MAT- , wit 7 I9:S
Plums Pl7?
Negative Team
Is Announced
DebAe Winner
Martha Cook Residence
Captures First Place,
In Semi-Final Contest
Mary Martha Taylor, '41, and Jean
Maxted, '41, negative team represent-
ing Martha Cook Residence, were the
winners of the semi-final debate in
the women's intramural debate series
held yesterday in Angell Hall.
Miss Taylor and Miss Maxted will
enter the final debate of the series
versus Zenovia Skoratko, '40, and
Dorcas Corin, Grad., representing
Alumnae House and Jordan Hall, at
3 P.m. Tuesday, April 25. This final
debate Will be held in the League.
The affirmative team in yester-
day's semi-final contest were Mar-
garet MacDermott, '40Ed, and Jo-
sephine Kift, '40, of Zeta Tau Alpha.
Judge for the debate was Jack Shul-
er, '40E, a member of the men's var-
sity debate team. Anne Hawley, '40,
co-chairman of the series with Betty
Bricker, '40, acted as chairman.
The final debate April 25 will be
the fifth debate in the intramural
series sponsored by the Undergradu-
ate council of the League. Eight
teams representing various campus
organizations including dormitories,
league houses and sororities have al-
ready been eliminated from the con-
Mrs. Frederic O. Crandall, a mem-
ber of the speech department, who
has been acting as faculty adviser
for the debate series, announced that
the two teams entering the final
contest are closely matched in ability.
Ilestrict Ball 'Ticket
Sale UntilApril 19
Tickets for the Military Ball, to be
given Friday, April 28, in the Union
Ballroom, will continue to be on sale
to 'members of the advanced corps
until Wednesday, April 19, Walter J.
Hinkle, '40, publicity chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
Until that time only advanced
corps members and members of the
officers reserve corps will be able to
buy tickets. After April 19 they will
be available to members of the basic
corps. The sale is going on in the
Regimental Council Office in the
West Engineering Annex.
Tickets are priced at $3, and will
be allotted to students in the fore-
mentioned two categories. They will
be sold only on a cash basis,
White For Spring--'39
WAA Meeting
To Be April 17
Plan Rasehall Tor amet
To $e Started April19
There will be a meeting of the house
athletic managers of the W.A.A. at
4:30 p.m. Monday, April 17 at the
Women's Athletic Building. General
announcements concerning the spring
sports season will be made at that
time by Jane Grove, '41, new Intra-
mural Manager.
Plans have been made to begin the
annual baseball tournament. Games
are to be played Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons
at either 4:30 p.m. or 5 p.m. Final
plans are to be made at the meeting
on Monday, and the tournament' will
begin on Wednesday, April 19. The
teams' will represent all women's resi-
dence units, and are to be composed of
not less than six nor more than ten
The Archery Club will hold its ini-
tial meeting of the year at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 20 at the W.A.B.
I Plans for the archery season include
? telegraphic intercollegiate matches,
competitions with the male archers
on campus, and an all-campus arch-
ery tournament.
The Dance Club will continue to
meet every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at
Barbour Gymnasium. Several dance
programs are scheduled to take place.
Recreational swimming classes will
be held from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. every
i Wednesday at the Union swimming
Spring Formal
Theme WillBe
Model Of Fair
Decorations for tife Newman Club
spring formal, . which will be held
from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April
21, in the Union Ballroom will be
done in a modernistic theme, Bill
Sherzer, '41E, and Pat Vihtellic, '40,
decoration co-chairman, announced
The entire ballroom will be a take
off on the New York World's Fair.I
A large rocket ship will be in the
doorway, and the guests must go
through it to enter the ballroom.
The ship will be realistically painted
on the outside, and the ballroom side
will be gilded with silver.
In back of the orchestra there will
be a model of the famed trylon and
perisphere which will also be gilded.
At the base of the pillars in the ball-
room will be multi-colored lights,
which will be constructed to reflect
on the ceiling.
Programs for the dance will carry
out the modernistic idea also, and
the design will be executed in true
vernal colors, the sign of spring, Ruth
Rochon, chairman said.
Legion To Aid.
Cancer Drive
Chadwick Offers Support
In Educational Campaign
Stephen F. Chadwick, national
commander of the American Legion,j
interested in the work of the Women's
Field Army of the American Society
Nine Days Vacation
Mean Sleep, Food,
Travel To Students
Nine days of sleeping as long as
one wants! Or raiding the ice box
without having to pay out a dime
every time! For the women, nine
days to miss a man or nine days to
catch another. However, there are
others who have different ideas. Take
Al Andrews, '39E, for example. He is
for the Control of Cancer, recently going to fly from here to Houston,
made the following statement con- Texas, in an army pursuit plane
which his father. stationed in the
cerning the work of the rganiza-
"In providing an effective educa-
tional campaign to spread informa-
tion about what may be done to con-
trol the ravages of that dread scourge
-cancer-the Women's Field Army
has the support of the American Le-
"Just now our members are reach-
ing the middle age'of life. The ris-
ing curve of the ineicance of cancer
among our members is giving serious
concern to those who are charged
with the responsibility of directing
our medical and rehabilitation pro-
"It will be clear, therefore, that
we who have such a problem im-
mediately confronting us among our
own members are happy to be en-
rolled as endorsing such a sound
movement as the Women's Field
army down there, is sending up for
him. Plenty of excitement for him.
Some more who are taking to the
air are Edward Horder, '41E and
Dick Livingston, '40, who are flying
to Miami where they will meet their
families. And then they all expect
to fly over to Cuba before coming
back for school.
Going west for a change, there is
Paula Copeland, '42, who is going
to Chicago with the idea of visiting
a few hotels and seeing what makes
them work. Mary Fran Brown, '40, is
also going as is Joan Ferguson, '41.
Not so far west, but Cleveland, there
is Dud Scrogen; '40, and Stu Robe-
son. And further west, there is Jean
Rich who will spend her entire va-
cation in Texas,
The motto
"Dance today
Sherzer said.
orchestra will
is open to the
of the dance will be
as you will tomorrow,"
Bill Sawyer and his
play at the ball which
campus at large.
Fresh lingerie touches at throat,
sleeves and waist give a crisp touch
to the dress shown above. A lacy
petticoat peeks out below the
swishing hemline.
Graduate Student touttieji
To Hold Dance Tomorrow
Under the direction of Henry Ly-
on, Grad., the Graduate Student
Council will entertain at an infor-
mal dance from 9 p.m. to midnight
tomorrow in the Rackham Building,
it was announced yesterday.
Refreshments will be served, and
the group will discuss at that time
plans for a formal dance to be given
in May.
WfIFN vou have your new Easter permanent consider
teat our wvave is really a "diferent" wave, soft, ful-rolling,
gleaning curls. If you re bored with the long locks about
your neck, come in and let us achieve for you a sophisti-
cated up-and-away coiffure in the new feminine mode.
Healthy, shiny hair is the first requisite for any type of coif-
fure. Try a couple of scalp treatments.
OTHER PERMANENTS .......$4.00 -$15.00
Rudolph's Beauty Shop
611 East Liberty Phone 3083
Katharine Gibbs secretarial training
offers college women a practical way
to ride their hobby, or pet interest, right
into a well-paid position. Over 2000
calls last year, for candidatesminterested
in writing, drama, sports, travel, etc.
" Ask College Course Secretary for
"RESULTS," a booklet of placement in-
formation, and illustrated catalog.
* Special Course for College Women
opens in New York and Boston Sep-
tember 26, 1939.
same course may be started July 10,
preparing for early placement.
Also One and Two Year Courses for pre-
paratory and high school graduates.
BOSTON .... 0 0Marlborough Street
NEW YORK........230 Park Avenue
3.50'and up
Acquire new lines of lovel-
iness and beauty in a well-
fitted foundation garment
especially suited to your
figure needs. You'll notice
the flattering difference as
soon as you don your new
spring cluothes! Come in
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110 E. Liberty
For their lost nation hundreds of Czech refugees cried when they met
in Paris and prayed, as this woman did, for their fatherland. On alien
scil they sang the Czech hymn, no longer heard in their own, Hitler
seized land.
"It won't hurt much" could hold no meaning'for four -month-old Frederick Dillenbeck, Jr., when Dr. N. F.
Flaster vaccinated him against smallpox at Colonie, N.Y. The lad was the 874th person vaccinated at the em-
ergency station. Note the mother's closed eyes.
Giovanni Martinelli, noted Metropolitan Opera star, who returns to
Ann Arbor again for this year' May Festival program.
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