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May 10, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-10

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MAY 10, 1939


Panhellenic Approves Revised Rushing

Rules For

Sororities Plan
New Program
For September
Invitational Open Houses
Will Be On First' Week
Of RushingProgram
Rushing rules for 1939-40 were
adopted at a meeting of Panhellenic
Association held at 4:15 p.m. yester-
day at the League, Barbara Bassett,
'40, president of the organization, an-
nounced. The formal rushing period
has been shortened to 12 days, and
will extend from Sept. 23 to Oct. 4.
Rushing Program Announced 4
Invitational open houses will bel
held on the Saturday and Sunday at
the opening of rushing. Dessert and
coffee will be served at the parties
which will be given every day up to
and including Friday, Sept. 29. Either
a luncheon or a buffet supper may
be given by the house on Saturday,1
Sept. X30, and either a breakfast or
a buffet supper on Sunday, Oct. 1.
Monday, Oct. 2 will be silence period,
and formal dinners will be given on
Tuesday, Oct. 3, and Wednesday, Oct.
4. Formal rushing lasted for three
weeks with dinners on every other
night according to the rules in effect
this year.
Registration Will Continue
Freshmen registration will be con-'
tinued next year, and the registration
fee will be $1.50. A rushing secretary
will be hired 'during formal rushing
to handle the registration booth and

___ -

Fitted Lines Are


the card files.
Social probation of the house or ofM
the individual girl, depending on thed
rule broken, will be used as a fine,
according to the new ruling.
Another innovation in the rules is
that a penalty will be imposed on the
active chapter for any illegal sum-
mer rushing done by Detroit alumnae.
Kappa Sigma announces the elec-
tion of the following officers: Robert
Harrington, '40, president; John Stev- Classic lines distinguish this
enson, '41E, vice-president; Robert simple, fitted coat, with the slim
Morrison, SpecE, second vice-presi- waistline emphasized by extra
dent; Delbridge Lakin, '39BAd, trea- broad shoulders and a flared skirt.
surer; Charles C. Thomson, '41, secre- Together with a charming, tilted
tary, and William Altman, '42, and hat, it is a perfect coat to complete
Robert Brown, '42, seargeants-at- a dress ensemble.
Pledgings also are announced by S o *
Kappa Sigma: Charles Canfield, '42E, Sociology ocety
Delevan, N.Y.; Jack Edward, '41E, Chooses Officers
Richmond; Don Nichols, '40E, Cresco,
Ia.; Harold Nichols, '39Ed, Cresco, Ia.;
Paul Seyse, '42E, Freedom, N.Y.; Nek officers were chosen by Alpha,
Bert Stodden, '41E, Ann Arbor; Wil- Ka/pa Delta, national honorary so-
liam Herrmann, '41E, Detroit and ciology fraternity, at their business
George Ruehle, '41E, Detroit.m
Initiation of the following into meeting Monday evening.
Phi Kappa Sigma is announced: Students elected are: Woodrow
.Stanley Ash, '41E; Bury Otis, '40A; Hunter, Grad., president; Lester He-
Howard Schick, '41E; Robert Pinck- witt, Grad., vice-president; Gladys
sney, '42E; Curtis Hendricks, '42E; Engel, '40, recording secretary; Ro-
J a c k McMasters, '42E; Gordon berta Leete, '40, corresponding secre-
Matthew, '42A. tary; Helen Novitsky, treasurer; Ruby
Phi Kappa Sigma officers for the Hillis, '40, correspondent to the na-
coming year are: Robert Mead, '40E, tional quarterly. Mrs. Gladys Kel-
president; David Cushing, '40E, vice- sey, '39, and Robert Laven, '39, are
president; Roy Fairlamb, '42, rush- assistants to, the vice-president.
lng chairman; Arthur Trent, Jr., The program of the meeting, which
'40A, social chairman; Ray Barnes, was held at the home of Prof. Roy H.
'40E, secretary; William Gillett, '41E, Holmes of the sociology department,
initiation chairman; Derwood Lasky, consisted of recordings from the Gil-
'40. delegate-at-large; and Fred Cul- bert and Sullivan opera, "Mikado."
ver, '40, athletic manager. Refreshments were served.

Third Ruthven
Tea To Be Held
At Home Today
Special Invitations Given
To Faculty Members;
Students Are To Pour
The third Ruthven tea of the
semester will be held from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m. today at the President's
Those who have been asked to pour
are Maxine Baribeau, '40, Mrs. Nor-
man Anning, Dorothy Shipman, '40,1
Mrs. Grenville Mitchell, Barbara
Bassett, '40, Mrs. Marvin Pollard,
Patricia Matthews, '40, and Betty
Slee, '40.
Members of the social committee
who have been asked to assist are
Betty whitely, '42, Betty Mandel, '41,
Betty Kepler, '41, Mary Alice ;c-
Andrew, '395M, Ellen Redner, '40,
Ann Vedder, '41, Elizabeth Allington,
'41, Helen Brady, '40, Peg Pulte, '39,
Barbara Backus, '40, Anne Kleiner,
'40, Phyllis Gallagher, '41, and Nor-
ma Kaphan, '41.
Seven special groups have been
invited to the tea. These groups in-
clude Phi Sigma Kappa, Trigon, Zone
II, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Kap-
pa Lamda, Chi Omega and Helen
Newberry Residence.
The following members of the
faculty and their wives have been
given special invitations to the tea:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Duren, Dr.
and Mrs. K. L. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
l. J.Heneman, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
S. Brown, and Dr. and Mrs. Norman
To Hold Sprin
Dance, May 20
Bill Gail's Band To Play
For Graduate Formal
The first annual Graduate Spring
Formal will be held Saturday, May
20 from 9 to 12 p.m. in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham Building. The
lance climaxes the year's social pro-
gram for graduate students which
has been under the direction of the
Graduate Student Council.
Robert Cleveland, Grad., chairman
of the dance committee has an-
nounced that there will be no cor-
sages worn at the dance. .The Coun-
cil plans to present each guest with
flowers at the beginning of the dance
as favors. Bill Gail's orchestra will
play for the affair.
The ticket sale for the dance is to
be limited to 125 couples as an-
nounced by Eleanor Bale, Grad., tic-
ket chairman. These are now on sale
and may be purchased at the infor-
mation desk at the Rackham Build-
ing. All graduate students are in-
vited to attend, including those who
are not affiliated with the Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, but who have graduate stand-
ing in their individual departments.
Dnly one member of each couple at-
tending the dance need have this

With Michigras a thing of the past!
and Daily and Union appointments
a matter of history, the campus turns
it's attention to things of a lighter
nature-Lantern Night, Interfrater-
nity Sing-all those things that make
alumnae sigh and remember the good
old days.
After all, it's only a matter of a few
days now (a month, we'll say) before
the o1' alma mater graduates another
class and some thousands of seniors
get a sheepskin which they hope is
a passport to health, happiness and
Life A Picnic?
Not that they expect the fruits of
said sheepskin to fall into their laps.
If there's anything which irks me,
it's to hear some part of an older
generation say to an undergraduate,
"Don't expect too much-life is no
picnic!" The concept of life as a pic-
nic got knocked out of our heads
about the same time that the bottom
got knocked out of Wall Street.
But whether they graduate into a
soft job in Dad's office, a cheap job
in the Five and Ten, a good job as a
teacher, or just a hard job-pounding!
the pavement, they're graduating.
Four years of opportunity fly by pret-
ty quickly, and then comes the dawn!
Four Years An Asset
What they've gotten out of those
four years depends on the individual.
The most important thing, it seems
to me, is not whether they've learned
to appreciate the 'arts,' can quote
Shakespeare, or recognize Bach in-
stantly, but whether they're happy
with what they have gotten. It's fool-
ish to try to fit every man into the
student's hole-a higher purpose, in
my opinion, is that his four years
have added to the sum total of his

Tickets For Ball Musicians To Hold
To Be Limited; Reunion Saturdv
A reunion dinner for all fore
Crosby To Play National Music Camp members will
held at 6 p.m. Saturday at the Leag
This dinner will be held in conju
Symphony In ,Blue' To Be tion with other activities of May F
Theme Of Ball; Will Sell tival Week. Reservations for
Tickets In League, Union dinner may be made by notify
Betty Baxter, '39SM, today or
Tickets for the annual Senior Ball morrow.
will be limited to 850 couples and The National Music Camp is h
will go on sale Wednesday, May 17, annually at Interlochen as a par
it was announced by William F. Grier, the University arts program. B
'39, general chairman. The dance is high school and college students r
to take, place June 16 in the Intra- attend the camp. A feature of
mural Building, with Bob Crosby's camp program this year will be at
orchestra playinug. to the World's Fair at New York C
Waldo Abbot, '39, ticket chairman, High school students who att
will take charge of ticket sales in the the camp are usually chosen as be
Union, and Betty Shaffer, '39, will unusually outstanding in their p
have charge of selling them in the ticular field, at least in regard to ti
League. In case there are any. tickets own school.
left after sale to seniors, there will _ __s _ ___.
be a general sale open to all students
on campus at a later date.
The central committee has added
several novel innovations to make f ' '
this year's dance "the affair of the , ; :",~
season," according to Betty Spang-
ler, '39, chairman of the publicity
committee. The tentative theme for
the decorations is a "Symphony in
Blue." Huge musical notes will be the
symbols against silver back-drops
and draped ceilings. Four semi-cir-
cular bars will be placed along the
;ide walls, with furnished booths be:-
tween them.
Fraternities and organizations will >
have reserved sections where they can <4
sit and talk during dances and in-4/
termissions, similar to the type used
at J-Hop. -
Petitioning Will Continue >/
Petitioning for the positions on the
executive council of the Theatre Arts
committee of the League will con-
tinue today and tomorrow. Interview-
ing will be held from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday in the Under- /
graduate Office. k '

t of


Colognes Are Cool And Fresh

What could be more refreshing af-
ter a hot day than a cooling shower
and a thorough dousilig with a spicy
cologne before dressing for an eve-
Ting engagement? The cosmetic
manufacturers have recognized this
need and have put a large variety of
products on the market that are not-
able for their cool freshness and
their subtile lingering qualities.
The distinction between toilet wa-
ters and colognes ought to be made
as theysare often confused. A toilet
water is a fragrant liquid while a
cologne is all of this plus alcohol
which gives it a quick drying and
therefore cooling property. This lat-
ter is more desirable during the hot
months as it tones the skin and gives
one a pepped-up sensation.
Floral scents are the most popu-
lar for summer and come in both in-
dividual and mixed odors. Large bot-
tles of spring or summer garden flow-
er mixtures are on display in sets so
that they may be chosen each day ac-
cording to your mood. With many of
these sets atomizers are included for
a more economical and subitle result

from their application. All of the
better colognes and toilet waters have
been compounded so they may be lib-
erally applied with little fear of an
overwhelming result in spreading
great clouds odf perfumed air about
When bath talc is included in the
pre-date ritual the scent of the
powder must be the same as that of
your cologne. Though all hot weath-
er perfumes are light and usually
floral in odor it seems to be a good
plan to avoid a conflict of smells
where ever possible. Thus, gar-
denia for both talcum and cologne
with perfume if you wish might be a
good combination. Lilac, sweet pea,
lilly of the valley and any number of
combinations of these and other flow-
er scents may be purchased in all
types of products.
Summer time above all others is the
time to remember those fastidious
habits which mark a lady. Don't for-
get them this year!

® Mojuds have ev
MothAr'i Dav aift

truly happy occasion for her!
Utility Afternoon
Sheer Sheer
79c $1.00

I 1



Voted No.1 in the
summer S1e
* .+
and $4.95


+ , +



ge '
--s x

Give her something with a look of summer
about it; a gift that she can use now and all
summer long . . . a compact in white leather
or pastel enamel . .. a featherweight piece of
new jewelry . .. printed hankies . .. big, soft
fabric bags embroidered in bright colors, bags
of white mesh and beads. . . stockings in new
shades . .. fabric gloves . .. lingerie. You are
sure to find it easy to choose your gift at the
Handkerchiefs . . . 25c and 50c
Stockings . . . 79c to $1.35
Jewelry . . . $1.00 and $2.00
Flowers . . . . 50c to $1.00,
Handbags. . . . $1.00 to $2.95
Compacts . . . . $1.00 to $2.00!/
Gloves . . ...-... . . $1.00
Lingerie . . . . $2.00 to $4.50

Al '

THREE POUNDS, of Finest Candy . . $1.50

The shoes you can gear from morning to yawning!










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