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February 18, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-18

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Road To Barcelona Is Strewn With War Wreckage

Are Received
By 49 Students
? Persons Gain Honor
In Literary College; One
In Architecture College
Final Marks Issued
Xl-"A" records were made last
nester by 49 students enrolled in
School of Forestry and Conser-
tion, the School of Music, the
pool of Education, the College of
chitecture and the College of Liter-
ire, Science and the Arts, Robert
Williams, assistant registrar, an-
inded yesterday.
:n the forestry school, perfect per-
manes were turned in by George
Staebler, '39F&C, and Tom V.
ider, '39F&C.
[he single perfect record in the
:hitectural school was made by
iiley E. Richardson, '40A.
'elia Chao, '40M, and Grace E.
son, '39SM, gained the highest
nors in the music school.
Kll "A's" were earned in the edu-
.ional school by Emma L. Britton,
Ed; Douglas S. Brown, '39Edi;
Idred E. Cardwell, '4Ed; Robert
Morrow, '4OEd; and Ruth M.
horling, '39Ed
hose in the literary school earn-
perfect records were:Constance
Berry, '41, Arthur L. Biggins, '42;
acy V. Buckwalter, '40, Marcia
anell, '39, Marshall F. Crouch, '41,
4bur S. Davidson, '40.
harles L. Dolph, '39; Robert A.
hr, '41; Sarah M. Forsythe, '39;
ron Gins, '41; Harry E. Goodman,
Esther L. Gross, '39; Frederick
warth, '41; Alfred Hower, '39;
han Kalajan, '41; Robert Kamm,
lobert Kann, '40; Edna Kearney,
June Larson, '41; Isabella H.
goski, '42; Kenneth Pine Mathews,
Grace Miller, '42; James H. Mor-
sey, '40; William Mundy, III., '39;
bert Nabatoff, '39; Alfred T. Nel-
, '41; John D. Newburgh, '41.
ester Persky, '41; Robert V. Rosa,
; Doris A. Scott, '40; Henry K.
Koch, Jr., '40; Louis W. Sessions,
; Robert H. Snyder, '40; Erich E.
iner, '40; Robert J. Taylor, '39;
len I. Tucker, '39; Lawrence B.
ek, '41; Sol M. Wezelman, '41; and
lette Wolf, '39.
of fee Hours
Will Continue
rof. Pollock Will Discuss
The series of Vocational Coffee
curs inaugurated by the Union last
nester will continue Thursday
hen Prof. James K. Pollock of the
litical science department will talk
.d conduct a forum on "Politics as
Profession," it was announced yes-
rday* by Donald Treadwell, '40.
ilon orientation chairman.
The series is conducted to acquaint
Idents with the nature and prob-
ns of their chosen work by securing
t services of authorities in theit re-
ective departments as speakers.
ofessor Pollock has been particular-
known for his active service on the
chigan Civil Service Commission.
(Continued from Page 4)

ntial Office and Holy Communion
Unitarian Church, State and Hu-
a Sts. 11 a.m. "Defenders of God"
scussed by Rev. Hubert Dukes.
ngregational Church of Jackson.
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union.
;cussion. Speaker to be announced

Three Insurgent soldiers on an inspection tour of Borjas Blancas, Spain, found little there to inspect but
wreckage, following the fierce fighting that resulted in the town's capture from government hands on Jan. 5.
Borjas Blancas was on the Insurgents' road to Barcelona. Less trouble than in this town was encountered when
the Insurgents marched triumphantly into Barcelona, the Government capital.

Regent Race
Split In Democratic Ranks
Provides One-Party
Election Battle
(This is the second of a series of
articles impartially presenting infor-
mnation on the candidates for nomina-
tion in the.Board of Regents race.)
Perhaps because of its defeat in
November, perhaps - because of dis-
sension between the Van Wagoner
and Murphy factions within the par-
ty, the Democrats have shown little
interest in the April primary. But
Republican hopes, at a high peak,
have resulted in a bitter race for the,
two nominations to the Board of Re-
Yesterday the contest took a new
turn when W alter F. Gries, former
warden of Marquette branch prison
and for seven years Marquette Coun-
ty school commissioner, withdrew his
candidacy in favor of another Upper
Peninsula man, Joseph J. Herbert of
"If conditions seem right and there
is evidence of considerable support
for me, I may decide to become a
candidate for tthe State Board of
Education," Gries said in announcing
his action.
U.P. Supporting Herbert
Herbert, the remaining candidate,
will have the whole-hearted support
of the Upper Peninsula delegations
at a party convention in Flint next
Wednesday. For several years re-
ports have come out of the north in- I
dicating dissatisfaction in the num-
ber of positions occupied by U.P.
candidates. Gries reportedly with-
drew because he desired that the
northern delegations remain solid.
Herbert is an alumnus and a past-
commander of the Michigan depart-
ment of the American Legion. He
has been active in alumnae affairs.
Another candidate for the post and
one who has, strong support is James'
K. Watkins, former police comrds-
sioner of Detroit and a varsity full-
back in the days when Fielding H.
Yost was turning out point-a-minute
Seek Stone's Vacancy
Watkins, one of three brothers who
graduated from Michigan, is a prom-
inent Detroit lawyer. He is active
in public affairs and is known as a
loyal alumnus. After leaving the cam-
pus, he was a Rhodes scholar. Her-
bert G. Watkins, assistant secretary
of the University, is his brother.
Both Watkins and Herbert will be
seeking the position vacated by Ralph
Stone of Detroit.

State NYA Offers Library Service
In More Than 100 Rural Areass
By HELEN CORMAN by the Central State Teachers Col- t
One of the important contributions leges and the County Agricultural j
of the National Youth Administra- Agent respectively.
tion in Michigan is the maintenance More typical of the N A program 1
of more than 100 libraries in rural than the itinerant library is the crea-
and small town areas in the state. tion of a regular library for a locali-
These projects were originated when ty which was formerly without one.
it was found that nearly three out NYA girls are operating a library in
of four persons in rural Michigan Hazel Park with books and periodi-
had no library facilities. cals supplied by several public agen-
Wexford County's traveling library cies and interested individuals.
is an example of one method used by Small-town branches of county li-
the NYA to bring urban advantages braries throughout the state are also
to isolated rural communities. A assisted by NYA workers. In Lansing,
large school bus, a "Parnassus on their activities include translations
Wheels," converted into a regular li- in braille, in cooperation with the
brary operated by NYA workers, State School for the Blind. Braille
travels through the county on regu- repair work is also a part of the li-
lar scheduled routes. Over 2,000 brary staff's work.
books are circulated monthly and re- Not only do the staff members type
quests for extension of the service are and file index cards, arrange shelves
received continually. The books and and racks, repair books, newspapers
bulletins in the library are supplied and magazines but they make posters
and assist with childrens' groups and
State Legislature Adjourns maintain scrapbooks.
As a result of training and work
LANSING, Feb. 17-(AP)-The Leg- experience obtained on these proj-
islature adjourned today until Mon- ects, 166 young men and women were
day night, promising itself short ses- placed in private industry during
sions next week in order to permit January, according to Orin W. Kaye,
most of the legislators to attend the State Director of the NYA. Of this
Republican state convention in Flint number, 96 obtained permanent em-
on Thursday. ployment.

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