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March 02, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-02

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Toronto Beats
Hockey Team
By_4-2 Score
L'Heureux Scores Twice
For Visitors; Hillberg,
Cooke Varsity Snipers
(Continued from Page 1)
the Wolverine defense zone. However
in' the closing minutes of the initial
session, Bill L'Heureux took a pass
from Tony Cassels and slipped the
puck past "Spike" for the opening
goal of the game.
L'Heureux Scores Again
Coming back in the second period
with a powerful offensive L'Heureux
with the help of Cassels and Stephen-
son brought Toronto their second
goal of the night.
Despite the fact that they were
playing, with a man in the penalty
box, Jock Maynard took the puck in
center ice and soloed down on James
to bring Toronto their third goal.
With Tobin serving time, in the
penalty box, Hillberg and Chadwick
broke in on goalie Caswell and made
the first goal for the Wolverines.
Varsity Forces Play
Once again forcing the play in
Wolverine territory, Toronto made
their final tally when John Taylor
sent a rebound shot past James.
A few seconds after this goal was
made Cooke took a pass from Hillberg
and put the Wolverines back into the
game when he pulled Caswell out of
the net and made the second Michi-
gan score.
With four defeats behind them
Coach Lowrey and his team will have
a' chance to get back in the win
column when they come up against
Illinois this Saturday night at the
Earlier in the season, Michigan, in
a game that saw eleven penalties
issued, defeated the Illini sextet by a
4 to 0 score.
IForeigners' Too Tough
Toronto, (4) ros. Michigan (2)
Caswell G James
MacLachlan D Calvert
L'Heureux D Ross
Maynard C Hillberg
Craig W Cooke
Taylor W Chadwick
Toronto spares: Stephenson; Copp,
Cassels, Boddington, J. Ross, Callon,
Wood and Morison.
Michigan spares: Tobin, Lovett, and

New Batting Nets
Add To Security
Of Track Squad
For the first time in many years.
Michigan trackmen are able to
circle the southeast turn or the Field
House track, without the fear of
getting popped in the head by a fast
moving baseball. The baseball squad
has at last acquired new batting nets.
The exact age of the old nets is un-
known but Baseball Coach Ray Fish-
er says that they were already in the7
ancient class when he first arrived
here 19 years ago, while Lorenzo
Thomas, caretaker of the Field House
reports that they were well broken
in when he first assumed his position
35 years back.
Hoosier State
Steals Big Ten
Cage Spotlight
It's a rare season indeed when the
state of Indiana doesn't play a major
role in the Big Ten basketball cam-
paign and this year things are run-
-ning true to form. Monday night's In-
diana-Purdue battle doubly empha-
sized that fact.
Last year the Boilermakers won.
the championship and when they
slipped this winter, Indiana forged
to the front to lead the pack, scoring
nine straight wins after losing their
opener to Ohio State.
Purdue Gets Roiled
Then Monday night the Lafayette
boys, somewhat irked by losing the
spotlight, turned on their Hoosier'
rivals to whip them 45 to 34 and thus
enable a dogged Ohio five to pull up
on even terms by trouncing Michi-
But that isn't all. Purdue winds
up the season Saturday by attempt-
ing to upset the Buckeyes and give
Indiana another chance for the title
here in Ann Arbor where the Wol-
verines have nothing to lose and will
be out to salvage something from
the wreckage.
Hull Goes On Limb
Who will win? The records give
Indiana the better chance but Capt.
F Jim Hull, Ohio's ace forward, has
other ideas. "Michigan has what it
takes to beat Indiana if they have
any luck," he says. "We should be
leading right now. We licked Indiana
once and when we played the second
time they had just finished a breeze
against Xavier while we had had a
battle with Minnesota followed by a
long train ride. The gang was stiff
and tired, and lost."
To further add to his argument,
observers cite the results of this past
weekend which saw Purdue eke out a
29-28 win over Michigan and then
take Indiana by 11 points. Of course,
comparative scores for purposes of
prognostication are about as useful
as the proverbial fifth wheel on a



As Thousands Wait...
HUMAN NATURE is a strange
phenomenon. Specialists o rt
years have sought to unravel the
myriad of stimuli which go to makek
up the individual, and some of the
most fascinating literature written
concerns the strange composite struc-
ture known as a human being.
All of which must sound
strangely prolific for a sports
column. Yet this observer has
been intrigued as he viewed the 1
strange responses of some 5000 1
spectators at a Field House bas- I
ketbajl game. The press box perch
gives one a microscopic view of
the masses below, and their amaz-
ing reactions have at times l
shared interest with the contest
on the court.
It has been remarkable, indeed, to
observe the sudden transition from
intense emotionalism during the
period of play to the apparently in-
sufferable boredom between halves.
Never have I seen so many people
compositely bored as during the 15
minutes when the teams are off the
floor. It would seem that this respite
would be a welcome one to the victims
of this hurdy-gurdy world, in which
speed is valued so highly. It is rush
here, rush, there, run, dash, mob-
a veritable racehorse existence.
Yet the crowd cannot stand this
lull. They chafe at inactivity. The
letdown from intense excitement to
complete calm is intolerable. They
refuse to submit and will go to almost
any extent to release their ebullient
enthusiasm. They make paper air-
planes out of their programs and sail
them gaily through the air to a land-
ing . field on the court. They toss
pennies on the hardwood as a de-
precatory gesture to the substitutes
who are shooting baskets during the
lull. They watch these subs intently,
cheering every basket, booing every
miss. They bring decks of cards along
and kill 15 minutes with a merry
casino game. They fidget and they
fuss in a mass unrest that finds ex-
pression in all sorts of petty diver-
These people are not unintelli-
gent. They are not resorting to
this child's play, because it satis-
fies any creative instinct. They
are not purposely endangering
.the well-being of the players by
throwing extraneous matter on
the court which quite conceivably
might result in a serious injury.
They simply cannot tolerate 15
minutes of "do-nothing."
Which brings us to the point of
this story. Under the auspices of the

'M' Club, a between-halves program
will be instituted during the Satur-
day night game with Indiana and
the Monday night game with North-
western. A public address system will
be installed in the Field House, and
on Saturday night a group singing
program will be held. This has been;
used at Illinois with great success.
On Monday night there will be,
more singing, but the feature attrac-
tion will be an exhibition wrestling
match featuring two members of
the Michigan varsity wrestling team.
Considerable enthusiasm has been
expressed of late anent the merits of
this sport, and the crowd which
viewed the Ohio State matches last
Saturday left the Field House with'
high praise for the struggles they
had witnessed.
Two years ago I received my
first varsity beat, and it proved
to be wrestling. At that time I
was tremendously imiptessed with
the potentialities of the sport
and felt that certain rule varia-
tions should make it onb of the
most popular attractions on the
Those renovations have been made.
A scoring system was devised where-
by spectators might intelligently
follow the intricacies of the matches.
Wrestling began to draw larger
crowds. More people became mat
conscious and with Michigan boast-
ing of one of the finest teams in
this sector-an odds-onsfavorite to
duplicate its Conference triumph of
last year-attendance swelled. Still
there were numerous people who had
never witnessed a wrestling match,
and who had been turned away by
the crudities of the professional
branch of the sport, now in disrepute.
These people should make it a
point to see the exhibition Monday
night. They may find that there is a
new thrill in sports in this demand-

Matmen Head
For Windy City
In Title Drive
Unbeaten Wrestlers Face
Maroon Men Tomorrow
And Wildcats Saturday
Michigan's Varsity wrestling team,
having swept aside the challenges of
five opponents thus far this year,
heads for Chicago tonight intent up-
on chalking up; its first undefeated
season in the history of the sport at
Ann Arbor and driving toward its
second straight Big Ten champion-
Last Saturday night, before a large
and enthusiastic crowd of Wolver-
me fans at the Field House, Capt.
Harold Nichols and Company put on
a whirlwind finish to erase an early
Ohio State lead of 8 to 0 and post an-
other Michigan victory in the record
book, this one to the tune of 19 to 13.
And now the Wolverines are on the
last lap of a highly successful season,
with two more dual meets and the
annual Big Ten tournament yet to
At Chicago tomorrow night the
Maroons, wth a Big Ten record of
two wins and four defeats, will furn-
ish the opposition, while on Saturday
Michigan will move to Evanston to
face the Northwestern Wildcats, who
have won five out of six Big Ten dual
mneets, their first defeat coming at
the hands of Iowa last Saturday, 17
to 11.
March 10 and 11 will again find the
Wolverines in the Windy City to de-
fend their Big Ten title which they
wrested from Indiana last year.
ing, difficult, and highly finished
business of wrestling.
They say that half of the football
crowds attend to witness the be-
tween-halves "color." It is pleasing
to note thgt some of this color will
be transferred indoors to enliven
proceedings during those 15 difficult

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