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April 21, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-21

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Newman Club Dance Will Be Broadcast Tonight From


Name Guests
Of Spng Ball
Sawyer's Band Will Play;
World's Fair Is Theme
Of Formal Decorations
Guests of the committee chairmen
for the annual Newman Club 'spring
formal, to be held from 9:30 to 1:00
a.m. tonight in the Union Ballroom
were named today.
Mary Ellen Spurgeon, '40Ed, will
attend with Jim Rouen, '41, Miss
Spurgeon, general co-chairman, will
wear a white chiffon dress with a
fitted bodice, shurred waist and full
skirt. Don Siegel, '39E, general co-
chairman, has asked Helen Rhodes,
'42. Miss Rhodes' gown will be of
pique print on a blue background. It
will have red grosgrain bows at the
Other Guests Named
lRuth Rochon, '40, program. chair-
man, will wear a white batiste shirt-
waist :dress with a chartreuse girdle
at the waist. The skirt will be blue
and very full. She will have Julius
Bantus of Ann Arbor as her guest.
Mary Jane Kronner, '40, patrons
chairman, will attend with Robert
Walker, Grad. Miss Kronner will wear
pale pink chiffon with a fitted bodice
and pearled belt.
Jack Cooney, '41E, publicity chair-
man, has asked Betty Alexander, '41.
Miss Alexander's gown is white net
with a tight waist and ruffled skirt.
John Simons, Grad., ticket chairman,
will have as his guest Marie McCabe,
'40. She will wear a blue changeable
taffeta formal which will be flared
at the bottom.
Pat Vihtelic, '41Ed, will wear a tur-
quoise satin dress, gathered at the
bodice, and with wide shoulder straps.;
She will attend with paul Le Goluan,
'40M. Betty Fariss, '42, will accom-
pany Bill Sherzer, '41, decorations co-
chairman. Miss Fariss' gown will be
blue chiffon with dark blue sequins.
' Deep Purple' To Be Featured
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra" will
play for the dance which will be
broadcast over WWJ from midnight
to 12:30 a.m. Virginia Lee and War-
ren Foster will be the featured sing-
!rs. A concert arrangement of "Deep
Purple" will be played during thel
Decorations for the dance will be
modeled on the high points from the
World's Fair. There are a few re-3
maining tickets which may be ob-
tained at the Union.

T o Lead Apothecaries' Ball Tonight

Gwen Dew, Former Women's Editor,
Goes Around World With Typewriter

Most Detroit people remember
Gwen Dew as the woman who went
"around the world with $50 and a
typewriter" and rang up a record on
The Detroit News for 70 consecutive,
weeks of full-page Sunday features-
few know that she is a former wom-
en's editor of The Daily and a gradu-
ate of the University.
A quick synopsis of Miss Dew's
post-college history reads like a
story-book. Starting out as society
editor on a small-town paper she
changed jobs for a position in New
York when an irate head of the wom-
en's club objected to her rather acid
review of a play produced by a group
of local amateurs.
Chauffeurs In Europe
In New York she was director of
publicity and advertising for the Flo-
rists Telegraph Delivery Association
and established the Mercury trade
mark in its present form. A year in
Europe, partly spent as chauffeur for
a wealthy American woman, provided
her first major experience in travel-
A serious accident a year later com-
pletely changed the course of her
life. For 18 months she was an in-
valid, suffering from a broken back
and severe face wounds, and for
months after that she was a semi-I

invalid. It was during this time that
she decided that everything could be
taken away except one's memories,
and that it was time to start to
realize her life-long dream of a trip
around the world.
Typewoiter Most Valued
As soon as she was able she start-
ed from New York. In her purse
she carried $50 and her train ticket
to California. Her most important
piece of luggage was a portable type-
She traveled -to ;California by way
of Texas and Arizon, doing bits of
writing in order to pay her expenses.
In California she continued to write
until she had enough for her ticket
to Honolulu plus a nickel for her
The :trip to Honolulu was unevent-
ful except for meeting Bob Davis,
dean of travel writers. From there
she went to Japan, then on to China
where she got the first interview that
Madame Chaing had given in three
years-and a severe case of fever. By
this time The News had begun ac-
cepting her features, and she was al-
so writing for the United Press.
She had landed in Shanghai with
a dollar in her purse. Luckily it's a
Shanghai custom .to accept chits
(Chinese for IOU's) for everything
from stamps to hotel bills, since it is

impossible for anyone to leave the
country without paying up. She
finally wired for her News check
which was several days overdue and
found that it had already been sent.'
Arrives In Time For Christmas,
When it finally arrived she learned
it had traveled by train from Detroit
to New York, by boat from New York
to London, by plane from London to
Singapore, had crashed in India, the
stub had been saved and sent to the
Singapore post office, forwarded to
New "York, then to Detroit, and the
News finally sent a second check over
the same route. It arrived Dec. 24,
While located in Shanghai she in-
terviewed the Sultan of Jahore whom
she said "the British wouldn't let in-
to Shanghai after dark." She was
entertained by the wife of the gov-
ernor general of the Dutch East In-
dies, a Baltimore woman, and dined
pn American fruit cake.
From Shanghai she traveled
through India, stopping at Manda-
lay, Rangoon, then Ceylon, Egypt,
and finally Europe. In Europe she
caught a glimpse of Wallis Simpson
at the Chateau de Cande, and at-
tended the coronation. She tried to
book passage for home on the first
trip of the Hindenberg, and was
forced .to make reservations for the

Athletes :To Be Special
Guests At Union Dance
The third in a series of Varsity
Night dances, featuring the swimming
and wrestling teams, will be held
from 9 p.m. to -midnight tomorrow in
the Union ballroom, James Hali-
gan, '40F&C, in charge of the dances,
has announced.
Reservations for the affah may be
made at the Union desk. The price
of the dance is $1. A special table
will be reserved for the members of
both teams.
The new captains of both teams
may be called upon to speak. Mem-
bers of the wrestling team will give a
demonstration. The Union first be-
gan sponsoring this series last spring,
and they have been continued this
year. The football .team and the
University band are among other
groups honored at Varsity Night
second since the dirigible ..was al-
ready filled for the first. She re-
ceived the acknowledgement of her
reservation in the same mail that
brought a paper carrying the head-
lines: "Hindenberg Crashes."
Back in America she' climaxed her
travels with a quick trip to the hos-
pital for an emergency appendec-
tomy. Since then life has settled into
a more normal routine--free lance
writing for the New York Times and
stories for a syndicate of movie maga-

I~~~t __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Five Dances, Scavenger Hunt,
Bri~dge, Will Enliven Weekend'


Back from vacation and all rested,
the students of the University are1
ready to begin studies (?) and tlie
so-called social whirl. Tonight is
the beginning of it all.
Bridge will be an added attraction
at the radio dance to be given by
Kappa Delta Rho from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. The chaperons will be Prof.
arid Mrs. Franklin L. Everett and
Prof. and Mrs. John A. Van den
The Westminster Guild of the
Presbyterian Church will hold a
scavenger hunt starting at 9 p.m.
After the hunt, refreshments will be
served to the group at the churclh4
and dancing will be held in the stu-
dent wing. All who wish to join the
hunt are invited, members of the
guild said.
A radio dance will be given by
Phi Kappa Sigma from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hage-
meyer will be chaperons.
The members of Phi Kappa Psi

will hold an informal dance from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight. Bill Steyt-
ler's orchestra will furnish the mu-
sic for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Pettyjohn and Mr. and Mrs. Nat
Roger will chaperon the party.
"Hobo Hobble" is the appropriate
name given to the Phi Delta Theta
informal dance to be held from 9:30
p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight. The house
will be decorated with newspapers
and cornstalks. The party-goers will
dance to the music of Bill Gail's or-
chestra. Mrs. Harry Mott and Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert C. Weller will be
the chaperons.
Hold Exchange Dinners
Two exchange dinners were held at
6:30 p.m. yesterday. Phi Sigma
Kappa exchanged with Kappa Delta,
and Theta Xi with Pi Beta Phi.
Try A DAILY Classified

IMAGINE YOURSELF in pin checked French 'gingham with
starched white collar, baby buttons marching down the front
and skirt flaring and swinging-spun rayon in sunshine colors
with straw sombreros for buttons or padded sunflowers, big-
ger than life on your belt-or a white gabardine swing skirt
that hits a new high in waistlines with its own striped jersey
blouse. You loved our Carlyes this spring-you'll adore them
this summer.
'".12*95toq$ 9 5

Enthusiastic Freshmen
Invade Phi Psi Portals


Two freshman women tackled the
task of selling "Puddle Jump" tickets
with typical freshman enthusiasm
yesterday, when they barged into the
sacred precincts of the Phi Kappa
Psi house intent on ridding them-
selves of a sizeable portion of said
The Phi Psis withstood the attack
with imperturable calm and the
ticket sellers finally withdrew with
about 10 sales to their credit. The
incident seems to have been too great
a strain on their self-possession, how-
ever, and since then they have con-
fined their activities to their re-
spective posts on campus.
Aiton Reads History Paper
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history
department read a paper on "Spanish
Diplomacy and the Louisiana Boun-
dary Question in the Peace of 1762-63"
yesterday before the 32nd annual
convention of the Mississippi Valley
Historical Association, now meeting
in Memphis, Tenn.
ees. ,ge
GIBBS Is the one name you
hear most often among college women
who realize the importance - of sound
secretarial -training for * really desir-
able business position. The Place-
ment Department receives more calls
for Gibbs-trained secretaries with col-
legebackground than there are candi-
dates available. If you are looking
toward a business career. "it's Gibbs 1'
0 Ask College Course Secretary for
"RESULTS," a booklet of placement
information, and illustrated catalog.
" Special Course for College Women
opens in New York and Boston, Septem-
ber 26, 1539.
0 B qm - 5i UW t%7 I"~ #TZAAL .Y T V



This is the season when you
want to be as fresh as the
Spring rains, as gay as the
Spring flowers, and as pretty
'as the Spring sky.
In your new date dress, you
will have the freshness of
white touches at your throat
(and perhaps at your hem).
The soft pastel colors are gay
-a whole rainbow of pale,
pale blues, greens, violets yel-
lows, and pinks are just a few
of the delicate hues.
And the trim, cut lines hug-
ging your waist and flaring at
your hem give you the slim
prettiness you desire.
(Others $7.95 to $27.50)

Exclusive with

i : >

III I I; I '~..I I


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