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April 23, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-23

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Fair today and warmer

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New England:
Problem No. 2 .

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Parley To Discuss
Plan For Inquiry
Into Student Rule

Varied Aspects Of Life
For American Collegian
Reviewed Successfully
General Session
Will Meet Today
Students held a mirror to the fu-
ture yesterday in the afternoon and
evening sessions of the Ninth Annual
Spring Parley, and after long and
penetrating looks at six aspects of
American life, came away with a
clearer understanding of the present,
even if the future remained as in-
scrutable as ever.
In a realistic and practical attempt
to shape the educational processes
here at the University in the next de-
cade, participants in the panel re-
lating to the University Student pre-
pared a resolution, to be voted upon
at the closing general session at 10
a.m. today in the Union, that calls
for a joint faculty and student com--
mittee to investigate methods of
strengthening student government.
Activity Ended
The resolution, which ended the
day's activities at the panel, reads
as follows: "Resolved, that the parley
elects five students, requests the uni-
versity Faculty Senate to select three
faculty members and requests Presi-
dent Ruthven to appoint two mem-
bers of the administration to form
a committee to study student govern-
ment at other colleges and make
recommendations for the strengthen-.
iWg of student government at this
University by investing specific pow-
ers in the Student Senate."
The Student Senate issue was
brought into the discussion immedi-
ately after Frank Rideout, panel
chairman, had called the evening's
session to order, by Robert Perlman,
More Activity Sought
Perlman caied for "increased aetiv-
ity by students in activities that di-
rectly concern them and which are
now in the hands of the faculty."
His remarks were broadened by James
Vicary, '40, and Robert Emerine, '39.
The next speaker, Robert Kahn, '39,
described the failure of a recent at-
tempt by the Senate to permit stu-
dent criticism of University policies.
Maintaining that he was a sup-
porter of the Senate, Prof. Karl Litz-
enberg of the English department
said that a student organization is
needed at Michigan which will have
the "responsibility of representing the
entire student body." Albert Mayio,
'39, countered with the claim that
"the Student Senate does represent
the minority of students interested in
(Continued on Page 2)
Four French
Planes Crash
Paris Officials Disturbed;
Order Investigations
PARIS, April 22.-(P)-France
which is pushing its defense prepara-
tions at tqp speed, suffered a heavy
blow today with an overnight series
of air force crashes involving the
deaths of 20 fliers and the loss of
four warplanes.
Air Minister Guy La Chambre as-
signed two of his highest assistants,
Lieut. Col. Sylvestre Tavera and
Flight CommanderGabriel David, to
conduct inquiries at Tours and Beau-
vais, where two of the crashes oc-
curred. An air officer in French
Morocco was ordered to investigate
a third crash, near El Aioun.
All four planes lost were French-
made. A large number of warplanes
purchased in the United States still
are undergoing tests to adapt them
for French service and fuel.
Preliminary reports indicated no

sabotage was involved in the acci-
Officials Receive Tip
On Railway 'Attacks'
PARIS, April 22.-OP)-French au-
thorities established police and mili-
tary guards along at least two im-
portant railway lines and in various
parts of Paris tonight after receiving
a tip similar to one which reached
them before the burning of the liner

General Secretary

--Daily Photo By Bogle+
Faculty Talks
To Be Featured
By Churches
Student Guilds Continue
Educational Discussions
Of CampusProblems
Talks on student problems by+
faculty members and out-of-town
speakers will be featured in the pro-;
grams offered by the local churches
today with the student guilds con-
tinuing their educational discussions.
Episcopalrstudents will hear Prof.
John L. Brumm, chairman of the
journalism. department, speak "On
Being College Bred," at 7 p.m. at the
Episcopal Student Guild meeting at
Harris Hall. An informal discussion
period will follow Professor Brumm's
Archbishop Edward Mooney will
confirm a class of 138 at the 4 p.m.
service at St. Thomas Catholic
Church. The sacrament of confirma-
tion is the first service in the Ann
Arbor church for which Archbishop
Mooney has officiated.
The Rev. Charles W. Brashares will
attempt to set a standard for conduct
today in his sermon, "Better Than
Good," at 10:45 a.m. at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. The
-!tD,L sall~tPV JO3o ioa itp .lapufl .tp
afero will sing, "Sanctus" from St.
Cecilia by Gorenod, with a solo by
Warren Foster. As a follow up to the
Spring Parley, a student panel will
present the Parley theme: "A Student
Looks at the 40's", at the Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 6 p.m.'
Several members of the Ariston
League will meet at Pilgrim Hall at
2:30 p.m. prior to going to Jackson
(Continued on Page 3)
Fascist Inroads Claimed
WASHINGTON, April 22.--xP)-
Tho Civil Aeronautics Authority said
today that Italy and Germany "have
made serious inroads into our air-
craft markets in Latin America." ,

Hitier Query
Is Frame-Up,
Says London:
Questioning Seen Attempt
To Prove Roosevelt's
Peace Plan 'Uninvited'
Germany Asks Only
Particular Countries
LONDON, April 22.--(P')-Ger-
many's inquiries among some small-
er European nations as to whether
they feared Nazi aggression were re-
garded here tonight as an attempt
by Reichsfuehrer Hitler to support a
contention that President Roosevelt's
peace plea was uninvited and unwel-
German officials refused to say
who received the questionnaire but
some diplomats expressed belief it
was sent only to those countries from
which Germany was almost certain
to receive the replies the Fuehrer
Questions Asked
The questions, asked orally by the
German ministers in various capi-
tals, inquired whether the countries
considered themselves menaced by
Germany and whether they had
asked President Roosevelt's inter-
vention or knew in advance of his
plea for at least 10 years of assured
non-aggression. AUl whose answers
were known replied in the negative
to the second question.
It has been indicated in Berlin that
President Roosevelt's plea would be
rejected by Hitler when he addresses
a specially called session of the
Reichstag next Friday. His axis part-
ner, Premier Mussolini of Italy, al-
ready has called it "absurd."
Reliable reports said Rumania had
given Hitler an answer that "startled"
German officials in Bucharest, re-
plying that she "does not see how
anyone could feel secure in Europe at
the present time."
Answer Negatively
The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzer-
land, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway,
Swedenand Finland, however, all
were understood to have given the
Fuehrer more or less conciliatory
negative answers.
Included also in Germany's list of
questioned nations were said to be
the Baltic states,Liechtenstein, Lux-
embourg, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bul-
garia, Spain and Portugal.
The smaller states of southeast Eu-
rope remained silent on their answers
but it was deemed virtually certain
in Budapest that Hungary, Yugosla-
via and Bulgaria would answer in
the negative.
Hoover Urges Aid
For Young Refugees
WASHINGTON, April 22.-(I)-
Former President Herbert Hoover
joined a long list of notables today
in urging Congress to admit 20,000
refugee children from Germany to
homes in this country.i
A joint Congressional committee
considering the legislation heard by
telegram from the only living former
president that he "strongly favors"
the proposal.
"No harm and only good can come
to a nation by such humane action,"
Hoover said in the message, read by
Clarence E. Pickett, of Philadelphia,
one of the sponsors of the legisla-

Two Heart-Throbs
Lost To Bachelorhood
Two down and one to go is the score
in Hollywood today as two male
heart- throbs trip the light fantastic
down the marital aisle, and a new
contender for beauty queen threatens
the movieland scene.
Tyrone Power, romantic film star
and one of Hollywood's most prized
bachelors will wed Annabella, Pari-
sian actress today at his mother's
home in the palatial Belair district.
Not to. be caught napping, Douglas
Fairbanks, Jr., married Mrs. Mary
Lee Eppling Hartford, comely divor-
cee of Virginia, New York City and
Florida, yesterday in the film capid-
Meanwhile, Shirley Temple cele-
brates her 10th birthday today, she
she rapidly blossoms into woman-
May Festival
Sale Of Tickets
Sets -New Hioh
Capacity Crowds Assured
For All Programs Of
Series, Dr. Sink Asserts
The past week's "over-the-counter"
sale of May Festival tickets was the
largest in the 46 year history of the
concerts, according to Dr. Charles
A. Sink, president of the School of
Music, who said yesterday that capac-
ity crowds are virtually assured for
all programs.
For complete program and bio-
graphical details about the per-
formers, turn to the May Festi-
val supplement.

With Easy Win Over Illini;


Gains 4-2 'Triumph



Smick Allows Buckeyes
Only Seven Safe Blows
To Score First Victory
Steppon's Homer
Breaks Up Game

Paces Victory

Watson Sets New Marks
In Discus And Shot Put
As Team Gets 10 Firsts

Dr. Sink pointed out that, this year,
for the first time, two of the feature
attractions of the Festival will be
presentedin the afternoon. On Fri-
day, May 12, Ezio Pinza, regarded
as the world's foremost bass, will
appear along with the Young People's
Chorus, under the direction of Eu-
gene Ormandy and Juva Higbee.
On Saturday afternoon, Georges
Enesco, renowned violinist and con-
ductor, will perform accompanied by'
The Philadelphia Symphony Orches-
tra under the direction of Saul Cas-
ton. Enesco will also conduct his
Roumanian Rhapsody.
A late change in the program adds
another prominent name to the all-
star cast. Giuseppe Cavadore, tenor,
will sing the role of Cassio in the
presentation of "Otello." Mr. Cava-
dore replaces Jan Peerce, who sings
Thursday evening.
The concert version of "Otello,"
which will be presented Saturday eve-
ning, promises to highlight the four-
day music-fest. Included in the cast
(Continued on Page 3)
German Club
Will .present
Annual Drama

COLUMBUS, O., April 22.-(Spe-
ial to The Daily)-The combination
f Danny Smick's steady seven hit
pitching and sophomore Bill Step-
on's mighty bat proved too large a
lose for Ohio State to swallow here
today, as Michigan defeated the
Buckeyes 3-1 to gain a split in the
wo-game series, and a .500 rating in
he Big Ten.
Smick, rapidly advancing along the
:omeback trail after two disappoint-
ng seasons on the mound, was only
n trouble twice, as he mixed a sub-
narine ball with his regular over-
hand delivery to keep the opposition
ontinually guessing. In the first
and third innings the Bucks were able
o bunch three hits off big Danny,
which they combined for a score in
each case, but in the last six frames
the Hazel Park senior was the com-
plete master of the situation, striking
out seven Buckeyes while allowing
but one more hit.
But despite Smick's great show the
real hero of today's game was Step-
pon. Leading off in the seventh in-
ning with the score deadlocked 2-2,
he husky sophomore stepped into
one of Jimmy Sexton's fast balls and
sent it some 410 feet into deep left
field, to break up what had developed
into a nip and tuck pitching duel be-
tween Smick and Sexton. After Step-
pon's blow, which was one of the
longest ever hit on the Buckeye field,
Michigan was able to coast in behind
Smick. The Wolverines merely add-
ed insult to injury when in the same
inning Charley Pink walked, ad-
vanced to third on Capt. Walt. Peck-
inpaugh's sharpsingle, and count-
ed on Elmer Gedeon's sacrifice fly.
Steppon, who was filling in for
Smick in right field while Danny per-
formed his mound duties, was also
responsible for the Wolverines' sec-
and tally, which put them ahead for
(Continued on Page 5)
Teachers Meet
Here Thursday
Dean Edmonson To Speak
To State Educators
The tenth annual conference on
teacher education will open its ses-
sions 9:30 a.m. Thursday at the Union
where Dean James B. Edmonson of
the School of Education will address
teachers from state colleges and pub-
lic schools. The conference, spon-
sored by the School of Education will
discuss "Controversial Issues in
In the afternoon, the University
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tion Institutions will sponsor a con-
ference on higher education, devoted
to the theme of "Student Counseling."
Prof. Arthur B. Moehhnan of the
School of Education will lead the
discussion based on the report of the
Advisory Committee on Education to
President Roosevelt, of which Pro-
fessor Moehlman was a member.
Speakers at the conference will in-
clude Prof. Guy H. Hill, Michigan
State College, Prof. John R. Emens,
Wayne University, Prof. Raleigh
Schorling of the School of Educa-
tion, Prof. H. L. Turner, Michigan
State Normal College, Prof. Richard
Barnes, Olivet College, Prof. Lofton
V. Burge, Western State Teachers
College, Prof. Harlan C. Koch of the
School of Education and Prof. Vic-
tor H. Noll of Michigan State Col-
GM Battleground
DETROiT, April 22.-('P)-Gener-

al Motors Corp. plants apparently
are going to be made the battle
grounds on which the American Fed-


Four Slams Scored
In 88-38 Victory
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., April 22.--(Spe-
cial to The Daily)-Michigan's pow-
erful track team, paced by its great
Capt. Bill Watson, captured 10 first
places and scored slams in four
events today as the Wolverines
swamped Illinois 88-38 in the opening
outdoor meet of the season for both
Watson eclipsed his own Big Ten
record in the shot put as he won the
event with a tremendous effort of 54
ft. 13/4 in., hurled the discus 158 feet
for a new dual meet record, and, tak-
ing but one leap in the broad jump
finished second behind team-mate
Carl Culver, who won it by one-half
inch with 22 ft. 11x/2 in.
Watson's shot put effort will niot go
down as a Big Ten mark as it was not
set in the Conference meet but it far
surpassed his Michigan record of 52
ft. 11/2 in. and his dual meet mark
of 50 ft. It was three feet behind
Jack Torrance's world record but was
just one foot further than the Olym-
pic record set in 1938 by Germany's
Hans Woellke.
Ralph Schwarzkopf, Karl Wisner,
and Ed Barrett, Michigan's mile trio,
outdistanced the best Coach John-
son of the Illini could offer and they
romped home in a dead heat in 4:24.9.
Schwarzkopf also coasted home in
the two-mile in the slow time of
9:45.6 as Wayne Yarcho of Illinois
slipped home second ahead of Wol-
verine Brad Heyl, who was third in
the indoor Conference meet.
Dick Reising of Illinois,. capitaliz-
ing on the absence of Elmer Gedeon,
Wolverine hurdle champion, won
both hurdle events from Stan Kel-
ley. After a slow start, Reising sped
past Kelley to take the 120-yard
highs in 14.8, and then came back
to outdistance the Wolverine in the
220-yard lows in 23.8.
Jack Leutritz, Michigan sopho-
more, surged past Will McKown of
Illinois in the 440- and then came
on with a strong finishing "kick" to
nip his teammates, Ross Faulkner
and Phil Balyeat, in :49.3. Leutritz
also picked up a third in the 220-.
Harold Davidson and Tom Jester
figuratively ran Burt Downs and
Wolfgang Schubert, Illinois hilf-mil-
ers, into the ground as they finished
one-two in the 880. Jester's closing
drive just failed to nip Davidson
who won in one minute 59.1 seconds.
Bob Ashley, Illini sprinter, breezed
(Continued on Page 4)
Gerth To Speak
At Hillel Today

Inquiring Reporter Discovers
Students Like Roosevelt's Plan

(Photos by Freedman)
Last week, the world received an-
other in a series of weekend shocks.
This time, however, the source of the
"Saturday surprise" was on this side
of the ocean, from President Roose-
velt. Realizing the important place the
United States occupies in any con-
sideration of world peace, the Presi-
dent presented a peace plan to Hitler
and Mussolini that has been called
one of the smartest diplomatic moves
on record.
Asking that Italy and Germany re-
frain from attacking any of 31 listed
nations, Roosevelt offered to act as
intermediary in arranging a general
disarmament and new effective trade
regulations. This, of course, left the
proposition strictly up to the fascist
leaders. Mussolini has already de.
clined the offer, terming it ridiculous

THE ANSWERS: Leonard Siegel-
man, Grad: "Roosevelt's peace plan;
is one that should
have been submit-
ted long ago. It
will give the world
a chance to discuss
its troubles with-
out fear and hys-
teria and will pro-
vide an opportun-
ity for intelligent
and rational solutions to many prob-
lems. The plan, if adopted (and ad-
hered to) would be a great thing be-
cause of the much-needed breathing
spell it would afford."
June Hughes, '42: I think Presi-
dent Roosevelt's plan is a very good
one, and I sincere-
ly hope that the
European coun-

Graf Directs Productionc
Of Deutscher Verein
Play Tomorrowl
The Deutscher Verein's annual playf
will be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-7
atre. Dr. Otto G. Graf of the Ger-
man department is director of the
play, "Die Gegenkandidaten," a com-
edy by the late Ludwig Fulda. l
Fulda died last month in Berlin,
after spending his last years in com-
plete retirement. The Nazis made
him change his name to Ludwig!
Israel Fulda and his death was not
even mentioned in the National So-
cialistic press. Fulda's plays almost
dominated the modern German stage
before and after the war, Dr. Graf
said. Before the war he was pre-
sented with the Schiller medal. His+
translations of Spanish classical
plays, of Moliere, Rostand and
Shakespeare contributed to his liter-
ary reputation.
"Die Gegenkandidaten" is a mild
and humorous satire on party poli-
tics, Dr. Graf said. The leading
character, Ralph, a candidate for the
conservative party for representative
to the Landstag in post-war Ger-
many, is played by Edward Wetter,
'39, and his wife, Suse, candidate for
the opposing party, is played by Em-
ma Hirsch, '39. The play centers

Debate Squad
Trails In Meet
Northwestern U. Captures
BigTen Title
Michigan debaters emerged from
the conference meet held Friday and
yesterday at Evanston, Ill., with a
total of two victories and six losses
as Northwestern captured the Big
ren title after defeating eight oppos-
ing teams andlosing to none.
Robert Rosa, '39, and- Jack Shuler,
'40, who defeated the negative side
of the question, "Resolved, That the
United States Should Cease To Use
Government Funds (Including Cred-
it) For the Stimulation of Business"
scored the only two victories for Mich-
igan which they won from Minnesota
yesterday and Purdue Friday. The
same team lost contests to Iowa and
Ohio State.
The affirmative squad consisting
of Sidney Davidson, '40, and Louis'
Poplinger, '39, and William Muehl,
'41, who alternated for positions dur-
ing the meet, lost decisions to Chi-
cago and Illinois yesterday and to'
Wisconsin and Northwestern Friday.
Music Students
To Meet Today
Psi Upsilon To Be Scene
Of Appreciation Hour
The second in a series of music ap-
preciation hours sponsored by the
Interfraternity Council will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Psi
Upsilon house at 1000 Hill St. Prof.
Hanns Pick of the music school wil:
conduct the hour, it was announcec
by Robert Canning, '39, secretary of
the Council.
Professor Pick is well known as a
former violoncello soloist with the
Philadelphia Orchestra, perennial
favorite at the May Festival for
many years. He will discuss "Nation.
alism in Music," illustrating his re-
marks with symphonic recordings.
The campus is cordially invited to
j attend the hour.
Editor Of Daily Worker
T To Speak Here Friday
Clarence Hathaway, editor in chief



In Germany' Topic
Professor's Talk

A first-hand observer of the inner
works of Nazidom will address the
Hillel Forum audience at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Hillel Foundation, when
Dr. Hans Gerth, now visiting lectur-
er in sociology at the University,
speaks on "Jews in Nazi Germany."
Dr. Gerth, who came to the United
States from Germany in December,
1937, will discuss the problem of the
assimilation of Jews in Germany and
the long-standing race-versus na-
tion question.
Through his varied interests and
activties in Germany Dr. Gerth has
had ample opportunity to gather au-
thentic information on his subject.
While living in Berlin he was active
in journalism, even under the con-
fining rule of the Nazi regime. He
was also an instructor in Kiel Uni-
versity, both before and after Nazi
Discover Explosives
Near Canal Locks

22.-(Canadian Press)-Discovery of
50 pounds of dynamite hidden near
bottleneck of Great Lakes at Sault

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