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April 28, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-28

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Stuident Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumr r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press 'is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All'
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
Collele Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Managing Editor. r
Editorial Director .
City Editor .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor. .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor . .
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .


E Robert D. Mitchell
. . Albert P. Mayto
. Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. FItzhenry
l3 R:5 H Kleiman.
. . Robert Perlman
. . Earl Gilman
. . William Elvin
. . Joseph Freedman
R . Joseph hies
. Dorothea Btaeblar
. . Bud Benjamin

Post-Parley Nightmare
Barker: Step right'up my friends
Come and join the fray
See, the pretty parley panels
Standing in array.
Hurry,.hurry, hurry
You all can have a say
Buy one for your girl friend sir
The parley starts today.
Fascists and democrats
Communists and autocrats
Sorority, fraternity
Are going to solve eternity
Students to the right of you
Volleying and thundering
Students' to the left of you
Open mouthed and wondering.
Listen, listen,;listen,
The speeches will begin
Come and see the goddamn mess
The world is getting in.
First speaker:' Be of good cheer
There's nothing to fear
God's in His Heaven
And Adam Smith's near,
Listen to me
It's easy; to: see
When you build up your capital
Life is a spreew.
Second speaker: Why be so dense
Use your good sense
Why not be happy
And sit on the fence?
To, make a decision
Is cause for division
Thoughtful inaction
Remains my position.
Third speaker: Worry and gloom
We're nearing our doom
Don't be misled by
This talk of a boom.
Don't be a dolt
Open the bolt
Students and faculty
Join the revolt!
Audience: Yes, yes, yes,
He's absolutely right
No, no, no,
We really ought to fight.
Who: what why?
Why it's, absolutely clear

Ridiculous, impossible-
The Revolution's here.
Barker: Come one come all
It's absolutely free
Culture, University
And foreign policy.
Fight, fight, fight
To get majority,
Come along and listen to
The latest prophesy.
The movie and play
Are going to decay
Culture's not culture
So what's there to say?
Smoking and drinks
Nobody thinks
Confidentially speaking
The U of M stinks.
Let's have a plan
I don't think we can
There's been inequality
Since men began.
Foreign Policy
You're most impolite-
Maybe we're right-
Roosevelt, no Hitler-'
We've all got to fight.
Let us all fast
Look to the past
Hallelujah my brethren
Religion must last.
In science at least-
No progress has ceased;
The means of production
Must all be increased.
Audience: An interesting pastime
An enjoyable discussion
But an American is,not the same
As any common Russian.
You can not change our biases
No matter how you try,
We have our little viewpoints
And we'll have them till we die.
-June Harris

Business Department
Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager , . , Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager William L.Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of-the writers
Arms And
The Man . .
THE EUROPEAN war jitters aroused
by the aggressive acts of the Axis
powers crossed the English channel yesterday
with the announcement that a plan to con-
script 900,000 men into active military service
has been favorably reported on by the British
Entailing as it does one of the most tremend-
ous changes in British life since the 17th cen-
tury, the proposal is certain to be subjected to
heated debate on the floor of Commons today
Labor member of Parliament are certain to- ob-
ject to the plan, especially if no provisionis made
that some form of conscription of the profits
of armaments companies are also made. Paci-
fists and conscientious objectors will undoubted-
ly raise sincere protests against the proposal.
Whatever the internal effects the proposal may
engender, it dropped like a bombshell upon the
diplomatic front. Herr Hitler may insist that he
was not in the "least impressed" by Great Bri-
tain's move, but the impression in Paris and in
the embattled capitals of Central Europe is a
deep one. Until the present move was under-
taken, Britain's greatest obstacle in its attempt
to weave an anti-aggression alliance among the
peaceful nations was the skepticism of those
very nations in regard to the sincerity and
reality of. British diplomacy. As Mr. Winston
Churchill - indicated yesterday, this is the first
time that the British government has taken ade-
quate steps to back up its guarantees .to. many
European countries that it would make common
cause with them against -further aggression.
Morally and diplomatically this can be the
only justification for the British military, con-
scription plan. If it is not part of a genuine pro-
gram for peace by common defense against
the aggressors, the transformation of the peace-
ful British democracy into a nation in arms is
a move to be regretted.
-Elliott Maraniss
The 'Bridge
Of Sighs'
A BILL authorizing the construction
of a bridge across the Straits of
Mackinac, linking the upper and lower penin-
sulas of Michigan; has been passed by the United
States Senate and is now in a House Committee.
A total of 274,749 cars crossed this strait on
the ferry, during the year 1937 which was con-
sidered almost a boom year in the tourist trade.
Yet many people are advocating the building of
a bridge which would cost at least $30,000,000
across this eight mile span for traffic of this
Many think that it will greatly increase the
tourist trade in the upper peninsula and also,
indirectly, in all of Michigan. But few consider
the 'prohibitive toll that will be necessary to
make the bridge pay for itself.
It is important to note, too, that the Ambassa-
dor Bridge cost only $20,000,000 and yet the
company backing a bridge connecting two large
urban centers went bankrupt and unable: to
pay the interest charges.
It is to be sincerely hoped that the taxpayers
of this state will not permit the erection of a
$30,000,000 "Bridge of Sighs."


FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 148
Honors Convocation: The Sixteenth
Annual Honors Convocation of the
University of Michigan willb e held
Friday, April 28, at 11 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. Classes, with the excep-
tion of clinics, will be dismissed at
10:45. Those students in clinical
classes who are receiving honors at
the Convocation will be excused in or-
der.to attend. The faculty, seniors,
and graduate students are requested
to wear academic costume but there
will be no procession. Members of
the faculty are asked to enter by the
rear door of Hill Auditorium and pro-
ceed directly to the stage, where ar-
rangements have been made for seat-
ing them. The public is invited.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
May we call to the attention of all
those concerned that any complaints
on telephone service should come to
Mr. Bergman or the undersgined in
the Business Office. Please do not
place your compaints with the Tele-
phone Company. Very often service
can be improved by suggestions from
this office without assistance from
a technical expert.
. Herbert G. Watkins.
To The Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
And the Arts:
The seventh regular meeting of the
faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic session of 1938-39 will be held
in Room 1025 Angell Hall, May 1,
1939, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the various commit-
tees, instead of being read orally at
the meeting, have been prepared in
advance and are included with this
cal to the meeting. They should be
retained in your files as part of the
minutes of the May meeting.
Edward H. Kraus.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of April 3, 1939, which have
been distributed by campus mail.
The problem of the refugees from
Central Europe's terrorism is not an
easy one. Whatever our sympathies,
our private difficulties make it im-
possible for us to serve as we did
after the 1848 liberal uprisings in
Europe, when tens of thousands of
the Old World's finest spirits found
sanctuary' in. democratic America.
Our welcome to the 1939 refugees
must be largely limited by the strict
quotas of our immigration laws.
But we have nothing to lose and
everything to gain through adoption
of the Wagner-Rogers resolution and
the admission of 10,000 German chil-
dren this year, beyond the quota
limits, and another 10,000 next year.
If we cannot take their fathers
and mothers, we can, without unduly
complicating our own troubles, take
a limited number of the children,1
"the most pitiful and helpless suffer-
ers" of all.
The children, who we would admit,
the Wagner-Rogers proposal pro-
vides, must be under fourteen years
of age. Thus they would not be im-1
mediate competitors in the labor andt
business markets.
There must be in each case "satis-
factory assurances" that they will be
supported and adequately care for
through voluntary action of respon-
sible citizens or private organizations,
so that they will not become public,
They must be representative of

every race and creed. Some will come
from Gentile families, some from
Jewish, some from Catholic families,
some from Protestant.
The shocking fact that thousands
of German mothers and fathers are
willing to give up their children, if
only they can go to some land where
freedom is more than a memory, is
a sufficient commentary on the need
for aid to these youngest victims of
Nazi tyranny.
The willingess of other nations,
such as Britain and Holland, to re-
ceive some of the children, shows
that we would not be alone in our
demonstration of practical sympathy.
The ancient rfaith of the western
world was that we could serve as a
sanctuary for the oppressed and dis-
inherited of all the earth. We cannot
any longer-at least not now-share
as fully in the rescue of Europe's
despot-ridden peoples as we might
once have done. But thechildren we
can certainly receive. In the terms
of the resolution this action "would
constitute the most immediate and
practical contribution by our liberty-
loving people to the cause of human
freedom, to which we are inseverably
bound by our institutions, our his-
tory, and our profoundest senti-

2. Discussion of reports submitted
with this call to the meeting.
a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor John F. Shepard.
b. University Council, prepared by
Professor John W. Bradshaw.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor
Peter Field.
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, prepared by Pro-
fessor Ralph A. Sawyer.
e. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Dean Edward H. Kraus.
3. New business.
a. Recommendation on Naval
ROTC-Professor John F. Shepard.
b. Report on Admissions with Ad-
vanced Standing-Professor Charles
M. Davis,
The Bureau has received the fol
lowing announcement:
The Bureau for Street Traffic Re-
search, Yale University, announces
19 graduate fellowships in Street and
Highway Traffic Engineering. In-
struction to begin Sept. 26,. 1939.
Application forms must be filed not
later than June 1, 1939.
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
matfon,.201 Mascn Hall; office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments aid Occupational infor-
Summer Work: The Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Ocicupational Infor-
mation has received calls for the fol-
1. Head of the Mariner Unit of,
Michigan Girl Scout Camp. 16 girls
between 15-,8 to supervise. Re-
quirements: at least 21, experience in
canoeing, boating, lifesaving and if
possible sailing. Salary: $90.
2. Cook for Michigan Girl Scout
Camp. Salary: $110.3
Academic Notices
Sociology 51: Make-up Examina-
tion will be held Saturday, April 29,
at 2 p.m. in Room D. Haven Hall.
Proseminar in Genetics and Evolu-
tion: The next meeting of this pro-1
seminar is postponed to Monday, May
8. A. Franklin Shull.
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts. In order to give t
freshmen adequate opportunity to1
discuss their sophomore elections with
their counselors, appointments may
now be made at the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Hall, telephone, Extension 613. You
will be notified by post card when to
ararnge for your appointment. t
Freshmen will find it to their de-~
ided advantage to secure official ap-
provalof their sophomore elections
now, since opportunities for consul-
tation in the fall will be of necessity
very limited.f
Arthur Van Duren. .
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.<
Gregorio T. Velasquez will be held on
Saturday, April 29 at 2 p.m. in Room1
1139 Natural Science Bldg. Mr. Ve-e
lasquez's field of specialization is bot-
any. The title of his, thesis is "On
The Viability of Algae Obtained froml
the Digestive Tract of the Gizzard1
Shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (LeE
Sueur)." Professor H. H. Bartlett, asI
chariman of the committee, will con-
duct the examination. By "directiont
of the Executive Board, the chairman
has the privilege of inviting memberst
of the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others whoe
might wish to be present.t
Exhibitions t
Exhibition of Six Paintings by c
Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or-
ozco, and Siqueiros-and water colors
by Alexander Mastro Valerio, under

the auspices of, the Ann Arbor Artj
Association Alumni Memorial Hall,1
North and South Galleries; After-i
noons from 2 to 5; April 27 through1
May 13.
Mayo Lecture: The annual William
J. Mayo Lecture will be delivered by<
Dr. Harold I. Lillie, in the Hospital
Amphitheatre, University Hospital,
this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Doctor{
Lillie will speak on the "Correlation
of the Special Practice of Otolaryn-
gology with the General Practice of
All Junior and Senior classes willl
be dismissed to permit students to]
attend this lecture. The Staff and
Internes of University Hospital are
cordially invited to be present.
Events Today
Visitors to Schoolmaster's: You are1
invited to a tea this afternoon, from1
4 to 5 o'clock in the University Ele-
mentary School Library. Members
of Pi Lambda Theta will be your
Zeta Phi Eta: All actives and pledges
should report .to the League at three

Dames aux Chapeaux Verts," a mod-
rn French comedy in.one prologue
and three acts by Albert Acremant,
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Friday, April 28 at 8:15 p.m.
All seats are reserved. Tickets will
be on sale at the box-office April 27
and 28. A special reduction will be
made for holders of the French Lec-
ture series cards.
Stalker Hall: Party le.aving Stalker
Hall at 7:30 o'clock for a weiner
roast at the Island. Call 6881 for
The Bible Class will not meet this
week owing to the fact that Dr. Brm-
shares is out of town.
The Westminster Guild will hold an
informal game party at its Open
House tonight. Come at 8:30 if you
want an ev ning full of fun in riotous
college fa ion.
Reform services tonight at 8 p.m. at
the Hillel Foundatino. Dr. Isaac
Rabinowitz will speak on "The Unit-
ed Jewish Appeal Drive." Phi Sigma
Sigma sorority will be in charge of the
social following services. ,
Coming Events
Chemical Engineers: All who plan to
go on the AIChE plant inspection trip
Wednesday, May 3, must sign up be-
fore 10 a.m. Monday. Sign any of
the announcements posted in the
East Engineering building or in Prof.
A. H. White's office. The group leaves
at 7:45 a.m. and returns by 6p.m.
and will take in Michigan Alkali aid
White Star Refining Co. Bus fare
will be $1.10. Everyone invited.
Special Trip to Loan Exhibition of
Chinese Art, Detroit Institute of Arts,
on Friday, May 5. Bus leaves Mich-
gan Union 6:25 p.m.; on return leave
Institute of Arts 10:30 p.m. $1.2
round trip. Make early reservations
through Prof. Plumer or at Anthro-
pology Office, 4011 Museums Bldg. No
reservations by phone,
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular luncheon meeting of the fac-
ulty will be held Monday noona May
1, at 12:15 o'clock at the Michigan
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to the public on Saturday eve-
ning, April 29, from 9 to 10 to observe
the moon. Children must -be accom-
panied by adults.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
Saturday, April 29, at the club room
in .the Rackham Building at 8 p.m.
They will have a moonlight canoeing
party. About 11 o'clock they willye-
turn for refreshments. Sunday there
will be a regular outdoor program.
The faculty and all graduate students
are invited.
Ping Pong Tournament: The semi-
finals and finals in the wmen's
tournament will be held at Rarbour
Gymnasium on Saturday, April 29 at
2 o'clock. A demonstration - will
also be. given by the men's group.
Anyone interested is cordially invit-
ed to atend.
The Graduate Outing Club plan a
hike along the Huron River Sunday,
April 30, at 2:30 p.m.. They willmeet
at the. Northwest entrance ,f. the
Rackham. Building. Supper will be
held out of doors. In case of rain
the group will go roller skating.
The faculty and all graduate stu-
dents are invited.
The Annual Hillel Spring Dance
will be held this Saturday evening at
the Huron Hills Country, Club. Tick-
ets must be bought in advance,Trans-
portation may be made-by- calling
the Foundation.Proceedsof-, the
dance will be contributed to the,Unit-
ed Jewish Appeal Drive. ' -

Congregational Fellowship: All
members are urged to be present for
the election of officers to be held at
the meeting this Sunday. This will
be. the last indoor meeting. of the
year, and we have for our speaker
Dr. W. P. Lemon, who will discuss,
"The Meaning of Protestantism."
Fraternity Presidents: There will be
a dinner meeting of house presidents
at the Psi' Upsilon House, 1000, Hill
St., on Tuesday, May 2, 1939 at .6
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
extends an invitation to students ;o
attend its Sunday afternoon meeting
held in the Fireplace Room, -Lane
Hall from 4:15 to 5:30. There will be
opportunity for discussion. Light re-
freshments will be served at the close
of the meeting.
The Tenth Anniversary of the Mich-
igan League Building will be cele-
brated with a dinner in the League
Ballroom at 6 p.m. and entertainpent
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at
8:30 on Thursday, May 4. Tickets $j
in charge of Mrs. Donald May, o}, sale
at League and Union desks.
Alumnae Council is pursuing a 10-'
year program. A suecial Gift Cnom

WASHINGTON,;April 27.-Many-people won-
dered why, on the same day that President
Roosevelt issued his peace appeal to Herr Hitler.
and Signor Mussolini, the United States fleet
was suddenly ordered back to the Pacific. Many.
observers also wondered'why so little was said
about aggression in the Far East. The explana-
tion is that the United States government is as
anxious to restore good relations with Japan as to
see peace in Europe, but the. circumstances sur- -
rounding., the problem in the Pacific have re-
quired a different approach. .
It is well known here, of course, that Berlin
has' been putting pressure on the Japanese to
make- an open declaration of purpose to.go along
with the so-called axis- powers, and, that such a
statement would imply a disturbance of the
status quo in.the Pacific which could not but be
of direct interest to the United States. If -the
decision of Tokio- is to rely on the coercive in-
fluence- of physical force rather thah amicable
negotiation of a 'solution of existing problems as
they .relate to Great Britain, the United States,
France:, and the Netherlands, then -the sending
of the American fleet back to the Pacific is
merely- a Tsignal of self-protection on the part of
America's makers of foreign policy.
'But the true American desire, the hope and
intention, of the American government, is to re-
establish the friendliest possible -relations with
Tokio. When the President sent a cruiser to.
Japan bearing the ashes of the former Japanese
ambassador -to the United States and the Jap-
Ah, Rats!
The University of Illinois achieved the nadir
of notoriety with Wednesday's performance of.
"Brother Rat" John Poppelreiter, freshman foot-
ball player, who swallowed five live.-white -rats
on a $10 wager.
As always with minorities'-and college men
and women are definitely in a minority-i4he acts
of one brand .the whole lot, as culprits. We, along,
with the rest: of the university world, were mildly
blamed for the seafood ,swallowing marathons,
but edll be positively blasphemed for-this more
fopl-hardy. escapade.
When the, University somehow steered clear
of the: recent goldfish gobblings, staid people
breathed sighs of relief.:They remained calm
before Christmas as no exuberant; Illini chased
co-eds up and down the campus in quest off illicit
mistletoe kisses. In fact, they began to believe-
I inpis, with. the largest concentration of stu-
dents in the country, was capable of no more
raucous behavior, than-a conservative .turtle
trudge. Then, five rats suddenly disappeared
past the epiglottis of one of our sterling under-
graduates. -'
Today-'the eyes of America are upon us-in

anese people through their press noted this
demonstration of friendship with deepest appre-
ciation, it was a sign of the hopes of the Wash-
ington government that some way might be
found to bring Japanese-American relations to
the status they formerly had.
The" problems of Chinese-Japanese - friction
are not regarded here as insuperable. A peace
can be negotiated between China and Japan, but
the- real question is what can this be made to
mean in economic terms. Wherever one turns
in the international unrest of today, leading to
threats of war, there is a basic economic prob-
lem which could yield to treatment if the other
nations ,of the world would but see the dis-
interestedness of purpose of the United States
government as a possible mediator.
Thus, in respect to China, what the Japanese
want is an opportunity for their crowded popu-
lation to expand commercially in the Far East.
The American government has no objection to
Japanese commercial expansion, in fact, would
like to help encourage it, but the Japanese gov-3
ernment has used up a substantial amount of
capital and .the whole> Japanese nation economy
cannot utilize the gains made in China unless
capital comes in from the outside.
America is deeply.interested in a new entente
with Japan, but the chances of such a develop-
ment would be-immeasurably diminished if the
Tokio diplomats allowed themselves to become
entangled too deeply in the Rome-Berlin axis
Gets Told
S -.
To the Editor:
A curious inconsistency in the enforcement of
a University rule came to my attention yester-
day. I wonder if someone could offer an explana-
tion? What I am writing about is this: there is,
unless I am mistaken,- a University regulation
which says that hand-bills are not to be. passed
out on campus. Several, times permission has
been refused various liberal organizations to pass
out hand-bills with. reference being made to the
rule. However yesterday, oddly. enough,- young,
saddle-shoed ladies were passing out, handbills
informing the populace that the Freshman pro-
ject is namedAhe."Puddle-Jump" and attendance
is certainly a good idea. -
Is it, perhaps,- that!only such things of vital
importance as:the Puddle-Jump deserve hand-


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