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October 08, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-08

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We ather
Cloudy and warmer todLay;
moderate winds,



VOL. XLIX. No.12



__ 1 e !

2 Plymouth Plants
Are Shut As UAW
Seeks 32-Hr. Week

Chicago Man
Is Honored
At Ceremony

United States Asks
Safety For Jews-

Living In


Valter Mulford



Briggs Closes, Too; Local
There Asks 40-Hr. Pay
For The Shorter Week
Urnion Heads Claim
It Is Not A St'rike
DETROIT, Oct 7.-()-.-The CIO
United Automobile Workers' demand
for a 32-hour week in the automobile
industry today resulted in shutdown
of two large plants here, affecting ap-
proximately 15,000 men.
The main plant of the Plymouth
Corp., a Chrysler division, closed
when more than 3,000 men refused
to report for the day shift. The men'
massed around the plant gates, join-
ing nearly 3,000.
A few hours later the Briggs Manu-
facturing Company's Mack Avenue
plant, which supplies Plymouth with
bodies, was closed until Plymouth re-
sumes operations. It employs ap-
proximately 9,000 men.
Demonstration, Not A Strike
The UAW Briggs local telegraphed
a protest of the shutdown to the
U n io n's International Executive
Board, meeting at Washington. The
local asked that the 32-hour week
demand be given "more serious con-
Union officials said the Plymouth
demonstration was not a strike, and
that the men would return to work
Monday. They said, however, the
men would not work more than 32
hours during the week.
Emil Mazey, president of the
Briggs local, said its members were
"unalterably opposed" to the short
week unless they were given "40-
hour wages." .
In Flint, Jack Little, president of
UAW local 156, said a strike vote
probably would be taken Saturday in
the Buick division of General Motors.
The 32 hour week was one of several
demands. ,
Frankensteen To See Chrysle
Richard T. Frankensteen, UAW
vice-president, said at Washington
the union's Chrysler committee'
would meet Monday with H. L. Weck-~
ler, Chrysler vice-president in charge
of industrial relations, to discuss the
Plymouth shutdown-.
Weckler, in Detroit, charged that
the Plymouth stoppage was in viola-
tion 'of the company's contract with
the union. C. G. Edelen, chief shop
steward of the Plymouth UAW unit,
said the union's contract with the
company provides a 32-hour week so
long as employment remains below
Edelen said the company had noti-
fied the union that a 40-hour week
would be put into effect today with-
out increasing employment. Until
(Continued on Page 2)
Duce Abolishes
Deputies Body
Council To Hear Report
On Anglo-Italian Talks
ROME, Oct. 8--(Saturday)-(R)-
The Fascist Grand Council early to-
day decreed abolition of the Italian
Chamber of Deputies and establish-
ment in its place of a new Chamber
of Fasces and Guilds,
In a step long promised by Prem-
ier Mussolini. the Chamber of Depu-
ties, already shorn of virtually all
power, will cease to exist . the end
of its present session.
Henceforth legislation will be en-
acted by the Italian Senate and a
new lower house composed of repre-
sentatives of Fascist party units-
each unit known as a Fascio-and of
the Guilds and Corporations into
which commerce, labor, industry and

the professions have been united by
by the totalitarian regime.
Il Duce and the Fascist Grand
Council, which ended a midnight
meeting with announcement of the
new legislative set-up, also are to be
members of the Chamber.
The Grand Council. Fascism's su-
preme policy-making body, is to meet
again tonight for consideration of
international affairs.
Usually well informed sources said
f+p nmmn1 ecneetnr hn hear a vnrt

Fiery Columnist CooledC
By R.O.T.C. 'Morons':
CINCINNATI, Oct. 7-(A')--Richard
Powell, student columnist on the
News-Record, University of Cincinati
publication, is satisfied at last with
the force of his pen.
Wrote Powell in the News-Record:
"For years I have periodically in-
sulted the R.O.T.C. with all the in-
vective of my command, but nothing
at all has happened. However, I will
try just once more, although I have
scant hope left. The R.O.T.C. and the
Army in general are composed of a
bunch of uneducated Morons."
Something finally happened: Mem-
bers of the R.O.T.C. threw Pbwell in
a pond last night.
FDR Considers
Spy Activity,
Dies Urges Quick Action
To Combat Increase In
HYDE PARK, N.Y., Oct. 7.-()-
An increase in foreign spying in the
United States in the last 10 years,,
President Roosevelt said today, has
led him to consider coordination of
counter-espionage activities of vari-
ous Federal investigating agencies. i
Mr. Roosevelt disclosed he was giv-
ing serious consideration to possible
improvements in methods of thwart-
ing naval and military espionage in
this country. He added that while
foreign spying may not now be on the
increase, it had grown substantially
the last 10 years,
The President made it clear he con-
sidered military and naval spying as
a question entirely separate from for-
eign efforts to disseminate propagan-
da in this country. While the Gov-
ernment has the responsibility of pro-
tecting the nation against military
and naval spies, he said, there, is no
reason for it to set up a huge anti-
propaganda machine.
Dies Gratified At Action
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.--J')-Rep.
Dies (Dem., Texas) urged President
Roosevelt today to recommend legis-
lation outlawing "any organization
which is under the control of a for-
eign. government."
"There are several hundred or-
ganizations in this country that are
under the influence of Soviet Rus-
sia" Italy and Germany," said a state-
ment by the Representative, who is
chairman of the House Committee on
un-American activities.
Dies said he was gratified that
President Roosevelt was considering
improved methods of thwarting for-
eign spies.
Showdown Near
In Brooklyn Politics
NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-(RP)-Show-
down on efforts of City Investigator
William B %Herlands to supersede
Brooklyn District Attorney William
IF. X. Geoghan with a special prose-

Honorary Degree From i
Forestry Convocation
A Iumni Observe
35th Anniversary
Prof. Walter Mulford, head of the
division of forestry at the University
>f Chicago and a member of the for-I
stry school faculty from 1905 to
'911, was given an honorary degree
of Doctor of Science by President'
Ruthven at a special convocation of
the forestry school yesterday in the
Grad ate School Auditorium.
Professor Mulford spoke on "The
Profession of Forestry," and William
D. Henderson, director emeritus of
the University Extension Service,
spoke 'on "Human Nature and the
Changing Order." Dean Samuel T.
Dana of the Forestry School presided
at the convocation.
Ruthven Opens Meeting
In opening the meeting President
Ruthven said: "The success of this
unit (the forestry school) is not diffi-
cult to explain. It is the result of ef-
forts of staff members who have had
the vision to discern the scope of their1
field and the ability to inspire inr
their students the true professional
The convocation was held in con-
junction with the 35th reunion of the
school's alumni group, the Michigan1
Forester's Association, their first in
ten years. All classes in the forestry
school were dismissed yesterday to
allow tudents to attend the Convoca-
tion at 10:30 p. m. in the Graduate
School Auditorium.
Alumni Aided
Plans and organization for the re-a
union were managed by an alumni
group consisting of Professors W. F.
Ramsdell, L. J. Young, and Robert
Craig, Jr. The program yesterday
afternoon included a luncheon meet-'
ing at which T. Hawley Tapping,
general chairman of the Alumni Asso-
ciation, said the forestry school is
recognized throughout the United
States as one of the four best of the
country, and an informal banquet at
which forestry school students enter-
tained with skits and music. Today,
tours are planned with an outdoor
luncheon at Saginaw Forest and at-
tendance at 'the Chicago-Michigan
football game. Mrs. Dana entertained
visiting wives and relatives with a
tea at her home yesterday afternoon.
Professor Mulford in his convoca-
tion speech stressed the fact that
forestry as a profession is just begin-
(Continued on Page 2)
Band Is Attacked f
By Harvardl Frosh
An attack by Harvard freshmen on
an American Legion Junior Band
composed of youngsters from 8 to 16
years old brought official condemna-
tion today and a suggestion from
Mayor John Lyons that his youth
commission studying juvenile delin-
quency broaden its scope to include
the Harvard yard.I
Four students were arrested in con-
nection with the attempt last night
to break up a Legion parade in the
University city and were ordered to
appear in court Oct. 18 on charges
of interrupting and disturbing a pub-
lic assembly.

WASHINGTON, Act. 7 -(P)-- A
United States note asking Italy not
to discriminate Lgainst American
Jews within her borders was made
public by the State Department to-
It cited Italian decrees calling for
the dportation of certain Jews and
prohibiting Jews from becoming
teachers or entering state schools.
Italians in the United States, the
note said, are granted equality of
treatment under the law. It expressed
belief that "upon further considera-
tion the Italian government will de-
cide that American citizens lawfully
residing in Italy will not be discrim-
inated against on account of race or
It was estimated that the decrees
affect about 200 American Jews.
Uni versity Is
Given $56,726
By Donations
Regents Also Accept PWA
Grants; $22,500 Used
For Public Health Work
Gifts totaling $56,726.84 and an un-
revealed amount of PWA grants were
accepted by the Board of Regents at
their regular monthly meeting yester-
Largest of the donations was one of
$22,500 from the United States Public
Health Service to aid the University
in the professional education and
training of public health personnel
between June 1, 1938 and June 1,
An anonymous grant of $8,000 for
the study of infantile paralysis was
the second largest.
Resignations were accepted from
Dr. John M. Dorsey, associate profes-
sor in the psychiatry department, and
Prof. Sanford B. Meach of the Eng-
lish department.
Sabbatical leaves were granted
Prof. W. W. Bishop, head librarian,
second semester; Dr. Earl E. Klein-
schmidt of the public health depart-
ment, both semest g; Miss Martha
M. Lyon of the Music School, first
semester; Miss Charlotte I. Haner, of
University High School, both semes-
ters, and Prof. Walter V. Marshall
of the architectural colloge.
Dr. Howard H. Cummings was pro-
moted from assistant director of the
department of postgraduate medicine
to vice-chairman of the Department
of Postgraduate medicine.
Other gifts to the University be-
sides those listed include one of $2,750
from E. I. Dupont de Nemours Corp.
to continue the DuPont post-graduate
fellowships; $2,000 granted by the Na-
tional Foundation for Infantile Par-
alysis in a letter from Dr. Paul de
Kruif to Dr. Max Peet of the surgery
department for continued study to ad-
vance his nasal "spray."
Federal Paint and Varnish Products
donated $1,200 for a fellowship; the
American Council of Learned Societies
gave $2,000 toward the salary of Mr.
Joseph K. Yamagiwa of the Institute
of Far Eastern Relations, and the
Monsanto Chemical Company granted
$750 for a continuation of their fel-
Gauges valued at $200 were received
(Continued on Page 2)
Rluthven To Visit Jackson
President Ruthven will go to Jack-
son Monday to address a. combined
meeting of the Jackson branch of the
American Association of University
Women and the University Alumna

Prof. Dunham Urges 'Yes' Vote

fl £71. ~'WT 7 P ,A11



cutor empowered to inquire into gen-'U late W elarem ee
eral charges of official corruption
among law enforcement agencies in
that borough approached rapidly to- Claiming that the Welfare Referen- I eliminated. Taking sharp issue with
night. dum, which goes before Michigan the opponents of welfare reorganiza-
Gov. Herbert H. Lehman asked voters Nov. 8 woud make for a "hu- 'tion laws, he asserted that these
Herlands to bring forward a "sworn mane, efficient. non-political and laws give control of relief administra-
petition" in support of his request locally-administered system of public tion to the counties, subject only to
that Geoghan be set aside. welfare and relief in Michigan," Prof. reasonable and minimum state super-
At the same time, he called on Arthur Dunham, of the Institute of vision.
Geoghan to submit to him the mm- Public and Social Administration, F Professor Dunham pointed to the
utes of Grand Jury proceedings which urged voters Thursday at a meeting fact that the proposed laws would
had formed a basis, in part, for Her- of the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber make it possible to have one state
lands' move against the district at- of Commerce to vote "yes" on Propos- agency deal with public assistance;
torney. al 4. which embodies the key laws in one public assistance agency in each
a program of welfare reorganization county, a citizens' board in charge
enacted by the Legislature of 1937. of relief in the county and a com-
Ancient Science Volumes "It provides the best chance of petent staff to coordinate the work.
keeping welfare and relief out of Since relief applications would come
Are Given To University politics." Professor Dunham declared. bo one agency and relief funds culd
Several priceless volumes by early He explained that under these laws that efficiency would be a keynote
public relief would be administered of the new'setu
scientists were accepted from the trus- under the direction of a citizen board. ,. s . .


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