SUNDAY, APRL 23, 1939
Discussed At
General Meet
Will Consider
Student Probe
Varied Aspects Of Life
For American Collegian:
Reviewed Successfully
(Continued from Page 1)
the University but is powerless to
act." He was supported in this view
by Saul Kleiman,"'39, and Kahn;
Prof. Howard McClusky of the edu-'
cation school interspersed the. dis-
cussion with a declaration that he
"deplored the attitude of animosity
held by students as well as faculty
members towards the administration.
What appears to be opposition is only
inertia." "You have more support on
the faculty than you realize," he con-
tinued, "and you must everlastingly
keep plugging."
In the afternoon session of the
University Student panel, Prof. Mc-
Clusky predicted increased college
enrollments in the '40's. Ronald
Freedman, '39; supported extension
of the honors system of instruction,
wile Prof. Bennett Weaver of the
En-glish department opposed the- tu-
torial plan. Remainder of the period
was spent in a discussion of athletic
The panel on American culture,
highlighted by student speeches by
John Brinnin, Edward Jurist, Elliott
Maraniss, Harvey Swados, and James
Green, concentrated on new trends
in our art, and in our general cul-
tural set-up.-
Following 1929, a renaissance, both'
in American poetry and prose, was
introduced into our national litera-
ture, Brinnin asserted. In poetry. the
movement is toward lighter verse in
an attempt to reach wider audi-
Mxces, Brinnin explained. Play forms,
too are undergoing achange, Brinnin onomous. Those who advocate isola-
said, and predicted that a new type tion or collective security belong in
of play which integrates speech into th nationalist category he said. For-
modern rhythm will become success- eign policy may also be determined
ful in the Forties. from an internationalist viewpoint,
Edward Jurist presented a category he continued, which recognizes the
of the drama, as he has worked it out, concept of the class struggle.
in, order to clarify discussion of pro- He examined the question of isola-
paganda plays. He described the dra- tion for America which, he declared,
ma as being divided into large cate- rested on the shaky assumptions that
gories-thesis and non-thesis plays, physical isolation is a possibility and
The non-thesis play has largely gone thatthe United States is self-suffici-
from the New York theatre, he de- ent, This policy, he held, takes two
clared, and the, two types of thesis forms, either strict neutrality or, in
plays, reform and socialist, have tak- a modified form, the cash-and-carry
en its place.. proposal. Te questioned the willing-
The prospects for American criti- ness of the American people to provide
cism in the Forties are bound up with arms and ammunition to such coun-
the general cultural and social pat- tries as Japan. If we should be drawn
tern which is formulated in the coun- into war as a result of applying col-
try in that period, Elliott Maraniss lective security, Professor Williams
told the panel meeting. He predicted foresaw a fascist government in the
that' the democratic tradition, in United States. He concluded his talk
American letters, given its greatest by Astating that his view of the '40's
impetus by the work of Parrington, was not one of optimism.
would continue to be the dominant Production in the United States
critical standard. Maraniss also geared for use would solve our foreign
warned aganst the attitude encour- policy by doing away with the need
aged by the back-to-the-soil-enthusi- to trade elsewhere, Tom Downs, '40L,
asts. student speaker on the panel, de-I
The movies of the Forties will see clared.
greater production of documentary For an immediate foreign policy, he
pictures, since they will be the great- suggested loans to South America and
est money-makers, Harvey Swados asked for an embargo on those coun-
declared. Movie making will again tries which exploit other peoples. He
fall into the hands of the directors, admitted the impracticability of this
principally, he asserted, which will scheme for all countries but asked
also be an improving factor in their that an embargo be placed on Japan.
production. Prof. John Dawson of the Law
American Foreign Polcy School supported the foreign policy
Fascism and war were probed at advocated by the All-Campus Peace
length in the. afternoon section of Committee, of sanctions against ag-
the panel on American Foreign Policy. gressors and aid to democratic na-
Prof. Mentor Williams of the Eng- tions"I agree," he said, "that it is
lish department opened the discus- unfortunate that we must cooperate
sion with a talk outlining the broad with the reactionary governments of
aims of the policies of outright isola- Chamberlain and Daladier, but I see
tion, cash-and-carry neutrality and no alternative at present as a means
concerted action against aggressor of helping the people of France, Bri-
nations, and indicated his objections tain and the other countries to re-
to each, sist fascism."
His analysis showed that foreign Dr. Hans Gerth of the sociology de-
policy is dictated by either national partment discussed the diplomatic
or popular welfare which, he hastened alignments in Europe since the war.
to point out, are not necessarily syn- He also supported the policy of Amer-
distribution. Plans mentioned ranged
from left wing New Deal reform,
extreme prosecution of the anti-trust
laws and the enactment of further
anti-monopoly legislation, to Marx-
ist Socialism. The students believed,
however, that because of the extent
of "capitalist entrenchment" their
reforms must be gradual.
The faculty held that any great de-
parture into socialism wvould be a
"leap in the dark" and expressed a
preference for "individual freedom"
to any extensive method of state reg-
ulation. They maintained that neces-
sary reforms could be attained with-
in the structure of the present sys-
tem and agreed with the students in
believing that these reforms must be
The panel discussed the need for
investment, either by government or
'business and mentioned public hous-
ing as the ideal investment for gov-
ernment. The panel was also in gen-
eral agreement on the need and de-
sirability for intensified government-
al control over the banking, railroad
and public utility systems.
Discussion at the evening session
of the panel ranged from debate on
our ability to change our system, how-
ever bad some may think it, to the
efficacy of public spending as a re-
covery measure.
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, of the eco-
nomics department, in response to a
question as to how we niight possibly
c.hange our present system to a
planned economy, pointed out that,
even though we may realize a better
way, human nature stands in the
path of our adopting it by other than
violent means. The panel *in general
was opposed to violence.,
One opinion voiced at the meeting
argued that the main threat in the
world today is the, struggle against
Fascism, and that this could best be
carried out by reelecting President
Also discussed was the question on
the advisability of public spending as
a recovery measure. Self-liquidating
projects, interfering as-little as pos-
sible with private business, it was
stressed, would be the most desirable
The afternoon session of the relig-
ious panel opened with a talk by
Kenneth Morgan, director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association. Morgan
deplored the tendency to keep look-
ing ahead. "It is better," he said,
"to study the past than to sit back
and guess about the future." With
this thought as a keynote, the ses-
sion, except for a few spasmodic at-
tempts to bring the session back to
consideration of the 'forties, became
a prolonged discussion of the place,
of religion in education and in the
University. .Mr. Morgan, answering
the question of whether the Universi-
ty can influence religious thinking,
said, "It's not so much a matter of
'can;' it's a matter of 'does?'." And
to this he answered unequivocally
Mr. Morgan deplored the lack of
interest in the training of'children in
religion. Considering the- question,
"Is the church liberal or conserva-
tive?" Mr. Morgan said, "It depends
on your viewpoint. If 'liberal' is to
you a bad term, then other churches
than yours are 'liberal,' and, if you
find 'conservative' opposed to your
way of thinking, other churches than
yours are 'conservative'."
On the vital question, "Is the
church necessary?" he said that those
who said it was not usually give the
opinion that "my religion is between
me and my God, with no other con-
tacts needed." The difficulty with
this, Mr. Morgan pointed out, is that
too many say it and too few put it
into practice. The belief leads one
to tend away from religion.
In answer to the question of the
Church in politics, Mr. Morgan said
that the Church should remain non-
partisan, but that it must enter poli-
tics on questions like those of war,
slavery, or child labor.
Daniel Suits, president of the SRA,
then spoke, emphasizing the fact that
the trend of the "left poli-
tically, right in religion." The more
we tend to liberalism and equality
between men, he said, the more relig-
ious we become.
The evening session opened with a
talk by James Hammond on the
Baha'i faith, a sect which believes in
the unity of all religions. Most of the
discussion dealt with the social as-
pects of religion, and the place of
religion in education. Dr. Rabino-
witz -opened the debate by propound-
ing this question: What would you
do if your minister said, "You are
immoral because you are sitting next
to a capitalist (or a communist, a
fascist, etc.)"?
Science And Civilization
The manner in which the vast
means of production created by the
engineer and scientist, shall be con-
trolled to best benefit the needs of the
individual was the chief topic of dis-
cussion at the panel on "Science and
Civilization: Cooperation or Slavery?"
Speaking in, favor of collective ow-
nership of the means of production,
Prof. Harold J..McFarlan of the en-
gineering college pointed out that the
capitalistic system of investment and
the income to be derived from these
investments was based on the as-
sumption that large-scale expansion
of the means of production would con-
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can economic intervention against
ascism. -
Government, Economics
A clear cut spot between faculty
nd many of the students appeared
t the afternoon session of the gov-
rnment and economics panel; stu-
dents proposed modified forms of a
lanned economy while the faculty
xpressed a desire for the mainten-
-nec of the status quo with some
ninor but gradual reforms.
The students, holding that their'
glace in the world of the '40's would
e insecure 'and because of that in-
ecurity less free, proposed various
egrees and forms of socialization
f the methods'of production and
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