Cloudy and much cooler today.
Ski anr
Across The Sea . . .
Hours And Wages
In The South.
VOL. XLIX. No. 16
Campus Poll
Selects New
istrict Heads
For Congress
Balloting In This Election
Heavier Than Last Year
According To Hartwell
Executive Council
To Be Chosen Soon
Presidents of the ten districts of
Congress, men's independent organi-
zation, elected yesterday in a campus-
wide poll, were announced last night
by Robert Hartwell, '39E, Congress
The victors, viho will represent their
respective zones in the District Coun-
cil of Congress, are: District 1: Johnf
O'Hara, '39; District 2: Abe Goodman'
'41;District 3: Peter Ipsen, '39E; Dis-t
trict 4: Stuart Low, '39; District 5:t
Jay Rockwell, '40; District 6: Roland{
Rhead, '40; District 7: Redfield Zit-t
tel, '40E; District 8: Norman Oxhand-
ler, '40; District 9: Dan Hurley, '40;I
District 10: Walter McCoy, Jr., '41E.-
Balloting Heavy
Balloting was heavier than last year.
accqrrding to Hartwell. Eight hundred
and sixty-one unaffiliated men,, em-
bracing 28% of the University's 40001
independents, voted this year. Last
year 839 went to the polls.
The new presidents will meet at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19, in Room
306 of the Union for the first session
of the District Council, Robert May,
39E, Congress executive secretary,
announced yesterday. After several
weeks in which to become organizedj
and acquainted, the District Council
will choose members to fill chairman-
ships on the Executive Council, direct-
ing arm of Congress. Committees will
then be filled in from the ranks of
independents at large.V
Complete Returns
Complete elections returns, releasedt
by Hartwell, follow:.District 1: O'Hara
68, Frank Jankowski, '30, 25; Districtt
2: Goodman, 41, Sidney Fried an,
'40, 26; District 3: Ipsen 36, Al Stand-
ish, '39, 25; District 4: Low, 27, Wil-
liam Strasser, '39E, 18; District 5:c
Rockwell 43, Stephen Page, '41, 8;s
District 6: Rhead, 58, Ted Leibovitz,
'40, 39; District 7: Zittel, 63, Bernard
Goldman '40, 33, Murray Silverman,
'40 26; District 8: Oxhandler, 65, Mar-n
tin Dworkis, '40, 57; District 9: Hur-u
ley, 38, Tom Nurnberger, '39Ed, 19,n
Jim Kuhns, .'41, 9; District 10: Mc-I
Coy, 65, Maurice Reizen, '40, 61, Ar-C
mond Rhodehamel, '39E, 21.E
Dies AbruptI
Ends MichiganS
Radical Probe'
Sit-Down Probe Hurriesa
House Committee Backb
To Washington Early
DETROIT, Oct. 12-(P)-The DiesI
Committee, which opened an investi-
gation of un-American activities in
Michigan here Tuesday, announced
suddenly today it would end the hear-
ing tomorrow and return to Washing-I
Committee Chairman Martin Dies,
Democratic representative from Tex-
as, said the hearing here would be ad-
journed to permit the committee tob
open an investigation of sitdownn
strikes at the capital Monday. Pre-
viously, Dies had indicated the com-v
mittee would be here at least a week.
"There is nothing political in ourb
decision to return to Washington," c
Dies asserted. "It is our plan to call
witnesses from each city where a sit-
down strike occurred. The subject is
an important one and we believe it!t
should be studied at once." The state-!
ment was in answer to a question as
to whether "pressure" had beena
brought to move the committee fromm
Michigan because of the coming elec-
Dies said he would leave for Wash-s
ington tonight and that Rep. Haroldb
G. Mosier (D-Ohio). another member
of the committee would "clean up"
here tomorrow and join him in Wash-
ington in time for Monday's hearing.
Italy Leaves 2,657 Men
Behind In Spanish Earth
ROME, Act. 12-(iP)-Italv whose
Minnesota Rally Today Recalls
Old Time SprtLawtonSays
Confidence Of Other Iays
Is Returning This Year
With Powerful Varsity
"Who are they, to think they can
beat Michigan?"
"That slogan," says J. Fred Lawton,
alumnus who helped compose "Vas-
ity'." was typical of the spirit that
used to bring us out in droves for
pep rallies, and to give the team
sendoffs like you're going to give them
J. Fred Lawton should know. He
has attended practically every pep
rally that has been held here in the
last twenty years.
"This sendoff you are planning to
give the team Thursday sounds great.
Every time I drive by the Michigan
Central station I am reminded of the
unbelievable numbers of students that
used to cling to that steep roof down
there, hanging on eaves and strad-
dling the ridge, to see a Michigan
team leave. They used to drag the
team down there in a big wagon, with
all the freshmen and sophomores
hauling on ropes. If the team en-
trained at night, they'd have buckets
of red fire all along the hill above
the station.
"In those days," J. Fred mused, "we
played a lot of tough games. We
played Minnesota, Navy, Ohio State,
and a lot of tough schools that weren't
in the Conference. But the boys never
Student Senate
End Tomorrow
Ten Applications Received
To Date, Director Says;
16 Positions Are Vacant
With but two days of petitioning in
which to apply for the Student elec-
tions Friday, Oct. 21, Edward Magdol,
'39, director of elections announced
that he had received to date ten nom-
,iating petitions. Magdol explained
that all indications point to a very
closely-contested battle, what with
several party tickets being prepared.
There are 16 vacancies in the Sen-
ate to be decided in the coming vot-
ing, with the other half of the origi-
nal number of 32 retaining their seats
until the March elections. Those re-
maining in office are: Carl A. Viehe,
Tom Adams, Phil Westbrook, Joseph
Gies, Harold Ossepow, Charles C.
Buck, Donald H. Treadwell, Louis H.
Grossman, Charles S. Quarles, Mar-.
vin W. Reider, Seymour J. Spelman,
Allen Braun, Robert L. Gill, Fred
Cushing, Horace W. Gilmore and
Samuel Krugliak.
Petitions will be accepted from 4
p.m. to 6 p.m. today and tomorrow
in the Student Senate offices in Lane
Hall. They must contain at least six
endorsing signatures, and should be
accompanied by a 50-cent filing fee
and a University certificate of eligi-
bility, Magdol explained.
Freshman Gym
Classes To Beoin
First Workout To Be Held
At 3 P.M._Monday
Gym classes for freshman men will
begin at 3 p.m. Monday in Water-
man Gymnasium, Dr. G. A. May,
director, with instruction in five acti-
Three new instructional groups
have been added this year to take
care of the increased enrollment, Dr.
May said. Each group will be limited
to 20 men, and through the rotational
system each will have an opportunity
to participate in every activity.
Lockers must be obtained before
Monday. Dr. May emphasized. All men
are to report at the gym for the first
workout with locker and towel tickets,
which can be purchased at the cash-
ier's office in South Wing of Univer-
sity Hall. Locker assignments will
be made at the gym.
Russian Pretender
Dies In Paris Exile
PARIS, Oct. 12-(A)-Proud and
handsome Grand Duke Cyril Vladim-
irovitch, pretender to the vanished
Russian throne, died in exile today
cared who they were. I think it was
Fielding Yost who used to say, 'Just
because they wear red shirts doesn't
mean they eat raw meat. Who are
they, to think they can beat Michi-
"That was the slogan that seemed
to sum it all up. We never worried
about how many touchdowns we would
'be beaten by, or by how close a score
might be. After all, we were Michigan,
and Michigan had then and has noel
the finest football tradition in the
country. Yale, Minnesota, Northwes-
tern-who are they, to think they can
beat Michigan?
"And we had real turnouts for those
sendoffs. That was the spirit then. I
think it's coming back with a winning
football team."
Health Service
To Fete 25th
Year Friday
Minnesota's Dean Dieh
To Trace Importance
Of Health Movement
In celebration of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the founding of the
University Health Service, a special
all-day program will be held tomor-
Staring the day's events, open
house will be held at the Health Ser-
vice Building in the morning. A lunch-
eon will be given by the Michigan
Student Health Association in the
main dining room of the Michigan
League. The Association will also hold
a conference followed by a round-
table discussion in the Women's Ath-
letic Building at 1:30 p. n. A tea
to which everyones is invited will be
held at the Athletic Building from
3:30 to 5:00 p. m.
Constituting the highlight of the
day's program will be the talk given
by Dr. Harold S. Diehl, Dean of Medi-
cal Sciences at the University of
Minnesota, on "The Significance of
the Student Health Movement," in
Rackham Lecture Hall at 4:15 p.m.
The public is invited.
Concluding the day's activities a
dinner attended by Service staff mem-
bers and faculty who have been con-
nected with the Service at some time
since its inception will be given at'
6:30 p.m. at the League at which time
President Ruthven is scheduled to
In commemoration of the silver an-
niversary a twenty-five page publica-
tion has been prepared relating the
history of the Service.
New Perspectives
Appears This Month
In Tabloid Format
Perspectives will make its appear-
ance this month in a new tabloid
size. This magazine, in its second
year of existence, is devoted to fic-
tion, poetry, essays and book reviews
by University students and faculty
members and is delivered free to
Daily subscribers. Y
A change in essay editors Brill take
place this year as James Allen, '40,
replaces Rolfe Weil, '40, who did not
return to the University this semes-
A plea for poets and poetry has
been sent out by F. Randall Jones,
'39, editor-in-chief. Students pos-
sessing manuscripts are asked to get
in touch with Robert Wayne, '39, at
the Union. Fiction and essay manu-
scripts will also be welcome, Jones
Czechs Reject
Magyar Claim;
Troops Mass
Hungary Reported Ready
To Leave Conference
If Demands Are Refused
Slovaks May Ask
Hitler Mediation
KOMAROM ton the Czechoslovak-
Hungarian border), Oct. 12.-(P)-
Czechoslovak n-gotiators today re-
jected Hungarian claims for the pre-
dominantly Hungarian population in
certain parts of Czechoslovakia.
It was authoritatively reported
that Hungary would walk out of the
conference tomorrow unless her de-
9 a.m.
were met, though the nego-
were scheduled to meet at
(3 a.m. EST) tomorrow to
the negotiations.
Deadlock Reached
Football Team
To Get Sendoff
Student Parade To Station
Will Start From Union,
Led ByVarsity Band
Revelli Arranges
Led by the Varsity Band, students
will march today to give the football
team, on its way to meet the Golden
Gophers of Minnesota, the biggest
sendoff a Michigan team has had in
recent years.
Students will meet in front of the
Union at 4:45 p.m. Promptly at 4:50
they will swing into line behind the=
band and march north on State Street
to the Michigan Central station,
Program Arranged
B. W. Holden, local agent for the
Michigan Central Railroad, has ar-
ranged to have the two cars in which
the Varsity will entrain located im-
mediately in front of the hillside just
east of the station, from which every-
one will be able to see and hear the
A program has been arraniged 'by
Band Director William D. Revelli for'
presentation at the station. Cheer-
leaders, lednby Bob Canning, '35, will
.ead the cheering during the march
and after arrival at the station.
To Have Eccort
Chief of Police W. C. Fohey has
agreed to furnish a motorcycle escort
from his department to direct traffic
and lead the way for, the parade to
the station.
The departure of the train and com-
pletion of the program will be about
5:25 p.m., enabling all students to
return in time for their meals.
Through Phil Woodworth, '39, stu-
dent manager of the squad, Coach
Fritz Crisler has expressed his appre-
ciation for himself and the team for'
this show of confidence and good:
UA'W vSettles
Ann Arbor Also Unsafe
Austrian Refugee Finds
With the talks in deadlock, the
Slovak delegation, sources close to
that delegation said, had decided to
ask the mediation of Chancellor Adolf
Hitler of Germany.
Troops on both sides of the frontier
appeared to be impatient.
The Slovaks who in three days of
conferences offered a variety of pro-
posals, were understood to have sug-
gested even that autonomy be provid-
ed for the heavily populated Hun-
garian areas in Slovakia, itself a
newly created autonomous state in
Hungary Surprised
Informed quarters said the Hun-
garians were greatly surprised at
this suggestion, and insisted upon
immediate occupation by the Hun-
garian army of the heavily populat-
ed Hungarian areas.
Hungarian sources said Hungary
wants territory that includes 840,000
Hungarians and only 145,000 Slovaks.
Czechoslovak 'census figures, how-
ever, showed only 700,000 Hungarians
in the territory demanded.
Two representatives of the new
autonomous state of Carpatho-Rus-
sia in Czeehoslovakia joined the-con-
ference today in view of the fact that
the areas proposed for occupation
also include 30.000 Russians and 57,-
000 Germans.
Favor Murphy
Wilhelm Greenbaum, 60-year-old
former lawyer and judge in Austria
before Germany's absorption of that
country, suffered a severe scalp wound
Tuesday night when he was struck on
the head with a railroad spike by a
thug who tried to rob him at the
Michigan Central Station.
At the present time, Mr. Greenbaum,
who arrived in the United States two
weeks ago in order to escape possible
Nazi terrorism, is recuperating at
the home of his brother at 448 Spring
AFL Rejects
Anti-New Deal
Spirited Revolt Follows
Report Branding FDR.
Program As Socialistic
HOUSTON, Texas, Oct. 12.-(RP)
The American Federation of Labor
convention, in a surprise reversal of
tactics, refused today to put its
stamp of approval on a strongly
worded report from its resolutions
committee criticizing as "socialism"
current government activities affect-
ing the labor movement.
Atevolt broke out on the floor as
soon as Matthew Wdll, chairman of
the committee, finished reading the
document, and there were cries of
opposition on the grounds the report
might be construed as an attack on
President Roosevelt's administration.
Instead of approving the reporjtas
they had previous reports demanding
the revision of the New Deal's Wag-
ner Act and wage-hour law, the dele-
gates voted unanimously to send the
report back to the executive ccuncil1
"for further study."
Woll qukckly defended the com-
mittee findings as "in no sense a]
criticism of the present administra-
tion," but his motion to adopt was
forgotten in the brief but exciting
debate that followed..
Even President William Green
joined the opposition, and sa i the
report was "to say the least, a bit
Japanese Launch
Surprise Invasion
Of Southern Chim
Foreign Powers Warr
NBy Tokio As Tro
Japan Snaps Vital
Rail Link To Coa$
(By Associated Press)
War flames flared high in COxi
yesterday as a Japanese army of 3
000 forced its way ashore near Honi
kong and began what military exper
prophecy will be a ruthless campai
to shatter the resistance of Souther
Within 24 hours the carefully pr
pared Japanese move was expecte
to test the fighting spirit and di
fenses of bomb-ripped Canton. A
ready the invaders have cut rail cor
nections with Hongkong.
Meanwhile, in Tokyo the JapaneE
Government warned the UnitE
States and other foreign powers 1
"refrain from any action calculat
to give misgivings to the Japane:
forces" in the new invasion.
Notes Sent'
Notes sent to the Tokyo embassi
of the principal powers caution
them against movements of the
troops, warships and aircraft withoi
10-day notice to the Japanese con
mand "lest unforseen accidents occi
between them and Japanese troop
warships or aircraft.'
Concurrently the foreign offi(
issued a statement that the Japanes
would "respect vested foreign 1
terests" in the zone of the sout
China expedition.
Meantime, there was no indicatio
that the Japanese would heed a warn
ing delivered to Tokyo by Britis
Ambassador Sir Alexander L. Craigi
who warned Prince Fumimaro Kc
noye, Japanese premier and foreig
minit&", tbat Aniglo-Ja tihes rela
tions might be imperiled by the Ja
panese invasion of South China.
Craigie reminded Konoye of Brit
am's vast economic and political ii
terests in South China and pointe
to the danger of incidents if the Ja
panese attack in force in areas whe
Britain has so many nationals an
so much property,.
French Protest Expected
France was expected to make simi
lar representations because of her I4
terests in Southwest China and tli
threat to her great Indo-Chines
Explaining the suddenly broadene
front, the "commander-in-chief c
the expeditionary force of Japan t
South China" issued a declaratia
that Chinese resistance "obliged th
imperial Japanese government to ds
patch a large expeditionary force I
operate in Kwangtung province, t
base of anti-Japanese and pro-con
munist China."
This first major landing operatioj
perhaps the start of a broad offensi
to dominate South China, was carrie
out under the shielding fire of nav
guns and with most extensive aeri
bombardment seen in South Chi
since last December.
Bombs ripped away three bridge
of the. Canton-Kowloon railwa
transport link between the Britis
colony and the Kwangtung metrop(
lis. Domination of this railway we
regarded as the first Japanese of
Include Work (
ce And Elections
Permanent committees on mem-
bership, elections, peace andcooper-
atives were established at the first
membership meeting of the Progres-
sive Club held last night at the Mich-
igan Union. Nominations for, of-
ficers were also made at this time.
Following a report which stressed
the liberal record of Governor
Murphy in respect to labor, civil
service, education and relief, the
Club went on record as supporting
his reelection. It was decided that
the Progressive Club should take the
initiative in organizing a broad
"Murphy for Governor" committee
to include all progressive elements
on campus,
A report on peace was given which
emphasized the importance of enlist-
ing campus aid in working for the
elimination of war. The Club de-
cided that its work this year would
include sponsoring speakers with first
hand information, and working to
secure support for the Vassar Peace
Martin Negotiates Terms
For New Contract
DETROIT, Oct. 12. --(P)-The
United Automobile Workers (CIO) I
announced tonight the settlement of.
a one-day sit-down strike at the Mo-
tor Products Corp., here.
The strike was called this morning
and left 2,200 workers idle. Homer
Martin, international UAW president,
lead a union delegation which con-
ferred with A. L. Lott, Motor Products
After the meeting Martin said' the
strikers were instructed to vacate the
plk. t and that they would return to
work as so--i as possible. Grievances
will be negotiated while operations
The strike resulted, Martin said.
from the management's failure to
consider seniority in recalling work-
ers and because of alleged wage cuts
resulting from the installation of new
machinery. The union head said
the company had refused to negotiate
these grievances, but agreed to draft
a new contract with the UAW.
The settlement was reached in the
Detroit office of the National Labor
Relations Board.
PWA Paving Grant
To City Announced
Approval of a $25,029 PWA grant
to the city for the repa,,ement of,
Main St. from Catherine St. to Wil-
liam St. was announced yesterday in
Washington. The total cost of the
project will be about $55,000.
Of this amount, the city will con-
tribute about $20,000, and the state
highway department has promised
to pay the local share of the cost for
two blocks between Catherine St. and
Huron St. over which US-12 and US-
23 are routed.
Northern Ireland To Ask
England For Autonomyf
BELFAST, Oct. 12.-(W)-Thomas
J. Campbell, new nationalist leader
in the Ulster (Northern Ireland)
parliament, gave notice today he
Printing Troubles
Delaying Directory
Printing difficulties will delay the
publication of the student directory
until Tuesday, Oct. 18, Lenton G.
Sculthorp, '40, editor-in-chief, an-
nounced yesterday.
This still will be several wpeks in
advance of the publishing date set by
last year's directory, Sculthorp said,
The book will be completed this week-
end but will not go on the stands until
The directory, which contains the
name, class, Ann Arbor and home ad-
dresses and the telephone number of
every student on campus, in addition
to a faculty and fraternity directory,
sells for 50 cents a copy.
Fires Along Border
Spread Unchecked'
First Annual Graduate School
Open House Is Host To 800
More than 800 people attended the
first annual Graduate Open House
last night in the Rackham Building.'
The program, designed to bring the
graduate student body into closer
unity, was under the direction of the
Graduate Student Council, aided by
the Graduate Executive Board and
the staff of the Graduate School.
President Ruthven, in an address
to the graduate students in Lecture
Hall, briefly reviewed the history of
the school and the building. He
noted how many more opportunities
for a unified and integrated program
of social and cultural activities the
phitheatre, a scientific demonstra-
tion, arranged by Wayne Whitaker,
Grad., and presented by T. C. Kra-
mer, Grad., drew a good portion of
the crowd. Microscopic movies were.
shown, picturing the development of
a baby chick from the embryo stage
until hatches.
The Graduate Outing Club spon-
sored an outdoor sports exhibit:
which was on display in their club-
rooms. Chinese graduate student,
attired in their native garb, assisted
Y. K. Chang, Grad., in an exhibit of
his paintings. The large crowd who
visited the display on the mezzanine
floor were impressed by the coloring
Fires which had been temporarily
in check, after taking a toll of 20
lives in Monday'srwidespread confla-
gration, were spreading rapidly late
Wednesday night in the Internation-
al Falls, Minn., and Fort Frances,
Ont., areas. '
Fire fighting forces along the
Minnesota-Ontario international bor-
der redoubled their efforts as less fa-
vorable weather conditions accelerat-
ed the spreading of the flames.
Constable David Hamilton of the
Ontario provincial police said pa-
trols were endeavoring to completely
evacuate residents of the danger zone.
The worst of the fires were re-
ported at Blueberry Lake in Dance
township, Ont.,where 17 live wpr
Railway Strategic
Hongkong and this railway hav
been the principal gateway of mili
tary supplies for Generalissimo Chi
ang Kai-Shek in the stubborn de
fense of Hankow. The Chinese mill
tary capital lies about 500 miles north
of Canton, linked to it by the Can
ton-Hankow railway.
The Japanese tonight were believed
forming at the northeast corner of
Bias Bay fortathrust about 20 mile
westward to straddle the Canton
Kowloon railway midway between it
The Japanese invasion threatene
not only to strangle an artery of Chi
rese military supplies but conversel
the main artery of food and othe
supplies coming out of China int
Explosion Turns Oil
Village Into Infern4
LINDEN, N. J., Oct. 12-(P)-An ex