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October 13, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-13

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Phi Delts Down Sigma Chi 12-9;
Sigma Nu And Alpha Delts Win

60 Minute Man

Fraternity Trackmen Run
Today; I-M Independent
Grid LeagueOpens
Manny Slavin led his Phi Sigma
Delta teammates to a 12 to 9 victory
over Sigma Chi yesterday in fratern-
ity speedball by scoring nine points,
the' season's high th~us far. Brant,
Goldman and Klein completed the
winners' scoring, while Collette scored,
three, Cooper two, and Hamilton, Ir-
win and Dole one . apiece for Sigma
Sigma Nu downed 'Beta Theta Pi, 9
to 3, with Bruce and Bragg doing the
scoring for the winners with six and
three points respectively. Straub,
Thomas and Conrath accounted for
the Beta Theta Pi scoring.
Phi Kappa Psi, led by Bill Dob-
son, who scored five points, van-
quished Alpha Delta Phi, 9 to 5. Ben-
net, Morgan, James and Detwiler
Bierman Puts Team
ThroughStiff Drill
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 12. -(W) -
Minnesota worked on both passing
and running in Wednesday's work-
out as Coach Bernie Bierman pol-
ished the Gopher attack for the battle
with Michigan Saturday.
In one of the stiffest workouts of
the season, the Gophers also got a
taste of defensive tactics.
It was evident from the spirit
shown during the workout that Bier-
man would not have to key his men
for Saturday's game.
Harold Van Every, out with injuries
for three weeks, worked briefly with
the Gopher backfield during the ses-
sion, but will not play Saturday.

scored one, apiece for the winners
while Carter garnered three points
and Forster and D'Arcy one apiece
for the losers.
Delta Tau Delta won by default over
Limping their way back to their
respective fraternity houses tonight
will be a group of men who have
punished their musclesin unaccus-
tomed exercise, for this afternoon the
All-Campus Track Meet is scheduled
to take place on Ferry Field.
Any organization on campus was
eligible to enter a minimum of six
men in. the eleven track and field
events which make up the afternoon's
program. Any one who is not a mem-
ber of the varsity or freshman track
squads or who is not participating in
a varsity sport at the present time is
allowed to enter.
The events will be run off at the
following times: 110-yd. high hurdles,
4:15; 100-yd. dash, 4:30; 660-yard
run, 4:50; 220-yd. low hurdles, 5:10;
300-yd. run, 5:20; and the mile run at
5:30. The high jump, the pole vault,
the shot put, the broad jump, and the
baseball throw will all, begin at 4:15.
Ten touch football squads will
launch the season for the independent
league at South Ferry Field tomor-
row afternoon, first games being at
The games scheduled first are For-
estry Club vs. Forest Fires, Dough-
boys vs. Allan Rumsey, Fletcher
Hall vs. 514 Club. At 5:15, the Wol-
verines will meet the Hiawatha Club,
and the Badgers will oppose Hillel.
The annual All-Campus golf tour-
nament which takes place Saturday
afternoon at 1:00, has drawn a field
of thirty-two entries.
* * *
Begnning Oct. 31, the I-M Building
will be open nights until 10:00, and
on Sundays.

Larson Plans Moore And Strong Gopher Line
Boxing Shows To Test Michigan Grid Hopes'
In New Room By TOM PHARES Every who probably will be out of the
When Michigans up and coming game Saturday.
Beginning his fifth year as Univer- Wolverines invade the stronghold of The fact that the Minnesota linel
Minnesota's Big Ten champions Sat- has held three such teams as Wash-
sity boxing coach with a newly urday afternoon, they will have two ington, Nebraska and Purdue to a
equipped boxing room all set up in urgent jobs to do. (1) Stop one Wil- total of seven points and a yardage
Waterman Gym, Coach Vernon Lar- bur Moore, and (2) out-charge seven total of something under Leo Du-
son is looking forward to staging Gopher linemen. rocher's batting average will give
three or four exhibition cards dur- Nowv as gridiron tasks go, these you a rough idea of the strength inj
ing the coming year.; are probably two of the toughest and that department.l
A partition has been knocked out most exacting in the country. The two standouts in the Gopher
of the old boxing room, doubling the Moore Is Rarely Stopped forward wall are Capt. Francis Twe-
space. The ropes have been repadded, Mr. Moore, if sport writers are to dell who made many All-American
the ring rennovated, new light and be believed, is the combination of Jim teams last year at guard and Butch
heavy bags put up and 12 sets of the Thorpe, Jesse Owens, Bronko Na- Nash who is being hailed as an end
best training gloves bought for the gurski, and Harry Houdini. Compe- to be ranked with the Tanners, Rob-
season's activity. tent observers are sincere in their insons and Larsons of the past.
Clock To Be Installed statements that Moore is not only Line Battle Imminent
In addition, there is soon to be in- the hardest-playing Gopher but also Twedell is the only 60 minute play-
stalled a 15 minute time clock with a the hardest-driving back Minnesota er on the Minnesota squad and Ralph
second. hand so that the fighters has had in years. This combined with Heikkinen has his work cut out for
can watch the time for themselves- his shiftiness, speed, change-of-pace him Saturday.
unless they find themselves too busy. and brilliant defensive play marks The rest of the starting line will'
Among the new pupils under the this 185 pound halfback as Michi- include John Mariucci at the other
tutelage of Larson are Johnny Drew, gan's public enemy number one for end, Win Pedersen and Charlie
Golden Gloves light heavyweight the week. Schultz at the tackles, Horace Bell
Golde Goe light havdyEwig It is said that on one play Ne- teaming with Twedell at the guards
Brown novice welteweight champion braksa managed to stop Moore with and Dan Elmer at center. The battle
from Traverse City, only a three yard gain and after of the two 'M' lines should be a sight
Last year Larson turned out three the full realization of the accom- worth the trip.r
figter wo wn itls n te oca Iplishment sunk in. three Hueskers The starting backfield will have
fighters wo owon titlesinthe local fainted from the shock.h s George Faust as quarterback, Moore
Golden Gloves. They were Sam and Gopher Line Strong at left half, Larry Buhler, another
Tom Root, the brother team that In addition to his ball carrying as- hard plunger at right half and
made short work of the welter and signments, Moore has taken over the Marty Christiansen, who carries on
middkweghtchdshesayikeRodthepassing duties because of the injury the Gopher tradition of pile-driving
licktwh ch h wy. of the ex-aerial man, Harold Van fullbacks, rounds out the first string
lighweigt crwn.backfield.
Larson Has Fine Recordbakid.
Tis rsmmern oacHas eRconMichigan is good. Minnesota is
This summer Coach Larson was Jacobs Signs Max Baer good. But how good, nobody knows.
given a big boast by CYO trainer,'At. Bt yowgo;nbodsyrkow hs.
Roger Wolfe, of Chicago who called SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12-(P)- Minnesota's homecoming celebration
Verne "one of the leading boxing in- Mike Jacobs, boxing promoter, an-isotoecming a lerato
structors of the country." Larson's nounced here today that Max Baer
record at the U. of M. is impressive had agreed to fight the winner of the
not only because. he has developed Louis Nova-Tommy Farr bout, sched- EVE N I NG BE E R
many fine boxers but also because of uled for Madison Square Garden in for that refreshing relaxation
the fact that his boys have never had New York, next Dec. 16. Jacobs said
an accident or serious injury in that the winner of the Baer and either at
time. Nova or Farr battle would be matched The GERMAN INN
Larson's chief protege was big Don with Joe Louis for the heavyweight 117 W. Huron "Just below Main"
Siegel who came to the Waterman championship.
hnsrno" nnm Qc Q roiT fH~l"m]Ytnra °----

Red Wing Captain Hurt
DETROIT, Oct. 12.-(/P)-The De-
troit Red Wings today lost the serv-
ices of Capt. Douglas Young, veteran
defenseman. Y o u n g suffered a
sprained left ankle and several torn
ligaments when he collided with d-
die Bush, recruit defenseman, in his
first dash down the ice.

Francis Twedell, big Gopher
tackle, is considered the only 60-
minute man on the entire Minne-
sota squad that will face the Wol-
verines Saturday. Last year he was
chosen as first team timber on
many of the All-American teams.

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DuroCher Will
Pilot Dodgers


Babe Ruth To3



New Staff Is Named
NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-(P)-"Lip-
py" Leo Durocher, the out-talking-
est shorstop in either major league,
was signed today to manage the
Brooklyn Dodgers next season, suc-
ceeding the old pitcher, Burleigh i


Stei'n-B loch Clothes
Men prefer quality clothing-at the
usual Saffeli & Bush very reasonable
That's why more and rmore men are

. -g room as a raw reshman and
Grimes.-twithin one year had fought his way
Durocher accepted under sad cir- to the state Golden Gloves heavy-
cumstances. His father, George Du- weight championship. Don went on
rocher, died' Monday midnight in to capture the state amateur title
West Springfield, Mass., and Leo and the Detroit CYO crown.
hurried here only to announce his Another gridder whom Larson
plans before returning for the funeral taught to fight was Cedric Sweet
tomorrow. former Wolverine fullback, who ranks
"If it were not for that, this would second only to Siegel in University
be about the happiest moment in my heavyweight ranks.
life," he told assembled newsmen.
"Dad had always said he would live
to see me a big league manager, but Spartans Plan Defense
There was another unhappy fea- For Virginia Invasion
ture. Babe Ruth goes out of base-
ball, this time probably for good. In EAST LANSING, Oct. 12.-(iP)-
naming his two coaches, Charlie Heavy emphasis on defense in Michi-
Dressen and Bill Killifer, Durocher gan State College football practice
said the Bambino had not "been today indicated the Spartans are
available" for a coaching job. loaded with respect for the brand of
"I can back that up," said General attack they must meet Saturday
Manager Larry Macphail. "The l against Western Virginia University
Babe was considered, along with 1 at Morgantown.
Jimmy Wilson, but he has big league Having jammed his squads into as
managerial aspirations. I can tell many conceivable combinations as
you also that he has had several possible in an effort to break their
chances to manage minor league doldrums, Coach Charley Bachman
teams." noted a return to spirited play on
The Babe, after coming out of re- the part of his players and was ready
tirement the past mid-season to coach;to concentrate on defense.
at first base for the seventh-place With a red-shirted "B" team, the
Dodgers, attracted bumper crowds. coaches turned loose Mountaineer
He and Durocher had a spat one day offenses against several squads and
in the clubhouse, probably costing gave them a sight of the West Vir-
Ruth whatever chance he may have ginia plays based on the Chicago
had to manage the team next year. Bears technique.






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