...,.. ,
Fair, somewhat warmer today;
tomorrow showers and cooler.
41k iga
VOL. XLIX. No. 14
Kiwanis Club
Hears Author
Former Local Pastor Tells
Members Meeting Here
3-Day Convention,
Concludes Tonight
Lloyd C. Douglas Tells Reporter
Writing Is Big-ScalePreaching
Citing the old Greeke legend of Gala-
tea, the beautiful girl carved from
ivory by Pygmalion, who then fell in
love with his creation and was re-'
warded by her coming to life, Dr.
Lloyd C..Douglas,told a near capacity
audience of Michigan Kiwanians,
townspeople, and students Sunday
night in Hill Auditorium that the
"highest joy of man is to bring things
to life."
Dr. Douglas, author of "Magnifi-
cent Obsession," "Green Light," and
"White Banners," and former pastor
of the local First Congregational
Church, delivered the keynote address
of the Michigan Kiwanis convention
now in session here. He was intro-
duced by President Ruthven, who wel-
comed the delegates as co-workers
with the University.
Treats Convention Theme
Drawing from a huge reserve of
anecdotes and relating his own ex-
perieices, Dr. Douglas treated the
convention theme, "citizenship re-
sponsibility." Any consideration of
this all-inclusive term, he said, must
take into account, not only the im-
mediate, visible surroundings, but also
the world at ,large. It is this notion of
isolation and living in our own little
worlds, he warned, that causes much
of the strife and trouble that we see
In briefly reviewing the world scene,
Dr. Douglas noted: "The rank and file
of people in the world are eager to
live lives of~ freedom and peace. A
small handful clamor for power. Most
people merely want to be left alone.
It Is the minority, numerically insig-
nificait, suffering from hallucina-
tory omnipotence, who want turmoil."
People Want Peace
People do not want war, the former
minister declared, but whether it is
better to disarm in the hope of oth-
ers following suit, or arm to frighten
the rest is a question. A tiger in the
jungle, he related, would be foolish
to announce in a peaceful gesture
that he had lost his claws and teeth.
Relating experiences in respect to
his own writing, Dr. Douglas noted
what a great sense of satisfaction and
pleasure ,it gave him to watch his
characters develop and progress from
the early stages, when they were
merely jumbled thoughts in his mind,
tothe time he saw them as living,
breathing creatures on the screen.
The three day convention closes
today with the Governors Banquet
at 7:00 p. m. in the Union.
Nazis Regret'
Recent Attack
Upon CardinaI
Hitler Aid Goes To Vienna;
May Send Guilty Persons
To Concentration Camps
VIENNA, Oct. 10.-(P)-Joseph
Buerckel, Chancellor Adolf Hitler's
Commissioner for Austria, was under-
stood to have returned to Vienna to-
day intent upon sending to concen-
tration camps persons responsible for
Nazi attacks upon 62-year-old Theo-
dore Cardinal Innitzer.
The attacks are "deeply regretted"
In official Germany, it was said.
SThe agency Dienst Aus Deutsch-
land in an inspired article from Ber-
lin said Buerckel had "taken most
vigorous action" against demonstra-
tions including that Saturday night,
wher4 the Cardinal was cut by flying
glass in the stoning of his palace in
St. Stephen's Square by Nazi mobs.
Dienst Aus Deutschland said:
"Incidents in Vienna in the course
of which demonstrations were made
against Cardinal Innitzer are deeply
regretted in official German circles.
"Reich Commissar Buercke! has
taken most vigorous action against
the provocative demonstrations."
Vatican circles said today that news
of the attack Saturday night upon
Theodore Cardinal Innitzer, Arch-
bishop of Vienna, in his palace has
'Movies Have Not Abusedl
Novels,' ays Author Of
Lloyd Douglas is a tall man. He
has a peculiar way of looking at you
,hat makes you feel that he has
known you for a long time. When I
called on the author of "Magnificent
Obsession," "Green Light," and'
"White Banners," yesterday after-
.noon in Room 317 of the Union, he
received me cordially and lookedl
stately despite the striped pajamas
. in which he was lounging.
I declined the proferred cigarette
and admitted that I had no definite
questions with which to interview
him, but I was sure that anything
he might have to say would be of in-
terest. He told of coming to Ann Ar-
bor in 1915 remaining as pastor of
the First Congregational Church un-
til 1921, and officiating at the fu-
nerals of Dir. Angell and Dr. Burton,
former presidents of the University.
He told of the pastorates he has held
in Columbus, Montreal, Akron, Wash-
ington, D.C., and Los Angeles, where1
he now makes his home.
At last I thought of a question
to ask him. "Do you feel that the mo-
tion pictures have portrayed your
novels as you nieant them to be?"
"I am very much satisfied with the
job Hollywood has done with my
books," he answered, shifting his
large frame in the chair, "They have
not abused them at all."
"Do you feel that you are, in a way,
carrying on the same preaching in
your books that you started on the
"Yes; writing is the same as deliv-
ering a sermon, except that before I
reached only hundreds; now I reach
hundreds of, thousands. Then, too,,
I feel a little freer in writing-the
traditions of the pulpit more or less
dictate how you must talk-the hu-
man interest is lacking. When I
write, I can conceive characters and
make them do my bidding."
"What is your opinion of the so-
called modern school of literature?"
"They have a literature of despair.
They present nothing constructive.
For the. person who thinks the world
is gone, they are all right. For those,
however, who have troubles, they do
not do any good."
"Have the students changed since
you were here?"
"Same old gang," he said, lighting
another cigarette.
Men To Vote
Petitions Are Available;
Voters To Cast Ballots
in Their Own Districts
Congress To Pick
Ten Zone Leaders
Independents will vote tomorrow
in a campus-wide election to choose
ten zone presidents who will repre-
sent them on the District Council of
Congress, independent men's organi-
All unaffiliated men are eligible to
vote for the president of the zone in
which they reside. A map showing
numbers and boundaries of zones wim.
appear in tomorrow's Daily.
Freshmen Not Eligible
The polls will be kept open from
7:30 a. m. until 7:30 p. m. Wednes-
day, Oct. 12. Election officials will
be stationed in the Union lobby, the
West Engineering building, and the
lobby of Angell Hall to receive bal-
Sophomores and upperclassmen in-
dependents who wish to run for office
have until 9 p. m. tonight to hand in
petitions, Robert Hartwell, '39E, Con-
gress president announced. Petitions
must bear twenty-five signatures, in
addition to the candidate's name, ad-
dress, telephone, school, class, age,
scholastic average, and a brief plat-
form. They must be turned in to
Room 306 in the Union. Freshmen
are not eligible for office.
Congress Founded In 1937
From the ten presidents elected to
represent the campus, three will be
chosen by the judiciary committte to
fill vacant posts on the Executive
Council, governing body of Congress.
Congress was founded in the Spring,
1937, in response to a growing demand
for a service organization specific-
ally designed to fill the needs of non-
affiliated men. Since that time, the
group has expanded its activities to
include such fields as student welfare,
social activities and sports.
The first in the series of Congress
tea dances, inaugurated last spring,
and conducted in conjunction with
Assembly, women's independent or-
ganization, will be held from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m. Thursday in the League.
Chinese Students
Publish Directory
In Two Languages
The Chinese Student Directory,
published by the Chinese Student
Club, was distributed yesterday. The
31-page booklet was edited by Shao
Wei Li. Grad., with the aid of Celia
Chao, Hou Jan Sun, and Eugene
Tsao, all graduate students.
The first pages of the directory are
devoted to an introduction written in
Chinese, a greeting by President
Ruthven, and a short foreword by
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to
Foreign Students and Director of In-
ternational Center. Alternate pages
of names and addresses and advertise-
ments follow. Some of the adver-
tisements are in Chinese characters,
and after each of the 128 names ap-
pear the Oriental symbols for the
Americanized versions. At the end
of the book are two pages to be de-
voted to the recording of unlisted
names, addresses and telephone num-
According to Shao Wei Li, this
year's directory was distributed more
than a month earlier than that of
last year.
Lindbergh Is Silent On Charges
Thrown At Him By Soviet Airmen
Russians Say 'Lone Eagle'
Lied To British Chieftain
On Airforce Weakness
ROTTERDAM, Oct. 10-(VP)-Col.
Lindbergh declined comment when
he arrived late today in Rotterdam
with Mrs. Lindbergh on charges of
his "being a lackey of Germans and <': : 3,*.*
British," which were thrown at him
by Soviet airmen.
MOSCOW, Oct. 10-(W)-Eleven
Soviet aviation leaders denounced Col.
charles A. Lindbergh today in a let-
ter which referred to alleged state-
ments by the American flier published
in London after he visited Moscow in
The letter, published in Pravda, or-
gan of the central committee of the
Communist party, and circulated by
Tass (Russian official news agency),
accused Col. Lindbergh of making
"slanderous and insolent anti-Soviet CHARLES A. LINDBERGH
utterances" before guests of Lady As--_
tor, Virginia-born member of the and insolent anti-Soviet utterances
British House of Comnmons. which were served for Lady Astor's
It referred to a report by "'The guests. It appears Lindbergh declared
Week' agency" and charged that in London that Germany" possesses
"Lindbergh acted in conformity with such powerful aviation, that it is able
instructions of British reactionary to defeat the air fleets of England,
circles 'to prove the weakness of France, the U.S.S.R and Czechoslo-
Soviet aviation' and thus provide vakia.
(British Prime Minister) Chamberlain "The second statement outstripped
with an argument in favor of capitu- the first. He declared that in the
lation in Munich in the Czechoslo- course of his stay in Moscow he was
vak problem." offered the post of Chief of Soviet
The letter as circulated by Tass Civil Aviation..h.A n
said in part: "Lindbergh as Chief of Aviation!
... recently Lindbergh again visit- Such absurd lies can only make us
ed the Soviet Union. It should be fliers laugh.. "
noted that nobody invited him and
he was allowed to come only upon LONDON, Oct. 10--(1P)-The Daily
request of the Americans. Taking use Herald, Labor paper, today quoted
of the permission to arrive, Lind- American-born Lady Astor as declar-
bergh visited the festivities held Avia- ing a "complete lie" the report Col.
tion Day and now upon the return to Charles A. Lindbergh pronounced the
London made use of the fact of his Soviet air force inefficient during a
stay in the U.S.S.R. for slanderous visit at her home.
't _.
r rn l wiwr !
Graduate Open
House Will Be!
Held Tonight
Riuthven, Yoakum, DuBey]
Will Address Assembly,
Reception Will Follow
The first annual Graduate Open
House, designed to bring the gradu-
ate student body into closer unity, will
be held tonight in the Rackham Build-
ing. The program includes a generalr
assembly, an informal reception, and
an inspection.
President Ruthven, Dean Yoakum,k
and Robert E. Du Bey, Grad, execu-
tive secretary of the Graduate Stu-
dent Council, will address the as-
sembly starting at 8:00 p. m. in Lec-
ture Hall.1
At 9:00 p. m., President and Mrs.
Ruthven and the Graduate Executivet
'Board will receive the graduate Stu-
dents in an informal reception. Those t
on the Executive Board participating t
are: Prof. and Mrs. Peter Field, Prof.
and Mrs. Carl Guthe, Prof. and Mrs.
Floyd Bartell, Prof. and Mrs. W. C.
Hoad, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur E. R.
Others are: Dean and Mrs. Charles
W. Edmiunds,' Prof. Dow V. Baxter,
Prof. and Mrs. William C. Trow, Prof.
and Mrs. E. F. Barker, Prof. and Mrs.
Clark Hopkins, and Dr. Frank E.
The open house and inspection
from 9 p. m. to 11 p. m. will be under
direction of the Graduate School
Staff, including Mrs. Arno Bader,
Mrs. G. E. Mills, Mrs. Melvin Ivory,E
'Mrs. Gerhardt Burde, Miss ViroquaI
Lemmon, Mrs. Hwoard Barnes, Mrs.
Conway' Magee, Miss Gertrude Rick-;
ard, Miss Almerene Montgomery, and'
Mrs. George Wynn.
Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Byrd Bark-
er, Miss Ethel McCormick, and Miss
Jeanette Perry will also participate in
the open house program.t
A scientific demonstration, ar-
ranged by Wayne Whitaker, Grad.,
will be presented by T. C. Kramer,
Grad. A general inspection of the
building will follow after which there
will be dancing in Assembly Hall.
Progressive Club
To Meet Tomior'row
The Progressive Club, Michigan
chapter of the American Student
Union, will hold its first membership
meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union to plan activities for the year.
Reports will be given on student
working conditions, housing, coop-
iera tives. intprrationo aaffairs-nmm-
Student Senate
Party Control
Fight Is Seen
Nominating Petitions Are
Now Being Circulated;
Election Is On Oct. 21
Indicating that there will be an
intense party fight in this semester's
Student Senate campaigr, Edward
Magdol, '39, director of elections, an-
nounced last night the beginning of
petitioning for nominations.
Arrangements for the election, to!
be held Oct. 21, will be made at a
Senate meeting at 7:30 p. m. today
in the League.
The Student Senate office in Lane
Hall will be open from 4 to 6 p. m.
all this week to receive petitions and
to interview applicants for positions
as election clerks. The latter will be
necessary, Magdol said, to attend
the polls and count ballots.
Agenda for Itonight's meeting will
include: The election of three con-
tinuing Senators to form the nucleus
of the Spring Parley Commission; the
motion of Sen. Martin Dworkis, '40,
relative to Student Senate participa-
tion in the United Peace Committee;
and the issde of the formal prelim-
inary report. Reports of Senate com-
mittees will be given by Sen. Harold
Ossepow, '39, forum committee; Sen-
ator Albert Peter Mayio, '30. race dis-
crimination committee; and Sen.
Philip Westbrook, '40, sex education.
The election will employ the Hare
system of proportional representation
now in operation in many American
cities. Magdol explained. More than
2,000 are expected to go to the polls.
New Justices
Are Outvoted
On MooneyPlea
Suprene Court Grants
Ford Request To Review
River Rouge Issue
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. - (') -
President Roosevelt's two appointees
to the Supreme Court have tried in
vain to persuade the tribunal that it
should review a lower court decision
against Thomas J. Mooney, the labor
leader who has been fighting for 20
years against his conviction of com-
plicity in a famous bombing.
This was disclosed today when the
Court, with Justices Black and Reed
dissenting, refused Money's request
that it review the decision announced
last Oct. 31 by the California Su-
preme Court.
Mooney, told of the Court action,
pinned his remaining hopes for free-
dom on the California election in
November. Culbert L. Olson, the
Democratic candidate for governor,
has expressed the intention of par-
doning him if elected.
The Mooney case was among ap-
proximately 300 which accumulated
during the Court's four-month sum-
mer recess and were considered for
The National Labor Board was
granted reviews of two adverse lower
court decisions. An employer's re-
quest for review of another decision,
favoring the Board, was denied. The
Board failed, however, in its effort
to prevent review of a Federal Circuit
Court order permitting it to with-
draw litigation against the Ford Mo-
tor Co. for amendment of procedure.
The court also:
Refused to consider challenges of
the Ohio liquor law and the Massa-
chusetts birth control law.
Former TVA Head Reiterates
Accusation's In Interview Here
By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY to public control was seen by the
Dr. Arthur E. Morgan, former flood control expert as the only expe-
Iead of the Tennessee Valley Author- dient productive of the much-needed
ity, charged the present Valley direc- comparisons in efficiency. The gov-
tory with use of "capricious force" ernment, he said, . must develop a I
and resort to misleading propaganda competitive system that will elimin-
in the administration of the vast ate the unfit as efficiently as private
river project, in an interview with industry has eliminated them.
the Daily yesterday. Dr. Morgan had no objections to
Dr. Morgan envisioned the har- government purchase of private pow-
nessing of the Tennessee as the most er lines in the vicinity of the Ten-
comprehensive engineering project of C nessee project, but the former An-
its kind in the world, combining un- tioch college president took outspoken
der one administrative unit flood exception to the present government
control, power production and navi- design which he charged was aimed
gation. He cautioned that unless at destroying private enterprise, and
"fair aRnd open" accounting of all buying out at its own figure.
operations is made available to the The deposed TVA head was in-
nfihlir fthaP'a Iwill hp n ua,',isiek struim,.ntalit ,will reh ee i-.a~d
Strachey, Liberal Writer,
Denied Entry In U.S.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10--(P--Eve-
lyn John St. Loe Strachey, British
writer on Communism and one-
time object of a deportation pro-
ceeding in this country, was barred
from entry in the United States
tonight by immigration officials.
They ordered him held aboard
the Normandie overnight and in-
structed the French Line to deliver
him tomorrow morning to Ellis
Island for appearance before a
special board of inquiry.
The hearing will determine whe-
ther he shall be allowed a tempor-