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February 22, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-22

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_______________________________________________________________________ 1


cond Union
Iridge Contest

Engineers Plan.
Inspection Tour,

President Of f On Caribbean Tour

Rotarians rf sc
Sons and daughters of Rotarians
will be guestsof theAnn Arbor Rot-
ary Club at 12:10 p.m. today at the
Un1ion. More than 110 Unversity auu-
the lunceon. Di'. Edvim C. Goddard,
profesor-ei s uaw, il speak
on, "An Americn Trio."'
uate study, wec elected to member-

regis ter for Union Mfembership the n Fspeech for stutterers is available
e r rs a Student at the Speech Clinic of the Institute
Offices of the Union on week days for Human Adjustment, 1007 East
fr om3 to 5 p '. or Thursday from 7 Huron, meeting Monday, Wednesdy,
It ')pm , - mooi n - aa 4

uontxnueea on rage 4)

AU-Campus Champions
To Receive Cup Given
Sy LeagueAnd Union
The second of a series of three all-
campus duplicate bridgetournaments
will be held from 7,to 10 p.m. Tues-
day. in the main ballroom of the
"Union; it was Announced yesterday by
Hadley Smith, '40E, Union commit-
teeman. .
En=tries for the tournament must
be made in teams of two persons,
Smith said, and can be made at the
mai desk of the Union. for -men stu-
derts and at the League desk for
w ken. Mixed teams may enter at
eiterl the Union or League, he added.
A3.fee of 10 cents will be the only
charge necessary to enter the contest.
The bridge team having the highest
average for the three tournaments
wi receive the all-campus bridge
eham'pionship cup, donated in 1936
by the League and theUnion. It will
be necessary to have participated in
any two of the contests to be eligible
to win the cup, Smith stated.
Tie customary Tuesday evening
ne's duplcate bridge tournament
held in. the small ballroom of the.
,Utiion will be held tomorrow night
this week and will remain on Thurs-
day nights throughout the semester.
The tournaments will still be held in:
the small ballroom of the Union.
As1 Wednesday
To Begin Lent"
Local Churches Will Hold
Mass And Communion
(Continued from Page 1)
Zion. Lutheran church will speak on
"The Traitor Exposed and Excluded"
at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Theodore
Schmale of the Bethlehem Evangeli-
cal church, will preach at 7:30 p.m.
on' "The Magnetism of the Cross."
Members of the Westminster Guild
will oberve Ash Wednesday in De-
troit where they will visit the Dodge
GCommunity House and attend ser-
vices there.
No special Ash 4Wednesday pro-
'gram will be held at the First Pres-
byterian church, but Palmer Chris-
tian; organist, has arranged special
Lenten music for the Sunday morn-
ing worship. Among the guest speak-
ers for Lent will be Dr. and Mrs.
Robert McCandless of China.
A union Lent meeting will be held
at 8 p.m. Sunday at the First Con-
gregational church. The service is
'in charge of the Rev. C. W. Bra-
-shares, the Rev. Leonard Parr and
the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Jiromage Considers
,49th State Plan
(Continued from Page 1'
per cent of the population,' yet cover-
ing only 1.2 per cent of the land space
of thleUnited States.
Diametrically opposed to the "city-
state" plan is the "regional common-
wealth" plan, which is advocated by
Pf. W. Y. Ellitt of Harvard Upi-
versity. Instead of creating more
states, Professor Bromage said, this
pan calls, for the consolidation of the
48 states into 12 geographical divi-
dons, in which the metropolitan in-
dustrial ares contribute generously
to the maintenance of the whole
Professor. Bromage indicated his
belief that neither the "city-state",
plan nor the "regional common-
wealth" plan would be seen in the
United States in our generation since
the. existing states are too firmly
rooted in ourconstitutional system
to anticipate- the growth of either

of these types under the democratic
form of government.
Prayer Group To Hear
Talk On God's Nature
C. Stacy Woods, general secretary
of the Inter-Varsity Fellowship of
Canada, will address members of the
Christian Student Prayer Group at
8 p.m. today at Lane Hall on "The
Christian's View of the Question of
God's Nature and fRelationship to.

More Than 40 Register
For Snring Trip
A proposal for .an 'inspection trip
for engineering students to eastern
plants and the New York World's
Fair during spring vacation resulted
in the signing up of more than 40
students, according to Robert May,
The price of the tour, 40 dollars,
will include transportation, meals and
lodging, May said, and will afford
visits to Niagara Falls, Schenectady,
N. Y', Washington and Pittsburgh,
with all the facilities that those places
offer for sight-seeing.
Faculty members who will accom-
pany the travellers have not yet been
announced, May said.

Academic Notices
Aer. 3, Theory and Design of Pro-
pel,_s: This class will meet on Tues-
day and Thursday at 10 in Room
1042 East Engineering Building, in-


SDun ham


ship in the society as niors, stead of Room 1213.
To be eligble for consderation, ap-
plicants for tse Fellowships shall be Aero. 14 and 19: Men already en-
filed on or before the 15th of March rolled in Section III of these courses
with the Secretary of the Society and those who intend to enroll, shall
Chapter in whi 'h 'p licant was : with Professor Pawlowski in
elected to membership, on bnks pre3 Room B-47c East Engineering Bldg.,
pared for the purpo. Thursday. Feb. 23, at 4:30 p.m.
Each Chape 01 Phi Kappa Phi-
shall selec me ya one apulicant. Botany 146: Tropical Economic
In selcting te most w y appli- Botany wll meet at 7:15 on Wednes-
cant, each Chapter a- w as the Ng- day. Feb. 22. Carl D. LaRue.
t'onal CommittP o A, 'rd, shall give
primary conside tion to the appli- Exemptions from Sararday Classes:
cant's prorise of success in graduate During the first two weeks of the
work as r.vealed by previous scholas- semester the following members of
tic record, testimonials from teach- the committee on Saturday Classes
ers and merit of proposed plan of may be consulted: Professor Everett,
graduate itudy. Tuesday and Friday, 2:20-3:30 in
The scessi applantms shall be 3232 A.H. Professor Reichart, Mon-
notified by te Secrery General of day 10-11 and Wednesday 10-11:30 in
the Soci no lat than June . 300 U.H.
3. It is expected hu t those accept-
ing these Fellow'hips will devote their Math. 371, Seminar. Preliminary
full time to graduae study through- meeting to decide on hours and sub-
out the academic year and will not at ject will be held at 2 o'clock on
the same time hold other remunera- Thursday, Feb. 23, in 3201 A.H. Sug-
tive scholarshipri or Fellowships, nor gested topics: "Advanced Differential
any salaried position. This restriction Geometry" and "Evolution of Math-
will not be constaued as prohibiting ematical Thought."
the acceptance of a remsion of tui-
tion or other fees provided no return Red Cross Senior Life saving course
service is requqired. for men students starts Thursday,
y Si,, ,. Feb. 23, at Intramural Building, 7:30
to 9:30 p.m., Maurice Reizen in
- ~ charge.





I >

Need Of Unity
In Social Work
The effectiveness of modern social
work depends upon the union of
technically qualified professional
social worker and the informed vol-
unteer, stated Prof. Arthur Dunham
of the Institute of Public and Social
Administration of the University in
a speech yesterday in' the Rackham,
His talk was the first in a series!
of lectures being sponsored by the
Social Service Seminar of the An
Arbor Community Fund. Modern
social work, Professor Dunham said,
unites humanitarian and scientific
motives. Social workers are concerned
with causes in order that they may
treat effects intelligently, they are in-
terested, in prevention as well as care
and cure.
Social work is extensive in itsoper-
ations, he explained, and is closely
allied with the fields of medicine,
psychiatry, sociology, economics, pub-
lic health and public administration.
The work is highly organized, he
stated, pointing out that nearly fifty
agencies located near Ann Arbor are
listed in the Ann Arbor Social Ser-
vice Directory. These agencies operate
in the fields of family welfare and
relief, child welfare, health and
recreation and leisure time activities.
Some of these services are public
welfare or. tax-supported govern-
mental services, he said, but many
indispensable services are carried on
by volunteer agencies.
Williams Discusses
Confliet Of 'Isms'
(Continued from Page 1)
sor Williams included those ideologies
whose aim is to limit individual' de-
velopment to a few persons. Profes-
sor Williams listed capitalism and
paternalism or "Fordism" in this cate-
Those ideologies whose aim is to
promote individual development on as
broad a social base as possible com-
prised the third group described by
Professor Williams and included Com-
munism and socialism.
Cooperatives fall under this third
classification, Professor Williams be-
lieves, because cooperation as a way
of life seeks to achieve certai col-
lectivistic aims through common
ownership of consumers' or producers'
good or both.'
The cooperative movement aims to
achieve as much democracy as is hu-
manly possible in the affairs of Men,
Professor Williams said, since each
member has one vote, surplus profits
are returned and the gap between
producer and consumer is bridged.
Parley Delegates Chosen
By International Center
Five students from the Interna-
tional 'Center will represent the
University at a three-day co;jference
on international questions sponsored
by the Merrill Palmer School at the
Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit.

. .. and


Seaman are shown here "shoving off" the tender at Key West, Fla.,
which carried President Roosevelt to the cruiser Houston, from which
the Chief Executive will see naval maneuvers in the Caribbean. The
President got in a little fishing before boarding the warship.


VOL. XLIX. No. 101
Retirement Incomes: A suggestion
has been made that questions con-
cerning various phases of retire-
ment incomes as they affect members
of the Faculties be submitted to the
Business Office, with the understand-
ing that the questions are to be an-
swered in the University Record. This
arrangement might serve to clear up
any misunderstandings or problems
on this subject. Will you please,
therefore, send to me any such prob-
lems and I will try to answer them or
will refer them to the Carnegie Foun-
dation for the Advancement of
Teaching or The Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association for solution.
Herbert G. Watkins.
Closing hours for women students4
on Wednesday, Feb. 22, will bye 11 p.m.
Certificate of Eligibility. In order
to secure eligibility certificates for the
second semester, first semester report
cards must be presented at the Of-
fice of the Dean of Students. First
semester eligibility certificates are
valid only until March 1.
Student Flight Training: Approxi-
mately 60 students are being given a
preliminary physical examination by
the Health Service. Twenty students
will be selected from those passing
the above examination for the stu-
dent flight training course. These
students will be notified during the
morning, and before noon, Wednes-
day, Feb. 22, and must report im-
mediately for the final official physi-
cal examination. This examination
will be givenby physicians designated
by the Civil Aeronautics Authority
at the Health Service on Wednesday,
Feb. 22. The fee of $10 for the ex-
amination must be paid by the stu-
dent at this time.
Phi Kappa Phi, Graduate Fellow-
ships. Graduate Fellowships, each
with a stipend of $500 for one year,
have been established by the Honor
Society of Phi Kappa Phi and will be
administered in accordance with the
following regulations:
1. The Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships!
shall be awarded each year to under-
graduate mmebers of Phi Kappa Phi,
each of whom wishes to enroll as a
candidate for an advanced degree in
a graduate school in some American
College or University. A student regis-
tering in a professional school such
as Law or Medicine is not eligible.
2. The recipients of these Fellow-

ships shall be selected from among
a list of applicants as prescribed be-
Those eligible to apply for one of
these Fellowships shall include mem-
bers of Phi Kappa Phi who, during
the year preceding the proposed grad-,

Union eiembership eistration:
New students andi those who dijd not,

Speech Class for Sutterers: A class


CLASSIFIE 6 s . . _ . .


Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
We have a Quick Delivery Serv-
ice at your disposal if you wish to
have ryour ad picked up (10c
For further inforiation call
23-24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynara
FOR RENT-Single room for gradu.
ate girl in apartment. She'wer ad-
joining. Two blocks from campus
Tel. 2-2139 between 5 and 6:30 or
Saturday afternoon. 4121

607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Shirts ...................... .14
Undershirts ..................04
Shorts ...................... .04
Pajama Suits.... .........10
Socks, pair ................. .03
Bath Towels ................ .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
WANTED-Clothing wanted to buy.
S u i t s, overcoats, typewriters,
watches. Sam pays the most. Phone
6304 for appointnmient. 388

or information call representative,
Mr. Tatum. 1325 Washtenaw.
Phone 4837. 418
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181
English Boot and Shoe Maker
Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South Statq and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.
Ofd D lClf
Read Daily Classified Ads

EASY! Just dial 110, give
the long distance operator the
number of the out-of-town
telephone you wish to reach,
and in a moment the connec-
tion will be completed.
low rates shown below. For
rates to other points, see page
5 in the telephone directory
or dial 110.
Nights &
All Day
Alpena $ .60
Battle Creek .. .35
Bay City .35
Big Rapids .45
Escanaba .80
Flint .5


FOR RENT-California Style, most
artistic, furnished apartment near
campus. For a couple or two
women. Phone Mrs. Giefel, 2-2571
or 2-2102. 421

$rand Haven



FOR RENT-Single room for man
Modern, private entrance, private
lavatory. Call 3761. $2.50 per week,
FOR SALE-RCA Magnavox Phono-
graph, two years old, beautiful
floor model. Reasonable. 1811
Washtenaw. 8590. 419
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9

SHOWS DAILY at 2:00 -
Washington's Birthday:

4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.

Grand Rapid
Los Angeles

ds .40
.... .35
, Ca.. 3.50

Adults 35c All Day

Manistee ..
Miami, Fla. ..


Mt. Clemens
Mt. Ple sant


I, i I

New Orleans, la..



WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 10, from 10-2
in the
*G Girls have been granted LATE PERMISSION!




Petoskey..... . ..

New York City. . . . .

Port Huron

Sault Ste. Marie ...
Traverse-:City ......





2 W t " ~.





I ow

ED I -


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