StTND-A', iMAY 74, 19 9
Coal Institute
Surveys Retail
Extens;on Service Directs
Three-Day Meeting Here
Of 250 Coal Dealers
Technical aspects of coal merchan-
using will be discussed at the thirdI
annual Coal Utilization InstituteI
which will be held here Tu day,
Wednesday and Thursday in the
Sponsored by the University Exten-
sion Service, the College of Engineer-
ing, and the Michigan Retail Coal
Merchants Association the Institute
will bring together more than 250
coal dealers from this state and Ohio.
Faculty speakers before the Insti-
tute will be Prof. John L. Brumm of
the journalism department, who will
speak at Wednesday's dinner; Dr.
Elzada U. Clover of the Botany de-
partment, who will tell of her expedi-
tion down the Colorado River, and
Prof. Ramson S. Hawley of the en-
gineering college who will give the
welcoming address.
Discussion sessions on such topics
as "Recent Developments on the
Domestic Stoker," "The Heat Bal-
ance" and "Combustion Principles"
will be held Tuesday, and Thursday
will be devoted to tours of the campus.
Expert Talks On Colloids
Prof. G. W. Scott Blair, head of
the chemistry department at the
University of Reading, England, will
lecture on "New Aspects of Colloid
Science" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 303 of the Chemistry Build-
Professor Blair is also part-time
lecturer in colloids at Sir John Cass
Technical Institute at London.
Daily Man Tells Experiences
In South Sea Island Paradise
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al members of the University.
Copy reteived at the office of the Aszitant to theP resident until 3O ?X;
11:03 A.M. on Saturday.
Proving that t is passible to sub
mit to that temptation to give u
.chool and roa. the world is
Newton, '41, who Jis at present some
where in the South Seas, the land o
dusky women and palms against th
Before Bill left Ann Arbor in Febru
ary, he promised that he would kee
us informed of the sights and ex
periences he encountered in his trir
which will eventually take him aroun
the world.
A former member of The Daily edi
torial staff, Bill won a Hopwood las
year and was majoring in English
His itinerary will take him to Ne'
Zealand, Australia, Java, SingaporE
India and finally to Europe. Yester
day we received a letter postmarke
Fiji, and enclosed was the first o
the promised narratives. We decide
to print it, even though it may caus
3 decrease in the number of student
returning next year.
On Board S.S. Montere
en route to Suva, Fiji
April 12, 1939
Stuart Ramsey. the well .mow
swimming mail man of Tin Can Is
land, is on board the ship, and I ha
the good fortune to be put into hi
cabin when I left Honolulu. Ramse;
is a very interesting person, full o
stories about the islands of the Sout
Seas after spending more than twen
ty-five years among them.
Ramsey spent eleven years on Niu
Fo'ou-commonly ealled "Tin Cai
Island"--engaged in copra trading
The island has no beaches or goo
landings, and during six months o
the year the gigantic waves breakin
against the rock cliffs make landin
stores or mail impossible. Ramsey
however, wanted his mail badly an
made an arrangement with the owner
of the monthly steamer which plie
through the Tonga Islands whereb
the ship would heave to off Nius Fo'o
while he swam out to her with mai
Mail was received from the ship i
sealed biscuit tinc and dragged ashore
by the swimming postman and his
native eompanicrn.
After his first atf-': pL at iua l-
carrying, Ramsey was told ry the
captain of the steamer that in order
not to disappoint the passengers he
would have to swim out even in
weather which permitted the launch-
(Continued from Page 4)
should turn in petitions to the Sec-
retary of the Union before noon on
trip for the Sectional Meeting in De- Tuesday, May 16.
N .
1 N 1 II
: R
r 4; '
versal wail is back again! Suntans
are ilke strawberry sodas, you can
get too much at once, you know.
means whereby you be-n
come the "Golden"girl,"-6-
you know, that beauti- ---
ful smooth tan! Tussy's
Creme is the perfect.
lotion, not sticky, and
delightful to use. If,
you're really planning j
to bake under old"Sol,"
perhaps you'd better
have the Tussy Oil.
Dorothy Gray's Lotion ---
is a peach too, not the
least bit greasy or
messy! For the redhead with a
phobia for freckles, how about
Tussy's Anti-sunburn Foundation
Creme for a powder base.
Gleaning all these Ultra-Violet
rays you will need some ultra smart
play clothes. KESSEL'S CAMPUS
SHOP in the Arcade has the won-
derful three-piece short-and-skirt
outfits perfect for bike
hikes, picnics, sailing.
The slacks are some-
thing sleek and smooth,
too. BUT the sport
dresses are something
to rave about. Casuals
with unpressed pleats,
in melting shades;
chartreuse, rose, aqua.
And of course, shark-
skin dresses: One par-
ticular beauty in tini-
est Sheperd check, fetching white
collar, and all the flares any
"swingster" could desire.
* * *
ON . . . The Spring formal season
is just at the peak and we know
it's open hunting season for those
crisp, starchy, flattering dance
frocks. But the search ends at
SOREN'S (the little shop around
the corner from Williams St.) Like
pique? Here's a beauty
in blue and white check
with a big swash-buck-
ling-red-patent belt.
Smart and oh so sleek!:
For a frivolous maid-
there's the one with
rows and rows of tiny
lace finished off with
tiny black velvet bows.
A new idea are the for-
mal skirts in taffeta or
crepe, black of course
for smartness, with
sheer chiffon shirt-
waist blouses. Pickyour
becoming color in Hyacinth Blue,
Lime, or Shell Pink.
** *
COTTON FROCK? Of course,
haven't we all! And the DILLON
SHOP on State Street has all the
clever Doris Dodson
dresses. You've just .
never laid your eyes on
such gay colors, and 4
every frock has some J
new clever gadget in
the way of belt or trim..
A beautiful Roman
stripe linen would take
anyone's eye. A tur-
quoise printed linen
had a lovely maroon
jacket. Cutest of all are t
the outfits wtih check
skirt and crisp pique s
jacket, topping it off is
a little checked chin - chucker
pleated all around. How does this
sound: Lime homespun with rasp-
berry woven belt! They're the
prettiest things out!
d ing of a canoe. After the first trip
Qf Stuart missed only one boat in eleven
g years, and that was because her cap-
g tain did not wait for him, thinking
y, that the storm which was raging
d would prevent him from entering the
s water.
d Having spent a few years away
y from Niua Fo'ou, in Samoa and visit-
u ing his mother in England, during
l. vhich time he has written a book and
n a movie scenario, Ramsey is ready
- to return to the life of a copra-trader.
He loves the islands and chafes con-
tinually at the bonds of what he calls
"our rotten, war-making civilization."
, At present his plans are indefinite,
* but he wants to return to the com-
pany of Polynesians whom he regards
as the finest group of people in the
** *
We stopped in American Samoa
yesterday, and I went ashore at Pago
Pago (pronounced "Pahngo Pahngo")
with Stuart. We were met at the dock
when we disembarked from the motor
boat by several of his Samoan friends.
Among them were his old Tongan-
Samoan mother-by-adoption, Suli,
and Saipale, a young man who had
been Stuart's assistant in a store at
Although I had not seen either of
these people before, they accepted me
as a friend-because I was vouched
for by one of their friends. They are
grand people, unsophisticated and
sincere, caring more for the simple
pleasures of life than for the super-
ficial benefits offered by the life of
the white man. After meeting two
such grand people, I am glad to be
able to count them among my friends,
and I can readily understand Stuart's
preference of the natives to the people
of his own race.
Saipale, chief of the village of
Pago Pago-the landing place is in-
correctly called by the same name-
took us to the guest house of the vil-
lage. We sat on leaf mats-"fala"
mats-on the floor and watched some
of Saipale's relatives dancing for
tourists from the ship. After long
drinks of cool coconut milk, we left
for Suli's house, in the village of
Utulei, located on thecoast onthe
ocean side of the naval base and boat
landing. When we left Saipale pre-
sented us with a beautiful pair of
sleeping mats-one coarse and one
fine-woven from fala.
Suli gave us a warm welcome at
her home, putting "ulas"-wreaths of
' troit on Tuesday, May 16. Buses will!
leave the Arch promptly at 12:30
p.m. Contrary to previous announce-
ment, transportation charge will be'
35 cents. See M.E. bulletin board for
further details.
Research Club will meet on Wed-
nesday, May 17, at 8 p.m., in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Program: Professor R. C. An-
gell will speak on Society, Com-
munity, and Conemporary America";
and Professor N. R. F. Maier, on "Ex-
perimentally Produced Neurotic Be-
havior in the Rat."
The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m.
in the Assembly Hall.
Notice of Union Elections: On Fri-
day, May 19, will be elected in con-
junction with the all-campus elec-
tions six vice-presidents of the Michi-
gan Union, one each for (a) the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and the Graduate' School, (b)
for the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture, (c) for the Medical
School, (d for the Law School, (e)
for the College of Dental Surgery,
and (f) for the remaining colleges
and schools, from the nominees as
filed with the Recording SecretaryJ
by the Nominating Committee of the
Michigan Union.
All those wishing to be nominated
flowers-about our necks. Her house
is a large frame building, set up
high above the ground on posts. Sai.-
pale's guest house, on the other hand,
is built after the conventional Samo-
an pttern. A flattened conical roof
is set upon a circle of posts about five
feet in height. Another set of posts'
supports the center of the roof, and
the life of the entire household radi-
ates from this group of posts.
Before we had been on shore more
than twenty minutes, Suli and Saipale
had both invited Stuart and me to
stay with them while we waited for{
the next boat. Of course, on the face
of it this invitation to me seemed
like mere courtesy, but it sounded
sincere, and Stuart told me later that
Suli and Saipale had been truly dis-
appointed when we hadn't been able
to remain in Samoa with them. Such
generously spontaneous hospitality is
like nothing I have ever seen before,
and I was thrilled deeply by the kind-
ness of' my two new friends, both of
whom had taken me to their homes,
presented me with beautiful sleeping
mats, and invited me to stay.
. * ** ** * *
G .- R D _ E
-- 1 _-
Ann Arbor Independents: There will
will be a regular meeting Tuesday,t
May 16, 4:30 at the League. There
will be song rehearsals Monday
through Friday in the game room of
the League from 4 to 5 p.m. ,
There will be a graduate luncheon'
Wednesday, May 17, at 12 noon, in
the Russian Tea Room of the League,l
cafeteria style.
Professor Arthur Aiton of the His-
tory Department will speak. All
graduate students are cordially in-
Tau Beta Pi. The next meeting will
be held at Barton Hills Country Club
on Wednesday, May 17. The elec-
tion of officers for next year will be
held and it is imperative that all
members attend. Buses will leave;
the Engineering Arch at 5:45 p.m.
Please sign the list on the bulletin
University Women: There will be aj
treasure hunt sponsored by the Out-
door Sports Group on Monday, May
15. The group will leave the Women's
Athletic Building at 4:15 p.m.-
Speech 190: Students in Speech 190
will meet at the Speech Clinic, 1007
East Huron Street, on Monday, May,
15, at 9 o'clock in Room 302 Masont
Interior Decoration Section: On
Thursday morning, May 18, the mem-
bers of the Interior Decoration Sec-.
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will depart from the Michigan Leaguet
at eight o'clock in a chartered bus
for Detroit. The^ morning will be
spent at the studios of Mr. Clarence
Whybrow, well known Detroit In-l
terior Decorator. Here lecture dem-e
onstrations will be given. In the
afternoon the group will visit J. L.
Hudson's store where a lecture dem-s
onstration on "Table Setting" will bes
given followed by a tour through thei
Interior Decoration department. Mrs.
Jacob Sacks has charge of the bus
Last Tea Dance sponsored by the
Graduate Council will be held Tues-
day, May 16, from 4-6 in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham Bldg.
Telegraphic Bowling Meet, Women
Students: There will be a telegraphic
bowling meet with the University of
Illinois for women students on Thurs-
day, May 18. Those interested in par-
ticipating, please get in touch with
Florence Corkum, telephone 2-3225.
Both advanced and novices are need-
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Dr. Werner Lan-
decker on, "Soziologie und interna-
tionale Beziehungen."
Michigan Dames: All members are
invited to a bridge party at the home
of Mrs. Roy W. Cowden at 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening, May 17. If you
plan to accept this invitation, please
telephone Mrs. M. A. Bacon at 2-3022
before Tuesday.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion;
9:30 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m.
Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morning Pray-
er and Sermon by the Rev. Henry
Lewis; 4 p.m. Church School Fes-
tival Service, St. Paul's Cathedral,
Detroit (cars leaving church at 2
p.m.); 7 p.m. Student meeting, Har-
ris Hall, student-led discussion on
"The Absolute and Compromised Po-
sitions on Peace." Thursday: Ascen-'
sion Day, Holy Communion at 10:30
a.m. in the church.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morn-
ing Worship Service. "Faith of Our
Mothers" will be the subject uppn
which Dr. W. P. Lemon will preach
at the special Mother's Day service.
Palmer Christian at the organ and
directing the choir.
The Westminster Guild: 6 p.m.,
Westminster Guild, student group,
will meet for supper and a fellowship
hour. Dr. John D. Finlayson will
speak at the meeting which follows
on the subject "What Mothers Keep."
First Methodist Church. Morning
Worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "The Moth-
er Ideal."
Reformed and Christian Reformed
services will be held Sunday at 10:30
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan
will be the speaker.
Stalker Hall. 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild
meeting at the church. Danny Suits
and Robert Cummins will speak on
"America's Foreign Policy"-Two
Views on Peace. Fellowship hour dnd
supper following the meeting. The
film showing the work of Wesley
Foundations" will be shown.
Dciple Guild (Church of Christ),
10:45 a.m. Morning worship service.
Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 4 p.m.
The Guild will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., to go for a
picnic and vesper service on Huron
River. Transportation will be pro-
vided. If the weather is unfavorable,
the meeting will be at the Guild
League Chapel. Rev. L. Lamberts
House at 6:30 p.m.
First Congregational Church. State
and William Streets. Minister, Rev.
Leonard A. Parr.
Public worship on Sunday, at 10:45
a.m. Dr. Parr will preach on the sub-
ject, "God and Monotony: How to
Make Life Interesting." The choir will
sing "The Lord's Prayer" by Mallott
and Mrs. H. A. Van Deursen and Mrs.
Hope Bauer Eddy will sing "Mother,
My Dear" by Traharne. Miss Mary
'Porter will play "Improvisation (Os-
tinato)" by Kark-Elert and "In Thee
is Gladness," Bach.
4 p.m. the Student Fellowship will
have a joint outdoor picnic and
meeting with the Student Guild of
the Disciples of Christ.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 '
Morning worship. Dr. John Mason
Wells, of Hillsdale College, will speak
appropriately for' the day on "The
Enrichment of the Home." A special
program has been arranged. The
Church School meets at 9:30.
Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. Huron
St., 6:15 p.m. Sunday. Robert John-
son, of Saginaw, '40, and Frances
Johnson, Hammond, Ind. '41, will
discuss the topic, "The Churches and
Young People."
Unitarian Church, 11 a.m. Com-
munity Forum on the topic "Pro-
gressive Organizations" in the coun-
ty. Speakers, Mr. Frank Wilson of
the ypsilanti Farm Bureau, Mr.
Leigh McGee of the Ann Arbor Trades
Council and Professor LeRoy Water-
Alan of the League for Peace and
There will be a playing of recorded
symphony music and a question
period will follow.
English Boot and Shoe Maker
f Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.
Select Book and Rental Library
308 South State Street
Phone 5930
Second Floor
I °
( .r
"y AaA
4 p n _.
V ' 7( . e. t
e ''
Relax in this supple, nude-
colored step-in . .-. even
the slide fastening is in
the new shade. It gives
you the small waist effect
with the gentle hip
curves. Rayon and
cotton . .
85.00 - $7.50
summer when your
suits and coats, blankets and furs,.
will be
returned to you perfectly intact and ready
to wear.
No need to worry and watch for MOTHS this
Peace of Mind!.
How nice to know next fall that your winter
garments are FUMI-
I just saw the new Doris
Dodson junior dresses, and are
they ever darling!
loads of spun rayon prints
and pastels; and the cutest
long evening cottons . . . at
pY 1{ .
Nothing is more essential
to a beautiful home, frater-
nity, or sorority than clean,
neat-looking rugs and carpets.
We offer you a service where-
by you can realize this objec-
tive and at the same time be
sure of safe, sure work which
is necessary in prolonging the
life of your rugs and carpets.
GATED and stored in our Moth-proof-Fire
Proof-Burglar Proof.
Refrigerated Vault
Remember.... . . .....
it's not the moth you see, but the moth-worm
you do not see that eats its way through furs
and woolens.
CALL ... 23=23-1 ... NOW!
Bill just loves mine, and it
was such fun shopping at ...
S ii i
i i
I 1