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October 18, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-18

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)ark Clouds Hide Palestine Issues
As JewsA rabs Wage Death Struggle

AS IT BECOMES evident that the
long-smoldering Arab-Jewish con-
in Palestine, which have again broken out
3most open warfare, will not be ended until
bite settlement has been reached, the unin-
d- observer finds it increasingly difficult
lyze the essentials of the situation and form
onal opinion as to what a just settlement
ders, riots, assassinations of Jewish, Arab,
Yen British officials, have become almost
onplaces in the last six months as Britain
s in vain to restore order to an economically
>olitically demoralized Holy Land. Jewish
ids and pleas have fallen on deaf Arab ears
;roposals have met with wholesale rejection
wish leaders, and the numerous proposals
British administration have received little
encouragement from either faction. Thus,
th sides refuse to agree to any plan which
riot concede them a substantial majority
ir demands, as England frantically seeks a
te solution which will put a stop to blood-
and as tension grows with the passing of
Ominous hour, it becomes imperative to at-
to ascertain the underlying, moving forces
isible for the strife.
Three Interests Involved
he situation nbw stands, there seem to be
bree najor interests involved, namely Arab,
4, and British.- Attempts have been made
;ribute the outbreaks to agitation among
xabs by Communist and Fascist propa-
. agencies, but it seems obvious that this is
.e case. As will later be shown, the situation
h as to bring inevitable conflict in and of
with foreign influences, if any, not affect-
e case in any of its major aspects.
:AT BRITAIN'S corner in this triangular
'air " is probably the most uncomfortable
n of the three, for she can not completely
0 either of the belligerent factions without
ng solemn promises made by her in ac-
.g mandatory power/ over the Holy Land
the League of Nations in 1923. England at
ime promised (1) to safeguard Arab rights
lestine, (2) to provide a national home for
ws, and (3) to, secure self-government for
int community. All of these promises were
y formal declarations of England's inten-
a make good on her pre-war assurances to
and Jews that they would' both receive
ational rights if they supported the Allied
and if that cause were victorious. It was
iought at the time that these concessions,
in the same declaration of policy, would
to be so irreconciliably opposed as they
r to be at the present time.
bt they are now in conflict so unalterably
each other is due to two factors: the ris'i
tb nationalism and the wave of anti-Semit-
Which has spread over Europe in recent
It should be understood that pre-war
y between Arabs and Jews in the Holy Land
ra an almost purely religious basis, with the
>us shrines and holy places common to
religions the chief bones of contention.
the development of the two aforementioned
s, however, the controversy has been of a
al, not a religious, and a national, not a
nature. It must be made plain that Hebrews
Moslems not only are not racially antagon-
but are indeed both of the same race, the
ic. Their present-day conflicts arise from

the fact that the new Arab dream of an inde-
pendent Moslem power is diametrically opposed
to the Hebrew desire for a Jewish National Home
in Palestine, which would offer a refuge to the
homeless and persecuted Jews of the world.
It has not taken long to see just how serious
these conflicts are. As early as 1929-30, the British
were confronted with demands by both Jews and
Arabs, the Jews demanding an increase in immi-
gration and safeguarding of their rights, and
the Arabs, who had a great numerical superiority,
demanding a cessation of migration and the
establishment of a democratic government with
representation on a popular basis. Since that time
conditions have been growing steadily worse,
with security and order appearing only at rare
intervals and organized civil warfare the order
of the day.
* ,' ,.
Origins In Strike
THE ORIGINS of the present crisis can be
traced to the Arab general strike of 1936, called
by Moslem leaders in an attempt to stop the flood
of Jewish immigration brought on by violent
anti-Semitism in many European states, notably
Germany. The strike had immediate and direct
results in the appointment of a Royal Commis-
sion to investigate conditions in the Holy Land,
the Commission subsequently making a report
(July 7, 1937) which has been the source of most
of the recent controversy.
The recommendation of the Commission, as
embodied in its report, was that Palestine be
divided between Arabs and Jews, with each re-
taining autonomy, and Britain keeping a corridor
to the sea at Haifa for transportation of oil for
her Mediterranean fleet from her wells at Kirkuk
in Iraq. Shortly afterward, the British govern-
ment accepted the Commission's recommenda-
tions and appointed a Technical Commission to
investigate the best partitioning methods.
Probably in the hope of influencing the deci-
sions of the Technical Commission, the Arab
National Congress, meeting in the fall of 1937,
de lared Palestine to be of Arab character, de-
manded cessation of Jewish immigration, end
also demanded immediate independence of a
United Palestine. Herbert Solow, writing in The
Nation of July 2, 1938, states that the Palestine
Arab High Commission, operating from Syria,
is preaching Jehad, or holy war, and that the
disturbances of the last six months have been due
to these agitations. At any rate the controversy
has been one of the bloodiest in the history of
British imperialism, and hopes of ending it at
any time in the near future have been crushed
by the recent Arab and Jewish threats and de-
mands which bring the matter to a new dead-
Arabs Ask Independence
The latest Moslem ultimatum, as set forth by
the proposals committee of the Moslem Congress
and published in the New York Times o( Oct. 11,
declares partition of Palestine to be unacceptable
and demands the nullification of the Balfour
Declaration (guaranteeing a National Jewish
Home), cessation of Jewish immigration, estab-
lishment of a parliamentary government in Pal-
estine, and abolishment of the British mandate,
with Anglo-Palestine relations to be set up on a
basis similar to Anglo-Iraq relations. Since the
British mandatae over Iraq was terminated in
1932 and Iraq admitted to the League as an in-
dependent nation, this last provision means for
all practical purposes that the Moslems demand
an independent Arab state with full national
rights and freedom to deal with the Jews as they

- O A A HN TNby David Lawrence-/
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17-Germany has suc-
ceeded in doing one thing for the democracies of
the world and especially for the United States
government and that is to emphasize the iipor-
tance of national defense.
A profound development, sensational in its im-
plications, has occurred, the true significance of
which will be unfolded to the whole world in the
next few months as America embarks on a pro-
gram of armament of breath-taking proportions.
Accepting with reluctance and regretfully the
thesis that force must be met with force,' the
United States government is ready to build the
biggest air corps in the world, the biggest navy in
the world and to have a system of reserves which
may make it possible to mobilihe one of the big-
gest armies in the world.
No amount of intimidation or calumny from
the German press will stop the program. There's
only one thing that will stop it. It's a program
of action, not mere words, by Germany's rulers
which will convince the whole world that reason
can be relied upon to settle disputes and that
the methods of war are not going to be necessary.
Germany is looked upon by the American gov-
ernment as an aggressor state. England and
France are considered to have surrendered in the
Czech crisis not because they wanted to but be-
cause they were in a military sense, especially
in aviation, unprepared to do otherwise.
Believing that Germany will not stop with
plans for expansion in Central Europe but will
look toward the undeveloped resources of South
America, the United States government under the
leadership of President Roosevelt and Secretary
Hull is preparing for all sorts of eventualities.
The inside story is that the United States is
not at all concerned over the purely territorial
questions of Europe but with the rise o an arbi-
trary force in the world which can only make
war inevitable. It is not Germany alonehowever
which has shocked the American government in-
to action. It is the realization that Germany,
Japan and Italy are working together against
American interests and ideals and that Russia
cannot be depended upon in a military way
for help.
The fact that this armamentuilding comes at
a time when there is need to employ more people
and relieve the domestic economic strain is only
a coincidence. The more important consideration
is whether America can any longer afford not to
arm. Germany is already attempting to make
trade arrangements with South American coun-
tries which may lead to more unemployment in
the United States if certain American trade is
lost. So back of the new national policy here is
a feeling that self preservation on all fronts,
domestic and international, calls for an upbild-
ing of the nation's defenses.
The whole program cannot be viewed enthusi-
astically at all by those of us who believe in moral
force and who feel that a more intensive use of
moral force can still be made to penetrate the
thinking of the people of Germany. There is, not
the slightest antagonism to the German people
prevalent in America and it is yet the hope of
lovers of peace that other ways can be found to
bring Germany's rulers to a realization that their
present policies can only lead to another world
Germany may wonder what has happened to
bring about the change since the Chamberlain-
Hitler conferences. The answer is that the speech
made by Herr Hitler at Saarbruecken was the
last straw that broke the camel's back. It was
taken here as a repudiation of the spirit of the'
Munich settlement.
t i

By Roy Heath
According to The Trapeze's best
pipelines, the word has been slipped
the Men's Council, by the Front Of-
fice. to abolish class offices and with
them, all the windbagging and petty
chicanery which accompanies class
This seems like the best idea to
emanate from the higher ups in many
a moon and can be viewed by one andt
all as a healthy omen. There is only
one catch in the scheme. It is this.t
By what authority does the Men's
Council take it upon itself to abolishj
anyone or anything? As far as this
corner can see, the Men's Council is
every bit as superfluous as the figure-
heads who clutter up the Ensian every
year, purportedly the leaders of their
Apropos this same bone of conten-
tion is the story which came out of a
Council conclave a few years ago. Ac-
cording to the report, Marshal Shul-
man, former associate editor of TheE
Daily and one of the keenest mindsK
that ever brought down a stuffed shirtt
on the wing, proposed that the Coun-
cil abolish itself for a number of
good reasons which he advanced atz
the time.
Assorted "hems" and "haws" greet-
ed Shulman's iconoclastic proposals1
and after considerable beating aroundt
the bush, during which time the as-
sembled Big Minds had time to en-
vision themselves, stripped of their
nifty titles, the Council voted Shul-
man's motion into the ash can on ther
grounds that "the Council does not
have the power to abolish itself." Toor
bad. Just like' a man who would com 1
mit suicide if he had the strength to
lift the gun.e
Nevertheless, the Council deserves
credit for trying at this time, and,
with the Dean's office behind them,
they may rid the University of one of
its greatest pains in the neck. But;
while they are at it, they ought to
make a clean sweep of it and give
themselves the ax with the same swingj
that prunes the campus hierarchy of]
class officers.,
To increase the salaries of Max
Hodge, John Mitchell et al, please, for
Gawd's sakes, buy a Gargoyle when
you see 'a man selling them on the
street tomorrow. Honest, we've worked
our freshman staff to the bone trying
to get a good book out and if it isn't
very funny . . . well, who do you
want for a quarter, The Marx Broth-
Besides, we have pictures of some
freshman women, allegedly beautiful,
a shot of Robert Taylor, likewise, and
a Petty drawing which you have prob-
ably already seen but is still worth
looking at. Gee, it's swell. Well, do
you want one or don'tcha? (Paid ad-
PRETZEL BELL. Professor Preuss of
Political Science.
"It is discouraging indeed to think
of man, struggling from the primae-
val slime, upwards for billions of years.
Ever upward he climbs until today,
the grand climax of it all . . . Adolf
PRETZEL BELL, Martin Dworsky, the
The Editor

Gets Told..
Britain's Collapse
To the Editor:
The Munich agreement is beginning
to take effect, and with it we are be-
ginning to see the probable collapse of
the twt mighty colonial empires, the
British and French. To save their
hides they permitted the seizure of
Austria, and the disintegration of the
Czechoslovak nation, but the boom-
erang is already on the rebound, and
now the fruits of this face-saving are
fast ripening. It has been the hope of
the British Tories to keep the Soviet
Union from spreading its influence
and ideology, and if the choice must
be made they prefer the expansion
and impowerment of Fascist Geranmy
to that of the Soviet Union. That, it
seems, is one of the more potent rea-
sons for the recent capitulation of
the pro-fascist British Tories. With
the incorporation of Austria and the
regions of Czechoslovakia into the
German Reich, the Nazis have gained
a firm grasp of the territory that
most certainly will permit further ex-
pansion toward the East; the policy of
Drang nach Osten becoming a nact-
uality. Hungary is already in the Nazi
machine; Czechoslovakia that has
survived must necessarily bow to the
same, and all that remains is Yugo-
slavia, Rumania, and Bulgaria. In the
interval that economic and political
pressure will be brought to bear on
these countries, the Nazis will be con-
centrating their forces elsewhere-to

Pulication in t"e B"llerin is constructive notice to all members of the
UViversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
u"ti"*3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Continued from Page 2)>
Craig, Chief of the Division of Econ-
omics, Department of Mines and Re-
sources, Lands, Parks, and Forest
ranch, Ottawa, Canada, will give
an illustrated lecture on "The Use of
Air Craft in Forestry" on Thursday,'
Oct. 20, at 4:15 p.m., in Rackham1
Auditorium, under the auspices of the
School of Forestry and Conservation.
The public is cordially invited. 4
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture. Professor Grinnell Jones of Har-
vard University, will speak on "Solu-
tions of Electrolytes with Special Re-
ference to Viscosity and Surface Ten-'
tion" at 4:15 P. M., Thursday, Octo-
ber -20, in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
Events Today
Sophomore Cabaret. InterviewingI
for positions will take place from 3 to.
5 p.m. today in the Undergraduate
Office of the Michigan League.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel Students
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
Petitioning for Chairmanships and
membership, of committees for the
Assembly Banquet will be held Mon-
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday in the
League Undergraduate Office. Every-
one must bring their eligibility cards.
Interviewing for the Chairmanship
jobs will be held on Wednesday and
Thursday form 3:30 to 5:30.
Beginning Dance Class will not
meet today because of the Varsity
Show. The class will have its first
meeting Tuesday, Oct. 25 in the
League Ballroom from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. The class includes a series of
eight lessons for $3.
Coming Events
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation at 11 a.m., Thurs-
day, Oct. 20, in the Chemistry build-
ing auditorium, at which Dr. Roland
D. Craig, in charge of the division of
economics, Dominion of Canada For-
est Service, will speak on "Forestry
in Canada." All students in the
School of Forestry and Conservation
are expected to attend, and all others
interested are cordially invited to do
Forestry Club: First meeting on
and a few of the influential Nazi
party officials, and which in the days
to come will become more apparent.
This alignment between Germany and
the Soviet Union is still in the nebu-
lous state, but by the cooperation of
these two countries, Germany will be
able to acquire the coal fields of
Alsace-Lorraine and Polish Silesia
without difficulty, since France will
be crippled by such an alliance, and
Potnd will be caught in the rise.
In the past it has been the policy
of Great Britain to create a balanced
Europe, that is, a Europe which Lon-
don dominates by shifting its force
and weight whenever and wherever
there is a disequilibrium. That, to be
sure, has operated favorably in the
past; now, however, the situation has
reached the stage which even Great
Britain cannot control. In fact, after
intensive rearmament, and after tre-
mendous expenditures of funds, not
only are the British unable to wage
an offensive war, but even a defen-
sive conflict with the highly concen-
trated industrial centers as excellent
targets for bombing planes, His
Majesty's government is'miserably ill-
equipped, and largely unprepared.
View, for a moment, Chamberlain's
conduct upon his return from Munich.
The great peace-maker with one hand
held the dove of peace and in the oth-
er greatly accelerated the British war
machine, which despite its previous
intensification must have been far
removed from its established goal. As
for the postion of France with the
Popular Front gone and its resurrec-

tion bitterly fought, the game of fol-
low the master must continue witl4
Great Britain under her pro-fascist
government leading the way to self-
Although the Ukraine is still highly
valued by the Nazis, there is little
doubt that the incorporation of the
Danubian countries into the economic
life of the Reich would appease the
Nazi appetite to a large degree. In
that case a rapprochement between'
Germany and the Soviet Union would
facilitate matters. France now reduced
to a second rate power will be forced
to surrender several, if not all, of her
colonial holdings, and the position of
Great Britain would not be much bet-
ter. In Europe, morover, the oppor-
tunity granted to Germany by the
British Tories will rebound to the
growth and success of the Fascist
philosophy and doctrines, which at
the same time will all but eliminate
the French and British influence and
prestige on continental Europe. The
Soviet Union, now bitterly opposed to
both Great Britain and France, will
enclose herself within her mighty
shell, free, in the meantime, to con-
centrate on her internal problems.
The war between Germany and the
Soviet Union to their mutual destruc-
tion, which has been the hope and

Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 7:30 p.m.,
2054 N. S. Prof. D. M. Matthews will
speak on "Tropical Exepriences and
Tropical vs. Domestic Employment."
All foresters and pre-foresters are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Perspectives. There will be a meet-
ing of the Book Review Comnmittee
Monday at 4 p. m.
Research Club. Will meet Wednes-
day, Oct. 19, at 8 p.m., in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Robert Gesell will speak on "The
Story of Respiration." Election of
officers. The Council will meet at
7:15 p.m. in the West Conference
German Journal Club will meet
Thursday, Oct. 20 in Room 302 Michi-
an Union at 4:10 p.m. Professor Nor-
man L. Willey will read a paper on,
"Sealsfield, the Louisiana Planter."
"Psychological Journal Club. There
will be a meeting in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Grad-
uate School on Thursday, October
20th, at 8:00 p. m. Professors W. B.
Pillsbury, Heinz Werner, and N. R. F.
Maier will discuss the Criteria of Ab-
straction. Graduate students, majors
in psychology, and other interested
persons are invited to take part in
the discussion and to meet members
of the staff both before and after the
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oc-
tober 19. Dr. R. H. Gillette will speak
on "Some applications of statistical
mechanics to chemistry". All inter-
ested are invited.


The Inter-Guild Morning
will be held at the League
7:30 a.m. Wednesday.






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1WO OTHER press releases, published by the
New York Times on the same date as the pro-
posals of the Moslem Congress, show to an even
greater degree the uncompromising attitudes of
both factions. The first item tells of a telegram
sent to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the
Zionist Federation, by Nabih el Azme, president
of the Arab Defense Committee of Palestine, in
which the latter warns, "Your attitude will lead
you and Jews of the East to the worst of calami-
ties that have been written in history up to the
present . . . if Britain resorts to war to defend
you in Palestine, Britain can not defend you in
Arab nations and in all of the East." The tele-
gram continues, "Arabs, even if they must be
entirely annihilated and cost them what it may,
will never permit you to establish yourselves nor
become a majority in Palestine."
Both Sides Desperate
Similarly desperate was the attitude of officials
of the Jewish agency in Palestine, also published
in the Times of Oct. 11. They were reported by
the Times as stating that world Jewry would
never accept the reported plan to restrict their
activties in Palestine, and that, although they
would never resort to armed force against the
British, they might adopt nonviolent measures
such as civil disobedience, passive resistance and
possible boycott of the British government.
Thus, with both factions having-so forcefully
demonstrated their fierce determination to pro-
tect their rights and fight to the bitter end, it
becomes apparent that Great Britain has one of
the most momentous decisions in her history
staring her full in the face. It can not be denied
that both sides have good reasons for refusing
to accept compromise measures. Both have been
promised definite concessions from the British,
both have come to regard the Holy' Land as
their own, and both are firmly convinced, prob-
ably justifiably, that victory for their opponents
could mean nothing but complete disaster for
No matter which side is favored in Britain's
ultimate decision, the rights\and wrongs of the
situation will probably remain a mystery for a
good, many years to come, and American on-
lookers can only attempt to grasp the essentials
of the controversy and hope for a solution injuri-
ous to the least number of people.

By Harvey Swados
The Story Of Gosta Berling
The Art Cinema League opened Series III of
the Museum of Modern Film Art with the showing
of the Swedish film, The Story Of Gosta Berling,
Sunday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
film, made in 1923, was directed by Mauritz
Stiller and starred Lars Hanson and Greta Garbo.
It was taken from the epic novel, The Saga Of
Gosta Berling, by Selma Lagerlof.
Naturally, Gosta Berling suffers in the adap-
tation, as do all films made from long novels
(Anthony Adverse, David Copperfield, etc.). Still,
it is a remarkably honest and remarkably modern
film. The Swedish directors (of whom Stiller was
the best) were attracted to the methods used in
the old Hollywood cowboy films, but at the
same time their themes were heavy and moralis-
tic, hardly suitable for. cinematic adaptation.
This combination of the heavy, "plotty" movie
with the rapid action of Hollywood is at its best
in Gosta Berling. Stiller's direction is superb
-he traces the long and involved career of Ber-
ling, the defrocked priest, without being boring
for a moment.
Gosta Berling was reedited in 1934 and (Bad)
music has been added. As we see it now, the
camera work is splendid, clear, swift, no tjrck
shots and occasionally inspired; and there is
plenty of opportunity to see what Greta Garbo
really looked like without being photographed
through cheesecloth.
In short, The Story Of Gosta Berling is- a 1938
picture in every respect except one, the acting.
The actors, with the exception of Garbo (who is
swell as the young married woman who falls in
love with Berling), are all a little too East Lynn-
ish. They fling their arms to the sky, they fall
to their knees, and so on. But the picture is


Association Fireside: Professor Al-
bert Hyana will speak on "Puritan-
ism and Capitalism" at Lane Hall,
Wednesday evening at eight o'clock.
International Center:
Tuesday, Oct. 18. Four o'clock.
Meeting of Committee of Faculty
Seven-thirty. Meeting of Inter-
national Council.
Wednesday, Oct. 19. Eight o'clock.
Reception by President and Mrs.
Ruthven to all foreign students of
the University.
Thursday, Oct. 20. Four o'clock.
Tea honoring t h e Presbyterian
Young Peoples Guild.
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21 and
22. Week-end outing to the Univer-
sity Fresh Air Camp at Patterson
Lake Special notice on the bulletin
~board at the Center. 'Those desiring
to go must sign up before Thursday
(Because of this outing, the usual
Recreation Night will be omitted, al-
though the Center will be open as us-
Saturday, Oct. 22. Seven-thirty.
Meeting of the Chinese sorority, Sig-
ma Sigma Phi.
Sunday, Oct. 23. Six o'clock. The
Sunday evening group will be the
supper guests of the Hillel Founda-
tion, the Jewish Young Peoples Guild.
Everyone is asked to be at the Center
as promptly at six as possible, so that
we can all go over to Hillel together.
Intermediate Dance Class will hold
its first meeting Wednesday, Oct. 19
at 7:30 in the League Ballroom. A
series of eight lessons will be ,given
for $3. Both men and women are
cordially invited to thse classes in
which new and varied dance steps
will be taught.
Iota Alpha will hold its first meet-
ing of the 1938-39 season on Thurs-
day night, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Assembly Room of the Rackham
Building. All graduate students in
engineering are cordially' invited to
attend. The speaker for the evening
will be Mr. W. L. Badger of the Dow
Chemical Company.
It is hoped that any members who
cannot attend will send their present
Ann Arbor address to the President,
Mr. Alan S. Foust, 2028 East En-
gineering Building.
All Mechanical Engineers are in-
vited to join the student branch of
thte American Society of Mechanical
Engineers. The next meeting is Oct.
19 at 7:30 o'clock in the Michigan
Union. Dr. B. Curtis of the physics
department wlil give an illustrated
lecture on "The Cyclotron."
Graduate Outing Club will have an
over-night outing at Camp Tacoma
on Clear Lake on Oct. 22-23. The
group will leave the northwest en-
trance of the Rackham Building
at 2:30 p.m. Saturday and will re-
turn Sunday afternoon after dinner.
Each person is requested to bring his
own blankets. The approximate
charge will be $1.25 per person. Res-
ervations should be made by Wednes-
day night if possible. Call 4598.
Girls' Outdoor Club is holding a
wienie roast on Palmer Field on Wed-

Board of Editors

ng Editor
a1 Director
te Editor
te Editor
te Editor
to Editor
tc Editor
to Editor
's Editor

Robert D. Mitchell.
Albert P. May1o
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kliman
Robert Perman
. Earl Gilman
William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
. tJoseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

Business Department
usiness Manager . . Philip W. Buchen
'redit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
vertising Manager anWilliam L. Newnan
Vomen's Business Manager .rHelenJean Dean
Vomen's Service Manager . Marian A. Baxter

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