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October 23, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-23

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



lion-tr JI ary tm.irw een SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1938 should report the names, titles and
As Election Outcome VOL. XLIX. No. 25 classes of all officers to the Dean of
(Continued from Page 1) Not.sStudents, Room 2, University Hall not
-- - -__ Clater than Nov. 1. The following is
was director of the Student Senate Senate Reception: Since no indi- a list of student organizations as now
elections last year, and flew here from vidual invitations are being sent' approved in the office of the Dean of
Minneapolis for the voting. this is a cordial invitation to all mem- apod nt oiy ofnthDn
i ~Students. Any organization which_
"The election was gratifying to all bers of the teaching staff and their
" wives to be present at the Senate Re- does not furnish the required infor-
advocates of proportional representa- ception to new members of the facul- mation in writing by Nov. 1 will be
tion," Scammon said. "The Student ties on Wednesday evening, Oct. 26, considered no longer in existence. Any
Senate and Edward Magdol are to be in the ballroom of the Michigan active organization not listed should
I congratulated upon the effective man- Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception
ner in which this second referendum will take place from 8:30 to 10 o'clock apply for official recognition at once.,
poll of student opinion was conduct- after which there will be dancing Acolytes
ed," he said. from 10 to 12. It is especially hoped Alpha. Alpha Gamma
Counting was begun at 7 p.m. Fri- that new teaching fellows and in- Alpha Gamma Sigma
day in Room 304 of the Union, and structors may be present and the
was completed at 5 a.m. yesterday, as chairmen of departments are asked Alpha Kappa Alpha
a weary elections director found that to be of assistance in bringing this Alpha Kappa Delta
all but 47 had been either elected or about. Alpha Lambda Delta
eliminated, so the other 13 were de- Alpha Nu (Kappa Phi Sigma)
lared "in" despite their inability to College of Literature, Science and Alpha Omega Alpha
secure the quota of 130. the Arts, School of Music, and School AA
Magdol attributed the large num- of Education. Students who received Alpha Phi Alpha
ber of "non-effective" votes, 344, to marks of I or X at the close of their Am. Institute of Aero Sciences
the fact that a considerable number last term of attendance (viz., semes- Am. Institute of Chem Engineers
of students .were not sufficiently ter or Summer Session) will receive a Am. Institute of Elec. Engineers
familiar with the Hare system, and grade of E in the course unless this Am society of Civil Engineers
only signified two or three choices. work is made up and reported to this Am. Society of Mech. Engineers
After these two or three designated office by Oct. 26. Students wishing Am. Society
candidates were either defeated or an extension of time should file a Architectural Society
elected, the ballots no longer served petition addressed to the appropriate . Armenian Students Association
a purpose and were declared "non- official in their school with Room Art Cinema League
effective." 4 U.H., where it will be transmitted. Asheville School Club
"Had these students," Magdol de- Athena Literary Society
clared, "indicated fourth, fifth and; Graduate Students in Education Alpha Rho Chi
sixth preferences, then their votes who plan to take the preliminary ex- Barristers
would not have been wasted. It is sig- aminations for the Ph.D., to be held Beta Kappa Rho
nificant, however," he said, "that 1749 on Nov. 3, 4 and 5, should leave their Beta Sigma Rho
voters had at least one of the candi- names in Room 4000 University High Cercle Francais
dates whom they supported, elected." School immediately. Chi Gamma Phi
_________________________Clifford Woody, Chairman Chinese Society of Chemical
of Committee on Graduate I Industry
Study in Education. Chinese Students Club
Chi Rho Sigma
Christian Science Organization
T University Bureau of Appoit- Christian Student Prayer Group
S-the Bestnients has received notice of the fol Church of Christ of Latter Day
lowing Civil Service Eaminations: Saints
(Last date for filing applications giv- Congregational Student Fellow-
en after each), ship
United States Civil Service. Deputy Congregational Student Fellow-
United States Gaihe Management ship
'to ...........$ 3.50 Agent. Salary: $1,800, Nov. 15, 1938 Congress of Independent Men
on....Multilith Operator, Salary: $1,440, Contemporary
>y Winston Churchill 2.75 Nov. 14, 1938. Delta Epsilon Pi
5.00 Michigan Civil Service. Hearings Delta Sigma Rho
3.75 Stenographer. Salary: $130-190, Oct. Deutscher Verein
28, 1938. Druids
3.75 Numeric Bookkeeping Machine Eastern Society
3.50 Clerk. Salary: $80-100, Nov. 1, 1938. Educational Colloquy Club
Hicks, 2 volumes 10.00 Elevator Operator. Salary: $80 Engineering Council
e ..... .0100, Nov. 15, 1938. EngineeringHor Coile
Salry $151- Engineering Honor Committee
Bean Inspector. Salary: $115-190, English Journal Club
Nov. 7, 1938. Eta Kappa Nu
5.00 Bridge Engineer. Salary: $250-310, Flying Club, U. of M.
3.00 Oct. 29, 1938. F. F. Fraternity
4.00 Bridge Operator. Salary: $105-125, Forestry Club
Nov. 7, 1938. Freshman Glee Club
3.00 Complete announcements are on Freshman Luncheon Club
2.75 file at the University Bureau of Ap- Galens
4.00 pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Gamma Alpha
Universty Bureau o Appoint- Girls' Cooperative House
5.00 ments and Occupational Infor- Gjir Coopai. ouse
3.50 mation. 201 Mason Hall. Glider Club, U. of M.
Graduate Education Club
Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Graduate History Club
Graduate Outing Club
C asiOn. iStudent Senate: There will be a Graduate Students' Council
meeting Tuesday, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m.. Hiawatha Club
at the Michigan League. The room Hillel Foundation
will be posted on the bulletin board. Hillel Independents
The public is cordially invited. Hillel Metropolitan Club
Hillel Players
SO Rackham Building: Open every day Inie laer
except Sunday from 8 a.m. until 10 Institute of Aeronautical Sciences
Opposite p.m. for the use of graduate students International Council
OeCourt House and graduate organizations. Iota Alpha
Presidents of Student Organizations Kappa Beta Pi

October 23, 1938

Chicken Muligatawny

Chilled Tomato Juice

Sizzling Porterhouse Steak with Sauce
Sizzling Branded Fancy Filet Mignon with Sauce
Sizzling One-Pound T-Bone Steak with Sauce
Sizzling Regular Filet Mignon with Sauce
Roast Young Tom Turkey - Dressing - Cranber-" Sauce
Roast Young Capon - Dressing - Grape Jelly
Branded Top Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms
Broiled Large Beef Tenderloin Steak with. Sauce
Broiled Regular T-Bone Steak with Sauce
Grilled Wilson's Ham Steak with Jelly
Assorted Choice Chop Grill with Jelly
Fried New York Count Oysters with Tarter Sauce
Broiled Special T-Bone Steak with Sauce
Broiled Special Beef Tenderloin Steak with Sauce
Fried Fresh Scallops with Tarter Sauce
Roast Swift's Premium Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus
Broiled Small T-Bone Steak with Sauce
Grilled Lamb Chops with Jelly
Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Sauce
Grilled Veal Chops with Jelly

Kappa Kappa Psi
Kappa Phi
Kappa Tau Alpha
La Sociedad Hispanicp
Lawyers Club
Lawyers Liberal Club
Les Voyageurs
Lutheran Student Club
Mens Council
Michigan Anti-War Society
Michigan Christian Foundation
Michigan Dames Club

Michigan Sailing Club
Michigan Union
Michigan Wolverine
Michigan Movie Makers
Mu Phi Epsilon
Natural Science Society of China
Negro Students Club
Nippon Club
Omega Psi Phi
Omega Upsilon
Outdoor Club
(Continued on Page 3)

Fried Fillet of Fresh Haddock with Tarter Sauce
Breaded Veal Cutlets with Brown Gravy
Braised Swiss Steak a la Parrot
Grilled Young Steer Liver with Bacon
Grilled Chopped Round Steak with Sauce
Braised Tenderloin of Beef with Fresh Mushrooms
Fresh Vegetable Dinner with Poached Egg
Choice of Three:-
Mashed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts au Beurre Apple Sauce
Potato Salad Fresh Spinach Cottage Cheese
Candied Jersey Yams Fresh Cauliflower Head Lettuce





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