Partly cloudy and warmer to-
day. Tomorrow showers, cooler.
LiL l, 4 r
f~lt ian
at t
Mr. Dies
Goes To Town
Birthday Greetings
To The, Health Service .
VOL. XLIX. No 19
64 Candidates
Seek Posts In
Student Senate
Independent Candidates
Top List; Three Parties
Endorse 17 Nominees
Hare PR System
Will BeEmployed
With the same number of petitions;
submitted this year as last for half
the number of vacancies, petitioning
for coming Student Senate elections,
Friday, Oct. 21, closed at 12 p.m. yes-
terday bringing the official lists of
candidates to 64. 1,700 students vot-
ed in the Student Senate elections
last year.
Among this nutber there are sev-
en candidates from the United Lib-
eral Coalition, six running on the
Conservative Party ticket and four
on the -Progressive Coalition. The!
remaining 37 candidates are run-
ning independently.
The election to. this all-campus
representative body will be conduct-
ed according to the Hare s stem of I
proportional representation with the 1
single transferable vote.-
The official list of candidates, as1
announced by Edward Magdol, '39,
is as follows:
Martin B. Dworkis, '40, Indepen-
dent Liberal; John P. O'Hara, '39;
Cecile Franking, '39, Ann Arbor In'-
dependent; Anand M. Kelkar, '39,1
International Council; Charles T.
Piecewicz, '39E, Independent Progres-1
sive; Erwin E. Benzier, '41, and Ar-
thur H. Bikof, Non-Partisan; Donald
Cunihan, '41; Cly Brockman, '39E,
Harry Stutz, '39, Jack Laro, '41, Ber-
nard Dober, '41, Robert Emerine, '39,
robert Kahn, '39, Richard Jeffreys,
Grad., Robert Perlman, '39, United
Liberal Coalition, Jack Sessions, '40,
Socialist; Elliott Maraniss, '40, Inde-1
pendent; Irving K. Fox, '40, Liberal;
Larry Gubow, '40; Daniel Bernstein, I
'40, Progressive Independent; Fred-
erick Pear d4O; Jares E Tobin, I
'1, 4bn-Partisan; Barbara Brad-
(Continued on Page 2)
Baruch Favors
Tax To Meet
Defense Costs
Eminent Financier Refutes
Nazi Charge That He Is
Influencing Roosevelt
(By Associated Press)
Bernard M. Baruch, in an inter-
view in New York yesterday in which
he amplified his views on building
America's defense forces, advocated
a special tax to meet the cost of in-
creased armaments.
"We should not pile the burden of
paying for these armaments on to
the shoulders of coming generations,"
Baruch contended. "We should pay
the bill ourselves. Congress, I be-
lieve, should enact whatever form of
levy it thinks best to pay for the new
Referring to the statements in the
German press that he was mixed up
in a "Jewish plot" to influence Pres-
ident Roosevelt, Baruch said "As for
what the Nazis say about me, I can
only point to the record. At the Ver-
sailles peace conference I fought con-
sistently for better terhs for defeated
Cinema Series
BeginsT Oday
Swedish Film Featuring
Garbo On Program
Two Swedish films, "The Outlaw
and His Wife" and "The Story of
Gosta Berling," the first in the series
of pictures to be presented by the
Art Cinema League, will be shown at
3:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Lit School Students
May Drop Courses
Up To Nov. 5, 19'
Contrar y to the notice in the Daily
'esterday, the deadline for dropping
.ourses in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts is Nov. 5 for
sophomores, juniors and seniors, and
Nov. 19 for freshmen. It was erron-
eously reported that yesterday was
the deadline for dropping courses.
Yesterday was, instead, the last day
for election of courses.
The rule which governs the drop-
ping of courses readsnas follows:
"Save under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped by fresh-
men after the end of the eighth
week and by all other students after1
the end of the sixth week will be re-t
corded with the grade E." A freshmanI
is a student who has earned less than
24 hours of credit.
Public Health
Authorities. Will
Conference Will Consider
Feasibility Of Health
Education [n Schools
The Joint Committee of Public
Health Education, made'up of morec
than 20 professional groups, that hast
been operating through the Univer-4
sity Extension Service, will present'itsl
school health education program be-
fore a conference of state health and
education authorities tomorrow inI
The Joint Comittee, which is com-
prised of such groups as the Depart-
ment of Public Instruction, the State
Department of Health, the Michigan
Teachers Association and many oth-
ers, has been working for the past two
years on adlt and public school
health education, Dr. James D. Bruce,
vice-president of the University and
a member of the committee revealed
last night..i
The committee will present a pro- -
gram at the meeting tomorrow that
is designed to give health educationj
a correlated and integral part in the
public school system. Child health
education was described by Dr. Bruce
as having been "hit or miss," until
The conference will consider the
feasibility of the program and just
what it shall consist of.-
The last session of the State Legis-i
lature passed a bill making the teach-
ing of sex hygiene in public schools
compulsory and there is considerable
pressure at present for a program to
teach the dangers of alcohol. The
conference, Dr. Bruce said, plans to
sidetrack these single issues and sub-
stitute an extensive health educa-
tion program as an integral part in
the public school curriculum.
Meader W.ill
Address Forum
Freshmen Will Discuss
Personality Relations
"Relationships to Other Personali-
ties" will be discussed by Prof. Clar-
ence L. Meader, formerly of the gen-
eral linguistics department, at a
freshman roundtable to be held at
4 p.m. today at Lane Hall.
This is the third in a series of
roundtables being sponsored by the
Student Religious Association to of-
fer students the opportunity to talk
Ainformally with members of the fac-
ulty. Following Professor Meader's
talk, the group will be divided into
small discussion sections to be led
by upperclassmen.
Professor Meader, who retired last
year after 45 years of service in the
University, is at present working on
a handbook of bio-linguistics with
Prof. John H. Muyskens which will
expound a new theory of speech cor-,
He studied in Italy, Greece and at
the University. After receiving his
doctorate from Michigan, he taught
Latin and philology here, later switch-
ing to general linguistics. It was
through his efforts that Roman Law,
Hitler Adapts
Czech Policy
To Germany
Paris Believes Adolf Hitler
Stopped Magyar Plan
For 4-Power Meeting
Hungary Speeds
Mobilization Plans
MUNICH, Oct. 15.--(P)-Germany
looked forward tonight to quick adap-
tation of Czechoslovakia to her hege-
mony and to settlement of Hungary's
claims for Czechoslovak territory on
the same basis as Germany acquired
the Sudetenland.
At the same time the German press
suddenly ceased all attacks on
Czechoslovakia and opened up in-
stead with a flood of criticism of Ber-
nard M. Baruch, former Chairman of
the United States War Industries
BUDAPEST, Oct. 15.--(1P)-Hun-
gary speeded up defense measures to-
day by ordering mobilization of ag-
ricultural workers to insure an ade-
quate food supply in any emergency
arising from her dispute with Czech-
oslovakia. The decree supplements
the calling to the colors of five army
classes of about 200,000 men, which
boosted the number of Hungarians
under arms to an estimated half
These steps were taken for peace,
not war, officials said. Hungary has
no aggressive intentions, it was add-
ed, and has taken measures to
strengthen the army to secure peace
along the frontier in territories Hun-
gary expects to get from Czechoslo-
PARIS, Oct. 15.-(P)-Hungary's
plan to force another Four-power
conference in the hope of gaining a
larger piece of Czechoslovakia was
abandoned, French sources said to-
night, after Hungary discovered
Reichsfuehrei Adolf 'Iitler was op-
posed to the idea.
Britain and France also were op-
posed, but Hungary had hoped Chan-
cellor Hitler would back* her up, as he
Studenis Greet
Football Team
At 2:33Today
In a tremendous welcome which
harks back to the greatdays of
"Hurry-Up" Yost's point-a-minute
elevens, more than 3,500 proud Michi-
gan students are expected to crowd
the Michigan Central station at 2:33
today to greet the Michigan team
which gave every ounce of its energy
before it fell, exhausted, before Min-
nesota's national: champions yester-
With the marching band play-
ing the "Maize and Blue" and 150
eager freshmen and sophomores wait-
ing to pull a team which remained
victorious in defeat through Ann Ar-
bor streets to the Union, the Michigan1
football squad will be given a recep-
tion never equalled in the palmy days
of Big Ten Championships.
All members of the marching
band (Gold and Concert) should
report in uniform at 2 p.m. today
at Morris Hall. A rehearsal will
followv the football rally.
-William D. Revelli
Members of the Varsity cheer-lead-
ing squad will lead yells for the team
which sport-caster Harry Wismer yes-
terday said "deserves the most en-
thusiastic greeting of any Michigan
squad in history."
Fred Luebke, '38, president of the
Men's Council which is sponsoring
the celebration, declared yesterday
that he had wired manager Phil
Woodworth, '38, that the team could
expect 'half the campus' to be pres-
ent when the team's train arrived.
It will be the successful revival of
a long-time tradition when students
pull the returning warriors through
town. In other'years when Ann Arbor
was the home of "The Champions
of the West" it was the ordinary pro-
The line of march will be south on
Division St. to Huron St., east to
State St. and south to the Union.
5,000 xpected
At Varsity Night
'On To Yale' Show To Be
Held Tuesday Night
If ticket sales to date are an indi-
cation, Varsity Night this Tuesday
will draw more than 5,00 students
and townspeople to Hill Auditorium,
Gilbert Phares, '39, who is in charge
of the show, said last night.
"Enthusiastic support of the 'Send
Your Band To Yale' movement has
greatly accelerated ticket sales to
Varsity Night," Phares said. "But the
main thing is the swell program we've
got lined up."
Varsity Night, which starts at 8
p.m., will feature a "Kampus Kwiz"
under a real-life professor, John
Brumm of the journalismn depart-
ment. A drawing of ticket stubs will
determine the six contestants to take
part and the winner will get $25. A
second prize of $15 and four consola-
tion prizes of $5 will also be offered.
Leonard B. Smith, youthful soloist
with the Detroit Symphony orches-
tra and reputedly one of the most
handsome musicians in America, will
also appear on the program.
The Jackson Zouaves, an audience
quizz of "mystery music" played by
Bill Sawyer's orchestra, and musical
interludes by the Varsity Band will
complete the program.
The Varsity Night program will be
over in time for women to keep hours,
Phares said.
Minnesota Defeats Varsit'
Extra Point;
Scores On- 89-Yard Driv
___________ 4
Outcome Dazes Minnesota Fans
As Wolverines Show Superiority
had indicated he
Immediately after
ference at which
in Czechoslovakia
would during and
the Munich Con-
Germany's claims
were settled.
Adult Students
Urged To Vote
Prof. Pollock Calls Notice
To Absentee Ballots
Approximately 3500 students on the
Michigan campus are qualified to vote
in the coming election on Nov. 8,
according to Prof. J. K. Pollock of the
political science department. Out-of-
state students may vote by the absen-
tee ballot if they have already been-
registered and if their states permit
absentee voting.
As the election is but three weeks
away, it is imperative that students
who are qualified send at once for
their ballots, Prof. Pollock said. In
order to familiarize students with
their state laws on the subject, Prof.
Pollock has placed information from
all states at the disposal of the Michi-
gan Union.
Little Brown Jug Stays
In Minneapolis; Stadiumj
EmptiesIn Dead Silence
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 15-,
(Special to 'the Daily)-Fritz Crisler
met Bernie Bierman in the center ofj
Memorial Stadium here yesterday
following the final gun and shook his
hand. Undoubtedly he congratulated
the Minnesota coach. Then he pushed
his hat over his eyes, pulled his head
deep into his overcoat, and walked
quietly, alone, off the field. Yet even
as the new Michigan coach walked
slowly toward the fieldhouse, the pub-
lic address system announced to the
amazed thousands, who stood dazedly
in their places in the stands for al-
most ten minutes after the game
ended, the statistics that undoubtedly
proved Michigan' to be the stronger"
team on the field here today.-
It was impossible to distinguish1
between expressions of Michigan and
Minnesota fans after the game. When
the referee fired the final gun there"
was a brief startled cry of relief in all1
parts of the stadium, but almost im-
mediately afterward there was silence.I
Disbelief was the dominant facial ex-,
pression. Some men uttered mumbledi
statements about the closeness of the
game, but for the most part it was
a quiet, subdued, throng that left this1
Fans Stage 'Pepfest
Pre-game tensior1 was geat last
night and this morning.
More than 15,000 rabid Minnesota
fans staged a "pepfest"near the Uni-
versity campus, which was capped
with the building of a great bonfire
in one of the main thoroughfares
of the University section of this twin
city area of nearly 1,000,000 persons.
Soon after 7 p.m. a procession of
sightseers joined the university con-
tingent at the campus on the south-
east side of Minneapolis. They milled
about, ceering around the bonfire
which threw flames 40 feet high,
lighting the sky. More than 35 Minne-
Heneman Says
Italy Will Have
When the new Chamber of Depu-
Ities assumes its post in Italy at the
expiration of the present session, said
Prof. Harlow O. Henean of the po-
I litical science department yesterday,
it will be a safe prediction that will
be purely functional in form.
The representatives to the new
Chamber will be from the corpora-
tions of workers, executives and busi-
ness men, he said, and it is certain
that the Fascist Party will be repre-
sented as a special entity.
From the advent of Mussolini Vo the
leadership of the Italian government,
the continued existence of the Cham-
ber of Deputies, as a democratic in-
stitution was doomed. Il Duce from
the first threatened the dissolution
of the Chamber. The oft-reiterated
determination to abolish the organ,
made by the Fascist head, Professor
Heneman claims, brings us psycho-
logically up to the present decision
of the Fascist National Grand Coun-
cil to eliminate the Deputies. The
whole transaction is being conducted
in a purely routine fashion.
As yet, Professor Heneman de-
clared no law has been passed term-
inating the existence of the Chamber.
However, it is quite probable, he pre-
dicted, that none will be passed and
the present body will just be per-
mitted to expire and the new ham-
ber will appear under a new name,
one more in keeping with the tenets
of Fascism.
The abolition of the Chamber of
Deputies has been in the offing at
several times during Mussolini's as-
cendency, Professor Heneman ex-
apolis police were called out to take
care of the traffic tie-up resulting
from the blocked streets.
The little brown jug tradition start-
ed back in 1903 when the great 'host
of Yost' teams swept through all
competitors like a prairie fire. There
were great Michigan teams in those
days, and when the Minnesota boys
held the Yost bunch to a 6-6 dead-
lock, the score was hailed as a moral
victory by Minnesota supporters.
Tells Of Brown Jug
As Frank G. McMormick, Minnesota
athletic director, tells the story, on
the Monday following the game in
1903, Oscar Munson, then the janitor
of the old armory which served as
the athletic headquarters here, was
cleaning out the Michigan dressing
room when he came upon an earthen-
ware jug left by the departed Wolver-
Forthwith Oscar tucked the jug un-
der his arm and marched to the office
of Dr. Louis J. Cooke. There, after a
brief powwow, they painted the fol-
lowing inscription on the jug: "Michi-
gan jug-captured by Oscar, October
31, 1903." The two teams did not meet.
again until 1909, and the morning
before that game Dr. Cooke told Cap-
tain Johnny McGovern, "Johnny you
tell that Michigan Captain that they
can have their jug back if they beat
us tomorrow."
The jug went back to Ann Arbor
along with a victorious team and it
has been journeying between Minne-
apolis and Ann Arbor ever since. Next
year, perhaps .
Chnurches Here
To Start Two
Unique Summer
And Youth Adventures
Are Subjects Of Talks
Wolverines Nosed Out -
As Gophers Register l1
4th Period Comebac
Forest Evashevski
Stars On Defend
MIINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 15-(Speci
to the Daily)-Six points to the goc
with glory but 12 minutes and 57 sei
onds away, lady luck sudden
frowned on the valiant efforts of
great Michigan team today ar
turned an earned victory into
one point defeat.
Before the amazed eyes of mo:
than 55,000 partisans, a heroic Wo
verine eleven outplayed a supe
Minnesota team at its own game o
power but lost a 7 to 6 verdict on tv
breaks that would have broken tl
heart of any football team.
For three quarters the two tean
fought without a score, but alwa;
It was Michigan who held the pla
Undaunted by their highly touted an
veteran opponent, this green Mich
gan team outmaneuvered, outfoug
and outsmarted the national chan
pions, but fate deemed that the
efforts must be nullified, and, so
Michigan Deserved To Win
No Michigan team in history evi
acquitted itself more billiantl tha
did this one. None ever tried hart
er. None ever deserved a victo
more. They ran up 13 irst dow
to Minnesota's six. They gained 1I
yards by rushing and 97 through t3
air for a net of 254 yards from scin
mage. The victorious Gophers' tot
was 122 yards less. But fortune smili
at figures, and tonight she mut i
laughing at a Michigan team* t1M
never got a break.
By winning, the Gophers becan
the first team in history ever, to da
feat Michigan five times in a ro
But if one salent fact must be draw
it is the setting of a new sun fo
Michigan and the end of foots
humiliation. By their performan
today alone, Michigan proved itse
as one of the top five teams in t
Touchdown Drive
It was the third quarter, and the
were but five minutes to, play whi
Michigan unloosed its giant artille
Deep in their own territory on the
yard line, they smashed and plow4
through the massive Gopher line
march 89 yards for a touchdown a,
six points, Paul Kromer circling ei
for the final two yards and a scoa
which seemed insured a treasur
John Maruicci, the rugged Goph
end and hockey player, blocked Di
Smick's attempted conversion, ai
still it didn't seem to matter. Mictl
gan's siperb line was there to st
the Gophers-they had been doing
good job of it all aftenobn-a
there were only 12 odd minutes to
But in 12 odd minutes the cor
plexion of everything change
Minnesota received the kicko
couldn't gain, and punted to Mih
gan's 18.
Lady Luck Harmful
Still the Wolverines marched a:
another score seemed imminent
they smashed down the field. Br
liant Tom Harmon, a fighter tod
from start to finish, and the equa
courageous Norm Purucker were mc
ing the ball when suddenly disasi
Harmon, moving down the midi
nicely on a 12 yard jaunt, was b
tered by a frantic Gopher second
on his own 49. and fumbled. Al
Harold Van Every, Bernie Bierma
(Continued on Page 7)
Labor Pec
Attempts Fal
Among the offerings in the Ann
Arbor churches today will be the in-
troductory speeches of two series, one
on summer vacations and another on
youth adventures.
"Two Men In Mexico" will be the
subject of Rev. Marley's talk at 1]i
o'clock at the Unitarian church. The
two men, Juarez and Cardinas, will
be compared to Lincoln and Roose-
velt respectively.
First in the series of talks on sum-
I mer vacations at the Unitarian church
will be that by Lucille Poor, former
student, on her trip through Mexico.
The next speakers in order of their
appearance will be' Frieda Oberle on
Russia, Morris Lichenstein on Czecho-
slovakia, Barbara Tinker, who was re-
cently arrested in China as a spy and
Lois Jotter who lecture' on the Colo-
rado river trip taken with several
other members of the University staff.
Martin Dworkis, '40, and ,Charles
Buck, '40, student representatives of
the World Youth Congress at Vassar
and the League for Industrial Demo-
cracy convention in New York, re-
spectively, will be guest speakers in
the first of the series of Youth Ad-
ventures talks to be presented by the
Liberal Students' Union.
Following Dr. Brashare's sermon
at 10:40 a.m. the student choir under
the direction of Achille Taliaferro will,
sing "God Be in My Head" by Davies
and a crusader's hymn. Mr. Taliafero,
who is originally from Texas studied
in Europe for three summers under
the able tutorage of Pierre Monteux,
a famous French conductor. After
having received his bachelor's degree
in 1933 andhis masters in 1938 he
is now serving in the capacity of
(Continued on Page 2)
Tug. Strike Cripplesw
New York Harbor
Majority Of Students Favor
Open Football Subsidization
,x ,
(Daily Photos by Joseph Freedman) Gilbert Phares,
THE QUESTION: Do you believe in '39BAd.: "Men who -.
the open subsidization of intercol- work at the tough
legiate football? tabor of football for
THE PLACE: Nickels Arcade. two hours every
THE ANSWERS: tight should get
Arthur C. Hills, some sort of remu-
'42: "I should think neration, especially
it would be all right ' wiien their efforts
if done equally by help build million
all. But as condi- T dollar stadia. They
tions exist n o w, ' should get jobs, cash
some colleges can T or %nything else as long as they get
not afford to pay paid. Students who aid the Univer-
while others do. sity in collegiate advertising such as
This makes inter- i7 yintercollegiate football should get
collegiate athletic paid.'
affairs often times uneven." William Mallick,
Barbara Bradfield, '42: "If there is to
Grad.: "I believe in be any subsidization
open subsidization of intercollegiate
"The Outlaw and His Wife" pro-
duced by Svenska-Biograf in 1917,
was directed by Victor Sjostrom,
whose international reputation was
established by this film. It was cir-
culated in this country as "You and
I" in 1921. The story deals with an
Russian and hermeneutics were in-
cluded in the curriculum.
Michigan Educators
Get National Posts
BOULDER, Colo., Oct. 15-(A')-S.
NEW YORK, Oct. 15 -(')-- The
country's busiest port was badly
crippled today by a tugboat strike
which delayed the docking of several
transatlantic liners and forced others
Roosevelt Railroad Boar
Will Conclude Hearings
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15-(IP)-T1,
Roosevelt administration's first con
crete proposal for ending labor
three-year-old civil war failed toda
to produce any immediate signs o
acceptance by either the America