They Say..,,
IT SEEMS TO ME that Western
Conference football for 1939 will
be nothing more than a lot of super-
fluous exhibitionism. The "experts"
have the results tabulated. Thd cups
have been ordered. The coaches have
been fired. Truly, a person is a suck-
er to waste his time and money on
such a cut-and-dry proposition.
Now I have it from an unimpeach-
able source, from informants close to
the chancellery, from official circles,
and from a person authorized to
speak for the administration (edit
staff please note) that this fall willj
Baseball Team
To Leave For Ohio
Ace Center-Fielder
Michigan .......5 0
Northwestern ...5 0
The rest of the field will sprawl
in the wake of these two power-
houses and among the crew of non-
descripts will be a Minnesota eleven,
-shorn, shackled and stripped of its
Maroon and Gold doublets. As one
foreign office secretary, a man close
to the Fuehrer, told me:
"Yeh, it took time, but this Is
the year when we catch up with
those big Swedes."
This brutally frank statement na-
turally arouses conjecture. Chats
with the coaches go something like
"How will Minnesota be?"
"How good?"
"Damn good."
"But they lost 19 lettermen."
"Schmeling beat Louis didn't
he? So what."
So I checked. Among my discov-
eries were, the following items:
That Bernie Bierman, the dour
coach of the Norsemen, issued some
130 uniforms for spring drills. (80
turned out at Michigan).
That 17 lettermen signed up for
spring practice. Among the leading
lights are Capt. Win Pederson, I
Duce Mariucci, Harold Johnson, Bob
Bjorklund, Phil Belfiori, George
Gould, George Franck, Harold Van
Every, and Marty Christianson.
That despite the fact that only
five lettermen return: from tackle
to tackle, there is an abundance
of typically rugged Swedes from
squads 5, 5-A, 6, and 123. Im-
portant names: Pashka, Pukems,
Kuusisto, Magnusson, Levy, and
Lushine. The last is a 250 pound-
That six talented yearling backs,
Bruce Smith, Joe Mernik, Art Rebro-
vich, Bob Sweiger, Mike O'Bradovich,
and Ed Bonk, will add dynamite to
Gopher backfield mainstays Franck,
Van Every and Christianson.
That in Smith, Biermannreputedly
has one of the finest Frosh backs to
appear at the Minneapolis institu-
tion in years. He seems a sure bet to
pair up with Van Every at the half-
back posts. Bonk, who was heralded
as the "Masked Marvel" or the "Slip-
pery Hipped Kid" two years ago, is
supposedly a pistol.
That anyone who sells Minnesota
short in 1939 is apt to wind up in the
aspirin league.
INTRIGU1E: The Big Ten golf chamn-
pionships this year will be held at
the Kildeer Country Club in Chicago.
Th favorites and defending cham-
pions are the representatives of
Northwestern. A few months ago
this column learned that 22 caddies
are attending this university on Wes-
tern Golf Association scholarships,
in our -opinion a thoroughly repre-
hensible practice. While I have no
objection to scholarships of any sort,
it seems to me that the recipients
should be allowed to choose their own
institution. This also adds up to a
screwy total when one finds that the
Western Golf Association junior
championships will be held at the
University course here this year.
Add to the tasty morsel, a
chronic fault in all Conference
golf tourneys, to wit the fact that
Northwestern will hold a tremen-
dous advantage in playing at a
Chicago course. Last year the
tournament was held at Minne-
apolis and a strictly mediocre
Minnesota team finished second.
At Kildeer this year Northwes-
tern should breeze home.
Next year the tournament is sched-
uled for Ohio State, only other Con-
ference school besides Michigan to
own a championship course. The
last Conference championships held
here were in 1930 and 1931. To my
mind, a true test of ability requires
that all Conference golf matches be
held at some neutral course putting
all teams on an even plane.
A NEW athletic rivalry has come
forth this week with the an-
nouncement that the United States
Wo~ra1Snsrlotr ril ......'11atoef
Charley Pink, Wolverine center-
fielder, who batted .411 on the
southern trip, will face Buckeye
John Dagenhard from his leadoff
spot in tomorrow's Big Ten open-
er at Columbus.
Unbeaten Golf
Teamn Praised
By Courtright
Outside of a little impatience
brought on by the capriciousness of
the Ann - Arbor weather man, golf
coach Ray Courtright is a contented
man these days as he faces the pros-
pect of a successful season for his
large and experienced squad of links-
Coach Courtright has nothing but
praise for the five-man squad that
has just returned from its spring trip
south with a perfect record. The
Wolverines captured all four of their
Southland tune-up matches, and
then topped off the trip with an im-
pressive 20-4 victory over Ohio State.
Play Equally Well
"No doubt with some good weath-
er and a little practice," Courtright
said, "we stand a fine chance of
running up an impressive record this
Every man on the team, he said,
played equally well. With the excep-
tion of a little weakness in approach-
ing to the pin the squad showed mid-
season form, keeping their scores well
under the 80 mark.
Squad Is Large
The lack of travelling accommo-
dations forced Coach Courtright to
limit his team to five men, Capt.
Bob Palmer, Lynn Riess, Tom Tuss-
ing, Jim Loar, and Jack Emery. How-
ever, Ray has a wealth of material in
those who did not make the trip.KBill
Black, Bill Yearnd, Ed Hoagland, Ken
McCarren, Fred Lamb. Glen Sander-
son, Barnes, Ken Johnson, and Fred
Dannenfelser will all play around
~daily and keep th e squad ui to four-
Yearling Wrestlers
Awarded Numerals
Seven freshman wrestlers, all of
whom are regarded as promising
prospects for next year's Varsity
squad, have been named by Coaches
Cliff Keen and Port Robertson to re-
ceive the freshman numeral award.
They are: John W. Butler, Port
Huron; John R. French, Ann Arbor;
James O. Galles, Chicago, Ill.; Rich-
ard P. Mueller, Cleveland, Ohio; Ray
H. Murray, Jr., Detroit; John L.
Raschbacher, Ann Arbor; and Don-
ald A. Young, Parma, Ohio.
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Complete Rental and Sales Service
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Barry To Hurl
Opening Game
For Michigan
Joln Dagenhard To Pith,
For OSU In Big Ten
Inaugural At Columbus
Deprived of the benefits of outdoor
practice since returning from the
south, 14 Michigan ball players will
leave for Columbus today, weather
permitting, to launch the Big Ten
season with a two-game series against,
Ohio State tomorrow and Saturday.
The players named for the trip by
Coach Ray Fisher are Capt. Walter
Peckinpaugh, Leo Beebe, Forest Eva-
shevski, Jack Barry, Russ Dobson,
Danny Smick, Les Veigel, Lyle Bond,
Elmer Gedon, Pete Lisagor, Mike
Sofiak, Bill Steppon, Fred Trosko and
Charley Pink.
Had Disastrous Trip
The Buckeyes have likewise been
hindered by inclement weather this
week and had two scheduled games
rained out. Coach Fritz Mackey's
nine experienced a rather disastrous
southern trip. earlier in the season,
winning only one game, but never-
theless exhibited definite pitching
strength. Since returning home they
have only a 10-6 victory over Ohio
University to show.
The Bucks' chief mound hope is big
John Dagenhard, senior right-hander
who last season ranked third in the
Conference earned run averages.
Dagenhard will probably draw the
starting assignment tomorrow and his
opponent will be Barry, who proved
himself to be the most dependable of
the Michigan pitchers, on the south-
ern trip.
Sexton Shows Promise
For Saturday's game Ohio is pin-
ning its hopes on Jimmy Sexton,
sophomore football star who showed
exceptional promise in southern ap-
pearances, or veteran right hander
Clay Blancke. Fisher hasn't decid-
ed as to his choice for the second
tilt and intimated that the starter
might be either Smick, Bond, Dob-
son or Veigel, the choice depending on
the outcome of the first game. If
Smick gets the nod, his right field
position will be taken over by either
Steppon or Evashevski.
The Buckeyes' leading hitting
threats are outfielder Tony Jesko
who boasts a mark of .438 for the sea-
son and first sacker Bill Laybourne,
batting champion of the Confer-
ence in 1937.
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Scores of well dressed men
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Moves Up
Warren Breidenbach, smooth-
striding sophomore track star, who
ran the 440- indoors, is expected to
provide Wolverine points in the
220- outdoors. He will continue to
run on the crack one-mile relay
Weather Balks Attempt
To Name Track Squad
For the second straight day Coach
Charley Hoyt was balked yesterday
in his attempt to determine which of
his numerous sprint candidates merit
a place on the squad for the initial
meet of the outdoor track season
with Illinois Saturday.
Cold weather made traversing the
220-yard distance extremely hazar-
dous because of the possibility of
pulled muscles and Hoyt had to put
off the trials until today. The lead-
ing candidates for the posts are Al
Smith, Warren Breidenbach, Tom
Harmon, Jim Rae, Bob Barnard, the
Culvers, Fred and Carl, and Jim
Bees Take Long Game
BOSTON, April 19.--(RP)- Playing
in fog and rain, the Boston Bees
opened their 1939 National League
season today by taking a 12-inning
game from Philadelphia, 7 to 6, in a
morning Patriots' Day contest wit-
nessed by fewer than 2,000 rugged
baseball fans.
Weir Pleased
With Showmg
Of NetSquad
Tobin, Kidwell And Durst
Stand Out As Weather
Bothers Capt. Percival
A howling blizzard in Pittsburgh,
frigid weather in Maryland and buc-
kets of rain in Virginia was the pro-
gram laid out by the weatherman for
Coach Weir and his squad of eight
netmen during their recent sojourn
into the Southland.
Instead of the expected and highly-
touted sunny climate usually found
below the Mason-Dixie line, the group
spent the week in typical Ann Arbor
weather. Despite adverse conditions,
however, they managed to complete
five of the six scheduled matches and
partially play one against V.M.I.
Weir 'Praises Team
"We had a very successful trip.
The team played excellent tennis all
the way, the players took advantage
of the outdoor matches and improved
considerably. In fact the only thing
wrong with the entire tour was the
weather, and that was pretty bad,"
was Coach Weir's statement.
The cold weather hampered the
play of many of the players, especially
Capt. Don Percival who is at his best
in hot weather. Don showed the ef-
fects of the wintry blasts when he
dropped his first three matches to
Robertson of Washington and Lee,
6-3, 6-4, Lau of VMI, 7-5, 2-6, and
6-2, and to Channing of Virginia,
6-1, 6-1. However, he soon rounded
into shape, and won his remaining
matches without dropping a set to
return to Ann Arbor with an even
record of three wins and three losses.
Tobin Number One
The other members of the squad
who were outstanding on the trip were
Jim Tobin, John Kidwell, and Sam
Durst. Tobin played in number one
spot throughout the six matches and
split even, winning three and losing
three. However, his * losses were to
three nationally ranked players,
Frank Thompson,. Virginia, 6-1, 7-5,
Ed Johz son, George Washington, 7-5,
6-3, and Al Retzenberg, Maryland,
3-6, 6-1, 6-2.
Kidwell and Durst, playing in two
and three spots in every match but
one, each returned with the fine
record of five wins and one defeat.
The one defeat in each case came at
the hands of the powerful Virginia
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