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October 23, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-23

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Yl r e


Somewhat cooler and possibly


VOL. XLIX. No. 25





Of Senate Is Final



Six Of Sixteen Successful
Candidates Have Party
Affiliations;_2,106 Vote
Perlman Is First
To Win Position'
Unaffiliated candidates again won
the balance of power in the Student
Senate as the proportional represen-
tation elections Friday drew 2106 stu-
dents ~to the polls, surpassing last'
year's turnout by 389.-
Final election returns, released at
noon yesterday by Edward Magdol,
'39, director of elections, indicate that
only five of the 16 elected ran on
organized party tickets. The other 11
winners, while having the backing of
substantial groups of students, did
not run in blocs, but individually.
The newly elected Student Senators,
together with the 16 who were elected
last March and have held their seats,
will hold their first meeting at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday in the League.
Thirteen Invalidated
Robert Permian, '39, Liberal Coali-
tion, wo had won the largest number
of first votes, 91, was the first to be
elected, reaching the necessary quota
of 130 after the 41st transfer of bal-
lots. This quota was obtained by
dividing the total numbe of valid
votes cast, 2093, by the number of
vacancies, 16, Edward Magdol, '39,
director of elections, explained.
John R. Hulbert, '40, running in-
dependently, amassed 47 transfer
votes by the 2nd count which, added
to his 83 firsts gave him a total of
130. On the last count, Harry Stutz,
'39, Liberal Coalition, reached 130s
with 50 transfers, added to his 80 first
In addition, 13 students were electedj
without having secured 130 votes,I
since the remaining 44 candidates
had already been eliminated: James
E. Tobin, '41, Non-Partisan, 125 votes;"
Alberta Wood, '40, Liberal, 125 votes;
William Kraner, '41, Liberal, 118;
Rchard Jeffreys, Grad., Liberal Coa-
lition, 116; John P. O'Hara, '39, 115; f
C. Phillips Whittemore, '39,115; John
Goodell, '40, 100;
91 Largest Total4
Harry Sonneborn, '40, Progressive
Coalition, 99; Ted Grace, '39, Con-
servative, 91; Jack Sessions, '40.
Socialist, 90; Donald Counihan, '41,.
89: Ethel Q. Norberg, '40, Progressive
Coalition, 89; Martin B. Dworkis, '40,
Independent Liberal-Labor, 87.
Of the 2106 ballots cast, less than
one per cent or 13 were invalidated
because of improper markings. This
number is very small, Magdol said, in
view of the large number of votes cast,
and indicates the ability of Michigan
students to vote according to the Hare
System of PR.
Using the cases of James Frankel
'41, who was not elected and Ted
Grace, '39, who was, Magdol illustrat-
ed the flexibility of proportional
"Frankel ranked fourth in the num-
ber of first votes, with 68," the elec-
tions director said, "but his failure to
secure a substantial number of sec-
onds or thirds eliminated him at the
next-to-last count, with 78 votes."
"While Grace," Magdol continued,
"who was 35th among the 60 candi-
dates on first votes alone, rode in on
his 65 transfer votes."
The'Election Board was aided in its
work by Richard M. Scammon who
(Continued on Page 2)
Woo.lc(ott Makes
Long Trip Here
Speaker Travels To Open
Lecture Series Tuesday
Alexander Woollcott will travel the

700 miles from New York City in
order to open the Oratorical Lecture
Series here Tuesday. If past indica-
tions can be accepted, the noted critic
and author is especially partial to
the University and Ann Arbor.
Last year he rearranged his itiner-
ary in order to remain in Ann Arbor
two days longer than scheduled. He
taught several speech classes, visit-
ed the University Hospital, and had
gatherings with the faculty and ad-
ministrative officials. He went on




Murphy's Talk
To Draw 350
Students Here
Appearance Of Governor
At Union Tomorrow Is
,Sponsored By Senate
A capacity crowd of approximately
350 students is expected to hear Gov.
Frank Murphy, '14, speak on "Youth
and Government" at 3 p.m.'tomorrow
in the North Lounge of the Union.
The Student Senate is sponsoring his
President Ruthven will introduce
the Governor and Lieut.-Gov. Leo J.
Nowicki, '25E, will also speak briefly.
Other men at the speaker's table will
be Prof. Joseph Hayden of the po-
litical science department, who heads
a committee planning reorganization
of Michigan state government; May-
or Walter C. Sadler rof the engineer-
ing college; William L. Waltz, chair-
man of the Washtenaw County Dem-
ocratic committee, and George Burke,
University attorney and chairman of
the State Civil Service Commission.
Governor Murphy, accompanied by,
Nowicki, Auditor General George T.
Gundry, '29; State Treaurer Theo-
dore I. Fry; Attorney General Ray-
mond W._rStarr, 'OL, and Secretary
of State Leon D. Case, will attend at
public luncheon being given in his,
honor at 12 noon in the Masonic
At 1:15 p.m. the Governorandathe
other state officials will speak at a

U. S. Nearing
Policy Stand
Two Schools Of Thought
Started In Washington
Over Munich 'Peace'
Hull Not Too Cordial
To Trade Treaty Talk
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22-1)-The
United States government appeared
today to be approaching a choice be-
tween opposition to or limited collab-
oration with the dictator states.
Out of the "peace of Munich," two
schools of thought have developed at
the State Department.,
One says: "Germany's recent ag-
grandizement in central Europe pro-
duces stabilization. Germany's ener-
gies will be spent in economic develop-
tnent, especially in central Europe. Her
thoughts will be more on commerce
than cannon, more on money than
machine-guns. We can therefore af-
ford to collaborate with her."
Fear Germany's Appetite
The other says: "Germany will, it
is true, devote every energy to the
development of central Europe. But
she will develop herself militarily as
well. And she will go out for other
markets, too. Particularly in South
America. We must oppose her, not
work with her."
In the opinion oisome diplomats
here, Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy
advanced the collaboration idea in his
Navy League speech in London this
"We have to live together in the
same world," he said, "whether we
like it or not."
Hull Is Not Too Cordial
But some experts interpret Secre-
tary of State Cordell Hull's public ut-
terances as indicating he holds the
second view. After Kennedy's speech,
Hull stated that America's foreign*
policy still rested on his and the
President's previous declarations.-
Some of these abounded with criti-
cism of the aggressions of the dictator
nations. Hull also said Kennedy's
utterances were his personal opinions.,
The seven-point program for peace,
which the Secretary outlined in his
last radio address conflicts on several
important points with Germany's
Both schools of thought in the State
(Continued on Page 3)
Federal Agents Order
Local Physician's Arrest
Federal authorities working on the
dope-selling ring in this vicinity yes-
terday requested the United States
district attorney at Detroit to swear
out a warrant and indictment against
Dr. Konrad Georg, local physician, on
the charge of violating the federal

Purucker's 'Injury' Sets
Stage For Winning Tally
NEW YORK, Oct. 22 (Special to
The Daily)--"Madcap" Norm Pu-
rucker took up where Yale's Larry
Kelley left off as his very opportune
"injured leg" gave Michigan the
chance to start her winning march
down the field yesterday.
With more than 20 yards to go on
fourth down, Norm, back to kick, was
roughed by the Yale forwards and
was knocked down to the ground with
an injury which will probably become
famous in Wolverine football an-
nals. Yale was penalized 15 yards,
Michigan got a first down, and went
straight on to the game-winning

Dr. Ura Rickert
Of Dental Staff
Dies In Chicago

-Courtesy Ann Arbor News..

Noted Faculty Member
Is Stricken En Route
To Dental Parley
Dr. Ura Garfield Rickert, member
of the executive committee of the
Dental School and a dental faculty
member for 22 years, died of a heart
attack Friday night in a Chicago
Dr. Rickert, who would have been
59 yesterday, was in Chicago en route
to St. Louis for the annual conven-
tion of the American Dental Associa-
tion. He left Ann Arbor Friday af-
President Ruthven said last night:
"I was deeply shocked to hear of Dr.
Rickert's death. In his passing we
have lost an important member of
the staff."
Dr. Rickert retired last April as
president of the Michigan State Den-
tal Society. He had been an active
member of the executive council of
the state society for 10 years. He also
is a past president of the Interna-
tional Association for Dental Re-
search and past president of the
American College of Dentists.
At the time of his death he was
president and dental member of the
advisory council of the Michigan
State Board of Health and was an
honorary member of numerous state
dental societies.
Dr. Rickert's studies in dental in-
fections have been instrumental in
preventing the wholesale extraction
of teeth. His studies and researches
have had national scope, especially
as they relate to the study of dental
U S Protests
Faisteel Case
Labor Ruling

Air Attack Brings Victoz
Over Stubborn Yale,15-1

Wagner Says Roosevelt
Told Him He Was Certain
His Ticket Would Win
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Oct. 22-P()-
President Roosevelt was represented
by Senator Wagner (Dem.-N.Y.) to-
day as being confident the Democrats
would carry his hjme state of New
York Nov. 8.
Wagner, candidate for re-election
to a third term, said after a call at
the temporary White House:
"I assured the President the Demo-
cratic ticket was sure to win and he
told me he knew that already."
The Chief Executive earlier .in the
week had discussed campaign strate-
gy with Gov. Herbert 'H. Lehman,
seeking a fourth termasgovernor
Charles Poletti, Lehman's running
mate for lieutenant governor, and
Mayor La Guardia of New York City.
The latter, following his call yes-
terday, criticized Lehman for refus-
ing to tell newspaper men whether he
would endorse the New Deal in the
This came up again today, reporters
asking Wagner whether he thought
all Democratic state candidates should
announce their support of the Na-
tional Administration between now
and election day.
"I think they should and I think
they do," Wagner replied.
The President has praised Lehman's
record and will speak for the ticket
Nov. 4.
Millers Shag On Down
To Win Jitterbug Fame

public meeting in the Masonic Temple' narcotic laws.
'Depression-Crippled' Children
Arc Treated By Speech Clinie
(Edit-or's Note: This is the fourth in . order to eradicate extreme lethargy
a series of articles on the work of and temper tantrums. The medica-
various sociological research and service
groups at the University.) tions allow the Clinic's staff to try
to bring the child around to normal
Undoing the damages of the ec-
onomic depression is the strange task
of the Speech Clinic of the Instituter
for Human Adjustment.
A direct correlation is drawn by
the Clinic experts between the price
of wheat .in 1929, and the following a
years of financial turmoil, and the,
ratio each year of delinquents and
speech defectives in the schools of
The Clinic, that in the past year
has handled 3,274 cases has picked a
representative group of five per cent
of the lower end of the intelligence,
scale of school children and the re-N
suIts have convinced them of the
strcng part the, depression has played
in creating speech and mental crip-
The Clinic found that in 1929 the,
percentage of defectives was low. It
is harder to find 9 year old speech
defectives than it is 7, 6 or 5 year olds,
who were born in the midst of the -Michigan Daily Photo
depression. One of the Clinic's graduate stu-
It is estimated by the Clinic that dent-teachers is shown above
the depression has given this coun- keeping a young patient (often de-
try 7 million damaged children, and linquent or otherwise abnormal)
it is only an infinitesimal fraction that interested in some work while
the Clinic reaches and aids in re- teaching him to speak.
adjusting. _______-

Charges Employes Fired
For Union Activities,
Not For Striking

WASHINGTON, Oct. 22--(A)-The
Government carried to the Supreme
Court today its contention that sit-
down strikers discharged by the Fan-
steel Metallurgical Corporation were
dismissed because of their union sym-
pathy, not because of the stike. and
therefore should be reinstated.
Solicitor General Robert H. Jack-
son and Charles Fahy, general coun-
sel of the National Labor Relations
Board, appealed from a lower court
decision against the Board's ruling.
that the North Chicago firm should
reinstate 92 dismissed employes.
In its decision the Labor Board
stated that some of the company's
employes seized two of its key build-
ings on Feb. 17, 1937, after the com-
poration had refused tO bargain col-
lectively with representatives of the
Amalgamated Association of Iron,;
Steel and Tin Workers of America.
The Board ordered Fansteel to
bargain with the Amalgamated and
to reinstate the 92 employes. The lat-
ter order was based, Board officials
said, on an Examiner's finding that,
since all employes who participated in
the sit-down were not discharged, the
real reason for the dismissals was
"continuing sympathy with the union
and its activities."
Windsor Auto Strikes
Are Reported Settled
WINDSOR, Ont., Oct. 22--(Canadi-

Bertha Miller, '39, and her brother, of Warner Institute for Therapeutic
Maurice Miller, '41, shagged their way Research, will lecture at 4:15 p.m.
to a $15 first prize and a chance to Nov. 10 in Room 165 of the Chemistry
compete in the jitterbug finals in Building on "The Chemistry and
Kalamazoo, at tihe midnight jam ses- Pharmacology of Ergot." The lec-
sion Friday night at the Michigan ture by Dr. Thompson, formerly pro-
Theatre. fessor of pharmacology at the Univer-
Robert Mathews and Elizabeth sity of Maryland, are under the au-
Herndon took first prize in the Negro spices of the College of Pharmacol-
division. ogy.
Five Nurses Approve Socialized
MedicineDaily Survey Reveals

(Daily Photos by Freedman)
THE QUESTION: What is your re-
action, as a nurse, to socialized medi-
THE PLACE: University Hospital.
THE ANSWERS: J. Thompson, '41:
"I feel that so-
cialized medicine


tain disadvantages.
For example, it
might lead to misuse of the benefits
by those who are not in need of aid."

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