in receivership
nor in the class of what is known as "problem
Suggesting that some gaduated scale plan
might some day be devised if wage cuts are
necessary and hinting that, if the present busi-
ness revival doesn't pan but: -wage reductions
might have to be re-examined, the board makes
this significant observation.
"It may well be that the hoped-for relief from
the development of a national transportation
policy and other similar measures will not be
forthcoming. Then the inability of the roads to
pay would turn from a short time to a long time
aspect, and avenues of relief through wage re-
ductions would have to be explored. The 30-day
clause of the existing agreements would provide
this opportunity."
For the moment, however, this government
board is betting on better business conditions
and increased car loadings together with a
Sensibly cooperative attitude by Congress, the
railroad brotherhoods, the railroad bond owners
and stockholders as well as by the railroad man-
agements themselvs-all of them united by a
common fear of complete disintegration of
a great industry.

WOR Symphony, Nadia Reisenberg pianist,
Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Liszt's A major
Concerto, No. 2, Nocturne No. 20 (Chopin),
Waltz in D major (Glazounow). 9:15-9:45, WOR.
Twilight Organ Recital, Palmer Christian
organist. "Introit," "Ave Marie" (from Arkdelt),
and Fantasia and Fugue on B A C H, by Liszt;
and the Sonata on the Ninety-fourth Psalm by
Julius Reubke. 4:15, Hill Aud.
Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Howard Bar-
low conductor. 9-9:30, WABC.
WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallenstein con-
ductor. Schubert's Second Symphony, in B-flat
major. 8:30-9, WOR.
Rochester Philharmonic, Jose Iturbi conduc-
tor. 8:30-9:30, WIBM.
Cincinnati Conservatory Orchestra, Alexander
von Kreisler conductor. 11-12 a.m., WJR.
Eastman School of Music, Howard Hanson
director. "Milestones in the History of Music,"
first program of medieval music. 11:30-12,
NBC Symphony, Arturo Toscanini conductor.
The Flute of Sans Souci (Graener), Samuel Bar-
ber's Adagio for Strings and Essay for Orchestra,
Debussy's Iberia, Dvorak's "New World" Sym-
phony, No. 5 in E minor. 10-11:30, WXYZ,
-W. L.

You of M
By Sec Terry
PALAVER of a purely personal
order: Boo! We're only kidding-
. .Orson Welles, the thespian who
perpetuated that Halloween hoax on
the radiokels Sunday night, is only
23 years old and apparently unfamil-
iar with the gold brick complex of
the average American . . . The temp-
erance society will be happy to know
that the broadcast cured at least one'
man of drink (he was in his cups
when the first meteor crashed to
earth) . . . A freshman, who claims
that he reviewed his entire life dur-
ing the make-believe eternity, said
he didn't realize he had been such a
sinner . . . a local Republican was
reported to have called his straddling
friend after the broadcast, and said,
"See what'll happen!" . .
90% of the students parading State
street are' vain (watch them preen
themselves in the store windows), 25%
are monologists (study the mobile
lips), 95% are apes, not the Darwin
species, but the vaudeville genus-the
mime (beer jackets, cigarettes, two-
tone suits, abbreviated trousers and
Hessian haircuts spring from the urge
to imitate) . . . Co-eds, with one eye
on the mirror and the other on pass-
ing males, spend 75% of their time
and energy on themselves . . . and
90% of the men devote much of their
time to the same thing that women
do-si vous me comprenez!
A student on E. University bought a
new bus three weeks ago and has
already registered 3,000 miles on it
Investigation last night revealed
ythe auto ban was still in effectn..e.
One of the most picturesque names
in the newspaper profession: Gobind
Behari Lal, INS science editor . .
Nomination as the American Falstaff:
Gene Fowler's Captain James Job
Trolley in "Salute to Yesterday." ...
One of the most imaginative charac-
ters encountered in a book cover: Vin-
cent Sheean's Rayna Prohme in "Per-
sonal History" . . . One of the most
touching heroes in fiction: Ian Mac-
Claren's "Weelum" McClure in the
Woollcott Reader short story, "A
Doctor of the Old School" s
* * *

(Continued from Page 3)
- -
medical students. A fee of one dollar
will be charged for the course. The
lectures will be delivered in the
Michigan League Building.
Nov. 2, "Emotional and Sexual
Problems Today," Dr. Joseph Baer.
Nov. 9, "Anatomy and Physiology
of Reproduction," Dr. Raymond
Nov. 17, "Adjustments Before Mar-
riage," Dr. Beatrice B. Berle.
Dec. 1, "Adjustments After Mar-
riage," Dr. Robert G. Foster.
Dec. 8, "Modern Parenthood," Dr.
Robert G. Foster.

anosik.. .

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Janosik, the Robin Hood story of a Carpathian
peasant who leads a band of brigands (they rob
the rich and give to the poor), was shown at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Friday and Saturday
nights by the Art Cinema League. I must dis-
agree with the metropolitan critics who say that
Janosik is superb, enthralling, magnificent.
Not that Janosik is a bad picture; Pecenka's
photography is usually good, and at times,
especially in the outdoor sequences, it is splendid.
The work of the director, Mac Fric, is spotty.
Occasionally the picture moves at an exciting
pace; at other times it drags. It is interesting to
see the influence of the Soviet cinema on the
Czechoslovakians-the latter are obviously copy-
ing the Russians without too much success.
The main trouble with the film is that the
theme is threadbare, and the Czechs didn't take
the trouble to patch it up. Palo Bielik, who is
tall, lithe, handsome and has a lot of sex appeal
(so the girls tell me) as Janosik, the leader of
the marauders, is just another Errol Flynn. He
swings from ropes, takes on dozens of the con-
stabulary singlehanded, and so forth. Yet I
must Iadd that the last scene in Janosik is really
moving: Janosik, condemned to death, stands
before the gallows and dances a wild dance of
,So Janosik is not a great picture, it is a pleasant
evening's entertainment. Incidentally, included
on the program was a Fitzpatrick Travel-talk
(and now we take leave of beautiful such and
such) with Czechoslovakia as the subject. The
announcer smugly strews his comments with
cliches, Prague is a veritable beehive of activity,
rambles on about Czechoslovakia in the four-
teenth century, there are many fine churches
the dark path. She will never give the imperialist
answer to her basic problem. She will never turn
to fascism and war.

QUOTATION of the week: "Ever
since the University was founded.
there is no record of anyone being
mentally overtrained." . . . Heard
and overheard: "Even breathing has
become a fetish vith her" . . . "I
never let college interfere with my
education-or anything" . . . "Her
face was disfigured in the crackup of
her illusions." . . . Henry Thoreau's
matchless appraisal of college lingers
on: "To my astonishment I was in-
formed on leaving college that I had
studied navigation!--why, if I had
taken one turn down the harbor I
should have known more about
it."- . .-.
A submitted list of schoolboy,
answers: "a stethoscope is a spy-.
glass for looking into people's
chests with your ears Oliver
Cromwell had an iron will and a
large red nose, but underneath.
were deep religious feelings . .
rhubarb is a kind of celery gone
bloodshot . . . Doctors say that
fatal diseases are the worst . . .
A quack doctor is one who looks
after ducks.". . .
[N THE MAIL: From Chicago,
curbstone cabinet at Rimsky's
drug store is waxing heatedly because
of Der Fuehrer's recent. edicts, and'
I am forced to muster all the elo-
quence at my command to pacify the
rebellious crew. Sergei and Jake and
a few more of the southpaws are
helping to build a tunnel from 12th
and Kedzie to Moscow. Rimsky him-
self is busy in the back room manu-
facturing stench bombs which his
"boys" distribute at Nazi Bunds-and
the Rimsky menus, instead of the
usual drinks and sundaes, now feat-
ure the minutes of the Central Com-
mittee's latest meeting and directions
on where to go and how in case of an
air raid. These and other events led
up to my attempted purchase recently
of a hot chocolate for ten cents. When
I complained mildly that he had sub-
stituted plain hot wate'r for hot choco-
late, Rimsky pounced on me-"You
are a spoiled child of the autocracy.
Get the hell out of here!S" he yelled.
.- E
Nazi Generals
Are Retired
Chief Of Army Is Ousted
In Policy Move
BERLIN, Oct. 31.-(IP)--General
Ludwig Beck, Chief of the Army Gen-
eral Staff, resigned todayhand retired
to private life because he could not
see eye-to-eye with Adolf Hitler.
A brief official announcement said
the Fuehrer had accepted the resig-
nation of General Beck along with
that of Colonel-General Gerd Von
Rundstedt, Commander of Army
Group No. 1 .
Although the announcement saidR
both commanders were relieved ati
their "own desire," well-informed cir-1
cels believed they were taking the
consequences for not being in step

Organ Recital. Palmer Christian,
University organist, will appear inre-
ital on the Frieze Memorial Organ,
Hlill Auditorium, Wednesday ater-
aoon, Nov. 2, at 4:15 p.m. No admis-
sion charge is made, but the public is
respectfully requested to be seated on
time as the doors will be closed dur-
ing numbers.
Exhibitions C
An Exhibition of Early Chineset
Pottery: Originally held in conjunc-
tion with the Summer Institute ofH
Par Eastern Studies, now re-openedt
by special request with alterations
and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. AtE
the College of Architecture. Daily
(excepting Sundays) 9 to 5.-
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grae-t
co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic Periods
-from Seleucia on the Tigris and
from Roman Italy. In addition, a
special exhibit has been arranged of3
a portion of a recent acquisition of1
Roman antiquities presented by Esth-
er Boise Van Deman.
University Lectures: Dr. Albert
Charles Chibnall, Prof essor~ of Bio-t
chemistry at Imperial College of Sci-
ence and Technology, University oft
London, will give the following lec-
tures under the auspices of the De-
partment of Biochemistry:
Nov. 4, 4:15 p.m., Amphitheatre,
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies, ,The Preparation and
Chemistry of the Proteins of Leaves.".
Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m., Room 303 Chem-
istry Building, "The Application of
X-rays to the Study of the Long
Chain Components of Waxes."
Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem-1
istry Building, "Criticism of Methods
of Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins.
This lecture is especially designed for
those interested in the analytical
chemistry of proteins.
University Lecture: Dr. Millar
Burrows, president, American Schools'
of Oriental Research and Professor
of Biblical Theology, at Yale Univer-
sity, will give an illustrated lecture
on "Results of- a Century's Digging
in Palestine" on Friday, Nov. 4, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium under the auspices of the De-
partment of Oriental Languages. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Marvin- R.
Thompson, Director of Warner In-
stitute for Therapeutic Research
(formerly Professor of Pharmacology
at the University of Maryland) will
lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar-
macology of Ergot" on Thursday,
Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 165
Chemistry Building, under the auspi-
ces of the College of Pharmacy. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Junior Research Club: The Novem-
ber meeting will be held this eve-
ning at 7:30 p.m., in the amphi-
'theatre of the Rackham Building.,Dr.
Robley C. Williams will speak on
"Measurement of Stellar Tempera-
tures"; Dr. Jerome Conn will speak
on "The Restoration of Normal Car-
bohydrate Metabolism in Middle-
Aged Obese Diabetics"; and candi-
dates will be elected to membership.
Student Senate. Meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m., at the Michigan League.
The room will be listed in the bulle-
tin board. The public is cordially
Omega Upsilon, radio and speech
sorority, will hold auditions at Mor-
ris Hall today. All women except
first semester freshmen are cordial-
ly invited to try out for membership.

All actives are expected to be present
at the meeting.
Assembly Meeting: There will be a
Newest Clipper Plane-
Near Final Approval
SEATTLE, Oct. 31.-(A)-The great-
est clipper plane ever built, resplen-
dent in new paint, will be tested by
the Government this week for certifi-
cation for trans-oceanic service.
The huge Boeing ship, with four

oint meeting of the League House
croup, the Ann Arbor Independents,
and the Dormitory Representatives
his afternoon at 5 p.m. in the
Geague. Attendance will be taken by
the Secretaries of the respective
Christian Science Organization:
:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
The Michigan Dames will hold their
regular meeting this evening at the
Grand Rapids Room of the League at
8 o'clock. All wives of students and
internes are invited.
Bibliophiles: The first meeting will
be held today at 2:30 p.m. in the
Michigan League with Mrs. Carl
Dahlstrom acting as hostess.
Coming Events
International Center:
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 7:30 o'clock. Class
in Chinese Language with Prof. Y. Z.
Wednesday, Nov. 2., 3 o'clock. Trip
to Hoover Ball Bearing Plant.
Thursday, Nov. 3, 4 o'clock. Tea
honoring the Student Fellowship of
the Congregational Church.
Friday, Nov. 4, Recreation Night.
Bridge and Ping Pong Tournament.
Sunday, Nov. 5, 6 o'clock supper. 7
o'clock. Talk by Prof. Howard Mc-
Clusky on "The Problems of Youth
in America." Sponsored by the In-
ternational Council.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 4 p.m. in Room
300 Chemistry Building. Dr. L. O.
Brockway will speak on "The Struc-
tures of Conjugated Molecules."
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting Thursday, Nov. 3 at 7:30 in
Room 408 Romance Language Bldg.
Mr. Koella will talk on "L'Europe Ac-
tuelle" and there will be songs and
Geological Journal Club. Thursday,
Nov. 3 at 7:15 p.m. in 3065 N.S. Fac-
ulty and graduate students wil give
short talks on personal research.
American Association of University
Professors. There will be a meeting
of the local chapter on Thursday, Nov.
3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Aihphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Mr. William
Brownrigg, Director of Personnel for
the Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion will talk on "Standards for
Evaluating Public Officials in the
Higher Brackets" and there will be
opportunity for discussion.
At the conclusion of the formal pro-
gram. light refreshments will be
All members of the faculty, whether
members of the Association or not,
are cordially invited.
Phi Sigma will meet Wednesday
evening at 8:30 p.m. in the Graduate
Outing Room, Rackham Bldg.
Lois Jotter will speak on the "Chills,
Thrills and Spills in the Colorado
River." Guests invited. Refreshments
1939 Mechanical and Chemical En-
gineers: Mr. T. W. Prior of the Good-
year Tire and Rubber Co. will give a
group talk on the opportunities for
employment with his company, at 9
a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, in Room 348 after
which appointments will be made for
interviews. If you are interested,
please attend this lecture.
Association Fireside: Miss Jean-
nette Perry, Assistant Dean of Wom-
en, will speak on "Italy" at Lane
Hall, Wednesday, 8 p.m.
University of Michigan Flying Club
will have a meeting Wednesday eve-
ning at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan

Union. All members and persons in-
terested are asked to come.
Women Students registered in
Physical Education: Registration for
the indoor season will be held at Bar-
bour Gymnasium, Office 14, on Fri-
day, Nov. 4, 8 to 12, 2 to 5 and on Sat-
urday, Nov. 5 from 8 to 12.
Students interested in taking this
work electively may register any day
during the week of Nov. 7 between the
hours of 8 and 12 and 1:30 to 4:30
p.m. in Office 15 Barbour Gymna-
Ann Arbor Independent Women
can get their tickets for the Assembly
Banquet any afternoon this week in
Miss McCormick's office at the
League. All tickets and money must
be accounted for by Friday,Nov. 4.
There will be a regular meeting of
the Ann Arbor Independents Thurs-
day at 4:30. Tickets for the banquet
can be purchased at that time.
Wives of students and internes are
invited to meet with the Homemaking
group of the Michigan Dames, Wed-
nesday, Nov. 1, at 8 p.m. at the homhe
of Mrs. Alfred H. White, 608 Onon-
daga. Those desiring transportation
should call Mrs. Killinger, 5361.

-Hervie Haufler

ytrachey's View
"I know America well enough-I have been
i the United States five times now, and have
ravelled over it from New York to Los Angeles
nd from Alabama to Maine-not to forget the
ther side of the story. I know a little of the
pecial problems and difficulties that face every
merican who is working for social construction.
ssuredly the struggle to go forward cannot be
asy for the American people. Every step will
e gained by effort and sacrifice alone. The
>rces of reaction are stronger in America, per-


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