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October 26, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-26

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Student Senate's Recent PR Election
Analyzed In DetailBy Ex-Director




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the -authority of the Board in Control of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Vs. Ma . ..
Gov. Frank Murphy, speaking to a
packed audience in the North Lounge, defended
his application of the rule of reason in the settle-
ment of the sit-down strikes of 1937 and pro-
claimed, his determination never to use the
power vested in him in "spilling blood and taking
lives." He ~pointed out that in the face of a
clamoring press, whose greatest single source of
advertising revenue was the industrialist in
Detroit, he had insisted that the ominous dif-
ferences of capital and labor be settled by
"perserverance in the conference room" rather
than by "bullets, night-sticks, bayonets and
poison gas."
Democracy, the Governor said, demands that
men live by reason. And he might have added
that the exaltation of ruthless force has made
a mockery of equalitarianism. It has held up
for our admiration as the Makers of America the
unprincipled individualists who exploited the
natural and human wealth of the land to slake
their personal greed and almost succeeded in
stifling the liberty that now makes a rebirth of
equality of opportunity a new and throbbing
possibility. But so long has money held its sway,
so. long have we looked up to the gods of the
financial world, that the challenging of their
ability and desire to drive the nation forward
for the benefit of all is incomprehensible and
even fearful for the great middle class.
America today faces fear. The nation is moving
in a direction that some cannot understand and
others refuse to comprehend. And ignorance is
the stamping ground of terror.
The brutality of a machine society and the
monotonous, heart-rending-toil of mss produc-
tion evoked a powerful protest that has revitalized
organized labor, swept four million neglected
workmen into effective industrial unions and
cemented the foundation for a mass political
movement that threatens to do more than merely
counterbalance the moneyed power that has di-
rected American government, with few exceptions,
since the Civil War. But that protest, taking
its first effective form in the sit-down strikes of
Michigan, was not a revolt against the machine.
None, perhaps, could more intimately realize
than the automobile workers of Michigan that
their futures, their very lives were tied inseparably
to industrial progress. This revolt was against
the conditions that made labor at the assembly
line humanly unbearable. And the workingman's
resentment was given heat by his awakening to
the fact that individually he was helpless, but
that collectively the workmen of America could
exercise a decisive influence on their destiny.
The complex, but integrated social sructure
built by the machine upon the basis of private
property and individual gain is a hard fact. But
the new labor movement and industrial unionism
are equally hard and inescapable realities. Those
like Circuit Judge Gadola. to whom the Governor
referred in his speech, who refuse to recognize
the new and ever-changing situation brought
about by the collision of property rights and
human right to a decent living are hopelessly out
of joint with the times.
There are men who extol the brutality of Har

spectators finally straggled out of
the Union at five a.m. last Saturday morning, the
second experiment of a campus-wide Propor-
tional Representation election had been success-
fully concluded. Last March, the first selection
of members to the newly-organized Student
Senate was conducted along the lines of the Hare
system of Choice Voting, and some 1700 students'
participated. Last week nearly 2100 voted to select
sixteen members (one-half the total member-
ship) of the Senate and next March the remain-
ing places will become vacant for the second,
semester election.
Of the 2106 ballots cast last week, only thirteen,
an insignificant number, were discarded as im-
properly marked, 2093 being separated as to
the first choices marked upon them. The number
of first choice votes for the sixty candidates run-
ning ranged from one to ninety-one, but no one
received the quota of 130, obtained by dividing
the total valid vote-2093-by the number of
positions to be filled. In the balloting last March
five of the 32 seats then filled were won on first
choice votes alone, the quota at that time being
only 53.
Ballots Are Separated
Having separated all valid ballots into 60
separate bundles, each containing the first
choice votes of one of the candidates, the election
judges then declared defeated the lowest candi-
date and transferred the single vote he received
to the second choice marked on his lone ballot.
This process of dropping the lowest candidate and
shifting his vote to the second choice as repre-
sented on his various ballots is done in the
presumption that the voter, seeing that it would
be impossible to elect his first choice, would then
prefer to have his ballot used to help his second
choice. Each of these eliminations involves a
separate count and by the ninth count the votes
of eight low candidates had been transferred to
the second choices on their various ballots. How-
ever, since all these eliminated candidates had
only a few votes each, the transfer of their votes
made no appreciable change in the standings of
the candidates after the first count, namely, the
sorting of ballots according to the first choices
marked on them. On the tenth count the thirteen
votes cast for Peter Carter were transferred since
he at that time was the lowest of the remaining
candidates, and of these seven went to Richard
Jeffreys, the first substantial shift to take place,
raising Jeffreys' total from 54 to 61. The eleventh
count shifted ten of James Grace's thirteen votes
to his brother, Ted, and started the latter on a
long spree of collecting ballot transfers that fin-
ally led to his election. The next half-dozen
counts, involving the elimination of candidate
Gram, Goodman, Abbot, Long and Piecewicz
produced no substantial changes, the second
choices on their ballots being scattered amongst
a large number of would-be Student Senators.
How 18th Transfer Went
With the transfer of Fred Pearce's 21 votes
James Tobin received again of sixteen, his name
being marked as second choice on that number
of Pearce's ballots, and Phil Whittemore ob-
tained eighteen of the 23 votes shifted by the -
elimination of D. Philip Clark on the next fol-
lowing transfer. The defeat of Jack Canavan,
Conservative, on the twentieth count gave nine
of his 23 ballots to his running mate, Ben F.
Munn, but the transfers of Irving Fox, Anand
Kelkar, and Walter Stebens showed only scat-
tering changes, save that nine of Stebens' twen-
ty-seven votes went to John P. O'Hara, a Student
Senator seeking re-election.
Bernard Dober was the first candidate in the
Liberal Coalition to be dropped and two-thirds
of his votes went to other candidates running on
the same ticket. On the twenty-fourth count
John Hulbert's total was raised to 108 by the addi-
tion of twenty ballots from the thirty-one dis-
tributed upon the defeat of Robert O. Bush; on
the twenty-fifth, half of Paul Johnson's 33 ballots
went to Edward Hutchens; on the twenty-sixth 22
of Jack Sullivan's 33 were transferred to Harry
Sonneborn's pile; on the twenty-seventh Alberta
Wood picked up 21 of the 35 re-shifted when
Barbara Bradfield was dropped; on the twenty-
eighth Edward Macal's 35 ballots were trans-
ferred to a number of candidates, O'Hara getting
six and John Goodeel eight.

Hidlkey's Votes 'Non-Effective'
The 36 votes for John Mulkey showed the first
large number of "non-effective" ballots, that is,
ballots on which only a very few choices were
marked and which, after all the marked choices
had been defeated, were set aside as no longer
effective to any candidate. There were in all
344 of these non-transferable votes among the
2093 cast; in other words, 1749 voters saw one or.
more of their choices actually elected.
Of Mulkey's 36 votes 22 fell into the non-effec-
tive class and the- remainder were scattered
among several Senatorial candidates..The thirti-
eth count gave Miss Wood her second large gain,
fifteen going to her on the distribution of Jack
Cooper's 37 votes.
With the race narrowed down to 31 candidates
and with the number of votes involved in each
transfer becoming steadily larger, each shift be-
came more significant in determining the final
result of the election. Of Lichtenstein's 38 votes,
transferred on the 31st count, almost half went
from the "Co-Op" candidate to Jack Sessions,
Socialist, and MacDonald's 41 ballots, while scat-
tered amongst a large group of candidates, gave
ten more votes to Whittemore. The transfer of
Carl Wheeler's 44 votes gave sizeable gains to
Tobin (nine), Ted Grace (eight), and Hulbert
to gouge out his eyes, if his voice is shouted down
by an unreasoning press, then look out!

(eight), but Cecile Franking's 47 total showed
a scattering among nearly all candidates when
transferred on the thirty-fourth count.
Liberal Party's Votes Solid
Jack Laro was the second of the Liberal Coali-
tion to be eliminated but only sixteen of his 49
votes went to the other Coalition candidates;
alternatively, eighteen votes of Laro'e total went
to William Kramer. The ballots of the next three
persons dropped-Robert Prasil (52 votes), Betty
Sorenson (56), and Ben Munn (58) showed little
concentration of support, the shifts being scat-
tered throughout the whole group of continuing
candidates, but the thirty-ninth count showed
a very large gain for Whittemore, who raised his
total to 108 by taking 35 of Hugh Estes' 63 votes.
The dropping of Grier, Progressive Coalition
candidate, sent 21 of his 68 votes to Sonneborn
and 15 to Ethel Norberg, both of whom were
running on the same ticket. This count, the for-
tieth, showed that Hulbert had amassed a total
of 83 first choice votes and 46 transfer votes,
giving him 129, just short of the quota of 130.
Perlman, who led the whole field of sixty candi-
dates as far as firsts alone were concerned, had
picked up 32 transfers for a total of 123, seven
short of the quota. With a large number of non-
effective ballots piling up because of the inexperi-
ence of voters with the P.R. system and their
neglect to mark more than two or three choices,
it was obvious that not all the elected members
would reach the full quota, and that the next few
eliminations would determine which 16 candi-
dates would hold Senate seats for the coming
year. With 16 places to fill no more than five
more transfers could take place, for after the
forty-fifth count only 16 candidates would be
left in the running, that is, only just enough to
fill the number of posts open. Therefore, after
this forty-fifth count, even though not all those
(Continued on Page 6)
Ii' eew flo Me
illeywood Broun
Some American newspapermen were being
taken on a trip along the British front in 1917.
The English major who was our mentor paused
as we were about to enter a village back of the
line and said, "We are now
coming into a sector held by
the Australians. I hope you
gentlemen will attach no
significance to the fact that
nobody is going to salute me.
They don't even salute their
own officers." And later, of
course, we all heard the
familiar story of the Austral-
ian major general who pleaded with his men,
Don't any of you lunkheads call me 'Bill' when
the commander comes." s
These, of course, are onl* straws in the wind,
but I do mean to say that the Australians and
the New Zealanders got along mighty well in a
military way without the creation of an office
caste. Indeed, it would be only fair to add that
both Canada and the United States functioned
brilliantly with a minimum of brass hats. As far
as the American army was concerned, this may
have been due in part to well-laid plans, but to
some extent there was one advantage in our
unpreparedness. We had to create our officers
out of a cross-section of the country. But the
Bryan formula of springing up over night was
outmoded then, and now it would be impossible.
America Should Arm.
Embattled squirrel shooters may hold a bridge,
but you can't toss them into airplanes without
training. I am convinced that America should
arm, and even if I were not I know it as sure as
shooting that America is going to arm. And so
we should immedately turn to the well-informed
and ask them to answer the query:-"How can
we build up an effective fighting machine and
at the same time avoid the undoubted dangers

which lie in the creation of a military caste?"
I am aware that young men from the ranks
of the humble can go to Annapolis and West
Point, but I am under the impression that a
small percentage of the students at those insti-_
tutions come from families in the lower brackets.
And I know that one of our well-known aviators
is the son of Charles A. Lindbergh, the famous
Farm-Labor leader of Minnesota. But I also know
that if the elder Lindbergh were alive today he
would have been summoned by Representative
Dies to St. Paul right now to be heckled ,on
"subversive activities."
It seems to me that one of the first steps we
should take to insure the creation of a national
fighting machine would be to turn the CCC
camps into academies where the recruits from
"one-third of the nation" can be trained not
only in military drill but given courses to fit
the most promising to take examinations for
West Point and Annapolis. And surely we should
do away with the injustice of asking Negroes to
serve in units where there are practically no
officers of their own race.
Pacifism Badly Shattered
A year or so ago I imagine that almost every
liberal felt that it would be monstrous to introduce
military training into CCC camps. Now I think
liberals will be foolish if they do not see the
necessity. Within the month the theory of

By Roy Heath
There is something about seeing
someone you know, someplace where
you don't expect to see him, that
makes people very friendly and en-
thusiastic in their greetings. This is
especially true if they happen to spy
you a long way from home. Now I
have nothing against people being
friendly or even enthusiastic towards
me if they feel like it, but it happens
so seldom that I am always taken
by surprise and often feel like grab-
bings the best overcoat in the place
and running. "Anything to escape" is
my motto, even if I have to take my
own overcoat.
Just such a situation overtook me
during the course of my travels over
the weekend. I was sitting in a place
called Dutchland between New Haven
and New York, annoying a corpse-like
waffle when who should spot me but
a girl I know from Ann Arbor. She
started out well enough, acting as
though she was glad to see me and all
that. But then she started to asking
me questions. "How did you get here,
when did you get here and what are
you doing here?" she wanted to
Well, catching me unprepared as it
did, I couldn't remember for the life
of me how I got there or when I got
there and I had been wondering my-
self why I got there. Consequently, I
just sat there and looked guilty. Yes,
guilty. I can't say just why I looked
guilty. I haven't stolen a chicken in,
let's see, six months and even if I
did take part of that Yaleie's beer, I
didn't take it all because he came
back too soon. Besides, he took my
Smith girl and I figured part of his
beer evened things somewhat. Any-
way, I looked guilty.
The girl, a Kappa, was with some
big blond fellow who acted as though
he thought I was followingh hisdate
around. He also acted as though he
could fix me so I wouldn't be follow-
ing anyone else around. The other
customers eyed me as if I were a biga-
mist or a Mormon, then went back to
their suppers and one old lady in the
booth behind me said, "He ought to
be ashamed of himself." The waiter
was just on the point of asking my
Kappa friend if she would like to
have me thrown out, when she left
so he just brought me some cold
coffee and wouldn't let me have any
more butter. In short, I felt like a
cigar butt in a wedding cake and
the next time I go traveling, I am
going to wear a beard and some old
water goggles I have at home.
If any of you good people have
been rejoicing under the misappre-;
hension that The Flying Trapeze had
been thumbed out of the pages ofd
The Daily just because it hasn't beenI
in for the last three or four days, you
might as well forget it. I just repaired
to a rustic little village in Connecticut
for a few days rest. A man has his,
health to think of. It was a beautiful
place, that town of New Haven, but
I can't, with a clear conscience, rec-
ommend it as the ideal spot to put in
a week-end of resting up. Too many
Yale men.
After prowling around New HavenE
for the better part of a night in search1
of peace and quietude, during which
time I fell in with certain malcontents
bent, as it seemed, on their own and
my befuddlement, I gave it up as a
bad job and retreated to a pictur-
esque Dutch island down the Atlantict
coast a piece. There was nothing
particularlydsoothing about the sur-
roundings down there either so Ii
came home.

Early Chinese
Pottery Shownl
it Art School
A group of 1500 year old figurines,
flown to this country from HFong
Kong by ' the China Clipper, form
part of, an exhibition of Early Chinese
Pottery which will be open in the
School of Architecture until Nov. 5.
Miss Barbara Tinker, '34, acquireda
them in the Ssu-C'huan Province and1
carried them overland to Indo China
and Hong Kong.
The exhibition, which was held last
summer in connection with the Insti-
tute of Far Eastern Studies, has been
reopened withhseveral changes and
additions for the benefit of delegates
to a conference of the American Cera-
mics Society being held at Dearborn
Oct. 23 to 25. Among these additions
are a jar of the T'ang Dynasty, coated
with a rare lead glaze, a mould with a
deep cut design, actually a potter's
tool, and a bowl of the Sung period
made from a. similar mould.
pacifists here or abroad? Some have
even suggested thatrthe best plan is
to say nothing and let Fascism run its
course. If that is the best the disciples
of peace through unpreparedness have
to offer, then I say again we must

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 27t
Senate Reception: Since no indi-
vidual invitations are being sent,
this is a cordial invitation to all mem-
'bers of the teaching staff and their
wives to be present at the Senate Re-
ception to new members of the facul-
ties on Wednesday evening, Oct. 26,
in the ballroom of the Michigan
Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception
will take place from 8:30 to 10 o'clock,
after which there will be dancing
from 10 to 12. It is especially hoped
that new teaching fellows and in-
structors may be present and the
chairmen of departments are asked
to be of assistance in bringing this
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
versity buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. In the last five years,
15 of the total of 50 fires reported, or
30 per cent, were caused by cigarettes
or lighted matches. To be effective,
the rule must necessarily apply to
bringing lighted tobacco into ; or
through University buildings and to
the lighting of cigars, cigarette, and
pipes within buildings-including
such lighting just previous to going
outdoors. Within the last few years
a serious fire was started at the exit
from the Pharmacology building by
the throwing of a still lighted match
into refuse waiting removal at the
doorway. If the rule is to be enforced
at all its enforcement must begin at
the building entrance. Further, it
is impossible that the rule should be
enforced with one class of persons if
another class of persons disregards it.
It is a disagreeable and thankless
task to "enforce" almost any rule.
This rule against the use of tobacco
within buildings is perhaps the most
thankless and difficult of all, unless
it has the winning support of every-
one concerned. An appeal is made to
all persons using the University build-~
ings-staff members, students and
others-to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protect
University buildings against fires.
This statement is inserted at the
request of the Conference of Deans.
Shirley W. Smith.
Attention University Employees:I
Whenever possible charge all per-t
sonal long-distance telephone callsj
and telegrams placed through theI
University telephone system, to your
resident phone.-
Herbert G. Watkins.
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due Oct.
29 in the Academic Counselors' Office
108 Mason Hall.
Rackham Building: Open every day
except Sunday from 8 a.m. until 10
p.m. for the use of graduate students
and graduate organizations.
Choral Union Members. Members
of the University Choral Union in good'
standing who call personally will be
given pass tickets for the Lawrence
Tibbett concert, between the hours of
10 and 12, and 1 and 4, Thursday,
Oct. 27, at the School of Music of-
fice. Tickets will only be given to
those who call in person, and after
4 o'clock no tickets will be given out.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German.
Value $40.00. Open to all undergrad-
uate students in German of distinctly
American training. Will be awarded

on the results of a three-hour essay
competition to be held under depart-
mental supervision in the latter half
of March, 1939 (exact date to be an-
nounced two weeks in advance).
Contestants must satisfy the Depart-
ment that they have done their read-
ing in German. The essay may be
written in English or German. Each
contestant will be free to choose his
own subject from a list of at least 30
offered. The list will cover five chap-
ters in the development of German
literature from 1750 to 1900, each of
which will be represented by at least
six subjects. Students who wish to
compete must be taking a course in
German (32 or above) at the time of
the competition. They should register
and obtain directions as soon as pos-
sible at the office of the German de-
l partment, 204 University Hall.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations for
Teachers for Indian schools--in In-
dian Reservations including Alaska-
in the following branches: science,
agriculture, social sciences, language
and literature, music, home econom-
ics, art, rural merchandising, adult

Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 11 :00 a.m. on Saturday.

the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation. 201 Mason Hall. Of-
fice hours: 9-12; 2-4.
Summer Work: Jewish men inter-
ested in acting as camp counselor in
a Connecticut camp this summer, re-
port to the University Bureau of Ap
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall. Men ex-
perienced in handling young boys pre-
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation. 201 Mason Hall. Of-
fice hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
* Independent men interested in rep-
resenting their Congress District on
the Sports, Social, Activities, Welfare,
or Bulletin committees, please notify
your District President immediately.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education. Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or Summer Session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up and reported to this
office by Oct. 26. Students wishing
an extension of time should file a
petition addressed to the appropriate
official in their school with Room
4 U.H., where it will be transmitted.
Organ Recitals. Palmer Christian,
University organist, will give a series
of four recitals on the Frieze Mem-
orial Organ in Hill Auditorium to
which the public is invited without
admission charge, at 4:15 o'clock, on
the following Wednesdays: Oct. 26,
Nov. 2, Nov. 9 and Nov. 16. Students
and the general public are invited,
but are respectfully requested to be
seated on time as the doors will be
closed during numbers.
Choral Union Concerts. Lawrence
Tibbett, baritone, assisted by Stewart
Wille, pianist, will open the Choral
Union Concert Series Thursday eve-
ning at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditori-
um. Doors open at 7:45. A limited
number of season tickets and tickets
for individual concerts are available
at the office of the School of Music.
The Hill Auditorium box office will be
open at 7:30 p.m. Thursday evening
at 7 o'clock.
An Exhibition of Early Chinese
Pottery: Originally held in conjunc-
tion with the Summer Institute of
Far Eastern Studies, now re-opened
by special request with alterations
and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At
the College of Architecture. Daily
(excepting Sundays) 9 to 5.
Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibitior.: 16th
Annual Ann Arbor 'Artists' Exhibi-
tion, held under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association, in the
Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Daily 2-5 p.m., through Oct. 26.
University Lectures: Dr. Albert
Charles Chibnall, Professor of Bio-
chemistry at Imperial College of Sci-
ence and Technology, Universityof
London, will give the following lec-
tures: under the auspices of the De-
partment of Biochemistry:
Nov. 4, 4:15 p.m., Amphitheatre,
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies, ;The Preparation and
Chemistry of the Proteins of Leaves."
Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m., Room 303 Chem-
istry Building, "The Application of
X-rays to the Study of the Long
Chain Components of Waxes.
Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem-
istry Building, "Criticism of Methods
of Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins.

This lecture is especially designed for
those interested in the analytical
chemistry of proteins.
University Lecture: Dr. Marvin R.
Thompson, Director of Warner In-
stitute for Therapeutic Research
(formerly Professor of Pharmacology
at the University of Maryland) will
lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar-
macology of Ergot" on Thursday,
Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 165
Chemistry Building, under the auspi-
ces of the College of Pharmacy. The
public is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: Dr. George W. Crane
of the psychology department, North-
western University, will speak on "A
Psychoanalysis of Jouzrnalism," in
the amphitheatre of the Rackham
building, Thursday, Oct. 27, at 2
p.m., under the auspices of the
University Press Club of Michigan.
The University public is invited to
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School will speak on "Law as a Pro-
fession" in the first of the 1938-39
Vocational Guidance Lectures. The
lecture will be held in the small ball-
room of the Union on Thursday. Oct.

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