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October 11, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-11

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Personality Not
Easily Changed
Says McClusky
Addresses 2nd Freshman
Roundtable Gathering
Sunday At Lane Hall
Contrary to the alluring promises
often made, personality changes can't
be made over night, Prof. H. Y. Me-
Clusky of the education school told
his audience at a second in a series of
freshman roundtables Sunday after-
pon at Lane Hall.
Changes in personality require a
great deal of time and effort, he ex-
plained, but generally speaking,
enough change can be effected to
compensate for the workinvolved.
The first step in personality plan-
ning, he explained, is isolating and
defining.bad habits. In eliminating
themt is important to discover un-
der what circumstances they occur,
to ask people to call attention to
them, and. to keep a record of how
often they become apparent.
To get rid of obnoxious personality
traits, Mr. CcClusky stated, they
must first be broken down into ac-
tion patterns. When one discovers
what part of his envirionmeht is
causing him to react in an undesir-
able manner he either changes your
attitude toward it or changes the en-
vironment itself.
Most people's personalities, Mr.
McClusky explained, are formed by
a fateful occurence of incidents in-
stead of by conscious, systematic
choosing. It is entirely possible to
plan with a large measure of ac-
curacy the kind of a person one is
going to be at 25, while he is still a
freshman, he stated.
Sigma Rho Tau. To
Entertain Freshmen
Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engi-
neering speech society will hold its
annual Freshman night at 8 p. m. to-
day at the Union.
Dean Alfred H. Lovell, Prof. F. N.
Menefee, former national president of
Sigmxa Rho Tau, and Prof. Robert D.,
Brackett, national director of the
society and director of the local chap-
ter, will speak.
Sigma Rho Tau, otherwise known
as "The Stump Speaker's Society"
is the largest forensic organization
on campus.

Foreign Center
Expands Scope
Of Social Bill
The University, with one of the
largest enrollments of foreign stu-
dents in the country, did little to aid
these students in becoming oriented
to the customs of a strange school in
a strange country until last year,'
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Director of
the International Center and Coun-
selor to Foreign Students, declared
The International Council, formed
last year, proved to be the first step
toward the' establishment of a defi-
nite institution for the use of foreign
students. This year the newly-coin-
pleted International Center, is be-
ginning its function as a meeting
place for both foreign and American
students. The International Council:
is still in operation. Members .of In-
ternational Council are in charge of

Far Eastern Ins
Students Of

State Department representatives,
an army officer, professors from Yale,
Stanford, University of Washington,
Yenching University in China, to-
gether with graduate students from
large universities all over the country
gathered in Ann Arbor last summer
for the fifth and largest Institute of
Far Eastern Studies.
The enrollment in the courses in
Oriental languages alone this year
was almost as large as the total en-
rollment of the preceding Institute,
Professor Robert B. Hall of the de-
partment of geography, and director
of the Institute, said yesterday. Pre-
vicus Institutes have been held at
Harvard, University of California, and
Columbia, but since the first held at
Ann Arbor in 1937 they have been
held here, and will be at least through
next summer, he said.-
The success of Far Eastern studies


*t t r w Wednesday, Oct. 12. Please take care
t Draws of this matter immediately.
Varjed Callings Academic Notices
Fine Arts 191. The Art of India:
s This class will meet at the regular
here in 1937. Guest lecturers camne
from all over the country to interpre hours (Tuesday and Thursday at 9
Frm Easter h civilizon to Wstern. a.m.) for the rest of the semester in
Far Eastern civilizations to Western Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall."
and Oriental students alike. The
present Chinese ambassador to the Students, College of Literature, Sci-
United States, Dr. Hu Shih, of Pe- ence, and the Arts: No course may be
king University, delivered four lec- elected for credit after the end of
tures here during the past summer. the third week. Saturday, Oct. 15, is
Other guest speakers included Dr. therefore the last date on which new
Co gresDivision ofOthrieLibraryPro elections may be approved. The will-
fessor George B. Cressey of Syracuse ingness of an individual instructor to
University and Mr. Youngil Kang admit a student later does not affect
of Universit r Younnhthe operation of this rule.
Erieh A_ Walter




several of the weekly functions of the at Michigan may be attributed to sev-1
Center, including weekly suppers and eral causes, said Professor Hall. Be-
teas. ginning with the appointment of
According to Prof. Nelson, the Cen- President Angell as Envoy Extraor-
ter is one of the first organizations of dinary to the Chinese Empire, and
its kind in this country. Many univer- continuing through a long list of
sities have international houses, es- faculty members who have served in
tablished by various philanthropic the East in diplomatic and technical
organizations and individuals. These capacities ,there has been a close link
houses serve, however, more as dor- between the University and the Or-
mitories for foreign students than as ient, one that is manifested in the
places where they can meet Ameri- large number of students from China,
cans and mingle with them. The In- Japan, India, and the Philippines who
ternational Center of the University, attend school here. Chinese-born
on the other hand, is one which will students alone, last year numbered
be used primarily as an information 168.
center and a club. American students This interest in the East brought to
are especially invited to attend its Michigan a group of scholars who are
functions for the purpose of meeting world-reknowned experts on the Or-
the foreign students. ient in various fields, Professor Hall
The Center did its first work of the pointed out. With these men as a
year when Prof. Nelson and his assist- nucleus the Institute was formed
ants conducted a special orientation____
program for foreign students. This was
handled much more efficiently than
was possible last year with the limited EVENING RADIO
facilities afforded the InternationalP
Council. Immediately following Ori PROGRAMS
entation Week, the Center began its
regular program for the year, in-
cluding suppers, discussion meetings, WJR
recreational activities. P. M.
6:00 Stevenson News
6:30 The Inside of Sportsf

TUESDAY, OCT. 11, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 14,
Women Students Attending the
Minnesota Game: Women students
wishing to attend the Minnesota-
Michigan football game are required
to register in the Office of the Dean of
Women. A letter of permission from
parents must be received in this of-
fice not later than Thursday, Oct. 13.
If the student does not go by train,
special permission for another mode
of travel must be included. in the
parent's letter. Graduate women are
invited to register in the office.
Sorority Social Chairmen: Approval
of the Dean of Women is necessary
for all entertainments and social
events at which both men and women
are to be present. (1) At least three
days before a party, turn in at the
Office of the Dean of Women written
acceptances from two couples on the
approved chaperon list for the year,
together with a written statement of
approval from the financial adviser.
(2) A card is then filled out, ap-
proved by the Dean of Women and
taken to the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents. The card must be in the Office
of the Dean of Students by the Mon-
day preceding the event if permis-
sion is to be received.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service examina-
tions: (last date for filing applica-
tions is given):
Michigan Civil Service-
General Clerk, Typist Clerk, and
Stenographer Clerk, Salaries $80-100,
Oct. 20.;
Athletic Inspector, 80c per hour,
Oct. 20.
United States Civil Service-
Teacher in Indian Community and'
Boarding Schools. $1620-2000, Nov. 7.'
Agricultural Extension Agents, $2,-
600-2,900, Nov. 7.
Complete announcements are on

r~ vtL. LV.
English 102. Make-up examination
for past semester will be given Thurs-
day afternoon, Oct. 13. 3-6 p.m., in
Room 2225 A.H. J. L. Davis.
Physics 35-36: The semester make-
up examinations in these courses
will be held in the West Lecture
Room; West Physics Bldg. on Thurs-
day afternoon, Oct. 13, beginning' at
2 p.m.
Make-up Finals in Economics 511
and 52 will be held on Thursday, Oct.J
13, from 3-6 p.m. in Room 207 Ec.
Bldg. Those wishing to write the
examination- should see Mr. Palmer
at once.
i Tabulating Machine Practice 103.
Students in this course are assignedl

2:00 Section;
Aris, Earl Maynard
Bronson, Donald Gordon
Clayton, Gerald
Duerksen, Peter A.
Enloe, Mary Virginia
Glidden, Dean Elwyn
Kleiman, Arnold
Morgenroth, William Mason
Treadway, John Platt
Trembly, Edward D.
3:00 Section
Hu, Chia
Lou, Er-Ying
MacLean, M. W.
Miller, Wilson Shannon
Murdock, Donald Randall
Prior, Jack Wilfred
Siegel, Bernard Miller
Techna, Lionel J.
Voelker, Henry George
Welfore, D. L.
Zimmer, Mile Edward
4:00 Section
Allen, Edmund Asa
Anthon, Robert Lewis
Broene, Richard George
Centner, William Albert
Dascola, Joe J.
Deutsch, Louis
DeVries, George
Dzao, Yuan Ling
Easterly, Mary Elizabeth
Ladd, Oscar Wallin
Schmale, Frederick Henry
Shaw, William Robert
Sidder, Richard Fenton
Preliminary Examination for the
(Continued on Page 4)

The Biggest Show Value
of All Time


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The q- 3m

of making ends meet

"Athletic Novelty"
BAMBINO and her "Poms"
"Dixie Rhythm'

Union Tryouts To Meet
A meeting of all sophomores who
wish to try out for the Union will be
held at 4:30 p. m. Wednesday in room
302 oI the Union, Paul Brickley, '39,
Union president, announced yester-

10 :30

Helen Mencken
Big Town with Edw. G. Robinson
Al Jolson Show with Martha Raye
We, the People
Benny Goodman's Orchestra
Hal Kemp's Orchestra
Diesel Flashes
Glen Miller's Orchestra
Joe venuti's Orchestra
Dick Barrie's Orchestra

It may be "all Greek" to some people, but to the
instructors at the U. of M. it ought to be simple
Loans of any amount up to $300 can be obtained
here-without co-signers or endorsers-without any
publicity-without the kind of security usually
required elsewhere-by any one having the ability to
repay in small regular amounts, except students.




Arrow Trump Shirts

P. M.
6:00 Tyson's Sports
6:30 Bradcast
7:00 Amos 'n' Andy
7:30 We Old Timers
8:00 Johnny Presents
8:30 Paul Martin's Music
9:00 Battle of the Sexes
10:00 Bob Hope
10:30 Jimmy Fiddler
11 :00 Newscast
12:00 Plantation Club Orchestra
12:30 Weather, Scores

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