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May 11, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-11

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THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939



. .

Moping On The Mall
By Meandering Minnie
"On the steps of the Lib one day,
In the merry, merry. month of. May."
is practically the best place we know of to see peopye who are taking time
off from, their studies (?) or else just, taking time off-maybe before that
jaunt to the movie or sort of a short rest for a spurt of en-
ergy on the last lap= homeward.
Anyway we saw Jane Grove, Tim Hurd, and Hank
Holmes looking as if' there wasn't a care in the world.
Monie Codere paused a moment on the steps, and Anne
Kingston and Margaret Tichenor were wondering why
they didn't get more work done. Suddenly Betty Ann Um-
mel and Wally Truc came barging into the picture-=liter-
ally-on roller skates. Ah! the trials and cares of college life!
Pastels Brighten Library .. .
And there were people in the library at least once this week when we
happened to be passing through. (It's shorter, you know.) Anyway pastels
came to the fore at one table with pink and blue-Jean Rheinfrank, aqua-
Jean Roebeck, lilac-Phyllis Miner, and rose-Jennie Petersen. A gay and
colorful institution-these cardigans.
Milled over to the RuthvenTea yesterday
and 1o and behold-people! Just as. if there
were a tea going on or something.
Anna Jean Williams, Yvonne Westrate, and
Jane Anne Visscher came in together, and
Herb Goldstein, Milton Libowitz, and Arnold
Grobmen. were - chatting in one little group.
Harold Garn, Randall Reynolds, Bob Paver,'
and:Jack Matham arrived in a group at the
tea table-a popular site-as usual.
The Ruthven library is still a favorite hang-
out for .the tea cup balancers as well as the
after tea chatters. Betty Kepler and Howard Almdale were discussing the
pros and cons of books and more books while Tom Hansen, and Stoddard
Kimney scurried around organizing chairs into a chummy little group in
the corner.
eetings The Order Of The Day .
Barb Heath, ex-social chairman, was enjoying the afternoon while
Mary Minor, her successor, ticked people off as they came in the door.
Then we saw JGP heads, Ann Vedder, Ginny Osgood, Helen Barnett, and
Betty Anne Chaufty were all there, being congraulated right and left.
Meetings were the order of the day at the League Tuesday what with
Panhellenic and Wyvern both scheduled, and coking in the. League Grill
before meetings was the order preceding the order of the
- day. Quite a cluster in one corner,-saw Patty Haislip,
Anne Hawley, Enora Ferriss, Ginny Alfvin, Helen Ral-
ston, and Barb Backus arriving at one time or another.
Virginia Sloan and Loiuse . Hansen were having a
chummy tete-a-tete at: a table for two, and then we saw
Anne Winters, Ginny Brereton, Anne Pinkerton, and
Betty Slee monopolizing a table for four.
Whizzing up to Panhellenic were Doris Brown, Betty Brooks, and
Frances Carr, Jean Manwaring, Mary Henderson, and -Annabel Dredge
were headed in the direction of the Ethel Fountain Hussey room; too.
WAA Has A Jolly Dinner...
We hear there was quite a jolly time at the dinner at Barton Hills
Country Club which the staff members of- the Physical, Education Depart-
ment and the. members of the WAA Board attended. It seems another
party joined their singing and made quite a gay affair for all concerned.
Dr. Bell, Miss Bloomer, Miss Hartwig, Jan Homer, Harriet Sharkey, and
Jeanette Stickels were among the merry crew.
Minnie is off to a busy weekend--what with Ethel Barrymore, concerts
to attend, and just the ordinary round of things, too.

Transfer Orientation Advisers Are


First Meeting
Of New Group
To Be Tuesday
Orientation For Freshmen
Is Handled Separately
Under Novel System
There will be a meeting of all trans-
fer orientation advisers at 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday at the League. Jean Van
Raalte; '40, chairman of orientation,
announced yesterday. The alternates
of the advisers, who will be per-
sonally informed of their positions,
should alsotattend the meeting, Miss
Van Raalte stated.
The following women have been
chosen as transfer orientationad-
visers; Elizabeth Baldwin, '40, Helen
Brady, '40, Helen Carter, '40, Mar-
jorie ForresteL l, 41MaryLouise Fin-
ney, '41, Doryce Helfrich, '40, Janet
Homer, '41, Betty Lombard, '41.
List Continued
The list continues with: Martha
McCrory, '41SM, Helen Louise Mo-
sher, '40, Mary Jean O'Donnell, '41,
Virginia Schwegler, '41, Florence
Signaigo, '41, Jean Thompson, '40, and
Hilda Van Tuyl, '40.
Those who are unable to attend the
meeting should phone Miss Van
Raalte at 7117.
Transfers Are Separate
Next fall, for the first time, trans-
fer orientation will be handled en-
tirely separately from freshman or-
ientation, since transfer students face
a somewhat different problem of ad-
justment than -freshman, Miss Van
Raalte said.
Two other innovations are that
transfers will be contacted in the
summer and that an attempt will be
made to carry the orientation pro-
gram further into. the school-year:
The advisers listed and their seven
alternates were selected from a group
interviewed by Miss Van Raalte and

Patricia Knigl Wius Acclaim
As Actress And Sportswoman

Foriner Ziegfeld Follies
Girl To Appear Twice
hI Dramatic Program
A charming, talented young actress,
and a widely acclaimed horsewoman
and fencer-that's the enviable rec-
ord held by Miss Patricia Knight,
who is appearing in two of Ann Ar-
bor's Dramatic Season plays this
Miss Knight is playing the part of
the vaudeville dancer in "Here Come
the Clowns," and is appearing in the
role of a maidservant in the first of
-the Season's plays, "No War In Troy."
Working into "straight plays" via
the musical comedy, Miss Knight
seems to have been blesed with a
charmed life, forwithin a year after
deciding to "get place" in the theatre,
she was appearing in a Ziegfield Fol-
lies production in New York.
Joins Dance Group
Miss Knight's first job, however,
was with a modern German dane
group which played the Capitol The-
atre in New York. The story behind
that first paying proposition is the
typical movie, if seldom realized real-
life, plot which concerns the family
who didn't want their only child to
be an actress, and of how the child
successfully showed them the error of
their ways.
Miss Knight had been attending
Leland-Powers Dramatic School in
Boston for about a year, when, at the
age of 16, she decided it was time to
get a practical startvin the theatre.
Under the guise of visiting an aunt
who lived in a small town just out-
side of New York, Miss Knight com-
muted to the "big town" daily, and
was rewarded with a position in the
German modern dance group.
Gets Big Part
Her first big part on Broadway was
in a musical comedy, "Sea Legs,"

which starred Dorothy Stone, and
which, Miss Knight admitted candid-
ly, was a "flop." But it was good ex-
perience. Her next adventure was in
a summer stock production of "An-
tony and Cleopatra," in which Tallu-
lah Bankhead played the feminine
While playing in "Moon Over Mul-
berry Street," Miss Knight married
her leading man, Cornel Wilde, who
has since won fame as an Olympic
fencing star. Mr. Wilde will appeax
in all the Dramatic Season plays ex-
cept The White Steed."
Embarrassing Moment
When questioned as to the value of
dramatic school andtstock training
for ambitious theatre candidates,
Miss Knight said. "They are both very
important." Dramatic school teaches
the student the correct use of dic-
tion, voice modulation, and the
groundwork necessary to every actor,
she said, and playing in stock gives
one an invaluable actual experience
in the theatre.I
Foundation Stylist
For Hard-To-Fit

Painted Panels
Will Be Motif
Fr Log Drive
Forestry Club's Annual,
Dance To Be May 19;
Harvey Judson To Play
The motif for the decorations of
the annual Log Drive, Forestry Club,
Dance, to be held Friday, May 19, in
the ballroom of the Masonic Temple,
is to be based on a series of large
panel illustrations depicting various
phases of forestry. The club emblem
will be placed directly over the or-
chestra, and the theme will be carried
out further with pine boughs.
{ The real "log drive" refers to the
time of year when there are high
waters, in the spring. The foresters,
in keeping with this practice, hold
their dance at the time of year when
students' spirits are high, and thus
derive the name of their dance.
Harvey Judson and his Aristocrats
will play for the Log Drive, it has
been announced by Frank Becker,
'39F&C, general chairman. Other
members of the central committee are
Charles Allen, '39F&C, in charge of
arrangements; Oscar Traczwitz, '40-
F&C, publicity; David Reid, '40F&C,
tickets; Wallace Schweinsberg, '40-
F&C; favors, Fred Snell, '40F&C;
and chaperons, Edward Ledvina, '39-
F&C. The dance is to be semi-for-

Betty Ann Chaufty
Is Music Chahrman
Betty Ann. Chaufty, '41SM, has
been chosen chairman of the mvic
committee for the 1940 J0?. Miss
Chaufty's name was omitted from
the central committee list printed in
Tuesday's Daily.
Miss Chaufty is affiliated with Pi
Beta Phi, and is a member of Sigma
Alpha Iota, honorary musical sorority.
She worked on the music 'and enter-
stainment committees for Frosh roj
ect and on the music committee for
Soph Cabaret.
American home cooking
Thursday Special
Potato Salad
Creamed Corn -
Hot Rolls, plenty of butter
Fresh Strawberry Shortcake



Prices: EVE. 75c - $1.10 $1.50; MAT. 50c - 75c
SEASON TICKETS for 5 Plays Still Available.
Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office - Phone 6300



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. .

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