SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1939
1- 1
Final Panhellenic-Congress Tea Dance To Be Held Th
BillGail' Banid
Show Featured
Group Singing, Orchestral
Stunts, Duets To Form
Part Of Entertainment
"The Final Cram-Cram," as the
last all-campus tea dance of the year
is called, will be held from 3:30 p.m.,
to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18, in
the League Ballroom, Winston H.
Cox, '42, and Barbara Benedict, '40
co-chairmen, announced yesterday.
This tea dance is being sponsored
jointly by Congress and Panhellenic.
Bill Gail Will Play
Bill Gail's orchestra will furnish
the music, and Bill Geisert, '41, will
be the vocalist. The floor show will
consist of stunts by the orchestra and
group singing from cards. A special
attraction will be Erwin Scherdt and
Aileen Wismer, '42SM, who will sing
two duets, an arrangement of "Sweet-
hearts" and one other from the same
Committeemen representing Pan-
tiellenic under Miss Benedict, chair-
ir in, are Helen Rigterink, '40, Bar-
bara Telling, '40, Dorothy Lavan, '41,
and Edith Lynch, '41. Aiding Cox,
chairman, from Congress, there is
Jack Edmonson, '42; Richard Ebbets,
'42E; James Huber, '42E, and Wal-
lace Latchem, '429.
Cigarettes To Be Favors
Cigarettes, will be given out as
favors during the dance. And as has
been the custom before, women will
be admitted free of charge but for
the men there will be a twent- we
cent admission fee. Both affiliated
and non-affiliated students are urged
to attend, Cox, co-chairman stated.
He especially stressed the invitation
to all women.
TWO .Alumnae
Betrothals Are Announced!
By Aigler,_Edmonson
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Edmonson
of Cambridge Road have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Jane, '37, to Donald King Lewis, '36,;
son of Mrs. C. K. Lewis of Mount
Pleasant. The wedding will take place
the first week in September.
Miss Edmonson is affiliated with
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr.
Lewis, now a junior in the School of
Medicine, is a member of Phi Delta
Theta. He is also a member of Nu
Sigma Nu.
The engagement of Elizabeth Aig-1
ler, '35, daughter of Prof. and Mrs.
Ralph W. Aigler, of Walingford Road,
to Alan S. Foust, son of Mrs. C. G.
Foust of Dublin, Texas, was told yes-
terday at an announcement party.
Miss Aigler was a member of Delta
Gamma sorority. Mr. Foust is now a
member of the engineering college
Prints For Spring
Tea Wednesday
Will Terminate
Ruthven Series
Faculty Members, Eight
Fraternities, Sororities
Will Be Special Guests
The last Ruthven tea of the year
will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.,
Wednesday, May 17, at the home of
House Parties
Held To Honor
Many Mothers
Members of 29 fraternities, sorori-
ties and dormitories are entertain-
ing their mothers this weekend inl
honor of Mother's Day. ActivitiesI
planned by the chapter houses in-
clude breakfasts, teas, dinners, pic-I
nics and concerts.
Architects' Ball
Committee man
Names Patrons
4 -
President Ruthven, Deans
Head Group Announced
By Florence Brotherton
Patrons and patronesses for the
Architects' Ball which is to be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Friday, May
19, were announced yesterday by
Florence Brotherton, '40A, patrons,
chairman for the ball.
Those who have been asked to at-
tend are as follows: President and
Mrs. Alexander G; Ruthven, Dean
and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean
and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, and Dean
Alice C. Lloyd. The list continues
with Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea,
Dean and Mrs. Charles T. Olmstead,
Prof. and Mrs. Emil Lorch, Prof.
and Mrs. George M. McConkey, Prof.
and Mrs. Jean Hibrard, Prof. and
Mrs. Ralph Hammett, and Prof. and
Mrs. Roger Baily.
Porf. Walter W. Gores, Prof.
and Mrs. Myron B. Chapin, Prof. Jean
Paul Slusser, Prof. and Mrs. George
B. Brigham, Jr., Prof. Ernest H.
Barnes, Prof. and Mrs. Frederick C.
O'Dell and Prof. and Mrs. A. Mastro
Valerio have also been invited to at-
Other patrons and patronesses for
the ball are: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H.
Aldrich, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ross T.
Bittinger, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S.
Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
3ooch, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weddige,
Miss Catherine Heller and Mr. Howard
the president. Full weekends have been arranged
Those people who have been asked by Alpha Phi, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Phi,
to pour are Ann Vicary, '40; Mrs. M. Delta Delta Delta, Helen Newberry,
A. Underwood; Betty Slee, '40; Mrs. Sigma Chi, Alumnae House, Beta
Blaine Gavert; Phyllis McGeachy, Theta Pi Chi Phi, Collegia',e Soro-
'40; Harriet Sharkey, '40; Alberta sis, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Kappa
Royal '40 and Mrs. D, W. Reynolds. Psi, Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, Delta
Assistants Are Named Gamma, Sigma Alpha Mu and Kappa
Alpha Theta.
Members of the social committee Sigma Chi Mothers Initiated
who have been asked to assist by The mothers of Sigma Chi mem-
Maya Gruhzit, '41,achairman of the ,bersawere initiated into the fraterni-
tea, are Helen Brady, '40; Francesl ty at a mock ceremony yesterday.
Brotherton, '40A; Beth O'F.;ke, '40;.1 Chi Phi and Beta Theta Pi members
Dorothy Boyer, '40; Jane Grove, '41; gave picnics followed by formal din-
ners at the chapter houses.
Barbara Grill, '41; Doris Merker, At the Delta Delta Delta house,
Sapp '41; Jane Griswald, '41; Mar mothers were honored at a bridge-
Essig, '40; Janet Homer, '41 and tea yesterday. Members of Pi Beta
Eleanore Harris, '41. Phi took their mothers to a luncheon
at Barton Hills Country Club, and
Eight special groups have been in- then to a tea at Mrs. Homer Heath's
vited. They include Sigma Phi, Zeta held in their honor. A luncheon was
Beta Tau, Theta Delta Chi, Zeta Psi, given at the League for the mothers
Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, of Chi Omega members:
Delta Gamma and Alpha Tau Omega. Fathers Also Invited
The faculty members and their Members of eight houses will give
,wives who have been given special in- dinners today in honor of their
vitations are Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. mothers, and fathers also are invited.
Karpinski, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. These houses are Alpha Gamma Del-
Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee Davis ta, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Chi
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rowe and Mr. Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha
and 'Mrs. Vincent L. Peterson. Omicron Pi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Phi
Social Committee To Meet Kappa Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon
There will be a meeting of the So- and Alpha Kappa Lambda.
cial Committee at 4 p.m. on Tuesday A meeting of the Mothers' Club,
in the League. Any member who is held every year after the Mother's
unable to attend should call Mary Day dinner, will be featured at Al-
Minor, '40, chairman of the Social pha Gamma Delta this afternoon.
Committee. Freshmen interested in This morning members of Sigma
I the committee are urged to attend. Phi Epsilon will accompany their
mothers to church where they will
WAA SPORTS SCHEDULE 'place flowers at the altars in honor
Archery: Picnic at 4:15 p.m. of their mothers. Members of many
Tuesday, meeting at 4:15 p.m. other houses are accompanying their
Thursday. mothers to church services.
Crop and Saddle: Supper ride at Breakfast for the mothers will be
5 p.m. Tuesday, annual horse show given this morning at Betsy Barbour
at 2 p.m. Saturday at Mullison's House, Mosher Hall and Jordan Hall.
Fair Grounds. Alpha Xi Delta gave a buffet supper
Golf: Tournament Wednesday last night in honor of their mothers.
afternoon. _
Outdoor Sports: Hike and trea-
sure hunt at 4:15 p.m. Monday. Officers Are Announced
Bowling: Telegraphic meet with
Illinois Friday afternoon. Delta Sigma Rho, honorary speech
Lacrosse: Instruction at 4:15 fraternity, recently elected the fol-
p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. lowing officers: Mary Frances Reek,
Softball: Alpha Chi Omega vs. '40Ed, president; John Shuler, '40E,
Kappa Delta at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday; vice-president and Sidney Davidson,
Delta Gamma vs. Newberry- at 5 '40 secretary-treasurer.
p.m. Wednesday; Pi Beta Phi vs.
Sorosis at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday; ---
Alpha Delta Pi vs. winner of Al-
pha Chi Omega vs. Kappa Delta
game at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday; F W e rs
Mosher vs. Jordan at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, and Alpha Phi vs. win-
ner of the Pi Beta Phi vs. Sorosis orSp ng ..
game at 4:15 p.m. Thursday.
Someone you're mighty
Society Names Officers fond of will be thrilled
The new officers of Beta Theta Pi with a gift of fresh cut
are: Robert Johnson, '40, president; flowers.
Lacy Thomas, '40, vice-president;
Jim Allen, '40, secretary; Robert Watt,
'40E, treasurer, and Robert Straub and helsea
Harrison Lowery, co-rushing chair- 203 East Liberty
First Nighters
Will See Play
Drama Season To Open
At League Tomorrow
Faculty members, townspeople, and
numerous parties of out-of-town
guests will be present to watch the
opening performance of "No War In
Troy," first of the Dramatic Season
plays, when the curtain goes up at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
attend, as will Dean and Mrs. Joseph
A. Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean
and Mrs. Peter Okkelberg and Dean
and Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell.
First Nighters Named
Other first-nighters include Prof.
and Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler, Prof. and
Mrs. Robert C. Angell, Prof. aid Mrs.
Benjamin F. Bailey, Prof. and Mrs.
Arthur E. Boak, Prof. and Mrs. Pal-
mer Christian, Prof. and Mrs. Wal-
ter F. Colby, Prof. andMrs. Clifford
C. Glover, Prof. and Mrs. Walter U.
Hunt, Prof. and Mrs. Herbert A. Ken-
yon, Prof. and Mrs. James 0K. Pol-
lock, Prof. and Mrs. Kenneth T.
1 -
ri Happy Is the Urid
who starts her Housekeeping with
Wamsutta Supercale sheets and Pillowcases
acknowledged "the Finest of Cottons."
Whether you're a bride or not
you'll like them .
Always Reasonably Priced
Rowe, Prof. and Mrs. I. L. Sharfman
and Prof. and Mrs. Hugo P. Thieme.
Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. Barr, Dr.
ax' Mrs. Frederick A. Coller, Dr.
Claire E. Healey, Dr. Leonard E. Him-
ler, Dr. Edgar A. Kahn, Dr. and
Mrs. Bradley M. Patten and Dr. Inez,
Wisdom will also be among those to
watch the first performance.
List Continues
Miss Edith Bader, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Bryant, Mrs. Seymour B.
Conger, Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Geh-
ring, Mr. and Mrs. Otto G. Graf, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald H. Hoag, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Krag, Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Kollen, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Peirsol,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred B, Shaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry M. Steffey, Mr. and
Mrs. T.,Hawley Tapping and Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Wilson will also be pres-
ent in tomorrow night's audience.
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