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October 16, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-16

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. . .. 6

Notre D


14 Ohio State .......0 Indiana .
6 Northwestern .... oj Nebraska

..... . . Purdue .
....0. . Fordham

.... 6 Yale.......
.6 Navy........


I _______________________-________________

O.S.U.-N.U., Indiana-Nebraska Tie;
Illinois, Wisconsin And Chicago Lose'

A Sixty-Minute Man

Youof M
By Sec Terry

EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 15.-UP)-~
Northwestern, braked down by for-
ward pass interceptions, was held to
a scoreless tie by a dogged Ohio
State eleven before 38,000 s9ectators
at Dyche Stadium 'today.
The result settled nothing at all
about the aspirations of both teams
for Western Conference champion-
ship consideration.
The outcome was decided on the
first play of the second period. Jack
Ryan, Northwestern's brilliant half-
back, failed to dent the Buckeye line
from the five yard mark with the re-
sult that the Wildcats lost the ball
on downs. It was almost a duplicate
of the situation at Columbus a year
ago when the Buckeyes stopped Don
Heap on the four yard line.'
Northwestern had the decided edge
in the offensive for most of the game,
but the Wildcats escaped defeat onlya
by the narrow margin that kept cen-
ter Charley Maag's attempted field
goal from whizzing over the cross-
bars in the final two minutes of
Hoosiers Break Spell
LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 15.-(JP)-Op-
portunity knocked repeatedly for Ne-
braska's Cornhuskers, but their in-
terconference football game with In-
xdiana here today ended in a scoreless
The result left each team still gun-
ning for its first victory of the sea-
son. Indiana broke the spell Ne-
b .askA L1hCna dJ V h H. 11 i f

previous contests between the two
Sophomore halfback Herman Roh-
rig made four attempts to score for
the Huskers by way of field goals, but
each effort was wide or short. Ne-
braska's most serious bid for victory
came late in the third quarter.
Pitt Still Tops
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 15.-(P)-
Pittsburgh's Panthers gobbled up
Wisconsin's Badgers today, 26 to 6,
with a swift and sure attack to ex-
tend their wins to four this season.
Playing on a dry, firm field, Pitt
ran, passed and intercepted its way
to touchdowns in the last three quar-
Wisconsin's six points were scored
in the last 10 seconds of the game by
second string reserves against Pitt's
third team. One of a barrage of
passes, with halfback John Tennant
throwing to Gordon Gile, an end, put
the Badgers in the scoring column.
Marshall Goldberg, fast stepping
fullback, started the Pittadrive mid-
way in the second quarter after
Coach John Sutherland had held
his veterans on the bench for rest
and instructions. Halfback Richard
Cassiano sparked the drive with a 22-
yard run to the one yard stripe, from
w h e r e Goldberg easily stepped
M.S.C. Defeats
West Va,. 26-0

Huskersa over n booset
Huskers having won both of t


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cide where to eat-beca
he hasn't been to Flautz's
Visit Flautz's today
you'll make it a habit!

s, Wte . -
he two
- Intercepted Passes, Diehl
Lead In State Victory
MORGANTOWN, W. Va., Oct. 15.--
(P)-A smart Michigan State eleven
scored on a break early in the first
quarter and rolled up the count on
intercepted passes today to down
West Virginia University, 26-0.
Dave Diehl, the Spartan's great
left end, recovered a blocked punt
for the first marker, and halfback
John Uingel scored the second on a
one-yard thrust in the third period
after a pass carried the ball to scor-
ing position. Diehl and Pearce, sub-
stitute back, added the other touch-
de- downs on intercepted passes, the lat-
ter racing 66 yards to score.
iuse Griffith, Michigan State guard,
g1 paved the way for the first score by
rushing through to block Carliss'f
kick and Diehl fell on it over the goal
and line for a touchdown.
Clarke's fumble in the third period
led to the second touchdown. Pingel
recovered for Michigan State on West
Virginia's 30 and after a couple line
plays, Pingel flipped a pass to 1Telson
who was downed on the 1-yard line.
4 Pingel went through center for the
In the fourth quarter Diehl inter-
NE cepted Audia's pass on the West Vir-
ginia 30 and ran for the-third touch-
down. *1
e The fourth was another gift from
the harrassed Mountaineers. Pearce,
one of the horde of substitutes thatr
Michigan State sent on the field,
pulled in White's pass and ran 66
ght yards to score. With only seconds
left to play, Michigan State appeared
4-8 to be headed for another touchdown
but the Mountaineers finally stopped
the attack

through a big hole in the line. Wil-
liam Daddio, end, kicked the extra
Irish Down Illini
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Oct. 15.--(P)
-Two spectacular maneuvers, one al
sudden bid through the air and the
other a breath-taking thrust on the
ground, carried Notre Dame's foot-
ball legions to a 14 to 6 victory over
Illinois today.
Before the 45,000 spectators hardly
had settled into their seats, Notre,
Dame scored a first period touchdown
on a long pass from Harry Stevenson
to Earl Brown. In the third period,
fleet Ben Sheridan brilliantly re-
turned a punt 68 yards to score.
Illinois got its touchdown shortly
afterward by recovering a blocked
Irish punt a yard from the Notre
Dame goal line-but didn't have quite
enough left for a serious threat to the
Playing at Notre Dame for the first!
time, Illinois depended on a line which
had whipped Indiana a week ago. To-
day the Illini forwards were out-
played from start to finish. Illinois,
stopped on the ground, took to the
air only to encounter an alert Irish
secondary which permitted only
three completions in 12 aerial at-
Iowa's Big Ten Win
CHICAGO, Oct. 15.-(P)-Iowa's
Hawkeyes broke their co-lease with
Chicago on the Big Ten cellar today
by outpointing the Maroons, 27 to
14, before a crowd of 8,000 at Stagg
The victory was the first Western
Conference triumph for the Hawkeyes
since they walloped Illinois, 19 to 0,
in 1935. The Maroons haven't won
a Big Ten game since nipping Wis-
consin, 7 to 6, in 1936.
Fordham Hammers
Purdue To 6-6 Game
NEW YORK, Oct. 14-()-Ford-
ham's Rams took Purdue's Boilermak-
ers for a ride for life at the Polo
Gruonds today but all they got was a
tie 6-6 score that amounted to a
stunning upset viewed by 31,000 fran-
tic, sweltering spectators.
Fordham, victimized by three gal-
lant goal line stands in the first half
during which the Rams backs, led by
sophomore Leonard Eshmont of At-
las, Pa., piled up 251 yards from rush-
ing, scored on a 49-yard sprint by
Eshmont in the third period only to
have Purdue come back to tie the
score. The hero of the Boilermaker
return drive was Lou Brock, who
capped a great day of running and
kicking with a 17-yard touchdown
rush early in the final period.
Both teams, badly rushed by lines
that reared to superb heights in the
crisis, missed chances for victories
with placement kicks that were car-
bon copies. Pete Holovak's try for
Fordham was wide and high and so
was the desperate try made by I rock.

I' t
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 15.-
These limp, clammy, hands refuse to
function as Michigan's gallant eleven
strives vainly, with bare seconds to
play, to vindicate the gamest display
of football these weary eyes ever saw.
Fifty seven thousand homecomers,
whose enthusiasm had been unre-
strained throughout the afternoon of
queen coronations; parades and
thrilling football stand in silent ap-
preciation of a team which had ex-
hausted its very fiber to win.
But when the traditional autumn
shadows lengthen over Memorial Sta-
dium, Michigan's warriors walk off'
the field bowed in defeat, some cry-
ing others too utterly exhausted even
realize that in the gridiron valhalla
there are places for men of their
T HEY SAY up here that Bernie
Bierman, the Minnesota coach,
makes an annual trip through thef
state in quest of football talent. He
asks each likely looking farm boy the
direction of the next town, and if the'
lad points with his hand, Bierman1
ignores him and proceeds to the next
place. But if the lad picks his plow
up and points with it, then the
Gopher mentor is interested. How-
ever apocryphal the story may be,
these Norsemen grow big and strong
-and play football for Minnesota. g
FEW universities include among its l
synthetic alumni so rabid and ri-1
bald a group as Minnesota's. Mar-l
shall farmers and Hibbing miners
alike refer possessively to the Gophers1
as "our boys," and they affectionately'
regard reticent Bernard Bierman,
that paragon of coaching efficiency,;
as just plain "Bernie." And onE
homecoming days-which is today-
the chores and ore can wait as thou-1
sands of suppressed souls invade the
Twin Cities, tip the lid for a few
ecstatic hours and then repair again
to their drab, eventless narrow corn-
While such a safety valve is recom-l
mended for inhibited rustics, it plays,
ned with the rural sons and daugh-1
ters. For they come to Minneapolis1
when the sordid, devitalizing aspects1
of metropolitan life are gaudily
camouflaged by the splash of gaiety
and color and by people who are will-
ing for "the nonce to reject the grim-
mer realities. The Big City takes on
a glamor and fascination, which-
contrasted with the simple, unadorned
acre of wheat-seduce their restless
spirits. The alarming exodus of
youth from the farm may be traceable
to such powerful lures as a home-
coming occasion. But as Sigurd, the
bartender at The Schooner over on

Archie Kodros, Michigan's hard-
working center, deserves a better
fate than seeing his team suffer a
heart-breaking defeat at the hands
of Minnesota, for he did more than
his part in an effort to upset the
Gophers by playing the entire game
-sixty minutes of fighting football!
Nicollet, says, nothing so enriches the
existence of a lonely farmhand as
urban disillusionments. And with a
dab of imagination and an audience,
he can become a ready favorite in
town on Wednesday and Faturday
BUT BACK to football. This press-
box high atop Memorial Stadium
is strongly remindful of Ann Arbor,
for scattered about these terraced
premises are Wily Will Reed, Free
Press ace, and his cynical informer,
Ferdinand (Tod) Rockwell; grizzled
Mill Marsh, madly pounding out his
yarn for the Booth syndicate; Clinton
B. Conger, United Press scribe; De-
troit Times Robert Murphy and his
AP stooge, David Zeitlin; Henry Sal-
singer, venerable Detroit News sports
editor; Daily representatives, Burton
Benjamin, the sports ed, and Her-
bert Lev, his aide de camp; Leo Beebe,
who gave us a few unsolicited thrills
with his mad driving through Wis-
consin, spotting for radio station
MTNC; and the faTniilar faces of
Harry (Himself) Wismer, WJR's am-
bitious sportscaster who has become
a veritable tumble weed in covering
both Michigan and Detroit Lions'
games (he left by plane shortly after
the final gun), and Harry Kipke, a
commentator who picked Minnesota.
Different ..' try a
. INOriginal M ilk





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