rsonalities And Biographies
Of Choral Union Stars Given
(continued from Page 1)
"uncle in the Royal Opera of Stock-
holm and a second uncle famous as
a "omedan thro'ughout Sweden, to
his father who, is one of the best-
'lnow ahpedagogues and pianists in
A graduate and later a member of
the faculty of the New England Con-
Orvatory of Music in Boston, he
fined the Boston Symphony Or-
Ahestra when it was under the direc-
tion of Karl Muck. Later he played1
with the National Symphony Or-
chestra under Willem Mengelberg in
New York and with Nikolai Sokoloff
as a member of the Innisfail String
Quartet in San Francisco.
Yehudi Menuhin,
Prodigy rowtn Up
YehudiMenuhin, born in New York,
Vyas raised in San Francisco from the
age of nine months. At three he was;
gioen a tiny violin; at four a child's'
aize instrument was placed in his
hands, and he began lessons on it first
with Sigmund Anker, then with Louis
P esinger. At seven Yehudi made his
Vfirt "big public appearance as solo-
ist with the San Francisco Orchestra.
In the following year he gave a re-
cital at the Manhattan Opera House,
New York, and after a year of further
study sailed with his parents for study
in Europe with Georges Enesco and
'AAdolph Busch. After achieving instant
success at his ]saris debut with the4
Lamotreux Orchestra, Yehudi re-
turned to his native land for the sen-
sational debut with the New York,
1ytphony Orchestra, Nov. 25, 1927,c
pIayIng the Beethoven Concerto.
Another outstanding event in Ye-
hudi's early days was h's appearance
in the Berlin Philharmonic Hall play-k
ing the three B's (Bach, Beethoven,
Bralhms) Concertos in one orchestral
appearance with Bruno Walter con-
ducting the Symphony Orchestra.
'This great historical event was re-
'peated'later that month in both Paris
and Dresden.
Throughout his formative years,
Yehudi had the rare privilege of study
and discussion with such friends as
Arturo 'T1oscanini, Bruno Walter, Sam
Ptanko and Sir' Edward lgar. Fr
the past two years he has been in re-
tirement, studying and perfecting his
technique. His present engagements
inelude apearances in the leading
ities of America, the British Islesi
acnd Continental Europe.
Fi Lady Of
Te ~'etropotittn'
"First Lady of the Metropolitan" isi
the title bestowed on Kirsten Flagstad
by' admiring critics who have watched
the ascent of the Norwegian soprano's
star' of popularity since her debut at
the Met in 1934.
Miss Flagstad comes of a musicalr
faiily. She was born in Hamar, Nor-
tway, a short distance from Oslo. Her
father was a conductor in Oslo. Her
ftibther is a pianist and coach for
both individual singers and chorusx
groilps. She has two brothers-Ole, aa
coflductor, and Lasse, a concert pian-t
gist. Her sister, Karen Marie, like
herself, is a singer.
"Kirsten began to study the piano
'as a child. She remembers that her
motherimade it clear to her that there
was no escape from practicing, al-a
bh-ugh lr parents had no intentiont
of having their daughter make musicg
a profession. Indeed, they had ambi-g
tions'for her to become a doctor.
Practice she had to, however, andt
practice she did. But theory, harmony
and counterpoint she shunned as I
much as possible. No compulsion could
make the child pay attention to these
aspects of music. To this day she has
retained a distaste for them.
Her beginning as a singer was large-
ly accidental. At the age of ten, on
her own volition and for her own,
amusement she began studying the
role of Elsa in "Lohengrin." She
learned it all-uncut. Then she added
another role-"Aida."
It happened that when she was con-
firmed a party was given in her honor
and to help entertain the guests Kir-
3ten sang operatic arias from these;
operas. A musical friend told her that
she would soon ruin her voice if she
did not develop it properly. She of-
fered to give the child a few lessons.
These were largely in the nature of
proper placement and breathing. For-
mal vocal lessons, however, did not
begin until she was sixteen. Then she
studied with Ellen Schytte-Jacobsen
in Oslo. But still she did not con-
emplate a career. It was all just for
She was barely eighteen when her
mother projected her into an opera
role. Fru Flagstad had been present
at an audition at which the conductor
of the Oslo Opera expressed dissatis-
faction over the candidate for the role
of the little girl Nuri in O'Albert's
"Tiefland." On the way home she
stopped at a music store, bought a
score of the opera and gave it to her
daughter, telling her that if she
learned it in two days she could try
out for the role. '
,Kirsten was the thirteenth candi-
date heard at the audition, and she
got the part. Two months later she
made her debut. She recalls that she
had already grown to full height, and
in order to give the impression of be-
ing a child, was obliged to move a-
round stooping and crouching.
She then went off to Stockholm for
further study under Dr. Gillis Bratt.
the following year she played three
By her own account she has sung
68 roles-38 in grand opera and 30
in operettas and comic operas. This
does not take into consideration in-
numerable song recitals and appear-
ances' as soloist with orchestras n
oratoric performances.
Vaszy Both Leader
And' Corn oser
Viktor Vaszy, conductor of the Bud-
apest University Chorus, represents
the new school of the young music
generation. he Chorus has had many
great leaders in its centuries' old ex-
istence, but few more distinguished
than its present leader, who has oc-
cupied the post since 1929.
Maestro Vaszi is not only a choral
Six Soloists,
4 Ensembles
{Coming Here
(Continued from Page 1)
celebrated his golden jubilee in Ameri-
ca, will appear here as the second
pianist in the series and the first
artist of the new year, Jan. 10, 1939.
Mr. Hofmann first appeared in Ameri-
ca Nov. 29, 1887, at the age of 10,
at the Metropolitan Opera House,
following a sensational tour of Eur-
ope. His debut was immediately hailed
by the New York press, and the prodi-
gy grew up to be one of the recognized
geniuses of the musical world. To-
day, at 6C. he is still in his prime, and
his devoted following throughout
America grows larger every year.
Budapest Chorus Coming
The Budapest University Chorus,
under the direction of Viktor Vaszy,
will be heard here for the first time
Jan. 25. Although well-known in
Europe, and with a tradition dating
back to the eighteenth century, this
organization has only made one brief
'tour of America, in 1936. The group
will be in this country five weeks
this year. Thee chorus is composed
of 40 male vocalists and its repertory
consists chiefly of its native Hungar-
ian folk sonngs.
Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, who a
decade ago startled New York with his
debut as a child of 10, and who has
just returned to the concert stage
after a two year retirement in which
he devoted himself to intensive study
of his instrument, will appear here
Feb. 15. The most extravagant praise
has been heaped upon his youthful
shoulders during his brief but highly
sensational career.
Piarigorsky Closes Season
Gregor Piatigorsky, who has be-
come the most noted solo violoncellist
of our day, will present the last solo.
concert of the season Feb. 27. First
violincellist of the Moscow Imperial
Opera at 15, this artist has convinced
American as well as European audi-
ences that his instrument can be as
sensitive and expressive as the violin.
He has also served as first violincellist
with the Berlin Philharmonic Orches-
The Roth String Quartet, which
scored ian immediate triumph in its
appearance here last year, will return
for the final concert on the program
March 9. In its ten year career the
quartet has gained a reputation as
"one instrument played by eight
hands." It has been a particular fav-
orite with college audiences in its
series of triumphant tours in Ameri-
ca. The group has proved so popular
in this country that all four members,
native Americans, have become natur-
alized American citizens.
conductor, but is leader of the Buda-
pest Philharmonic.Symphony Orches-
tra, professor of the Royal Hungarian
Franz Liszt Academy of Music in
Budapest and . a composer of note.
Many of his works have been pub-
lished for voices, six for orchestra
and he has written two masses. He
has done much for the development
of Hungarian music, and his support
and cooperation with native compos-'
ers is well known throughout Hun-
gary. In the past seven years he has
won distinction in all the many coun-
tries visited by the ensemble.
40 Male Voices Raised In Song: Budapest University Chorus
(Continued from Page 1)
800 Concerts
Given On Tour
By CleveLand
mng school superintendents, has grown
in mutual benefits and is today recog-
nized as a model relationship, emu-
lated in many parts of this and other
The Cleveland Orchetra is fortun-
ate in the possession of its own splend-
id home, Severance Hall, made pos-
sible through the generous support of
the late John L. Severance, and of an
endowment fund of two and one half
millions, established in celebration of
the tenth season, as the result of a
civic campaign headed by Dudley S.
Blossom, president of the Musical
Arts Association which supports the
orchestra. This rapid development has
been widely acclaimed.
Long cooperation of a group of mus-
ic-loving, public-spirited people with
Adella Prentiss Hughes, who for 20
years had been presenting orchestras
And artists in Cle ; and, inspired the
foundation of The' Musical Arts As-
sociation, which within three years
brought the Cleveland Orzhestra into
For 15 years the conductor was
Nikolai Sokoloff and the reputation of
the orchestra grew through the qual-
ity of its playing, the variety of its
constantly enlarging repertory and
the inspiration of its performances.
then Artur Rodzinski was chosen as
conductor in 1933 and the scope of the
orchestra's service was broadened and
its tradition of "better quality each
season" was triumphantly carried
forward to the delightful acclaim of
audiences at home and on tour.
Budapest University Chorus One
Of World's Oldest Vocal Groups
Ancient Document Proves
Organization Has Been
In Existence Since 1702
The Budapest University Chorus is
one of the oldest and most famous,
choral organizations in the world I
Just as Notre Dan is noted for its ,
football team, Cornell for its Cayuga1
waters and Michigan for its graduate1
school, Budapest University is known
for its chorus. The first written
document concerning this famous or-
ganization dates back to 1702. In
1867 another male chorus from the
Technical University of Science was
founded and in 1906 combined with
the original Budapest University
The Chorus represents an impor-
tant chapter in. the development of
Hungarian music. It has stimulated
the interest in composition for choral
music, and for many centuries much
has been written for the Budapest
University's performance. Each time
the chorus plans a foreign tour, new
compositions are written for it, so
that Hungarian music may be carried
to other countries.
Has Extensive Influene
The chorus has had a far-reaching
influence. Before the war Louis'
Halasz, the superintendent of music
in the schools of Hungary, and con-
ductor of the chorus at that time,
visited by special arrangement many
cities demonstrating the high stan-
dard of song. The result was the
enthusiastic formation of choruses in
numerous other cities, from which
eventually came singers of great tal-
Tht years before the Great War
the chorus visited many capitols.
Hungary was one of the countries
which suffered greatly from the rav-
ages of war, but the chorus continued
its work and progress after"the con-
flict. It began its tours again in
1920 and was invited in 1925 by the
Pope himself to sing the papal mass
to an audience of 5,000 people from
all parts of the world. In 1927 the
Chorus returned to Italy again, visit-
ing Rome, a visit which led to the
formation of the Rome University
Women's Group Formed
An Italian composer of renown,j
Licinio Refice, head of the Papa:
University of Music composed an
oratorio and presented it to the
Chorus. Since it was for mixed
voices it gave rise to the inaugura-
tion of the Women's Chorus of Buda-
pest and in 1927 this work was given
in Budapest by the "mixed chorus
under the personal direction of the
In the past' 0 years the Budapest
Chorus has given countless concerts
abroad, but has only once visited
America. Its second tour is limited
to five weeks in January.
The Hungarian music which will be
brought here by the Budapest Univer-
sity Chorus was famous as early as
the 12th century, when the Hunga-
rians fought as allies of the Russian
Prince Isislav against the Poles and
Boheminas. When the Hungarians
marched'into Kiev the townspeople
used to say, "The house is fortunate
in which Hungarian music sounds."'
E -
I '
:_ .
The prices of season tickets are $12.00, $10.00, $8.00, and $6.00.
Each season ticket contains a coupon good for $3.00 in exchange
for a season May Festival ticket.
Three center sections, both on the main floor and in the first
balcony, $12.00 each. (These $12.00 tickets are designated "Patrons'
Tickets," and entitle the holder to the same location for the next
May Festival when exchanged in accordance with a May Festival
schedule to be announced.)
Two side sections both on the main floor and in the 'first
balcony, $10.00 each.
First sixteen rows in the second balcony, $8,00.
Back of the first sixteen rows in the second balcony, $600.
'The prices of individual concert tickets are Main floor, $2.50;
first balcony, $2.00; and second balcony, first sixteen rows, $1.50;
balance of second balcony, $1.00.
On Sale i
Sooof Music ffic
First Lady
of the Opera
etGreater than ever" is the
verdict of the current press on this incomparable soprano,
whorm thc Ncw York JJcrrald Tribiuw calls "The first of
Yehudi Meinui
jiving singers."
Thogilher annualappearanccs in con-
Acclaimed at every performance as
the greatest violinist of the age,
Yehudi Menuhin has thrilled audi-
ences the world over with his genius.
He still continnes to make musiCal
history wherever he appears, and is
today at his height as a violin vir-
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Enclosed please find remittanc
for ........ Choral Union tickets a
ce of $........ in payment
as follows:
ickets: $2.50-$2$1504$1
.1 .,3,\it?''t.' 1 :F I b(t I t. ... /
..clevelandrc t
at I
Cert and opera have been toppin& one hundred in this
country alone, her thrilling voice remains as fresh as ever.
tickets at $12 each $.
Itick cs at $0 each $.
ticketi' at $13 each $.
ticket at $6 each $.
11111 tuoso.
I !