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November 01, 1938 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-01

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xtiem1eS iumll1
School Plans,


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University.' Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

above examinations can be had at the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
201 Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12
and 2-4.





TUESDAY, NOV. 1, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 32

Office, Room 100, South
University Hall.



Culture Combined
Special Studies
President Holds

Students should plan their college
programs so that they can specialize
early in their university career and at
the same time obtain a broad cultural
education, President Ruthven told 50
freshmen at a roundtable discussion
held Sunday at Lane Hall under the
auspices of the Student Religious As-
In spite of the fact that education-
al institutions are on the whole bet-
ter than they ever have been in the
history of civilization, he stated, there
are still many difficulties which may
be attributed to both students and
faculty. Two extreme types defeat
the true purpose of education, he ex-
plained. The specialist who is in-
tolerant and narrow, and the advo-
cate of general education who favors
a rigid curriculum embracing many
y subjects.
the best specialist, President Ruth-
yen declared, is one who has a broad
education one who can be sure he
is using his profession for the service
of others as well as himself. Youth
is the time to experiment, since, when
one is older, it is easier to specialize
than to broaden one's culture.
Neither the specialist, nor the stu-
dent "day laborer" who merely plods
along doing his work with no gen-
uine interest is really educated, he
concluded, for an educated man is
one who has his life work well in
mind and at the same time has ob-
tained a broad cultural background.
ROTC Offers
Medical Work
Officer Is Detailed Here
To Train Graduates
Military medical training is now
given to 100 University medical school
students by a newly-organized unit
of the Reserve Officers Training
Col. Leon A. Fox, recently returned
from North China where he was
senior medical officer in the United
States military force, is in command
gf the medical unit. This is the first
year that a full-time officer has been
stationed here to conduct military
All members of this R.O.T.C. unit!
are regular students in the school of
medicine. The training covers a
period of four years in college and
six weeks at a summer camp. Basic
work is offered during the freshman
and sophomore years, and advanced
courses are given to juniors and sen-
Col. Fox asserted in a recent in-
terview that a well-trained medical
corps is one of the most pressing
needs of our national defense. He
explained that in times of quick mo-
bilization the medical corps must be-
gin work immediately in order to con-
duct routine medical examinations of
all recruits and to administer vac-
cines for smallpox, typhoid fever and
other diseases.
Three classes of basic and advanced
work are being taught by Col. Fox.
The preliminary training covers the'
history and organization of the medi
cal corps of the U.S. Army and the
advanced courses deal with preven-
tive medicine. "All practical military
training is given in the summer camp
.session," Col. Fox stated. Members of
the unit do not wear uniforms, and
they do not drill. All the training
is by lectures in the east medical

Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students,
Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Notice to all Members of the
University: The following is an ex-
tract of a by-law of the Regents
(Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9)
which has been in effect since Sep-
tember, 1926:
"It will hereafter be regarded as
contrary to University policy for:
anyone to have in his or her posses-
sion any key to University-buildings
or parts of buildings if such key is
not stamped as provided (i.e. by the
Buildings and Grounds Department).!
If such unauthorized keys are found
the case shall be referred to the Dean
or other proper head of the Univer-
sity division involved for his action
in accordance with this principle.
Any watchman or other proper repre-
sentative of the Buildings and
Grounds Department, or any ean,
department head or other proper
University official shall have the right
Co inspect Keys believed to open
university buildings, at any reason-
able time or place.
" . ..For any individual to order,
have made, or permit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
channels, must be regarded as a spe-
cial and willful disregard of the
safety of University property."
Thea regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
information and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Univer-
sity buildings, doors, or other locks,
contrary to the provisions recited
above, should promptly surrender the
same to tie Key Clerk at the office
of the Department of Buildings
and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith.
Attention University Employees:
Whenever possible charge all per-
sonal long-distance telephone calls
and telegrams placed through the
University telephone system, to your
resident ph'one.
Herbert G. Watkins.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Dean Edmonson Speaks
At Presbyterian Church
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education, delivered the
sermon Sunday at the First Presby-
terian Church in Detoit. His subject
was "The Youth Problem and the
Sunday was the day which all Pres-
byterian churches in the nation de-
voted to the consideration of educa-
tional problems.
Will furnish Music for
your House Party to
fit any budget.
I Dial 3512

Rackham Building: Open every day:
except Sunday from 8 a.m. until 10
p.m. for the use of graduate students
and graduate organizations.
The Bureau of Appointments has
received notice of the following Civil
Service Examinations. Last date for
applications to be accepted is given
in each case.
Food Service Helper, salary $75-90,
Nov. 14, 1938.
Key Drive Calculator Clerk, salary
$95-110, Nov. 13, 1938.
Veterinarian, salary $150-190, Dec.
7, 1938
Attendant Nurse, salary $80-100,
Nov. 21, 1938.
United States:
Airway Traffic Control Operator,
salary $2,000, Nov. 28, 1938.
Principal Industrial Toxicologist,
salary $5,600, Nov. 28, 1938.1
Complete announcements of the1

University Division of the Com-
munity Fund Campaign: The Politi-
cal Science office, 2037 Angell Hall,
is the headq.rters for the University
Division of the Community \Fund
Campaign. Solicitors may leave their
reports in this office at any time be-
tween 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon and 1:30
p.m. and 4:30 p.m. However, it will1
expedite the campaign if daily reports
are filed during the following hours,
when a representative of the Fund
will be on duty in 2037 Angell Hall:
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 3-4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 2, 3-4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 3, 3-4:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 4. 3-4:30 p.m.
Michigan Wolverine: The Personnel
Competition committee has selected
James Gribble for the position of As-
sistant Treasurer, but no final selec-
tions have as yet been made for men
to fill vacancies in the other jobsin
the Treasurer's Office. Results of the

final selections will appear in this
Bulletin within a few days.
The Lecture on "Clifford Odets" by
Professor Rowe at the Hillel Founda-
tion has been indefinitely postponed.
Interfraternity Ball Tickets avail-
able at the Union Travel desk from
3 to 6 each evening.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after Saturday, Nov. 5, by students
other than freshmen will be recorded
E. Freshmen (students with less
than 24 hours of credit) may drop
courses without penalty through the
eighth week. Exception may be
made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long continued ill-
E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean.
Students, College of Engineering:
This is the final week for dropping
courses without record. Signatures
of classifiers and instructors should
be obtained before Saturday, Nov. 5.
A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean and
Course on Marriage Relations: A

_ ___



Neatly *Laundered
For nly1*@
the Student Bundle
fCRISP, CLEAN SHIRTS are the first requisite of neat
personal appearance of the well - dressed University
man. And at this low price, you cannot afford to go the
least unkempt.
Not only is the saving available on shirts, but on ALL
your laundry. We strongly suggest that you use the Student
"ROUGH DRY" Bundle, in which Shirts, Handkerchiefs,
and Socks are completely finished to please the most criti-




cal .

Underwear and Pajamas are washed and folded

: .

t --n Speed
St10 words per minute)
n Permanent Quieting
S metal-to-metal silencing)
in Length of Writing Line
St (noobstructions, end to end)
St -in Dust Protection
(most complete cover protection)
1 t i Stability
St alanced construction)
(chrome and crystalline finish)

ready for wear-all at the modest rate of ten cents per
pound, with charges for extra finished laundry marked ac-
Why pay for delivery charges alone in express to your
home when it costs only a few cents more to make use of
this highly satisfactory service.

1n Stenographer Acceptance
"57T s - inSharp, Clean Typing
1sh-arper type, cleaner printing)
$t - n Resale Value
(this means low depreciation)
1t- in Sturdy Construction
(pressed steel framework plus a
solid body-mask)
-W YY t~ U d E


Phone 4185

Phone 9495
White Swan Laundry

2 Suits t
3 Shirts



Pairs of Socks
Bath Towels

Las -- rearvur unaer
ast (hard usage, Royal Portable
"take it")


1 pair Pajamas II1111


Mla - u mft 4 a -Am -

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