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October 16, 1938 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-16

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Alabama .

. 13 Princeton....13 [Iowa,.
. . Penn ....... 0 , Chicago

27 Tulane ...
14 Rice.. .

... 26 California . .
.: 17 U.C.L.A.,. .

... 20 Stanford ... .
... . 7 Oregon .... .

.. 27 U.S.C...........19
.. 16 Washington State .61

Oregon State ... 13


.... ..,. . .. . _... 4 ....,. ..

Gopher Air Attack In Final Period Downs Michigan,

7 To6

.; ..

518,000 See
Kick By Faust
Decide Game
Van Every's Pass Brings
Tally After Wolverines
Score On Long Drive
(Continued from Page 1)
"healthy" halfback and his ace in
the hole today, recovered. Harmon,
groggy from the impact of the tackle,
was led off the field and Minnesota
had her first break.
Still there were 49 long yards to go
and only eight minutes 56 seconds to
do it. Minnesota grasped its last
Tough and burly Larry Buhler
pldwed to the 37 on th first play for
a first down, and they carried Joe
Savilla off the field after he had made
the tackle.
Penalties Aplenty
Van Every went off right tackle
to the 32, but Minnesota was holding
and the ball was moved back to the
47. There was too little time to try
the A1ichigan line, and too little likle-
hood of success. .Minnesota-the.
power team of the nation-took to
the air, and in that bit of strategy
turned defeat into victory.
Van Every faded back to pass, and
spotted Bill Johnson, sub end, down
the sideline. .Fred Trosko was near
him on the 25, but as Van Every
passed, Trosko slipped and fell, and
Johnson speared the ball and moved
to the 12 where Vince Valek stopped
Michigan's great line dug in, and
Wilbur Moore and Buhler made only
three yards in two tries. So again
the Gophers took to the air, Van
Every running to the right and pass-
ing down the sidelines to Moore who
caught the ball and dove past Wally
Hook into, the end zone for the score.
SMoorewas hurt on the play and was
,carried off the field.
Faust Causes Grief
Gopher quarterback George Faust'
dropped back to kick the extra point
and booted the ball squarely through
the uprights. There were six min-
utes and 53 seconds to play. Michi-
gan's doom was sealed.
Dave Strong was in there passing
desperately at the end but it was
too late. The Gophers, using vir-
tually a three man line, were knock-
mg them down in the clutch and
Michigan's advance was stopped at
Line Opens Paths
In the line were Capt. Fred Janke
and Ralph Heikkinen, superb today
even in defeat. In the backfield were
Pnrucker, Harmon, and Kromer claw-
ing for every inch of ground every
minute of the time. There was Smick,
who started the crucial pass, and be-
hind all was the uncanny coaching
genius of Herbert Orrin Crisler.
It was Crisler's instructions con-
veyed by quarterback Jack Meyer
who replaced Forest Evashevski en-
route that gave the Wolverine's their
touchdown. Michigan was on the 25
when Meyer entered and immediately
began employing a delayed block that
had the Gophers buffaloed.
It was Harmon handing to Puruck-
er, and Purucker to Harmon, as the
Wolverines moved down past the 50
into Gopherland. They were on the 21
as the quarter ended.
As the final stanza ended it was
fourth and nine to go. Smick came in,

Harmon Helps-

-Michigan Daily Photo
Tom Harmon, sophomore half-
back from Gary, Ind., yesterday
teamed with Norm Purucker, a'
sensor, to carry the ball 89 yards
against the Nation's leading foot-
ball team, which ended in a touch-
down for the Wolverines.
and Harmon rifled a beauty down
the center that Dan caught on the
Gopher seven yard line. First down
and the goal to go. Did Michigan have
the power?
They did. A reverse from Hook to
Kromer gained a yard. Kromer tore
around right end to the four, Harmon
plowed off left tackle to the two, and
Kromer flashed around right end for
the touchdown that wasn't enough.
Thrills Throughout Game
Despite the absence of scoring in
the firstperiods the entire game was
packed with thrills. Both teams moved
in the first quarter, but it was Michi-
gan who invaded Gopher territory.
With the ball on Michigan's 43, Har-
mon cut out around right end for
seven and Purucker slashed off their
own right tackle for 18 more, the safe-
ty man, Moore, being the last Gopher
between him and the goal. A
After a Purucker punt had put
Minnesota back on their own six,
Faust kicked out to the 45 and again
Michigan took up their chores. Har-
mon, Ed Phillips, and Purucker be-
gan to burst through the Mighty
Gopher forward wall, and the ball was
on the Minnesota 24 as the quarter
Here Lady Luck gave a slight indi-
cation of what was to come later.
Harmon faded back and passed to
Evashevski who was absolutely clear
down the right sideline, but the toss

I Tough One To Lose!
The Lineups
Michigan (6) Minnesota (7)
Valek LIE Mariucei
Janke LT Pederson
Brennan LG Bell
Kodros C Elmer
Heikkinen RG Twedell
Savilla RT Schultz
Nicholson RE r Nash
Evashevski QB Faust
Purucker LH Moore
Harmon RtH Buhler
Phillips FB Christiansen
Michigan ........... 0 0 0 6--6
Minnesota...........0 0 0 7-7
Michigan scoring - Touchdown,
Kromer, (sub for Harmon). Minnesota
scoring-Touchdown, Moore. Point
from try after touchdown-Faust
Michigan: Ends-Smick, Frutig,
Gedeon; Tackles-Smith, Siegel, Jor-
dan; Guards-Fritz, Olds, Sukup:
Quarterbacks-Meyer, Kitti, Levine ;
Halfbacks-Kromer, Trosko, Hook.
Laskey, Strong.
Minnesota: Ends-Bill Johnson,
Bjorcklund; Guards-Bob Johnson,
Rork; Center-Kulbitski; Halfbacks
-Franck, Van Every, Jamnik.
Referee, Frank Lane, Detroit; Um-
pire, W. D. Knight, Dartmouth; Field
Judge, Fred Gardner, Cornell; Head
Linesman, Lee Daniels Loyola.
was just a trifle long, and it went
incomplete. With it went a sure touch-
Minnesota was aided in the second
quarter when George Franek's good
kick set Michigan back to their own
16 yard dine. On an exchange of
punts, Franck kicked over the goal-
line and a holding penalty put Michi-
gan back on the five yard line. An
offside by Minnesota moved it to the
Purucker Kicks Help
Purucker, calm and collected, kicked
back and the Gophers, with Moore
and Franck doing the ball toting
moved to the Michigan 27. The Wol-
verines held, however, and on fourth
down the Gophers' Negro guard, Hor-
ace Bell, attempted a field goal which
went wide, and it was Michigan's ball
on the 20 yard line again.
Once more the Wolverines were
caught holding and back to the five
they went. And again the same Minne-
sota man, Captain Francis Twedell,
was offside on the first play moving it
to the ten. And onceamore Purucker
punted without fear, and the Gopher
threat was nullified.
Smick's Try Falls Short
At the close of the period a pass
from Trosko to Ed Frutig moved the
ball to the Gopher 41, and with only
Chicken Dinner Complete 65c
Steak Dinners at 75c, 65c, 55c, 50c
727 N. University at Thayer
(Under Miller Drug)



. .

First In Statistics,
Second In Scoring
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 15-(P)-Sta-,
tistics of the Minnesota-Michigan
football game:
Minn. Mich.
First Downs .............. 6 13
Yds gained by rushing (net) 91 157
Forward passes attempted 5 18
Forward passes completed 2 7
Yds. gained forward passes 41 97
Yds. lost, attempted fwd pass 0 0
Forw'd passes intercepted by 1 0
Yds. gained runback int pass 8 0
"Total yards kicks returned 82 60
Opponents' fumbles recov. 1 0
Yards lost by penalties .. 55 35
Includes punts and kickoffs.

Faculty League Bowls
Friday On Union Alleys
The Interdepartmental Faculty
Bowling League will have an in-
formal round on Friday night at thej
Union alleys.
The following .departments have al-
ready entered teams; civil engineer-
ing, library, and physiology. OtherPa
departments wishing to enter teams Burr, P
please contact the Intramural Sports
Building and leave entry blanks.
The present plan is to bowl on al-
ternate Friday evenings at 7:30.





r i

Football Scoress
Carnegie Tech 7 IOly Cross 6
Colgate 12 Coluombia 0
Dartmouth 34 Brown 13
Michigan State 26 W. Viriginia 0
Duke 6 Georgia Tech 0
Vanderbilt 3 Mississippi 7
Texas Christian 34 Texas A.&M. 6
Arkansas 42 Texas 6
North Carolina 7 New York U. 0
Baylor 14 Centenary 0
Oklahoma 19 Kansas 0
Iowa State 16 Missouri 13
You Can Afford o

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atmosphere today.

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Paul Kromer, versatile, sopho-
more star from Kiski Prep, yester-
day lived up to advance notices,
when he plunged over the Minne-
sota goal line for Michigan's only
score. Kromer also punted exceed-
ingly well and by scoring on the
Gophers, brings his season's total to
25 points.
seconds left Smick attempted 'a long
field goal which fell far short.
In the £hird period, Franck and4
Trosko were engaged in an even punt-
ing duel until Faust intercepted a
Trosko pass and returned to the
Michigan 45.
But the Mighty Minnesotans were
stymied and Franck finally punted
to the 11 yard line where Bell downed
the ball. There were five minutes to
play in the quarter.








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