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October 08, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-08

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Plymouth Co.
Shuts 2 Plants-
sIn AWDive
Briggs Closes, Too; Local
There Asks 40-Hr Pay
ior The Shorter Week
(Continued from Page 1)
today the 32-hour week has been in
effect in most departments, Edelen
Reuther's Assailants Free
DETROIT, Oct. 7.--(/P)--Deliberat-
ing one hour and 25 minutes, a rec-
ordee's Court jury today returned a
vetdict of innocent for. Edward Per.
celli and Willard Holt, who were
charged with assault with intent to
kill Walter Reuther, president of the
West Side local of the United Auto-
mobile Workers Union (CIO).
"Reuther offered me $100 to pull a
Pake assault," Holt said. He added'
that the blackjack he swung on Reu-
ther's head was empty and that a gun
carried by Percelli was not loaded.
Holt said he never received the $100.
Uiversity s
$22,500 Largest Gift;
Accept PWA Grants
(Continued from Page 1)
from O. R. Briney of the Jig Bushing
Co., Pontiac; Carborondum Company
gave a $125 exhibit case; another
exhibit case worth $100 came from
tyie Norton Company of Detroit, and
a hardness tester valued at $500 was
loaned by Charles Baird of Detroit.
The Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry
Foundation donated $7,500 for the
Charles Lathrop Pack professorship;
Lawrence Buhl gave $1,200 to renew
the Buhl Classical Fellowships; the
Midgley Foundation of the Ohio State
University chemical department voted
$VOO' to aid L. 0. Brockway in his
eletron diffraction project.
TIhe $750 Michigan Gas Association
fellowship in gas engineering was re-
newed; $5,923.34 for the orthopedics
department of the hospital was re-
ceived from the estate of Mary Fran-
ces Waring of Clinton; the Mansanto
Chemical Co. together with the
Charles Pfizer Co. renewed their fel
'lowship of $700 in the study of phenol-
phthalein, and the Fred Sterns Co. of
Detroit renewed its $500 fellowship in
Neil C. McMath donated a $500 oc-
tant for the observatory; $55 was re-
ceived from the George Davis Bivin
fWnd, and an endowment of $500 came
from the University Club of Detroit.
The Upjohn Company of Kalama-
zoo donated $750 for a pharmacy
scholarship; the Community.Club of
Detroit granted $1,025 for three De-
troit field work scholarships; the
Acheson Collides Corporation renewed
a $1,000 fellowship and James G.
Hays of Pittsburgh granted $1,000
ti be used at the Regents' discretion.
The executive committee of the lit-
erary college was changed with the
appointment of Prof. Walter F. Hunt
of the mineralogy department and
Mulford Honored
By Forestry School
(Continued from Page 1)
ning to come into its own. The Ameri-
can forester, he said, is at the point
where a new and exciting vista opens
before him with the opportunity of
doing untold work in the favor of

human welfare.
Professor Mulford has had a varied
career in the pursuance of his work,
having for six years worked with
lMichigan's pioneer instructor in for-
estry, Filibert Roth. Professor Mul-
ford also was a member of the first
class in forestry held at Cornell Uni-
versity in 1900. He also served as
Connecticut's first state forester. At
present he is editor of the American
Forestry Series, the standard manu-
al of American forestry.

CzeChoslavakia: Here Today,

Gone Tomorrow


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ligion or personal issues will be 11-12!
a.m. or 3-5 p.m. Other hours by ap-
pointment. Any student is welcome.
Society of Sigma Xi: All members of
the Society who have recently become
affiliated with the University should
notify the secretary of their member-
ship, so that a transfer to the local
chapter may be arranged.
J. S. Gault, Secretary,
Michigan Chapter of Sigma Xi.
Prizes in Eugenics: The American
Eugenics Society is offering prizes to
undergraduates for the best essays on
eugenics. Particulars are posted on
the bulletin board near Room 2090
N.S., near the north entrance to the
Natural Science Building.
A cademicNoies
Fine Arts 191. The Art of India:
This class will meet at the regular
hours (Tuesday and Thursday at 9
a.m. for the rest of the semester in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall.

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j 50
The shaded areas'on this map sh
to Germany by the International
original ceded districts.

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how the approximate extent of the fifth
Sudetenland Commission in Berlin. T

Foreign Concil
5 International Students
Win Staff Election
Five vacancies on the staff of the
International Council have been filled
as a result of an election held Wednes-
day. Thomas Finlayson, '41E, Canada;
Shao -Wei Li, Grad., China; Tokyo
Nagashima,LGrad., Japan; Robert+
Klinger, Grad., U.S.; and Katherine.
Taylor, Grad, U. S., are the new mem-
bers. They will meet with the remain-
der of the Council, which was elected
last semester, under the chairmanship
of Greforio Velasquez, Grad., Philip-
pine Commonwealth.
The Council is composed of fifteen
representatives of the variousnational
groups attending the University. It is
organized to cooperate with Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson, counselor to foreign*
students and director of the Interna-
tional Center. The Council shares
with Prof. Nelson the responsibility
for part of the Center's wide pro-)
gram. The special Orientation Week
program for foreign students was un-
der the direction of the International'
Council, and its members will be in
charge of the suppers and programs
which are to be held every Sunday'
Christian Leader '
To Speak On Orient
Miss Helen Faville Topping, person-
al representative of Kagawa, famous
Christian leader of them Orient, will
deliver two lectures here under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor Coopera-
tive Society, Inc., Mr. A. K. Stevens,
of the board of directors, announced
"The Cooperative Movement In
Japan" will be Miss Topping's sub-
ject at 6:30 p. m. Sunday at the
Church of Christ Disciples. Her sec-
ond lecture, "European Contributors
to World Peace," at 8 p. m. Monday
in Lane Hall, will be illustrated by
motion pictures. The public is in-
Prof. Warner G. Rice of the English
department to replace Prof. Camp-
bell Bonner of the Greek department
and Prof. Herber D. Curtis of the as-
tronomy department. Prof. Robert
Hall of the geography department will
fill the vanacy created by the leave
of absence granted Prof. Arthur Ai-
ton of the history department.

?ublicatirin lI the Bulletin is con
University. Copy received at the of
until 3:30; 11:00 a.mi. on Saturday.
SATURDAY, OCT. 8, 1938
VOL. XLIX. , No. 12
To The Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
Oct. 10, at 4:4l5 p.m. in Room 1009
Angell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secy.
Women Students Attending the
Minnesota Game: Women students
wishing to attend the Minnesota-
Michigan football game are required
to register in the Office of the Dean of
Women. A letter of permission from
parents must be received in this of-
fice not later than Thursday, Oct. 13.
If the student does not go by train.
special permission for another mode
of travel must be included in the
parent's letter. Graduate women are
invited to register in the office.
Sorority Social Chairmen: Approval
of the Dean of Women is necessary,
for all entertainments and social
events at which both men and women
are to be present. (1) At least three
days before a party, turn in at the
Office of the Dean of Women writtenj
acceptances from two couples on the
approved chaperon list for the year,

Far Eastern Art: Correction in
Graduate School Announcement.
Pp. 171-2. For: "Fine Arts 191.
The Art of China and Japan; etc.,"
read "Fine Arts 191. The Art of In-
dia . . . First semester."
For: "Fine Arts 192. The Art of3
India; etc.," read "Fine Arts 192.)
The Art of China and Japan . . .
ANote: Although Fine Arts 191 and
H UN GAR 1192 may be taken separately, it is 1
recommended that they be taken in'
zone in Czechoslovakia, handed over sequence as they appear above. In
he numbered black areas show the special cases Course 191 may be tak-
en after the completion of course 192.
Reading Examinations in French:
-jAL Canidte for the degree of Ph.D.'
IAL BULL ET Nin the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
n truotive nstistoal mttmberorthe reading knowledge during the current
academic year, 1938-39, are informed)
that examinations will be offered in
Room 108, Romance Language Build-
2) A card is then filled out, ap- ing, from 2 to 5. on Saturday, Oct.
together with a written statement of 22, Jan. 14, May 20, and Aug. 12. It
aProval from the financial adviser. will be necessary to register at the
proved by the Dean of Women and office of the Department of Romance
taken to the Office of the Dean of Stu- Languages (112 R.L.) at least one
dents. The card must be in the Office week in advance. Lists of books rec-)
of the Dean of Students by the Mon- ommended by the various departments
day preceding the event if permis- are obtainable at this office.
lion is to be received. iIt is desirable that candidates for
1938 Mechanical Engineers and the doctorateprepare to satisfy this
1938Mechnicl Eniners ad requirement at the earliest possible
Graduate Students: Your attention is date. A brief statement of the na-
called to the Bulletin Board near the ture of the requirement, which will bea
Mechanical Engineering office, where found helpful, may be obtained at the
notices of importance will be posted office of the Department, and further
from time to time. inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L.1
F. Dow (100 R.L., .Tuesdays and
Rhodes Scholarships: Students in- Thursday at 9 and by appointment).
terested in applying for a Rhodes This announcement applies only to
Scholarship for next year are asked candidates in the following depart-
to tee Professor A. L. Cross during ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
his regular office hours in 118 Haven guages and Literatures, Histqry, Ec-
Hall. Application blanks may be called onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
for at the History Department Office, Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
119 Haven Hall. nalism, Fine Arts, Business Adminis-
All orientation advisers are request- Preliminary Examination for the]
ed to turn in their manila envelopes

Ph.D. in English will be offered on the1
following days:
American Literature with Contin-
ental Backgrounds, Wed., Oct. 19,
7-10 p.m.
English Literature, 1700-1900, Sat.,
Oct. 22, 9-12 a.m.
English Literature, 1550-1700, Wed.,
Sat.. Oct. 29, 9-12 a.m.
English Literature Bebinning, 1550
Oct. 26, 7-10 p.m.
Those who expect to take the exam-
ination should notify me. If there are)
any who expect to take the examina-
tion under the old plan they should
consult with me by Oct. 10. N. E.
Make-up Examinations in History:
The make-up final examinations in all
courses will be given at 3 p.m., Thurs-
day, Oct. 13, in Room B, Haven Hall.
Students who have missed more than
one final examination in history
should call at the History Department
Office to make arrangements to avoid
a conflict. Students must get a note
from their instructor and present this
note at the time of the final examina-
tion. No student will be permitted
to take the examination without writ-
ten permission from his instructor.
Please see your instructor during his
regular consultation hours. Except
in the case of students who have
missed more than one final examin-
ation in history, this is the only make-
up examination which will be given.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in History: Your attention is called
to the notice in the Graduate School
Announcement concerning the lan-
guage examination. This examina-
tion will be given at 4 p.m., Friday,
Nov. 18, in Room B; Haven Hall. Stu-
dents must bring their own diction-
aries and must register for the ex-
amination in the History Department
Office, 119 Haven Hall, before Nov. 8.
Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese
Painting: Because of the interest of
the public in the exhibition of Chinese
paintings sponsored by The Interna-
tional Center in the Horace H. Rack-
ham Building this week, special ar-
rangements have been made to have
the building open Sunday afternoon
from 2 to 5 o'clock.
University Lecture: Dr. Harold S.
Diehl, Dean of Medical Sciences,
University of Minnesota, will lecture
on the subject "Significance of the
Student Health Movement" at 4:15
p.m., Friday, Oct. 14, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The public is cordially
invited. His lecture forms part of
the program for the observance of the
25th Anniversary of the Health Serv-
ice of this University.
American Chemical Society Lecture:A
Dr. William Krumbhaar, of Reichold
Chemicals, Inc., Detroit, will speak on

"Formation and Destruction of a
Paint Film," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday,
Oct. 12, in the Chemistry Amphithe-
Events Today
The Student Fellowship of the
Congregational Church will have its
second party of the season today
from 9 to 12, in the basement of the
church. There will be dancing, and
games. Everyone welcome.
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church will hold a semi-
formal dinner party this evening at
7 o'clock honoring the freshmen stu-
dents. Reservations may be made by
calling 2-4466. All students welcome.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Membe s:
The regulat luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m., in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be an informal
ten-minute talk by Professor Ernst
A. Philippsow on conditions. in Ger-
many as he found them this last sum-
Biological Chemistry S: iinar: Mon-
day, Oct. 10, 7-9 p.m.. Room 313 West
Medical Bldg. "Arginine and Ar-
ginase" will be discussed. All inter-
ine-ested are invited.
Physics Colloquium: Professor S. A.
Goudsmit will speak at the Physics
Colloquium on Monday, Oct. 10; at
4:15 in 1041 E. Physics Bldg.
. Botanical Journal Club, Tuesday,
7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, Oct. 11,
Reports by some members of the
Sfacultyand graduate students on in-
I teresting research and exploration
during the summer.
Mathematics Club: Will hold its first
meeting of the year on Tuesday, Oct.
11, at 8 p.m., in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building (3rd
floor). Program: Election of officers.
Also, Professor W. L. Ayres will speak
on "Transformations of Periodic
University Girls' Glee Club: Tryouts
(Continued on Page' 4)

Geddes Section
% acre up. $700, $800, $1000,
$1200. Also farms and subur-
ban acreage for sale.


928 Forest.

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at the Union Student offic
Counselor in Religion:I
served this semester for p
terview or group conferences

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ves no life uncharged. . . but these
ared they had met too late!



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