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April 07, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-07

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FRIDAY, AMR 7, 1919



Danner Speaks
On Experience
Among Indians
Former Varsity Wrestler
Shows Movies Of Life
With Lacondone Tribe

Predicts Hitler's Subjects Will Revolt

Harland Danner, '39, speaking
Wednesday night in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre under the spon-
sorship of La Sociedad Hispanica,
showed his movies and told of his
amazing experiences among the La-
candone Indians during a 60-day stay
in the southern Mexican wilderness.
The 21-year old former varsity
wrestling star was' inclined to mini-
mize the hardships and dangers of
his stay In the primitive native vil-
lage, one of the last vestiges of an-
cient Mayan civilization, but the
films he took attested to the perils.
Life and customs of the Lacan-
dones, as shown in the movies, are
strange to civilized minds, as this
tribe has been practically untouched
by any modernizing influence. One
of their numerous religious rites, for
example, features a three-day drunk-
en brawl during which the man who
becomes the most inebriated is con-
sidered the most sanctified. The
man who downs less than seven gal-
lons of this "balche" during the fes-
tival is considered a sissy. Danner
added that he was definitely in the
sissy class.
He also, described several jungle
culinary delicacies: mashed corn,
lime and arroyo water; roast monkey
with tortillas; and roast bananas and
he told of the hordes of ticks, mos-
quitoes -and "voracious" flies in the
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the
University Anthropology Museums,
prefaced .Danner's lecture with a
short talk on the history of Mayan
Gov. Dickinson
Issues First Veto
Tax Bill Returns To House
For Corrective Action
LANSING, April 6.-W)--Governor
Dickinson's first veto of a bill during
tiis administration today resulted in
the measure being recalled to the
House of Representatives for correc-
The Governor had vetoed a measure
to continue a 10 per cent redemption
fee on tax delinquent property dis-
posed of by forced sale. Its rejection
by the Governor had brought from
Sen. George P. MeCallum (Rep.),
Ann Arbor, the charge that Assistant
Attorney General T. Carl Holbrook,
as "an agent for a bunch of tax title
buyers," had lobbied against it.
Dickinson at first delayed sending
his veto message to the legislature
when he learned the bill had been
sponsored originally by Auditor Gen-
cral Vernon J. Brown, but he was
later informed that the legislature
had amended it beyond Brown's
oth tlie House and Senate asked
the Governor to return the bill in
order that they might correct it.
Dickinson signed an act making
the Auditor General an ex-officio
member of the State Land Office
Board, with $1,000 a year added to
his salary.
Dickinson then appointed John A.
Mustard, Battle Creek, and Fred W.
Greenstreet, Ypsilanti, to complete
the three-member Board. They will
draw. $4,080 a year and serve until
The Land Office handles tax de-
linquent lands in southern Michigan
for which there is no buyer and will
have charge of the "scavenger" tax
sale of unsold tax delinquent proper-
Glee Club Men
Plan N.Y. Trip
Group Accepts Alumni

Bid For Concerts
In answer to the invitation of the
Michigan Alumni Club of New York,
the University Glee Club, under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern, will
leave Monday, April 10, to give a
series of concerts in several New
York cities. The climax of the week's
tour will be a recital followed by a
dance April 14 at the Hotel Com-
modore in New York City.
The concert club, composed of 37
men, has travelled 4,000 miles in the
last four years. This spring, in ad-
dition to New York City, they will
sing in Buffalo, for the Greater Buf-
falo Advertising Club Luncheon; at
Oak Hill Country Club in Rochester;
Lewiston and Utica.
The Glee Club will present a pro-
gram similar to the one which was
favorably received last Thursday. It
includes compositions by Tschaikow-
sky and Moussorgsky as well as selec-
tions from the Gilbert and Sullivan
oneretta. "Trial by Jury."


"There'll be revolution," Erich von Schroetler, national secretary of
the German-American league for culture, anti-Nazi group, told a Chi-
cago meetings of Czechs and Slovaks. "Germans, Czechs and Slovaks
are oppressed peoples," he said.

G-Men May Aid
Ouse To Probe
WPA Situation
Senate Unable To Reach
Decision On Roosevelt
Plea For Relief Fund
WASHINGTON, April 6. -(P)-
Members of a House subcommittee set
up to investigate WPA said today that
justice department agents would be
used in the inquiry "if needed."
The subcommittee, which held its
organization meeting today, has auth-
ority to use J. Edgar Hoover's men if
the Justice Department is agreeable,
it was said. Whether the chief of the
I "G-men" has been consulted as yet
was not disclosed.
Senate Considers Relief Bill
House investigators had their meet-
ing while the Senate was considering
the bill to provide an additional $100,-
000.000-or $50,000,000 less than
President Roosevelt has requested-
for WPA operations until July 1. A
vote on this question was not reached
before adjournment.
Although Senate Democratic lead-
ers made no fight for the full $150,-
000,000 asked by Mr. Roosevelt, Sena-
tor Pepper (Dem.-Fla.) argued more
than three hours for the larger sum.
"When he (the President) recom-
mended a little $50,000,000 more for
relief than recommended by our aug-
ust appropriationscommittee, he was
slapped in the face," Pepper said.
Need Government Aid
He contended private enterprise
would never be able to solve the un-
employment problem without govern-
ment spending to supplement pur-
chasing power, and said that previous
Administration efforts to balance the
budget had been followed by business
thSenar George (Dem.-Ga.) replied.
tat relief could, only relieve, never
cure, economic ills. The failure of
Government spending to promote re-
covery had been well demonstrated,
he contended.
"We have the same unemployment.
the same need of relief-practically
-that we had when Mr. Hoover went
out of office."
WPA Rolls Slashed
Pepper declared 200,000 persons had
been cut off WPA rolls since April 1
and that 200,000 more would go off
this month if the Senate failed to
vote the sum requested by the Presi-
dent. Senator Adams (Dem.-Colo.Y,
"The situation the Senator pictures
will not exist if he will permit us to
vote the $100,000,000."
At the meeting of the House sub-
committee investigating the WPA J.
,O'Connor , Roberts, Washington at-
torney and former solicitor of the
Veterans'. Administration, was elect-
ed counsel.
In The Daily of April 4 it was in-
correctly stated that one Robert R.
Irish, '42, is in charge of organiza-
tion of a Battle Creek Club. The
correct name is Robert E. Irish.

Italian Oceupation
Of Albania Foirseen
(Continued from Page 1)
tween Gen. Alberto Pariani, Italian
undersecretary of war, and Col. Gen.
Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the high
command of the German armed
forces, and Mussolini's flight kept
Rome in a state of tension and per-
The general impression remained,
however, that Italy meant to show
not only Britain and France but Yu-
goslavia and Greece that she and
Germany would break any attempted
encirclement by "unfriendly" . pow-
Tirana dispatches spoke of pos-
sible resistance to any occupation
from outside but said Zog's govern-
ment might find a formula under
which such occupation could be ac-
Military observers in Rome were
inclined to the belief that Albania
could do little to prevent troops land-
ing even if she wished.

Ceremonial Conducted
By Cardinal Tedeschini
VATICAN CITY, April 6.--(/P)-
Federico Cardinal Tedeschini, re-
cently appointed archpriest of St.
.Peter's. conducted the ancient Holy
Thursday ceremony of washing the
central altar stone of the Basilica
with wine and water tonight.
The ceremony was one which for
the past several years had been per-
formed by Pope Pius XII who, before
his election to the chair of St. Peter,
was the high priest of the church.I
Hundreds of faithful flocked to the
Basilica to witness the ritual. At
sundown they passed through un-
usually quiet streets toward St. Pet-
er's Square. The church bells which
generally echo through Rome at twi-
light were silent in mourning for the
Within St. Peter's, as evening fell,
the canons of the Basilica entered in
solemn procession. They bore eight
chalices containing wine for the
washing of the altar. }

Ruthven's Sunday
Talk To Be Printed
More than 250 requests have been
received by the University Broad-
casting Service for copies of Presi-
dent Ruthven's speech on "The Com-
mon Sense of Religion" delivered Sun-
day, according to Prof. Waldo M.
Abbot, director of the service.
President Ruthven spoke as a part
of the final Join the Choir program.
The talk will be printed in pamphlet
form rather than mimeographed and
copies will be available following
Spring Vacation, Professor Abbot said.
Requests have been pouring in
from half of the states in the Union
including Texas, New Hampshire,
Maryland, Connecticut, New Jersey,
New York, Kentucky, Nebraska and
Minnesota. Many more requests are
expected from listeners throughout
the United States.
MakeMin A W nt Ad

washing of the altar. Make Mine A Want Ad

III! - - Ilil(






Drink License Course Trains
BillProposed Police Officials
Plan Intended To Halt Sale Parley Here To Open
Of Liquor To Minors Class For Leaders
LANSING, April 6.-()P)-A group Police officials of leading Michigan
of legislators launched a campaign cities will lay the groundwork for
today to compel the licensing of the instruction of their home depart-
drinkers. ment administrators regarding sound
Rep. Nelson A. Miles, Rep., 1101- police management practices in a
land, led the drive, proposing in the conference Monday, to Saturday ati
House of Representatives a law that the Union.
would be modeled after those in ef- trictly
feet in Oregon, Utah, Iowa and Vir- Strictly a leader training session,
ginia. He declared it was the only the course will equip the men in police
workable means of shutting off the administration, according to James
sale of liquor to minors. W. Parry, supervisor of public em-
The licenses would cost 50 cents. ploye training for the State Board
They could be revoked for drunken- of Control for Vocational Education,
ness, desertion or conviction on felony
charges involving any infraction of which is sponsoring the conference.
liquor regulations. The men are to receive instruction
The group also proposed a system from Umiversity exports in vocationall
of "interdiction", that would permit training on methods of handling
any one to summon an habitual training courses. They later will con-
drinker into Circuit Court as an "ex- duct a series of class discussions on
cessive and improvident" drinker. police administration for their own
The court would have authority to department members.
forbid the sale of liquor to the ha- Officers at the conference also will
bitual drinker. consider how to design assignments
Miles said he had not devised a for their own classes, prepare forms
plan that would permit the sale of for examinations and decide on rules
liquor to tourists without moon- for certification of men successfully
venience. completing the course.
Rep. Elton R. Eaton, Rep., Ply-
mouth, introduced a bill that would
forbid political exploitation of WPA
workers. It would call for misdo-
meanor penalties against anyone who
solicited campaign contributions from
persons employed on work relief
projects, or who inquired into their
political or religious beliefs.

State and Washington Streets
Chas. W. Brashares, Minister.
Earl Sawyer, Minister
8 and 10:30 A.M. Identical Services. Dr.
Brashares' subject will be "Easter." The
Easter music will be "In Joseph's Lovely
Garden" by Dickinson, "Hallelujah" by
Jones, and "We Come with Voices Swell-
ing, which is an Easter carol. George
Cox will sing a solo, "Sheep and Lambs."
6:00 A.M. Wesleyan Guild at the Church.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead the group.

1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister.
Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant
Palmer Christian, Director of Music.
7:00 A.M. The Tuxis Society will meet for
an Easter Sunrise service at the Council
Circle which will be followed by break-
fast. John Slocum will lead the devotional
9:30 A.M. United Easter Worship Service of
the Church School lead by the Intermed-
iate Department and the Student Council.
9:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Levee of the Mr.
and Mrs. Club.
10:45 A.M. Easter Morning Worship Service.
"Here . . . and Hereafter."
Sermon by the Minister.
Special Easter music by the Junior and
Adult choirs.
10:45 A.M. Nursery for small children during
the Morning Worship Service.
6:00 P.M. The Westminster Guild will con-
tinue to meet during Spring vacation for
the benefit of students remaining in Ann
Arbor. Buffet suppers will be served at
the informal meetings between 6 and 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 9 and April 16.

Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
432 South Fourth Avenue

Dial 8498

9:00 A.M. German Service.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon: "The
Living Lord."
7:00 P.M. Young People's League.

I ' I




(Continued from Page 4)
refreshments will be served. 'he
dance is especially for all graduate
students remaining on campus dur-
ing vacation.
The (raduatc Outing. Jlub is in-
vited to attend the dance given by
the Graduate Council Saturday, Aifril
8. 9-12 p.m. in the Ballroom of the
Rackham Building. The club has
planned an outing for students on
campus during vacation. The group
will meet at the Northwest door of
the Rackham Building, Thursday,
April 13, at 2:30 p.m. When they
return supper will be served in ,the
club room. Faculty members and
all graduate students are welcome.
The Music Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet Tuesday,
April 18, at 8 o'clock, at the Michi-
gan League. Miss Louise Cuyler will
discuss the May Festival music,
Thm Westminster Guild will con-
tinue to meet during Spring Vaca-
tion for the benefit of students re-
maining in Ann Arbor. Buffet sup-
pers will be served at the informal
get-together between 6 and 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 9 and April 16.
Raid Liquor Stores
DETROIT- (A) - Federal alcohol
tax agents Thursday raided five De-
troit stores and seized 350 bottles of
bay rum on which the alcohol tax


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