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October 26, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-26

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Warmer today, tomorrow gen.
erally fair, cooler.


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VOL. XLIX. No. 27




- I

F.D.R. Labels
Dies' Inquiry
'Election Tool'
In Heated Talk
House Committee Accused
Of Attempt To Influence
President Defends
Murphy's Position
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 - (P) -
President Roosevelt came to the de-
fense of Gov. Frank Murphy of
Michigan tonight against charges of
"treason" levelled at the Governor
by witnesses before the House Com-
mittee on UnAmerican Activities.
And in doing so, M. Roosevelt took
occasion to give the Committee a
severe dressing down, which included
an accusation that it had let itself
be "used in a flagrantly unfair at-
tempt to influence an election," and
had "made no effort to get at the
Merely Provides Forum
"Most fair-minded Americans," said
the President, "hope that the Com-
mittee will abandon the practice of
merely providing a forum to those
who for political purposes or other-
wise, seek headlines which they could
not otherwise obtain."
Mr. Roosevelt referred specifically
to testimony of last Friday by Judge
Paulfy. Gadola of a Michigan Circuit
Court and John Barringer, former
City Manager of Flint, that Murphy
had prevented the execution of a writ
for the ejection of automobile sit-
down strikers and had failed to give
the city needed assistance. Barringer
called the Governor's actions "treas-
On the contrary, the President said
in a formal statement, Murphy by
"painstaking and statesmanlike ef-
forts," broughlt about a settlement of
the strike without bloodshed or the
use of force, which "elicited the com-7
mendation of all the important motor'
mnanufacturers -involved;" .
Y M.. ty Perkins Accused
The cher 1xecutve's statement
was issued at the close of a day which
saw the committee receive testimony
accusing Secretary Perkins of the
Labor Department of "dereliction of
duty" for not pursuing a more vigor-
ous course in the deportation of Com-
munist aliens; and a suggestion that
impeachment proceedings were in or-
der. The witnesses were Harper
Knowles and Ray E. Nimmo, of the
Radical Research Committee of the
Amnerican' egion in California.
They also told the Committee that
Communists had organized agricultur-
al and cannery workers of California
for the purpose of tying up food1
supplies at a time of general strike;
or revolution, and that Communists;
were working in the schools andj
among the professional groups in
Annual Press
Club Meeting
To Open Here
Dr. Crane Will Address
Meeting; Round-Table,
Forum To BeHighlights

At the120th annual meetings of the
University Press Club in the Rackham
Building tomorrow afternoon, Dr.
George W. Crane of Northwestern
University will deliver an address on
"A Psychoanalysis of Journalism."
Tomorrow morning will be devoted
to registering the guests from various
parts of the state. The convention
will officially be opened with an ad-
dress from the president, J. S. 'Gray
of the Monroe Evening News.
The evening banquet will be ad-
dressed by President Ruthven. Dr.i
C. S. Yoakum, dean of the graduate,
school, will act as toastmaster.
Friday will be devoted to such high-
lights on the program as the Euro-
pean News Forum in which represen-
tatives of the leading press associa-
tions and broadcasting companies will
participate, and the farm market;
round table.
Michigan Lawyer
Honored In Bronze

Acting Receives Polish At Daily RehearsalsI

-Daily Photo by Botwinik
If Elmer Rice came to Ann Arbor, he'd find these five students casting
for his famous "Counselor-at-Law" which comes here the week of Nov. 6.
From left to right they are: Stephen Filipiak, '39, Margery Soenksen,
'39, Mary P. Jordan, '41, Myron Wallace, '39, and Ellen Rothblatt, '39.
Counselor-at-Law' Takes Shape
A mid Confusion Of Lab Theatre,


Opening Show Is Nov. 6;
Miss Pierce Reveals Need
Of Modernized Facilities
Amidst the general disarray of the
Laboratory Theatre "Counselor-at-I
Law," written by Pulitzer Prize-win-
ner Elmer Rice, is beginning to take
shape slowly for presentation by Play
Production the week of Nov. 6 at the
Lydia Menedlssohn Theatre.
The amateur actors, under the
direction of Prof. Valentine Windt of
of the speech department are still
going through the laborious process
of casting andas soon as it is com-
pleted the schedule will be speeded
upto get the famous play into shape
on time.
Rehearsals will be held afternoon
and evenings and on the week-ends
the group will work doubly 'hard.

Initial Coffee


H o ur Proves
Huge Success:
Dean Bates Of Law School
Will Present An Address
At Thursday's Meeting
The first of this year's series of
Union Coffee Hours was held at 4:30
p.m. yesterday in the small ballroom
of the Union, and was pronouncedr
a success by James Halligan, '40,
Union social chairman.
The Coffee Hours this year are to
be held twice each week, on Tuesdays
and Thursday, instead of every week-
day, as was the custom last year,
Halligan said.
The Thursday afternoon programs
will be in the form of vocational
information lectures, to be delivered
by heads of departments and deans
of schools in the University, who will
discuss salient features of their own
particular fields of interest. Tomor-
row's speaker will be Dean Henry M.
Bates of the law school, according to
Don Treadwell, '40, Union orientation
chairman, who is in charge of the
The programs will include a discus-
sion period following each lecture,
Treadwell said.
Iowa University
Football Players
Termed 'Polite'
IOWA CITY, Oct. 25.-(A) - The
threatened showdown between the
University of Iowa football team and
editors of The Daily Iowan, student
newspaper, failed to jn'aterialize at
the football practice tonight.
It was learned that John Mooney,
editor of the Iowan, and Jack Eich-
erly, captain of the football team,
had been called together for a con-
ferenceeduring the afternoon by Karl
Leib, chairman of the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics at the University.
Following the conference Eicherly
requested the squad to 'lay off' Moon-
ey and Dennis Sullivan, sports editor
of the Iowan, and both men were un-
molested at the practice.

"They know what they are in for
ahead of time," Miss Sally Pierce, of
the speech department, said, "And'
they take it good naturedly."
"Counselor-at-Law" was chosen in
accordance with Play Productio'n's
policy Hof producing only the best
plays. Ann Arbor citizens form a
difficult audience, Miss Pierce said,
and we have to select our plays care-
The obstacles facing the group are;
a lot worse than outsiders imagine,
Miss Pierce said. The chief obstacle is
the "desperate" need of a new labor-
atory theatre. The present building
has been condemned as a firetrap but
it is the only quarters for Play Pro-
duction as well as stagecraft classes.
When the hammering tumult of build-;
ing sets subsides for a moment, the
clattering of the ancient pipes in the;
building starts and keeps the young
dramatists in a state of confusion.
Despite these trials and tribulations,
Play Production points proudly to its
record. "The play has always gone,"
said Miss Pierce in true theatrical
fashion, "despite our many handi-
Immortalized on the screen by John
Barrymore, and on the New York
stage by Paul Muni, "Counselor-at-
Law" received an ovation at the time
of its' first appearance by every well-
known critic. The group expects it
to be a fine vehicle for their talents
as well as an interesting play for
Fund Campaign
Plans Completed
More Than 300 Expected
To Attend Dinner
Final plans for the Ann Arbor Com-
munity Fund dinner tomorrow at
the Michigan League have been com-
pleted, according to Evrett R. Hames,
director of the fund. The committee
in charge of the dinner are expecting
more than 300 to attend.
.The principal speaker of the eve-
ning will be Howard A. Coffin, of1
Detroit, president of the White Star
Refining Company. Mr. Coffin has
been an active worker in the cam-
paigns of the Detroit Community
Fund for the past several years.
William M. Laird, campaign director
of the local community fund, will pre-
side at the meeting, and Franklin
C. Forsythe, president of the Ann
Arbor Community Fund board of
directors, will speak on behalf of the
"Anyone may come to the dinner.
explained Mr. Everett, "but it would
help us if they would first make
reservations by phoning the commun-
ity fund office. The dinner will be
from 6 to 8 p.m. and will not inter-
fere in the plans of those who are
attending the Choral Union concert
the same evening."
Progressives Elect
New Officers Today
The significance of the state elec-
tions will be discussed by a faculty
member, a student and a representa-
tive of labor, and officers for the year
will be elected at an open meeting of
the Progressive Club to be held at 7:30
p.m. today at the Michigan League.
Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the political

Fire Menacing
German Liner
Under Control
591 Passengers On Board;
Five Liners, Coast Guard
Rush To Aid Deutchlaiid
350 Americans Are
Reported On Board
NEW YORK, Oct. 25.-(/P)-Fire
sweeping below decks of the German
liner "Deutschland" imperilled the
lives of 1,000 persons tonight in a
North Atlantic storm off Newfound-
land before it was controlled.
After a frightening two hours of
fire-fighting, the captain radioed the
Associated Press this laconic mes-
"Fire under control!"
Other ships were racing through
the dark gale-whipped waters 200
miles southeast of Cape Race to her
assistance, answering calls frantical-
ly seeking help in the ship's dire need.
Aboard the big ship were 591 pas-
sengers and about 400 crew members.
Included among the passengers were
350 Americans.
Five passenger liners swung swift-
ly from their courses to go to the
burning ships' aid. United States
Coastguard cutters from as far dis-
tant as Boston, 700 miles away, and
New London, Conn., put out to sea.
Heavy seas and rains buffeted both
the beleaguered liner and the ships
offering succor.
Off Newfoundland-the Deutsch-
land reported her position as 200 miles
southeast of Cape Race-a south-
easter was raging. High, choppy
waves were batting the ship as she
fought for her life in the night.
Capt. Karl Steincke, the Deutsch-
land's veteran master, sent out his
first alarm at 6:22 p.m. (EST).
There had been an explosion in a
compartment of number two hold.
Flames and smoke swept upward in
a sudden blast. The ship's fire squads
rushed into the battle.
Above, the passengers were in the
cocktail lounges, t dinner, dancing.
The crew's first attack on the fire
failed. The fRimeĀ° s adly spread,
Captain Steincke ordered every avail-
able sailor into the fight.
Strike 'Ties. Up
Dorm Project
Wreckers Quit; Charging
Non-Union Labor Hired
Thirty-eight employees of the Capi-
tol City Wrecking Co. engaged in
razing houses on the site of the pro-
posed Union dormitory addition went;
on strike Monday in protest against
violations by the company of PWA
rules governing construction.
Thomas Keating, representative of
the Washtenaw County Building and
Construction Trades Union, alleged
last night that the company, a Lan-
sing concern, had employed non-
Union labor in violation of its con-
tract with the Union. Keating said
that PWA rules of construction pro-
cide that a 40-hour work week be
observel. He declared that last Satur-
day the company employed non-
Union labor when Union men refused
to work more than the 40-hour re-

Woollcott Says
Dewey Makes
'Fine Attorney'
Alexander Woollcott thinks Michi-
gan graduate Tom Dewey is a fine
district attorney. In fact he feels so
deeply about the matter that he's
going back'to New York next week to
make his only radio address of the
fall on the subject.
But while he believes Dewey to be
an excellent district attorney, Wooll-
cott doesn't think he's at all the man
for the governorship of New York
state. And that's what he's going to
tell his audience.
Granting a brief interview before
the inevitable autograph seekers and
awe-struck onlookers managed to
fight their way backstage, Woollcott
evaded other questions ' to give his
views about Dewey.
When he was asked what half-dozen
or so books, of the multitude he has
perused, should prove most stimulat-
ing to the college reader, the man
who made informal story telling a
lucrative profession wasn't quite sure.
For a moment he considered the
question, cigarette in one hand and
glass of water in the other. Then he
smiled, "The Woollcott Reader.",
Adult Education
lInstitute M e e t s

Dr. McClusky Will Speak
At Conference Opening
In Rackham Building
The ninth annual Parent Education
Institute, sponsored by the University
Extension Service in cooperation with
the education school and the Michi-
gan Congress of Parents and Teach-
ers, will open Wednesday, Nov. 2, it
was announced yesterday by Dr.
Charles A. Fisher, director of the ex-
tension service.
Dr. Howard Y. McClusky of the edu-
cation school will deliver the first
speech of the institute, at 10:30 a.m.
Nov. 2. He will speak on "The Signi-
ficance of Youth-Adult Relations' for
Parent Education." His talk will be
preceded by a conference of lay
readers in parent education, presided
over by Mrs. H. '. Mallory, University
Hospital social worker.
Other speakers in the Institute,
which lasts until Saturday, Nov. 5,
include Mrs. J. K. Pettengill, president
of the National Congress of Parents
and Teachers; Winifred Fisher, execu-
tive director of the New York Adult,
Education Council, Inc.; Prof. Jay B.
Nash of New York University; and
Miss Edith Bader, assistant superin-
tendent .of the Ann Arbor public
Mimes Lay Plans
For New Operetta
All members of Mimes, men's hon-
orary dramatics society, are required
to attend a special meeting for the
discussion of final plans for the new
operetta, at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Union. All men who 'submitted music
or scripts should also be present.
More than 50 complete scripts, sub-
mitted to Max Hodge, '39, president
of Mimes, have been incorporated in-
to that of the new review, "Most Un-
usual Weather." Its production in
December will by the first sponsored
by Mimes since 1935.

Here Nov.


Razed By Flames,
Hankow Defenses
Fall As Japs Nea

Band Features
Alumni Medley
Here Saturday
"Michigan On Parade," a new
march written by Carl M. King, presi-
dent of the American Bandmasters
Association, will be dedicated to Prof.
William D. Revelli and the University
of Michigan Band at the Illinois foot-
ball game Saturday.
Mr. King has composed a plethora
of famous marches, a group of which
will be played in his honor Saturday,
he University homecoming. The band
has planned a special program for
the football crowd featuring in par-
ticular a "Homecoming Medley" in
honor of the many alumni who will be
present in the stadium. Part of the
performance which received such tre-
mendous acclaim from the eastern
newspapers on the band's recent trip
to the Yale Bowl will be repeated for
the benefit of the Michigan stud ts.
Highlights on the program will be
the "Star Medley," Mr. King's march,'
"Pride of the Illini," to be played in
tribute to Coach Zuppke of Illinois,
and a new group of intricate forma-
tions which are being kept secret until
the half of the gridiron battle Satur-
Union Concert
Is Tomorrow,
Lawrence Tibbett Sings;
Perforinance Marks His
Third' Appearance Here
Lawrence Tibbett, who has just
completed a sixmonths' tour of
Austrialia, will inaugurate the Choral,
Union's 60th annual series pf con-t
certs at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
In line with their 59-year-old
policy of attempting to bring the
best on the concert and operatic stage
to Ann Arbor, the University Musical
Society this year has produced an ap-
pealing program, including six of the
foremost solo artists in the world
and four of the most renowned en-1
semble groups.
.in presenting Mr. Tibbett as the
opening performer in the series, the
Society is insuring a noteworthy an-
niversary celebration, for he has
been hailed as "America's greatest
musical product." During his tour of
the Antipodes, the famous baritone
sang a total of 55 concerts, establish-
ing a new record for the number of
concerts given by a first-rate perform-.
Suicide Found
Dead Of Fumes
Mrs. Beulah Graham Had
Been Missing 2 Days
Missing since 4 p.m. Monday, Mrs.
IBeulah Graham, 46, of 1537 Packard,
Swsfound dead in her garage at 5:30
p.m. yesterday, apparently asphyxiat-
ed by carbon monoxide fumes. Cor-
oner Edwin C. Ganzhorn termed her
death a suicide.
Mrs. Graham, a nurse, ran a con-
valescent home for invalids in town.
She had been despondent over the
death of a daughter several months
ago. She was discovered by officers
seated in her car with the ighition
switch on and the garage doors
closed. The motor was not running.

Dr. George Hammond, of 1407
Morton, University football team
physician and member of the Uni-
versity hospital staff, shared the gar-
age with Mrs. Graham. Her car was
not in the garage when he drove
home at about 10:30 p.m. Monday, he
Thelma Whitman, a maid, saw a
light on in front of the garage about
11:15 p.m. the same night. When
the Hammond car was removed yes-
terday at 4 p.m. by Mrs. Hammond
1she could smell gas. There is a parti-

U.S. Gunboat Lands Squad
Of Marines To Guard
Property Of Americans
British Gunboats
Stationed Nearby
SHANGHAI, Oct. 26-(Wed-
nesday)-(P)-The Japanese van-
guard today marched into burning
Wuehang, one of the Tri-Cities,
Japanese dispatches from the
front said, and met sanguinary
resistance from Chinese detach-
ments who engaged in street
The occupationof Wuhang be-
gan after another advance guard
from the north had entered the
outskirts of Hasnkow, aross the
rier. The main body of Japanee
still was about 10 miles from
HANKOW, Oct. 25--)-Ravaged
by fire and explosions and virtually
bereft of defenders, Hankow tonight
was ,an easy objective for the Japanese
armies massing at her gates.
(This dispatch, delayed, was tele-
graphed from Hankow at 8 p.m., (7
a.m., E.S.T.). It did not confirm earlier
Japanese communiques issued at
Hongkong and Shanghai which said
a vanguard had entered the city
Tuesday afternoon.)
Landing parties of American, Brit-
ish, French and Italian bluejackets
and marines and international volun-
teers were the only evidence of mili-
tary activity on the city streets.
Thirty sailors from the United
States Yangtze Patrol Flagship tLuzon
landed today to protect American lives
and property. They worked closely
with a patrol of 100 British sailors.
The Luzon anchored near the INa-
tional City Bank building' and the
American Consulate 'General.
The almost complete absence of
sounds 6f battle outside the city and
scores of earth-shaking explosions
within indicated it was but a matter
of days or hours until 'Hankow would
be in Japanese hands.
Apparently it would be only a mat-
ter of hours if the not distant Jap-
anese vanguards chose to press ahead
of schedule.
With a week to spare before the
birthday anniversary of the late Jap
anese Emperor Mei 1-wh*ich Japanese
had announced in advance as the date
for the entry into Hankow-the invad-
ers apparently awaited convergeee
of columns advancing on the city frorft
three directions before closing in on
their goal.
Every hour of Japanese delay was
decreasing the possibility of a big
battle in Hankow's environs or of
trapping any great number of organ-
ized Chinese troops.
Inner defenses of the former Pro-
visional Capital either were aban-
doned or destroyed in the Chinese
retreat while earthworks along the
Yangtze River had become only rest-
ing places for civlian refugee, or
wounded soldiers.
Injured stragglers from the Central
Army with which the Hankow Mili-
tary Council had vowed to fight "to
the last man" continued trudging into
the city, asking the way to military
hospitals which were evacuated days
Chances of a last-ditch battle for
(Continued on Page 2)
Senate Favors
Of Class Heads

Woollcott Calls Radio Research
Medium Not To Be Scorned

Addresses First Audience
Of Current Oratorical
Association Talk Series
Illustrating his talk by a series of
anecdotes, humorous, pathetic and
dramatic, Alexander Woolcott spoke
on "Folklore" last night in Hill Audi-
torium to open the current Oratorical
Association lecture series.
Woollcott declared radio to be one
of the best methods of research and
such "should not be sniffed at even
by this University." He told of trying
to verify stories, facts, dates, and of
finding books by just asking for them
over the radio. He said, however, that
of all the stories that he had been
sent or told to him, only twice had he
been able to definitely verify their
0 niia 101?n1P1 1' 'f (

find print in roundabout ways, they
can ,cross the country in three days.
These are "folklore," the kind of liter-
ature that existed "long before the
first syllable of recorded time." They'
recur about every ten or fifteen years
and then seem to die out.
Some newspapers are edited in a
stupor, in fact in a state not far from
coma, Woollcott continued, telling a
certain tale of a stranger, who, re-
turning to his native land, seeks
shelter with an old couple who murder
him for his money. The old couple
finds that the man was their son
come back to look for them. This
story comes over Reuter, the European
United Press at least -once every
month and gets printed at least ever'y
three months. He told of seeing it in
print in the New York Herald Tri-
bune on the same day that he re-
ceived a clipping from the North

Only Officers To Remain
Would Be Seniors; Rosa
Elected New Speaker
The Student Senate went on record
last night in favor of abolishing class
offices with the resolution: "We, the
Student Senate of the University of
Michigan, hereby resolve to support
the current movement toward aboli-
tion of class officers, excepting of-
ficers of the senior class."
Meeting for the first time with its
16 new senators, the Senate chose as
its permanent speaker, acting speak-
er, Robert V. Rosa, '39. President


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