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February 22, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-22

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, 1989


The Editor Gets Told ...





Heath -

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.
11:00 A.M on Saturday.

God And Lord Russell

Headline Faux Pas

By Roy

1.9 1

- - ~~~fh I
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumrn r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Imr.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

malging Editor.
itorial Director
y Editor
sociate Editor
sociate Editor
sociate Editor
sociate' Editor
sociate Editor
ok Editor.
imen's Editor
orts Editor .

Board of

. Robert D. Mitchell
. . Albert P. May1o
. Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
. . William Elvin
. .Joseph Freedman
* . .Joseph Gies
. Dorothea Staebler
. . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager. . , . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager J. . . Leonard P. Siegeman
Advertising Manager William L. Newnar
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
They Laughed
At Hitler, Too
meeting Monday night in Madison
Square Garden was definitely in the category of
things that "can't happen here." Dorothy
Thompson called the proceedings "a duplicate
of what I saw seven yeairs ago in Germany."
The whole thing appears like one of those
grotesque nightmares one reads about in fiction,
which are diverting because they are vicarious.
What is hard to imagine is that it really took
place, in real life, Monday night.
The crowd of 20,000 booed a speaker's men-
tion of "Franklin Rosenfeld," as well as the
names of Secretary Ickes, Secretary Hopkins,
Attorney General Murphy, Secretary Perkins
and Justice Frankfurter. They cheered the names
of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Father
What does all this mean, anyway, that some-
thing like this can happen in New York? First,
of course, it suggests rather strikingly that
America is 'far from enjoying the comfortable
iso.ation from the diseases of Europe we once
seemed to have. Second, and more profoundly
important, the phenomenon of an organized
fascist party making its appearance in active
politics has a special significance in the light of
history: it means, in the words of W. H. Auden
which Max Lerner has made the title of his recent
book, "It is later than you think."
Economic and social difficulties have always
brought in their wake varying types of messianic
movements. The current pattern of the messianic
movement, which has grown up in response toj
the social ills of our time, is the fascist. A messi-
anic movement is always conducted by means
of purely emotional appeal from the leader to
followers by the manipulation of mass stereo-
types, by skillful play upon the natural weak-
nesss of the intellects of his hearers. The such-
cess of Hitler has made him a favorite proto-
type of the new demagoguy.
The old, lurking, unreasonable fears and hates
of the most backward part of the population
form the psychological basis for the fascist move-
ment. Fascism, it must be remembered, is a
mass movement. Twenty thousand people, no
matter how hysterical, do not constitute a mass
movement in a country of 130,000,000 people;
even the several hundred thousand Bund mem-
bers reliably, reported to exist in the country
at large are no serious threat to the stability,
of our system of government. But the Bund is
a sign of the times, and a terribly alarming one.
Add to the Bund's membership the followers of
Father Coughlin, who, if he does not promul-
gate doctrines quite as overt or extreme as those
of Fritz Kuhn, employs the same technique and
line of attack; add the followers of all other
similar leaders and movements, the Silver Shirts,
the various pseudo-patriotic organizations and
vigilante groups; and finally add the masses of
men and women who form the decadent portion
of the working cass in archaic economic areas (as
the deep South) and it is easy to conceive a
fascist movement, patterned perhaps in some

To the Editor:
I wrote a letter to the Daily yesterday to try
to correct a false iiea that was expressed in
their article on Russell's lecture, but unfortun-
ately it was not published, although space was
found to publish a verse and, a column, both in
the spirit of the article. I agree with Mr. Swados
that a large part of the audience was more
interested in seeing Russell than hearing him,
an4 I think that the Daily reporter was in that
Contrary to the Daily headline Sunday, Rus-
sell did not at any time deny the existence of
God. The Daily's confusion on this point is
similar to that of the jailer in the anecdote that
was used to introduce the speaker. The jailer
was the butt of the story because he did not
understand the meaning of the word "agnostic,"
but I think the Daily reporter made the same
mistake. The jailer thought that an agnostic
believed in God, whereas: the Daily seems to
think that he does not. Needless to say they are
both wrong: an agnostic holds the belief that
the nature and existence of God are not know-
able. This position was maintained by Lord
Russell throughout the lecture, and was summed
up by his admission that he had been incon-
clusive because he thought it impossible to be
Conf use Political Beliefs
In Miss Rettger's verse there seems to be an
attempt to confuse Russell's political beliefs with
his agnostic position. Although they are both
the result of his attempt to find the truth, I
thinkthat it is unfair to imply that his ideas are
a result of faith in a leftist position. He tried
many times to show that faith in any principle
was unnecessary if that principle was based on
a rational tconsideration of evidence. And to
criticize him for ignorance of natural laws is
really absurd in view of the long productive years
he spent in the study of mathematical theory.
If Miss Rettger really thinks that he "broke"
the laws of nature I suggest that she read his
"The Scientific Outlook" in which he discusses
these laws in more detail.
Swados And Russell
As for Mr. Swados: Lord Russe'll was surprised
at the size of his audience Saturday morning,
but after that I imagine that he did expect a
much larger audience in the evening because of
the great popularity of the subject. If I am not
mistaken Mr. Swados admitted in a recent
article in "Perspectives" that he had not read
Russell's "Power." Does this give him the right
to call it a "lemon"? Or has he read it since that
time? When the book was reviewed by Mr.
Kitchin at Lane Hall it was spoken of as a book
well worth reading, although not as revolutionary/'
as suggested by the advertising blurbs-which
apparently affect college students more than
I would have thought. It seems quite obvious to
me that the reason Russell's lecture was so
poorly understood was that his thesis was a plea
for veracity on the g'ound that the results would
thereby take care of themselves. Apparently
some of those who heard him were more inter-
ested in receiving a "scientific" formula proving
either the existence or the non-existence of
God. This is diametrically opposed to the spirit
of rationality that the speaker hoped to create.
Two more prominent speakers are coming to
Ann Arbor in the near future to discuss the
matter from different points of view. I hope
that the audience will be more'objective in evalu-
ating their arguments, and I hope that the
Daily will, out of respect for these men if for
no other reason, report their lectures with more
veracity than was shown Sunday,
-Ralph Mendelson, '39E

To the Editor:
The Daily does it again! In spite of the most
explicit statement imaginable by Bertrand Rus-
sell that his position was agnostic and that his,
line pf argument only showed that the existence
of God could not be rationally demonstrated
the Sunday Daily turned him into a dogmatic
atheist with the headline, "Russell Denies the,
Existence of Deity . . ." Is this distinction too
subtle for, the Daily reporters?
Yours for better reporting and truer head-
Heywood Broun
There is much talk about rearmament by
America, and some of the controversy arises
from the fact that none of the terms is nailed
down. For instance, a very considerable group
agrees that, of course, we
should rearm, but it must be
"for defense only."
Now, even before the tech-
nical experts come in we
shoulddecide just what we
are going to defend. Cer-
tain statesmen in South Da-
kota and North Carolina
seem to feel that it will be
enough to provide such armament as will prevent
any alien popping down within their borders.
'Residents of large industrial cities on the Atlan-
tic or the Pacific coast may have a somewhat
more comprehensive point of view.
Then we get to outlying possessions. The sys-
tem of defense which might be adequate for
Illinois would not precisely prevail in regard to
Alaska. Some frankly say that here and now we
ought to offer the Philippines over to anybody
who wants them. On that point I am willing to
admit the possibility of debate, but I wonder
whether this abstention from any kind of re-
sponsibility should also include Puerto Rico,
Hawaii and the Panama Canal.
*N *: *:

The Oceams Diminish

I am, by no means, 100 per cent certain that
the Monroe Doctrine is a system of American
procedure where we should wholly follow tradi-
tion without taking into, account new forces
and influences. But I do feel strongly that there
is a common interest between the United States
and Canada and between the United States
and Mexico. And, anyhow, who am I to close
the argument?
Quite frankly I take little comfort in that
balm of the isolationists that the Atlantic and
the Pacific are very wide oceans. They grow
much narrower as airplanes begin to cruise far-
ther and farther. And even beyond the range of
the bomber is the potential cruising radius of the
propagandist who can, and has already, pene-
trated even into remote American towns and
I would give $50 cash, if I had it, to bring
George Washington back again in the guise and
in the spirit in which he lived and ask him
point-blank, "What about it now?" Even in his
own day the Father of Our Country found that
America was not wholly removed from foreign
ideas and foreign forces, and this was long be-
fore the shortwave radio.
And when the layman ceases to speak about
defense I would like to hear a little frank and
pertinent testimony from the experts in mili-
tary and naval and aviation strategy. When
people say that we should arm for defense and
never for aggression what do they mean pre-
cisely in regard to cruisers and fast-moving de-
stroyers? Are these implements of naval war-
fare to be attached to some sort of elastic band
so that they can be hauled back the moment
they pass the ten-mile limit? And is there
any way of putting some sort of governor upon
an airplane so that, like a homing pigeon, it
will circle the moment it gets half a mile be-
yond what might be called the American radius?

More interesting last week than
the two learned Britishers, Hector
Bolitho and Lord Russell, who lec-
tured on the merits and lack of them
of the King and God respectively;
was a deep laid plot of three squir-
rels to unhinge the reason of a shag-
gy dog of mixed parentage.
The conniving rodents inhabit the
trees between the Main Library and
South Wing and, on sunny days, bait
the mutt until he is nothing but a
long tongue hanging out of a collar.
It is the belief of several witnesses
to this sadistic game, that the squir-
rels deliberately entice the dog into
the thing by giving him a "bird"
when he is walking along minding his
own business.
The dog will spot one of them alone
on the ground nibbling an imaginary
nut. Rover makes for the bushy-
tailed picnicker who immediately
beats it up the nearest tree where he
joins a confederate. They come down,
just out of the dog's reach but close
enough to keep him hoping and hop-'
ing and pass remarks about his ap-
pearance, his ancestry and the people
he runs around with.
After the pair have run him al-
most ragged, they flash a signal to
their buddy in a nearby tree who has
kept out of sight but, upon catching
the semaphore, comes down and
takes up the munching act just where
the dog will soon catch sight of him.
When the pup spots the new quary
he loses interest in the pair in the
tree and gives the newcomer a run
up the tree. The third worthy car-
ries on the razzing until the quarter-
back sends him the signal for "Old
83," whereupon the squirrels make a;
sap out of the dog by all running
down their trees at once, across the
ground and up different trees. The
dog gets hysterical and staggers off,
with the bare satisfaction that they
"never laid a glove on him."
* * ,
Third Dimension
In a dither during the last week
last semester and final examinations
was Mr. John Daling of the philoso-
phy department. By the time the last
student handed in the last philosophy
blue book the question of paramount
importance to Daling's classes was
not Kant's annihilation of Descartes
but Mr. Daling's domestic affairs.
Aware of this interest, Daling pen-
ciled on each penny post card which
he returned, "Nothing forthcoming3
yet," along with the grade.
Yesterdays however, The Trapeze1
received the glad news that John Dal-
ing's family has just taken on a third
dimension. A son, Hirm Daling who
weighed in at just over seven pounds,
was born to the Daling's Tuesday
Technical Inaccuracy
Engineers are notoriously unable :
to orient themselves to the strange
great world outside their native East
and West Engine buildings. This fact
leads them to stick closer to theira
own confines than a monk does to his
monastary, only venturing out now
and then for a picture show or some
other harmless entertainment.
The other morning, however,
screams from the second floor of
Martha Cook and the sight of a few
seconds later of an individual with a
slide rule protruding from his hip
pocket fleeing the premises of that
eminently respectable hall, attested
the factkthat an engineer had, for
some unknown reason, signed up for
a class on the second floor of the
Architectural School.
From Around 'n About
Notes picked up while tuning my
aunt's ear-trumpet- for tone, recep-
tion and volume: Elliott Maraniss
has already topped the bulk of the
Hopwood winners, whoever they wil

be, for this year... His article on ex-
Justice Louis Brandeis in The Daily
will be reprinted in Prof. Erich Wal-
ter's "Essay Annual" of 1939 .
There is no second rate stuff going
into competent critic Waiter's highly
regarded book.. . Sec Terry is not in
the hospital with flu as traitor Swa-
dos said in Terry's column .yesterday
. he is being forcibly detained in a
psychopathic ward . . . as a result of
some poetry he wrote in his space
.Terry is apparently unable to
spot his own talent and depends on,
The Trapeze to furnish him with peo-
ple to fill up his space when his own
picayune cogitations fail to produce
anything . . . Editor Max Hodge
will bring out another Gargoyle any
day now . . . he says it is going to
be a ''surrealist" issue . . because
in a fit of rage Editor Hodge tore up
the copy and many of the pictures
for the intended issue.
What Dirt -tc r

(Continued from Page 2)
and Friday from 3 to 4 p.m. and
Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7:30
to 8:30 under the direction of Mr.
John Clancy. Students interested in
taking part may inquire at the
Speech Clinic for further details.
Soeiology 172: Proseminar in Field
Research, H. H. Beynon Instructor,
will meet in 1018 Angell Hall, Wed-
nesdays, 4-6 p.m.; but this week, due
to the holiday, it will meet Thursday
in this room at the same hour.
Exhibition of Water Colors by Ar-
thur B. Davies and Drawings by
Boardman 'Robinson, shown under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art'
Association. North and South Gal-4
leries of Alumni Memorial Hall; dailyI
from 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 15 throughI
March 1.
Events Today
Sons and Daughters of Rotarins
are urged to attend the luncheon at
the Michigan Union at 12 p.m. today.
Any students wishing to attend who
have not already made arrangements
should get in touch with Mr. Samuel
W. McAllister at 9821 or University
Freshmen Glee Club: There will be
a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi-
gan Union.
The Graduate Outing Club invites1
all graduate students and their
friends to come hiking on Wednes-
day morning, Feb 22. We will leave
the northwest entrance of the Rack-
ham Building at 9 and return about
11 a.m. -
University of Michigan Flying Club:
There will be a meeting of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Flying Club at 7:30
Wednesday, Feb. 23 in the Union.
Capt. Al Brooks of Pennsylvania
Central Airlines will be present. Re-
freshments will be served at the close
of the meeting. All members andt
those interested in the club are urged
to attend.
There will be a meeting of alldNew
York State students interested in
forming a New York State Club, this
Wednesday evening at 8 p.m., at the
League, Feb. 22.
Jr. A.A.U.W. Interior Decoration
group will meet at 8 p.m. in thet
League for a discussion of the decora-
tion of bedrooms.
Coming Events
International Center:
1. Junior Year in Beirut.c
President Bayard Dodge of ther
American University in Beirut, Syria,
will be at the International Center by
appointment all day Saturday to con-
fer with students interested in a year
at Beirut. Appointment should be
made at the office of the Center.
Students from Michigan should
have finished two years in the College
of Literature, Science, and Arts. They
should preferably be planning to spe-
cialize in Education, Economics,
French, Modern or Arab History, Po-
litical Science, or Sociology. They
must plan in advance with their aca-
demic advisers here the course to be
followed at the American University
of Beirut. The work planned should
be of such a character, that, if com-
pleted satisfactorily, it will be accept-
ed in lieu of the work for the junior
year at Michigan.
2. Luncheon for President Dodge.
A subscription luncheon (75c) has
been arranged for Friday noon at the
Michigan Union in order to give those
interested a chance to meet President
Dodge of the American University of
Beirut. Faculty, townspeople and
students are invited to attend, pro-
vided they make reservations by 5
p.m. Thursday at the office of the
International Center. (Phone 4121 ex-

tension 2131). President Dodge will
speak briefly on the "Near East Ren-
3. Movies in Technicolor of the
American University at Beirut.
President Dodge will speak in the
large ballroom at the Michigan Union
at 4:15 Friday afternoon. He will
show his moving pictures in techni-
color of the American University at
Beirut. All interested are invited to

Geological Journal Club. Will meet
in 2054 N.S. at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday
Feb. 23. Dr. T. S. Lovering will speak
on "Dilatency."
The Beta Chapter, Iota Alpha, will
hold its regular monthly meeting, on
Thursday night, Feb. 23, at 7:30 p.m.
in the west conference room on the
third floor of the Horace H. Rackham
School Building.
The speaker for the evening is Prof.
John W. Riegel, Director of Bureau
of Industrial Relations, who has se-
lected for his subject "The Engineer
and Labor Relations."
Every member is most urgently re-
quested to be present to enjoy the
address and the informal discussion.
to follow.
Prof. James K. Pollock will lead
a discussion on "Politics As A Career"
at the Union coffee hour at 4:30 p.m.,
Thursday, Feb. 23. All students in-
terested in politics or government
service are invited.
Eastern Engineering Trip. All those
planning on going on the, Eastern
engineering trip April 9-16must make
a five dollar deposit with Miss Ban-
nasch in Room 274 West Engineering
Bldg., by Monday, Feb. 27. If the
trip has to be called off due to an
insufficient number signed up the
money will of course be refunded.
A.S.C.E. A meeting of the Student
Chapter of the A.S.C.E. will be held
Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. ,t the
Michigan Union. All members are
urged to attend as election of officers
will be held. The meeting will be
shortened to enable those who wish
to hear Professor Ormondroyd lec-
ture on "Vibration Stresses in Trucks
of New Streamlined Trains" to attend
the meeting of the Transportation
Club where his talk will be given.
Junior Mathematics Club will meet
Friday at 4:15 in 3201 A.H. Mr T.
Hailperin will talk on "Mathematics
and Culture." AlIthose interestedare
invited to attend.
Varsity Glee Club: Cards for activi-
ties permission are to be turned in
for signing on Thursday night. The
club will sing an informal concert
Thursday night, requiring all men to
wear dark suits and white shirts.
The following second semester
freshmen are to enter the varsity
club on receipt of their activities per-
La Belle Weller
Steere Averll
Lovell Langford
Nelson Whitney
Brennan Nulty
Erke Case
- Derden
Association Book Review: "The Es-
sence of Spiritual Religion" by Pro-
fessor Elton Trueblood, will be the
basis for a discussion led by Mr. Wil-
liam Scott, Lane Hall, Thursday, 4:15
Members of Pi Lambda Theta are
urged to attend a business and, din-
ner meeting in the Henderson Rom
of the Michigan League, Thursday,
Feb. 23 at 5 o'clock.

Cerole Francals: There
meeting on Thursday, Feb.
p.m. in Room 408 R.L.


will be a
23 at 7:30

Room 304 Michigan Union. Professor
Walter A. Reichart will present a
paper on "Washington Irving in Ger-

Is It All Clear Now?

The senate isolationists have finally managed
to make public the official information that
President Roosevelt aided the French govern-
ment to purchase American military aircraft
over the protests of sundry generals and the
War Department. Yet it is difficult to under-
stand what they intend to prove. The testimony
also showed that the President assured the offi-
cials that aid to France would not be permitte-
to interfere with our own aircraft needs.
It would be extremely curious if Mr. Roose-
velt-with his rearmament program and his con-
stant emphasis on the need for strengthening our
defenses-should be seriously suspected of de-
priving our forces of badly needed aircraft. The
administration bill to lift our army air force
to 5,500 planes has just passed the house, and
administration leaders will sponsor it in the
The isolationists have shown that the Presi-
dent is aiding France and, presumably, Britain
also, in a manner they do not like. But the notion
that Mr. Roosevelt is dangerously weakening our
own defenses-at the very time he is urging
our defenses to be increased-is grotesque.
It is too similar to the exaggerated charges
that he allowed Britain and France to have
"secret" military devices--charges which sud-
denly evaporated. It comes from the same group
which quoted the President as having made the
"frontier-on-the-Rhine" statement, a quotation
which also disappeared when Mr. Roosevelt
challenged its accuracy.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Np 1 cnE naS T ( Li f If'sUd r

Not Here Or Abroad

As much as any man I am against the notiao
that America should send its young to die again
in Flanders' fields. But neither am I enthusiastic
about seeing our youth consumed in defense of
Flatbush meadows. After all, the goal for which
we should aim is that the 'muddled and mad
affairs of the world can be brought into control
without any war at all.
I cannot agree that there is great hope of
peace in the pronouncements of those who keep
saying at the top of their voices, "Let us keep
silent on all issues of international morality until
they come over and fight us here."
War, in any case, is an evil thing. It is not
good for any American to yield his life upon
some edge of a foreign shore. But it is not admir-
able, either, that our blood and our aspirations
and ideals should be put to the test in battle
here on our home ground.
Let's outlaw war, and the way, the only way,
in which this can be done is to resolve that there
are things in which we believe, things for which

Scimitar meeting will be held
Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Union. All members are urged tobe
Men Interested in Extra-Curricular
Activities. Don't forget the Activities
Smoker, Thursday evening, Feb. 23,
at 8 p.m. in the main ballroom of
the Union.
The Men's Physical Education Club
meets Thursday, Feb. 23, at 9 pam.
The meeting will be held in the Union
and refreshments will follow.
Transportition Club meeting in the
Michigan Union onfThursday, Feb.
23, at 7:30 p.m. After a brief busi-
ness meeting, Prof. 'Ormondroyd of
the Engineering Mechanics Depart-
ment will speak on "Vibrations in
High SpeedTrains." A report will be
given on club keys. Members of the
club, their friends, and the student
body in general are cordially invited
to attend.
Officers of the campus organiza-
tions. who wish their groups to~ be
represented at the Activities Snoker
to be held at the ULnion on Thursday
evening should contact members of
the committee through the Student
Offices of the Union before 5 p.m.
Wednesday. Offices open daily from

Phi Sigma Lecture Series. The sec-
ond in a series of lectures sponsored
by the Phi Sigma Society will be given
by Dr. H. B. Lewis, Professor of Bio-
logical Chemistry, Thursday evening,
Feb. 23, 1939, at 8 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
Dr. Lewis will speak on the subject,
"The Relationship of Chemistry to
the Biological Sciences."
This lecture will be of interest to
students, especially to those in the

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