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October 16, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-16

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orSTK OrlIN i S o , U~
and managed by students of the University of
under the authority of the Board in Control of
hea every morning except Monday during the
y' year and Sunmmer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
epublication of all news dispatches credited to
totherwise credited in this newspaper. All
republication of all other matters herein also
lat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
lass mail matter.
iptions during regular school year by carrier,
r mail. $4.50.
-, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38t
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
120 MADisoN AvE. NEw YORK. N. Y.
Board of Editors
g Editor Robert D. Mitchell
1 Director..... . Albert P. Mayio
tor. ..Horace W. Gilmore
e Editor Robert I. Fitzhenry
e Editor........S. R. Kleiman
e Editor . .. Robert Perman
e Editor.... . . . William Elvin
e Editor . . . . Joseph Freedman
e Editor.. . ... Earl Gilman
itor . ... .... Joseph Gies
s Editor . . . . Dorothea Staebler
ditor Bud Benjamin
Business Department
> Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen
[anager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
ing Manager . . William L, Newnan
s Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
s ,Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
editorials published in The Michigan
are written by members of the Daily'
and represent the views of the writers

present moment when a gubernatorial campaign
i4 Michigan promises to be an important factor
in the national political scene. It has branded the
sit-down strikes of 1936-7, which represented
Michigan's automobile workers' efforts to secure
the constitutional right of collective bargaining,,
a right guaranteed in the Wagner Act passed in
1935, as a communist plot. The committee, ac-
cording to a Detroit newspaper, is planning to
subpoena Governor Murphy, in the midst of a
campaign, to testify in Washington that the sit-
downs were part of a Moscow plot to hasten the
Not only has the Dies investigation been ex-
ploited for political purposes, but it has in effect
approached a violation of the treasured civil
rights of the American People. The Bill of
Rights guaranteeing in essence fieedom of
thought and conscience is truly in serious
jeopardy when citizens are told that their
humanitarian efforts to provide medical aid to
the Spanish people are of a subversive character.
Minority parties, whose right to exist has long
been a cardinal principle of American govern-
ment, (and who are pledged to conform to strin-
gent regulations) are threatened with extinction.
It might be more to the point for the Dies
Committee to eschew the purely negative and
destructive. Perhaps the Committee could be
positive and constructive and tell us what true
Americanism is.
-S. R. Kleiman
Birthday Greetings
To The Health Service .. .
THE DAILY takes this opportunity to
congratulate the Health Service on its
twenty-fifth anniversary. A pioneer among col-
lege health service units throughout the nation,
the Michigan Health Service has led the way in
providing student medical care at as low a rate
as $15 annually. Its program of preventive medi-
cine, exemplified in the thoroughgoing physical
examination of entering students, has prevented
many a breakdown in later life. Thus Presirent
Ruthven's announcement of a new modern Health
Service Center with its resulting possibilities of
increased medical service is welcome news.
A more fitting gift than this proposed $213,000
building would be hard to imagine. Handicapped
since birth by a small staff and cramped quar-
ters, the Health Service, under the guidance of
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, has managed to trans-
cend these handicaps. This service to the, stu-
dents of the University, reflected in part by
a fall of almost 50% in the student death rate
since its inception in 1913, has earned the thanks
of students, alumni, and parents everywhere.
The free treatment of illness, advice to stu-
dents, and inspection of campus eating and hous-
ing conditions, p ovided by the Health Service,
makes the campus a healthier place than it would
otherwise be for 12,000 students, and assures
parents at home of their children's welfare.
The Daily hopes with President Ruthven that
the Health Service's new quarters will enable it
to extend its benefits to include yearly physical
examination of all students and like privileges
for the faculty.
-John Canavan

To Town..

THE EIGHT University professors who
were accused Thursday by the Dies
nittee of being unknowing "dupes" of the
nunist Party do not need our defense. The
es are so preposterous that they answer
selves and leave the Dies Committee, alone,
ed. The willfull distortion of the report of
ies Committee's investigator by one Detroit
and the tenor of the replies by those
ed of communist leanings, not only here
a the Detroit school system, have tended,
ver, to obscure the main issue behind this
red search by this strange body for the
e thing called "un-Americanism."
e Dies Committee has splashed about in
'us abandon with the red paint and brush.
nany of those who have been smeared, by
own protestations, have furthered the pre-
tion upon which the committee is acting:
membership in the Communist Party, or
sympathy with its aims, is un-American,
and subversive. No democratic system of
nment can deny the right of the people to
about through the legal means of the ballot
mendment to the constitution any reforms
think necessary. The Hamilton Fish com-
e that investigated communist propaganda
the Communist Party in 1930 and 1931
d out that the Criminal Code of the United
and the Imiigration act of Oct. 1918/June
afford protection against the overthrow of
>vernment by force; the aftermath of the
igation, during which time the membership
Communist Party was neither incarcerat-
deported under these statutes, proved that
time that there was nothing thought un-
can in the activities of that party.
,t was in 1931. Since that time the tactics
he philosophy of the Communist Party
been so completely overhauled that any
tial observer must admit that it is today
ss radical than in 1931. And it has been
zed for this in radical circles. In fact, the
.unist Party, in opposition to the theory of
action and violent revolution, has with-
its candidates from local and state elec-
n order to aid in the election of progressive
:rats and Republicans pledged to clean
lment and stronger social legislation.
* * *
y is the Dies Committee allowing its in-
3tors to publicize otherwise unsubstantiated
nsational "discoveries," pinning the scar-
mier and sickle of shame, indiscriminat-
on numerous persons? Let us look at the
Vashington and New York, the Dies Com-
tried,. with the aid of eighty-five per cent
press, to create the impression in the
s mind that the Works Progress Adminis.
t, Secretary Ickes, Administrator Hopkins,
deral Theatre and the New Deal's amelior-
nieasures in general were communistic and
ry to true Americanism. The Committee's
y-like the drive to defeat the Reorganiza-
.11, the condemnation of Mr. Justice Black
e howls about boondoggling and balancing
tdget-provides means which have been

Heywood Broun
You might not mind so much if your sister mar-,
ried one of them, and two or three asked in after
dinner would not for a certainty spoil the party,
but taken as a group the
dramatic critics of New York
are so much suet pudding.
It really isn't safe to trust
an art to the judgment of a
body which every other year
goes out and votes a prize to
A Maxwell Anderson. This may
be the bitterness of an old
man who once was privileged
to touch the hem of William Winter's mantle and
to catch the epigrams of Alexander Woollcott as
he delivered them in person. It is true, Your
Worship, that I have seen better days, and did
not always press my nose against the pane of
passing limousines in an effort to find someone
to buy my violence.
Possibly the fault lies not with the present
generation but with the very nature of the craft
of criticism. Though you deal him from the top
of the deck or the bottom, the critic remains a
kibitzer. One need not be a hen to know good
eggs from bad, but things enter into the philos-
ophy of an'omelet which are never dreamt of by
the man who downs it.
Just Try It On Him
The cry of the critic is that he wants novelty
in the theater, but he will slap down any author
who utters a sudden boo in his good ear. Look
how little he did for "The Cradle Will Rock." The
explanation lies somewhere within the works of
Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx. I'm not sure
which one of these sages said it, but no man can
associate with stuffed shirts over a period of sea-
sons without coming to take on something of the
outward manifestations and the inner spirit of the
species. I defy any stranger at a first night to
distinguish the tired business men from the
During the first intermission of the first show
of: the 'new theatrical year I ran into a reviewer.
He yawned and said, "How I wish the season was
Anybody who knew the poor fellow's back-
ground could not possibly blame him. He had
just returned to town after a summer spent in
lecturing to women's clubs on "The Development
of the American Drama." There are those, I un-
derstand, who find this column dull, but I only
wish they could have caught a load of it in my
chicken salad days when I, too, was engaged in
carrying culture to Columbus. It embitters the
mind. And it isn't the sleeper jumps so much as
the old ladies who say, "Tell me honestly. What
is Tallulah Bankhead like in private?"
Also Soft-Hearted
Not for a moment would I suggest that the!
critics of today are cruel sophisticates. On the
contrary, their approach to an art form has all
the naive cheerfulness of Little Audrey. It was
Little Audrey, wasn't it, who thought that Rex
Beach was a summer resort? Well, I know a
critic who thinks that. Clare Boothe is a drama-
Modern criticism is indulgent without being
generous. It neither burns nor blesses. Indeed,
most of the reviews are written in the mood
which Percy Hammond once described as "prais-
ing with faint damns." The theater can be killed
by "yes-men" and maimed by those who must
say "No." But the cruelest and most lingering
death to which the stage can be exposed is to
pinion it upon an ant heap and leave it to the
attrition of "yes and no."
The theater can give out emotion only when
it faces those capable of receiving it or of chuck-
ing it back. There should be a brick wall behind
the stage and not in front of the footlights. Let
the boys bring either bombs or bouquets. Not
even a "Fabulous Invalid" can long survive the
ministrations of the man with the feather duster.

Dies Committee
If the Dies Committee has any sense at all, it
will include in its report to Congress something
about the un-American activities of those wit-
nesses who have convicted themselves out of
their own mouths, by the testimony they have
offered before it.
The First Amendment to the Federal Constitu-
tion, and similar provisions in the State Consti-
tutions, forbids legislation abridging the freedom
of speech or of the press, or the right of the people
peacably to assemble. It follows, then, that any-
one who would deprive any citizen of those rights,
or who protests against his exercise of those
rights, or tries to make out before an investigat-
ing committee that by exercising those rights a ,
citizen is engaging in un-American activites,
is himself un-American.
Note, now, a difference. If the police, and the
spokesmen for various so-called patriotic socie-
ties, and all the rest who object to free speech
and the right to assembly for purposes which!
they, the self-constituted guardians of the Na-
tion, deplore, were themselves to hold meetings
and make speeches for the abrogation of thet
First Amendment and similar provisions in the
State Constitutions, they would be completely .
within their rights. If the American people can
be induced to limit or abolish these freedoms,
well and good.
But when they appear before an investigating
committee and brand as bad Americans citizens
who choose to'make use of their constitutional1
freedom and privileges, they are themselves badt

The Editor
Gets Told...
To the Editor:c
Although the newspapers have kept
the people well informed regarding
the nature of Hitlerism, there is mucht
valuable material on the subject con-
tained in books and pamphlets whichr
seldom reach the general public but1
with which every freedom-loving
American should be acquainted.
Among such writings mention may be
made of a pamphlet entitled "Hitler-
ism and our Liberties" by Charles A.
Beard, 'the well-known historian. The 1
pamphlet contains a striking passage
depicting Hitlerism and the menace
of Hitlerism to America: "It may be
said," writes Professor Beard, "that
such things, viz. the criminal prac-f
ticesof Hitlerism) are done in Eu-1
rope and do not concern us in the1
United States. This is the most dan- f
gerous delusion of our time. In ex-c
alting brute -force, the founders of
the new tyranny make a militaristic 1
organization of every phase of life-t
with war as its climax, the supremeF
end of life. Although Hitler now
speaks gently as the dove on occasion,
Hitlerism is sheer militarism and war
later. The whole philosophy of the
German government is summed up
in the following passage from the
tyrant that presides over it. Hitler'
says on page 715 of Mein Kampf,
in phrases expurgated from the;
English: "Everything f r o m the;
baby's first storybook to the last
newspaper, theatre, cinema . . . will
be put to this end . . . until the brain
of the tiniest child is penetrated by
the glowing prayer: Almighty God,
bless our weapons againt .. bless our
battle!''. s -
"This is the supreme fixed idea of
the German government, and only;
imbeciles will be deceived by profes-
sions of peace. When this blood-lust
has let loose the next war in Europe,
then the fragile structure of inter-
national relations will be broken and
the United States will stand in moral1
peril of being drawn into another a
universal conflagration. Even con- 4
sideredfrom the standpoint of sheer1
domestic policy, Hitlerism is a men-
ace of the peace and security of
That Hitler cannot stop his war
machine is evident to those who have
followed the madman's ventures from
the beginning. And what would be-
come of the more than a million men1
under arms and the thousands andF
thousands of workers in the muni-
tions factories and in the completingR
and strengthening of fortification? -
If all these activities were suddenlyr
stopped there would result unemploy-
ment on a big scale and, most likely,
economic collapse and revolt. But
apart from these considerations,
Hitler is not inclined to stop for the1
reason that his highest ideal is warj
for conquest and power. The whole
spirit and structure of Nazism is
based on war.
M. Levi,
To the Editor:#
Though that task of dealing with
his kind is one of man's most diffi-
cult, those persons who have acquired
the trait too often pass unnoticed
and unappreciated.
The University is fortunate in hav-
ing both among its tutorial andr
clerical forces and among its stu-|
dent body, countless persons who
have learned this appealing virtue.
To understand--that is the world'sZ

most acute need today. MichiganE
students might well follow those ex-1
amples set by many of their class-z
mates, their instructors, and their
friends among the University busi-
ness and administrative staff.
C. Robert Copp.

(Continued from Page 3)

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vaiversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
util 3:30; 11:80 a.m. on Saturday.

work is made up and reported to this mechanics tochemistry". All inter-
office by Oct. 26. Students wishing ested are invited.
an extension of time should file a
petition addressed to the appropriate Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
official in their school with Room day, Oct. 17, 7-9 p.m., Room 313 West
4 U.H., where it will be transmitted. Medical Bldg.


German Make-up Examinations in
German 1, 2 and 31 will be held in
Room 306 U.H., Oct. 22 at 9 a.m.
Other make-up examinations must be
arranged for with the instructor con-
cerned. No student will be permitted
to take this examination without
presenting written permission from
his instructor which he should obtain
as early as possible.'
Psychology 34 Makeup Examination
will be held on Saturday, October 22,
at 9:30 A. M. in Room 2125 Natural

"The Relation of Phosphoric Acid
to the Metabolism of Carbohydrate.
Phosphorylation in the Living Or-
ganism" will be discussed. All in-
terested are invited.
Research Club. Will meet Wednes-
day, Oct. 19, at 8 p.m., in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Robert Gesell will speak on "The
Story of Respiration" "Election of
1officers. The Council will meet at
7:15 p.m. in the West Conference

Science Building. Student Senate: There will be a
meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the
Psychology 42 Makeup Examination Michigan League. The room will be
will be held on Saturday, October 22, listed on the bulletin board. The
at 9:30 A. M. in Room 2125 Natural pubic is cordially invited.

Science Building.


American Society of Ancient Instruments, Ben
Stad director. 10:30-11 a.m., WWJ, WMAQ.
Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl. Madrigals and'
harpsichord music. 11:30-12, WLW.
Radio City Music Hall, Rosemarie, Brancato
soprano, Jan Peerce tenor, Roert Weede baritone,
Erno -Rapee conductor. Verdi's La Traviata
(abbreviated concert version). 12-1, KDKA,
Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Howard Bar-
low conductor. Five Tone Pictures (Carl Mathes),
"Through the Looking Glass" Suite, (Deems
Taylor). 3-4, WBBM.
Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein con-*
ductor. Cantata No. 96, "Herr Christ,.der ein'ge
Gottessohn". 8-8:30, CKLW.\
'Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Richard Crooks
tenor, Jose Iturbi conductor. Overture to Der
Freischuetz (Weber), Procession del Rocio (Tur-
ina), Hungarian Fantasie (Liszt), "Lohengrin's
Farewell" from Lohengrin (Wagner), Schubert's
Serenadd, "Ah, Moon of My Delight" (Liza
Lehmann). 9-10, WJR.
Curtis Institute of Music, Florence Kirk sopra-
no, Richard Purvis organist. Songs by Grieg,
Brahms, Mascagni; Bach's G major Prelude and
Fugue in, G major, Karg-Elert Chorale Prelude,
Sortie (Vierne; songs by Wood, Thayer, Hage-
mann.) 3-3:45, WBBM.
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harr-
son conductor. 3-3:30, WIBM.
WOR Symphony, Eric DeLamarter conductor.
Egmont Overture (Beethoven), First three move-
ments of Schumann's Fourth Symphony, in D
minor. 9:30-10, CKLW.
San Francisco Opera Co., in lfascagni's Cav-
alleria Rusticana. Stignani, Doe, Ziliani, Taglia-
bue, Votipka, Gaetano Merola conductor. 11:00
p. m., WIBM.f
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri-
son conductor. 1:30-2, WIBM.
WOR Symphony, Alfred Wallenstein conduc-
tor, Joseph Coleman violinist. Lalo's Symphonie
Espagnole, Bach Sicilienne, Kreisler transcrip-
tions. 9:15-9:45, CKLW.
Eastman School of Music Symphony, Howard
Hanson conductor. American music. 8:30-9:15,
WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallenstein. Michael
Haydn's "Turkish Suite," Malaguena of Lecuona.
8:30-9, WON.

dropped by students other bhan fresh-
men will be recorded E if they are
dropped after the sixth week.
Erich A. Walter.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education. Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or Summer Session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this

min Wheeler on German-Czech rela-
tions in the late Middle Ages.
Botanical Seminar will meet Thurs-
day, October 20, at 4:30, Room 1139
N. S. Bldg. Paper by Dr. Eileen E.
Manfarlane "A free-lance biologost in
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p. m. on Wednesday, Oc-
tober 19. Dr. R. H. Gillette will speak
on "Some applications of statistical

An Exhibition of Early Chinese
Pottery: Originally held in conjunc-
tion with the Summer Institute of
Far Eastern Studies, now re-opened
by special request with alterations
and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At
the College of Architecture. Daily
(excepting Sundays) 9 to 5.
Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibition: 16th
Annual Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibi-
tion, held under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association, in the
Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Daily 2-5 p.m., through Oct. 26.
University Lecture: Mr. Roland D.
Craig, Chief of the Division of Econ-
omics, Department of Mines and Re-
sources, Lands, Parks, and Forest
Branch, Ottawa, Canada, will give
an illustrated lecture on "The Use of
Air Craft in Forestry" on Thursday,
Oct. 20, at 4:15 p.m., in Rackham
Auditorium, under the auspices of the
School of Forestry and Conservation.
The public is cordially invited.
American Chemical Society Lee-
ture. Professor Grinnel lones, of Har-
vard University, will speak on "Solu-
tions of Electrolytes with Special Re-
ference to Viscosity and Surface Ten-
tion" at 4:15 P. M., Thursday, Octo-
ber 20, in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
Events Today
Freshman Roundtable: C. A. Mead-
er will discuss "Our Relations to
Other People" at.Lane Hall today.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal today
at 4:30.
Vulcans: There will be a short
meeting today at 6:00 o'clock in the
Michigan Union.
Pi'of.'Waldo Abbott, Director of the
University's Broadcasting Service will
speak at 7 o'clock before the Iinter-
national Council group at the Inter-
nnational Center on the subject "The
Use of Radio in Education in Various
A Book Fair, sponsored by the
American Association of University
Women, will be held in the Michigan
League doday from 2 p. m. to 9 p. m.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at the northwest corner of the
Rackham Building today at t3 p. m.
The group will leave immediately for
the Saline Valley Farms where theree
will be hiking, games and supper. In
case of rain, the group will meet in
the Graduate Outing Club Room for
an indoor program.
Lutheran Student Club will meet at
5:30 p.m. Sunday for social hour and
supper. Prof. James K. Pollock will
speak at the discussion hour at 6:45
on the "Present Crisis in Europe."
All Lutheran students and their
friends are invited,
The Christian Students' Prayer
Group will hold its regular meeting at
5 p. in. today in the Michigan League.
Please consult the bulletin board there
for the room.
Attention of this group and of other
nterested students is called to special
ervices being held at the Masonic
remple, 327 South Fourth Avenue,
rom Monday to Saturday. Messages
If particular interest to students are
o be given by Dr. Zoller of Detroit
nd by Dr. Pease of Jackson

"Psychological Journal Club. There
twill be a meeting in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Grad-
uate School on Thursday, October
20th, at 8:00 p.m. Professors W. B.
Pillsbury, Heinz Werner, and N. R. F.
Maier will discuss the Criteria of Ab-
straction. Graduate students, majors
in psychology, and other interested
persons are invited to take part in
the discussion both before' and after
the program.
All ROTC students interested in
the rifle team report to the ROTC
Headquarters *Monday, October 17,
I at 4:00 p.m.
Forestry Club: First meeting on
Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 7:30 p. in.,
2054 N. S. Prof. D. M. Matthews will
speak on "Tropical Exepriences and
Tropical vs. Domestic Employment."
All foresters and pre-foresters are cor-
dially invited to attend.'
Perspectives. There will be a meet-
ing of the Book Review Committee
Monday at 4 p.im.
Geology, Surveying Field Station
Reunion: Students attending the field
stations at State Bridg, Colo., and
Camp Davis, Wyo., in 1938 and pre-
vious years will meet at the Saline
Valley Farms at 6 p.m., Wednesday,
Oct. 19. Group will leave Natural
Science -Building at 5:30 p.m. Picnic
supper (small charge), movie and
dancing. Please bring photog aphs
taken in camp areas. Geology st-
dents, planning to attend should
notify Miss Calwell, 2051 Natural Sci-
ence Building. Surveying students
notify Professor Bouchard, 207 West
A week-end outing at the University
Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake
has been planned by the Internation-
al Center for Friday and Saturday,
October 21 and 22. One group 'will
leave at 1 o'clockand another at 4
o'clock, Friday afternoon. They will
return after luncheon Saturday un-
less they have Saturday classes, in
which case special plans are made
to bring the students back early Sat-
urday morning. Transportation will
be provided by the International Ser-
vice Committee of the Rotary Club.
The entire expense for the outing is
$1.25 per person. Those interested
should sign up at once on the bulle-
tin board at the Center.
All wives of students and internes
of the University are invited to at-
tend an informal tea sponsored by the
Michigan Dames Oct. 18, from 3:30
td 5:30 at the home of Mrs. Alexan-
der G. Ruthven, 815 S. University
Ave. Special effort is being made to
contact all newcomers and they are
requested to call Mrs. Raskin, 6388
in the evening.
The first regular meeting will be
held Thursday, Oct. 20 at 8 p.m.
Please note the change from the regu-
lar; meeting time.
Petitioning for Chairmanships and
membership of committees for the
Assembly Banquet will be held Mon-
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday in the
League Undergraduate Office. Every-
one must bring their eligibility cards.
[nterviewing for the Chairmanship
jobs will be held on Wednesday and
Thursday form 3:30 to 5:30.
The Hiawatha Club will hold a
smoker at 8. o'clock Monday evening
in the Union. All upper Michigan
men are cordially invited.
Dormitory Board Meeting. Monday
at 5:00 in the League.
Oratorical Association L e t a r e



Chaz Chase To Appear
In Union Formal Show


I--- ' i


An Earl Carroll Vanities star will
be one of the feature performers
among the 12 acts that have been
chosen for the Union Formal, Friday,
Oct, 21, the committee in charge
announced yesterday. Lest men stu-
dents be unduly shocked the Commit-
tee announces the star is a male pan-
tonine comedian, Chaz Chase, who
co-starred with Jimmy Durante in
"Start Cheering" and recently re-
turned from Europe.
A team known as Spec and Spot,
and described as "unicycle artists ex-
traordinary," will also grace the pro-
gram of celebrities being imported for
the entertainment of Michigan stu-
In answer to many requests, the
committee decided that only commit-
teemen's guests may sport corsages.
Loyalists Repulse
Insurgent Attacks
HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish
Frontier), Oct. 15 -(P)- Spanish
Government dispatches said today a



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