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April 18, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-18

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Newman Club
. *
Lists Patrons
Will Hold Formal Friday
In Ballroom Of Union
Attorney General Frank Murphy
will head the list of patrons for the
annual Newman Club spring formal,
to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri-
day, Mary Jane Kronner, '40, an-
nounced yesterday.
The patrons and patronesses are
President and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven,
Vice-President and Mrs. J. D. Wruce:,
Vice-President and Mrs. S. W. Smith,
Vice-President and Mrs. C. A. Yoa-
kum, Dean H. C. Anderson, Dean and
Mrs. H. M Bates, Dean and Mrs. W.
I. Bennett, Dean and Mrs. R. W.
Bunting, Dean and Mrs. J. A. Burs-
ley, Dean and Mrs. S. T. Dana,Dean

* Pineapple
* Vanilla
*k Lime
* ofee
Double Dipped
. Now...
with our own




Tickets Go On Sale
For Military Ball
Members of the advanced course of
the ROTC will be able to purchase
tickets for the Military Ball, from 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Regimen-
tal Council Office in the West En-
gineering Annex, Paul A. Simpson,
'39BAd, chairman of tickets and fi-
nance, announced yesterday.
The ticket sale will be open to-
morrow and Thursday to the basic
students, Simpson said. The sale is
being conducted on a dash basis, and
tickets are priced at $3.
The orchestra for the affair, to be
held April 28 at the Union, will be
announced during the middle of this
week, Hugh Downer, '39E, music
chairman said.
and Mrs. J. B. Ednionson, Dean and
Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg, Dean and
Mrs. C. E. Griffin, Dean and Mrs.
E. H. Kraus, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dr.
and Mrs. H. B. Lewis, and Dr. and
Mrs. G. A. Sink.
Other patrons are: Dean and Mrs.
C. T. Olmsted, Dean and Mrs. W. B.
Rea, Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Rev.
Thomas R. Carey, Rev. Clair J. Berry,
Rev. John Lynch, Rev. Arthur L.
Reckinger, Prof. and Mrs. E.B. Stason,
Professor Elizabeth Crosby, Prof. and
Mrs. E. N. Durfee, Prof. and Mrs. H.
L. Morrison, Prof. and Mrs. A.F. Sher-
zer, Prof. and Mrs. J. S. Worley.
Nothing is more essential
to a beautiful home, frater-
nity, os sorority than clean,
neat-looking rugs and carpets.
We offer you a service where-
by yo can realize this objec-
tive and at the same time be
sure of safe, sure work which
is necessary in prolonging the
life of your rugs and carpets.
American Rug
Cleaning Co.
1032 Greene Street
Phone 8115


Spring Vacation Brings Many

Yea, verily, life is a rat-race. Ten daze ago vacation came along and
scattered the stewdents all over the place, like the break-shot of a cue-
ball on a billiard table. And now all the little sheep are back in the fold, or
billiard-balls back in the rack or something.
Then We Go To The Station .
Commiserating with each other over the necessity of return were the
entire Niagara Falls delegation on one of New York Central's dirtier coaches
--Eleanor and Ginger Sappington, Bill Mc-
Dowell, Bill Cannon, Marybeth Jones, and her
guest, Fran Kahrs, Annette Stroup, the three
Smalls, Dorothy, Fran and Bill, and Ray
Berry-practically all of N'ff'ls, in fact. Con-
nie and Kay Williams were wandering around
looking feverishly for Connie's notebook, which
she left on the train going home. Phone
2-4561 if you run into an extra one. ,
The station was a conglomeration of stuff
0 a fleeting glimpse showed lots of rain, lots
of reversibles, gabardine side foremost, lots of
baggage and lots of taxis, but not enuf. Saw Harriet Jawitz and a few ofthers
dashing wildly for one while Les Eames and-Ruth Kinsey stoo4 around in
quiet despair. Or maybe the idea of getting to their morning classes didn't
What did people do over the holiday? Well, the women all went shop-
ping-and would we ever be looking cute if it wouldn't rain. Some of us
do anyhow. And everybody went to the dentist. But to escape from the
parlance of trivial generalities,-Mary and Barbara Wheat managed to bisy
themselves with a jaunt to Washington, D.C., Betty Sutton-likewise. Ibby
Bruyere and Suzy Morgan had a swell time hobnobbing with Midshipmen
Bill Rowen, George Barr, and Walt Seedlock, to mention only a few, at the
Annapolis Easter Hop.
Glee Club Swings Out . .
Biggest noos of Noo York City was the Michigan Glee Club concert at
the Commodore. But that isn't all, mind you. Why, there was a party before
and a dance after 'n everything. Yeah, Bob and Joan Lodge
were at home to all the Glee Clubbers, and scads of others
including Esther Schaeffer, Carmen McKell, and such ex-
celebrities of Michigan as Ralph Forbes, Flora "Spots"
Lewis, Joan Howson, May Schode, and Sue Willard. Out-
standing feature of the dance was a cakewalk, led by a
clarinetist named Peewee and followed by the whole mob.
N.B.-Ruth Calkins and Bill Collette are cakewalkers from
way back.
The songsters-or should we say concert ar'tists?-had
a right jolly old time in the beeg city-Bill Mackintosh,
Carl Viehe, and Calvin Gibson almost fell off the Aquitania.


Marriage Announced

Announce Engagement

i rl ® i iM ;

The engagement of Stephanie
Parfet, '39, to Sanford M. Ladd, '40L,
has been announced by the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Par-
fet of Port Huron. Miss Parfet is the
retiring president of Panhellenic as-
sociation and has been active in other
campus activities. She is a member of
Alpha Phi sorority while Mr. Ladd
is affiliated with Alpha Delta Phi,
having been president his senior year
in the literary college. He is also a
member of Phi Delta Phi law frater-
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley
of Ann Arbor have announced the
marriage of their daughter, Rebecca,
'39, to John S. Winder, '41L, on Dec.
17, 1938. Mr. Winder is the son of Dr.
and Mrs. Charles J. Winder of Eaton
Rapids. Mrs. Winder is a.member of
Collegiate Sorosis while Mr. Winder is
affiliated with Theta Delta Chi and
Phi Delta Phi fraternities. They will
be at home at 511 Church St.
Chocolate Cigars
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Spangler of
Bryan, o., announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Betty Spang-
ler, '39, to Neil Levenson, '38 yester-
day at Pi Beta Phi sorority, of which
Miss Spangler is a member. Mr. Lev-
enson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Levenson of White Plains, N. Y.,
anel is affiliated with Theta Xi fra-
ternity. The engagement was made
known by chocolate cigars at each
place at the dinner table at the sor-
ority. They contained the announce-
ment inside.
Mrs. Henrietta Mosier of Ann Arbor
has made known the engagement of
her daughter Reville H. Mosier, '37. to
Arne A. Erickson, '37Ed., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Erickson of New-
berry. The wedding will take place
in the fall.
The marriage of Phyllis Anne Carey
'39, daughter of Mrs. Clare C. Carey
of Ann Arbor to Ralph L. Erlewine,
'39, took place April 10 in this city.
The bride is a member of Alpha Xi'
Delta sorority while Mr. Erlwine is
affiliated with Phi Gamma Delta fra-
ternity and is known on campus for
serving as director of the Spring Par-
ley and Freshman Rendezvous.
The marriage of Louise Noble,
daughter of Mrs. John Noble of East
Lansing and Fred H. Stocking, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Stocking of
Detroit took place April 1, in East
Lansing. Mrs. Stocking is a graduate
of Michigan State College while Mr.
Stocking attended the University and
graduated from Williams College.
Rutherford-Talman Tie
The engagement of Jean Alice
Rutherford, '40, daughter of Mrs.
Earl D. Rutherford to James B. Tal-
man, '39 was announced by the for-
mer's mother at a luncheon during
the holidays. Miss Rutherford is a
member of Kappa Alpha Theta sor-
ority and of Wyvern while Mr. Tal-
man is a graduate of Cranbrook
School and is affiliated with Sigma
Phi fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs William R Carpenter
of Washington have announced the
engagement of their daughter Jean,
'32, to Arthur K Stellhorn son of
Rev and Mrs Ernest C Stellhorn of
Ann Arbor. Miss Carpenter is affili-
ated with Delta Delta Delta sorority.
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hurley of
Jackson have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Mary
Helen, '38, to H. Gordon Wood, '40L,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wood of
Detroit. Miss Hurley is affiliated with
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority while
Mr. Wood graduated from Colgate
University and is a member of Phi
Delta Phi law fraternity.
The marriage of Geraldine Reece,
daughter of Mrs. John W. Reece of
Texas to Dr. R. H. Cummings, '33M,
took place April 15. Dr. Cummings is
First Of Swing Sessions
To Be Held Wednesday
The first of the four all-campus
Swing and Sway sessions will be held

from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday,
April 19 in the League Ballroom.
Arthur Murray's dancers, Bennett
and .Gale, will do an exhibition rum-
ha fox trot and tango at the third

By the Neighbor

the son of Dr. and Mrs. Howard H.
Cummings of Ann Arbor. The cere-
mony took place in Texas. Dr. Cum-
mings is a member of Beta Theta Pi
and Nu Sigma Nu fraternities.
Mrs. Helen Forster Borchers' mar-
riage to Dr. Frederick G. Novy, Jr.
of Oakland, Calif., has been an-
nounced. Dr. Novy is the son of Dr.
Frederick G. Novy of Ann Arbor, is
a graduate of the University and a
member of Nu Sigma Nu medical
Ann Arbor And Manila
Esther Kunkle, '34, of Ann Arbor is
soon to leave for Manila, P.I., for her
marriage to Robert W. Malcolm of
that city.
The marriage of Eleanor Peschke,
'38, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Peschke of Detroit to John C. Lillie,
36, took place April 8. Mr. Lillie is
the son of Dr..and Mrs. H. 1. Lillie of
Rochester, Minn.
The marriage of Ann M. Sloss of
New York City to Nelson A. Sharf-
man, '36L, son of Prof. and Mrs. I.
Leo Sharfman of Ann Arbor took
place in New York City April 11.
Mrs. Sharfman is a graduate of Wis-
consin University while Mr. Sharf-
man is affiliated with Kappa Nu
Seeley-Greene Vow
The marriage of Jean A. Seeley,
'36, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dana
E. Seeley of Ann Arbor to Vaughn
W. Greene will take place June 17 in
this city. Miss Seeley is a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and was
prominent in League activities while
on campus.
Lettie B. Rolfson's marriage took}
place March 24 to Henry J. Lange,
'40M. Mrs. Lange is the daughter of
Capt. and Mrs. Joseph N. Rolfson
and is a graduate of Battle Creek
College. Mr. Lange is a member of
Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi
Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa
Mr. and Mrs. Edward de Onoot of
Grand Rapids have announced the
engagement of their daughter Hazel
C. to Gustaf A. Persson, Jr., of Mt.
Nurses Will Give
Annual 'April Fair'
"April Fair," traditional project of,
the University's School of Nursing,
will be held from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30
p.m. Friday at Couzens Hall.
This year, in addition to dancing,
bridge, and games of chance, the
project will include a skit, "Extra
Edition." The formal program will be
climaxed by a Professor Quiz feature
called "You Tell Us" in which the
students will have a chance to exam-
ine their professors. The cast will in-
clude Dr. Anthony J. Rourk, Dr. Carl
iVoyer, Dr. Walter Nungester, Miss
Marie Wanzeck, and Harvey Whit-
Members of the committee in
charge of the affair, Charlene Math-
is, '39SN; Roberta deVries, '39SN;
Cecelia Reamer, '4OSN, and Fay Fred-
eric, '41SN are being assisted by Miss
Genevieve DeArmond, social director
of Couzens Hall.


Cancer Army
Starts Drive
Ann Arbor Group Seeks
Goal Of 300 Members
Setting as their goal the addition
of 300 members to their ranks, the
Women's Field Army of the American
Society for the Control of Cancer, is
launching today a concentrated mem-
bership solicitation drive in Ann
The drive is under the direction
of Mrs. Bradley M. Patten and Mrs.
L. J. Johnson and their commit-
tees, whQ wiMi canvass stores, offices
and factories for members. Men as
well as women are eligible to join
the Army, which was organized to
"Fight Cancer With Knowledge."
The Army will hold a Tag Day
Saturday, turning the proceeds from
the sale over to expansion of the
educational campaign. 70 per cent of
the funds will be spent in this state,
While the remainder will be sent to
th natiorial headquarters in New
York City.
A group of 32 high school girls of
Ann Arbor will assist Mrs. W. S.
Peck 'fnd her committee of five
lieutenants in selling the tags. Oth-
ers on Mrs. Peck's committee are
Mrs. T. B. Peirsol, Mrs. Paul Barker,
Mrs. Elliot Barnwell, Mrs. L. A.
Tappe and Mrs. C. E. Griffin.
Meeting Is Postponed
The meeting of the Michigan
Dames, scheduled for today, has been
po'stponed to next Tuesday, April 25.
The members will meet in the Am-
phitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing for the election of officers for
the following year.

The ONE gift that really
expresses your affection--

Arrange for your Mother's,
Day photograph today!
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Drink More Milk
Year-Round Health


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