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May 09, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-09

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TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939'

_________________________________________ I -~

TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939

Flying Team
Splits Victory
Michigan Scores 21 Points
To Tie In Midwestern
Intercollegiate Contest
Brink IsHigh Man
The seven man team of the Univer-
sity Flying Club returned home via
plane and automobile yesterday in
possession of a trophy acquired Sat-
urday afternoon by tying Kenyon
College for first place in the midwes-
tern intercollegiate flyingmeet which
was held at Kenyon College, Gambier,
The Michigan flyers who tied for
first place with a total of 21 points
Were led by Glenn Brink, '39E, who
flew his own plane to score 10 points
by placing first in the free approach
event, second in paper cutting and
third in the 360 .degree spot landing.
Edward Martins, '41E, :president of
the National Intercollegiate. Flying
Association, also flew his own ship
and garnered seven points by placing
second in the "bomb" dropping and
360 degree spot landing events and
fourth in paper cutting. Michigan's
remaining four points were scored by.
Louis H. Goldman, '39E, who placed.
third in the "bomb" dropping and
free approach contests.
The University Flying Club will re-
tain possession of the loving cup for
a period of six months after which it
will be returned to Kenyon.
The next contests scheduled for
the Flying Club are a regional meet
with the University of Detroit at
Pontiac, May 27, and the final meet
of the year, the national intercol-
legiates at Kenyon, June 27.
Announce New,
Congress Head
Judiciary Council Names
Westbrook President
(Continued from Page 1)



Ieads Of aily Editorial, Women's and Sports Staffs Assume Responsibilities This Week

Managing Editor City Editor

-Daily Photo By Bogle -Daily Photo by Freedman
Editorial Director Women's Editor

'-Daily Photo by Freedman
Sports Editor


history department, will deliver the'
installation address.
A new organization plan has con-
solidated the permanent committees
of Congress which functioned in pre-
vious years. Committee duties will
be assumed by a new understaff or-
Tracy, Westbrook, William Rock-
well, Rhead, and Hoover served on
the Executive Council this year, and
Jay Rockwell and Cox were members,
of the District Council,
Westbrook, the new president, has
been active in Congress for three
years. He was activity chairman in
1938, and executive secretary irk 1937.
He has been a member of the Michi-
gan Daily business. staff, and was9
president of his sophomore class. He
is president of the Hiawatha Club,1
composed of Upper Peninsula stu-]
dents. His home is in Escanaba, Mich.1
Tracy and Jay Rockwell, executive
secretaries, are both veterans on the;
staff of Congress. Tracy has been a7
member of the Union staff for 37
years, and was president of the Stu-
dent Book Exchange this year. Rock-
well was recording secretary of Con-
gress in his sophomore year.
Westbrook this morning expressed
his gratitude in receiving his appoint-
ment, and said that his plans for
the future would be announced soon.
"It's going to be a tough job to
carry on the fine work that has been
accomplished by the old officers," hek

Dorm Groups
Seek Petitions
For Residence
Litzenberg Announces New
Lodgings Will Include
Upperclassmen Rooms
Applications for dormitory rooms
next year are now available to upper-
class and graduate men, in the office
of the Dean of Students, Room 2,
University Hall, Prof. Karl Litzen-
berg, director of men's residence halls,
announced yesterday.
Although the majority of dormi-
tory residents will be incoming fresh-
men and transfer students, approxi-
mately30 per cent of thee rooms will
be rented to, upperclassmen. Begin-
ning next year, about 300 junior,
senior and graduate students will be
permitted in the new Union group
and in Fletcher Hall. An additional
number of medical students will live
in the Victor C. Vaughan residence
A booklet describing housing facili-
ties for men can also be obtained in
the Dean of Students' office.
Rents per student per semester for
all rooms, except Fletcher Hall, are:
double rooms without lavatories, $75;
double rooms with lavatories, $80,
single rooms without lavatories, $85;
single rooms with lavatories, $95;
double suites without lavatories, $85,
and double suites with lavatories, $95.
Fletcher Hall contains only single
rooms which rent for $60.
Six Speakers Selected
For Inter-Class Finals
Six students were selected from an
inter-class speech contest held yester-
day by members of Speech 31 courses
to compete in the finals at 4 p.m.
May 10 in the Natural Science Audi-
The students chosen were: George
S. Banta, '41; Leo Kayser, '39; Mary
Mustard, '41; Harold Peterson, '40;
Herbert Raskin, '40; and Wallace G.
Wheeler, '39E.
Local Canoeist Drowns
Tony W. Scofic, aged 23, of Ann
Arbor, drowned yesterday while ca-
noeing in the Huron River. Scofic
was with his brother, John, and
Archie Van Alstine, also of Ann Ar-
bor, when their canoe was overturned
by a strong wind.

German 'Haus'
Plans Are Set
For Summer
New Center Will Provide
Dining And Rooming
Facilities For Students
Final arrangements have been
made for the establishment of a cen-
ter for German students during the
coming Summer Session, Dr. Otto G.
Graf of the German department an-
nounced yesterday.
The center will provide housing
facilities for both men and women.
!Dr. Graf said. This year will, be the
first time ta the department has
attempted to bring togethernunder
one roof students of German and
students who wish to perfect their
conversational use of the tongue. For
the past three years, a German table
has been in existence for the Sum-
mer Session, but the opportunity
available for any extensive use of
German speakin was limited to
The new venture will be housed in
the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity at
1315 Hill St. and will be called the
"Deutsches Haus." It is planned, Dr.
Graf said, to take advantage of every
opportunity to provide a truly Ger-
man atmosphere and numerous pic-
nics and parties will furnish the group
with ample extra-curricular activi-
If the "Haus" proves to be a suc-
cess, Dr. Graf expressed hope that
it will be made a permanent Sum-
mer Session fixture for German stu-
dents. Ability to use any foreign
language can be achieved only
through practice, Dr. Graf empha-
sized, and the Deutsches Haus will
not only provide an opportunity for
constant practice, but faculty men
and advanced students will offer their
help to those to whom speaking Ger-
man is still quite new.
Anatomiy Group Honors
C. J. Herrick At Dinner
A dinner honoring Prof. C. J. Her-
rick of the anatomy department of
the University of Chicago climaxed
the third annual conference on the
nervous system held yesterday under
the auspices of the University's De-
partment of Anatomy. The confer-
ences were organized by Prof. Eliza-
beth C. Crosby..
Professors Rollo E. McCotter and
Bradley M. Patten of the anatomy
department and Prof. Carl D. Camp
of the neurology department were
chairmen of the day's sessions.

Ann Arbor Is
In Attempt

Focal Point
To -Gather

Signatures In 14 States
Locally initiated petitions advocat-
ing an embargo on goods from this
country to Japan are now being cir-
culated in 14 states. Originally pro-
posed as a local and State measure,
the petitioning received fresh im-
petus Friday when out-of-state visit-
ors to the Adult Education Institute
which met here last week agreed1
to carry the proposal into their home
A chain process of circulation will
be followed insecuring signatures for
the petitions, which will be sent to
Congress to indicate that some action
against Japan is desired. These cir-
culating petitions, which may be
copied or obtained from Mrs. Mabel
Powell, 115 N. Thayer Street, or Prof.
Albert Hyma of the history depart-
ment at his office in 316 Haven Hall
or at his home on 1043 Ferdon Road,
"With deep feeling that, morally,
we can no longer sanction the con-
tinued support our country has given
in the destruction of China, we re-
quest that you accord this petition
all your influence toward immediate
"We ask the embargo of all goods or
'Ensian Features
Nine-Color Pages
And CampusMap
Superlative is the best way of de-
scribing the 1939 Michiganensian ac-
cording to its editor, David Laing,
Nine colors will be used in the
'Ensian in contrast to the three used
in last year's issue. The end sheets of
the yearbook v ill be composed of a
map of the entire campus printed in
silver on a maroon background.
The 'Ensian will consist of eight
divisions: the opening section, scenic
section, schools and colleges, organi-
zations, athletics, features, satire and
house groups including fraternities,
sororities and dormitories. colored ink
instead of the usual black will be used
for the scenics.
Although the color of the cover
has not been decided, the design will
be a map of Michigan oni the front
and the seal of the University. on back.
It will be issued in the latter part of

materials whatsoever to Japan that
contribute to maintaining her war
against China until such war shall
cease." It is signed "Citizens Of
In his lecture here last Thursday,
Dr. Walter Judd, medical missionary
to China, pointed out that our coun-
try supplies Japan with 84 per cent
of all materials by which the war
against China is carried on. Accord-
ing to Mrs. Powell, the petitioning
was begun in the hope that Congress
may clarify America's position in re-
gard to the Chinese war.
Pai Browfi Wins
Booth Scholarship
Paul B. Brown, '37A, has been
named winner of this year's Booth
Travelling Scholarship, Dean Wells
I. Bennett of the. College of Architec-
ture announced yesterday..
Brown, now a resident of Highland
Park, will receive a trip abroad for
his design of an aviators' clubhouse.
Second and third places were won by
Frank White, '39A, and J. Edward
Luders, '39A.
Judges in the competition, which is
open to seniors and; alumni under 30
years of age, were prominent archi-
tects of Detroit and Lansing and
members of the architecture college
Try A DAILY Classified

Circulating Petitions Advocate
Embargo On Goods To Japan

Oratory Prize
Given To Klein,
Forensic League Awards.
Student Second Place
Second place in the forty-ninth
annual competitions of the. Northern
Oratorical League held at the Univer-
sity of Iowa was won by Arthur Klein,
'39, with his address, "Tell Me How
To Belong." Abraham Schneider of
the University of Wisconsin was
awarded first place.
The annual awards of two prizes of
$100 for first place and two $50 prizes
for second place are taken from an,
endowment given to the Northern
Oratorical League by Frank O. Low-
den,, former Governor of Illinois.
Prof. Louis M. Eich of the speech
department and' one of the contest>
judges commented that Klein's ad-,
iress was well prepared and pro-
duced a very favorable impression on
the audience.
Dental Group Fetes Seniors
The Alpha Omega dental frater-
nity gave a banquet to its outgoing,
senior class members Sunday after-
noon at the Union. Seniors honored
were: Alex Chertoff, Harold Kochan-
sky, Arthur Levy, Raymond Rismann,
Samuel Rood, Martin M. Smith, Al-
fred Sternfeld, Samuel Willis.
House Passes Navy Bill
WASHINGTON, May 8. --'P)
The House passed a bill yesterday
to give the Navy its biggest peace-
time appropriation, $773,414,241, in
the next fiscal year. The vote was
296 to 58.

Charles Berry
To Speak Here
Noted OSU Psychologist
To Address Teachers
Dr. Charles Scott Berry of Ohio
State University will address the an-
nual Convocation of the School of
Education at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
Convocation will honor more than 250
candidates who expect to receive a
teacher's certificate during the pres-
ent academic year.
An authority on education dealir.k
with accelerated and retarded chil-
dren, Dr. Berry was appointed by
President Hoover to serve as chair-
man of the Committee of Special
Classes at the White House Confer-
ence in 1930. He was a member of
the faculty of the education school
here as professor of educational psy-
chology from 1908 to 1930 and is now
serving as director of the Bureau of
Special and Adult Education at 'Ohio
State. He will speak on "The Widen-
ing Horizon."
President Ruthven will preside at
the Convocation and DeankEdmon-
son will present the speaker. The
public is invited to attend the cere-
Any Ship Advert csd Artywi crc __
Re's, 4n. Tkk'.n 'M. i , lt,0 . Sorn o Bookings
Cartoon - World News
"Sudden Money



Ilassified Directory


Classified Rates
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
lng line for three or more - Insertions,
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Phone 23-24-1
LOST-Friday night, May 5, 1939 Phi
Kappa Sigma fraternity gold mal-
tese cross with skull and cross
bones. Name L. B. Weber on back.
Also W & L, '37. Anne Hawley, 1520
S. University. Phone 2-2569.
LOST-Small vaguely white purse
between Business Office and Michi-
gan Theatre. Reward. Call 2-4561.
Room 533. 635
LOST--Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity
*pin. Initials LBW, also W&L '37.
Phone 2-2569. 632

WANTE!D-Experienced shoemaker.
Inquire at once to R. & S. Shoe
Store, 108 S. Main Street. 623
WANTED-Furnished apartment for
Summer by 3 graduate women-2
bedrooms, near U.E.S. Call 7937.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
TYPING--Reasonable and accurate.
719 Tappan. Call 3025.

Victor Payne Jennings presents
by Mazo de la Roche - with Harry Ellerbe
SEATS NOW 55c. $1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 (Includ. Tax)



TYPING-Reasonable rates. L, M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935



Last Times Today


or 2-1416. 79
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 17
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311 .

12~ &mmir ohiirr. - i1mur A°TIA~III 1I


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