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April 07, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-07

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rRTDAY, AM;L 7, 1939


_. .IPA..__ -..y f 4 7.. 1939-..

'Because My Daddy Treats Me So Well'

Baruch Urges
Sale Of Arms
On Cash Bsi

Poland Joins
Britain's Bloc-
A I-t 'it

Ages Gracefully

(Continued from Page 1) (Continued prom Page 1)
dispute over whether the President the guarantee to help defend Polish

A touch of nerves bothered Mary Martin when she saw her mother
(left) in the first row, the slim star of a Broadway comedy, "Leave It to
Me," admitted after a recent performance. Mrs. Preston Martin came
from Weatherford, Tex., to see the show for the first time and watch
Mary do a partial strip tease while singing her hit song "My Heart
Belongs to Daddy."

should be given discretion to name an
aggressor and refuse to sell him war
supplies, the question why it was im-
portant that all belligerents should be
treated alike was raised. Senator'
Green (Dem.-R.I.) an unfailing Ad-
ministration supporter, pointed out
that Baruch's system of "treating all
alike" meant the opposite of that.
"I admit that there's an inequality,"
Baruch replied. "It would favor Japan
ih one ocean and Great Britain and
France in another."
"Wouldn't it be the same inequality
as if we didn't have any legislation?"
"Yes, it would keep the same in-
equality that now exists." i
"Why is it so important then to
treat everyone alike?"
":Because, if we don't we will be en-
gaged in an economic war.".
May Lead To War
On that subject, Baruch, noting
what he called suggestions" that
American economic pressure should
be applied to prevent European ag-
gressors from starting a war, had this
to say:
"If our economic war fails, we will
be in military war. I am not sure that
even with the utmost economic pres-
sure we could prevent European war
if it were determined upon by the
"I also question the theory that we
must take part in any European war.
I am no military expert, but I do hap-
pen to have some experience with
many nations in the World War. (He
was an intimate confidant of Presi-
dent Wilson). I venture to believe that
this country or this hemisphere can
escape involvement in a European
conflict and we can do this without
burying our head in the sand; we can
still raise our voice against faithless-
ness and brutality.
U.S. Still Formidable
"You will hear it said that if we
do not go in of our own volition our
turn will come next. It is true that
our barriers of sea water have been
narrowed by science and invention.
But they are still formidable. It is
incredible that without almost com-
plete domination of the water and sky
of both the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans, a military attack in truly
threatening force could be launched
against this hemisphere from either
Asia or Europe.
"Who has the wisdom, or the bold-
ness, to advocate involvement of our
country in any overseas war on the
assumption that this apparent axiom
is no longer true-and on what known
Eact or theory? If we believe we can
defend this hemisphere then the whole
argument for now waging economic
war weakens.
"Our defeat here certainly can
never happen if we maintain a de-
fense adequate to prevent it."

independence, previously had a mu-
tual defense pact with Poland).
Beck conferred unexpectedly to-
night with Foreign Secretary Vis-
count Halifax for more than an hour.
The Rumanian Minister to London,
Viorel Tilea, returned from Bucha-
rest where he had talks with King
"Rumania is seeking a policy ofj
peace," Tilea said, "but at the same
time the country is determined to
defend its independence and its fron-
tiers: if necessary, with arms."
Beck visited the British aircraft
carrier Ark Royal where, Tuesday
night, Earl Stanhope, First Lord of
the Admiralty, gave Europe the jit-.
ters by announcing that anti-air-
craft guns abroad British warships
had been ordered manned.
Lord Stanhope's speech again was
made an issue in Parliament when
Chamberlain was questioned on a
"D"-for danger-notice issued later
to newspapers to suppress the speech.
Although the new British-Polish
agreement unqualifiedly provides for
mutual military assistance in case of
danger to either nation, it leaves Po-
land free to negotiate with Soviet'
Russia or with Germany.
"It is understood that the agree-
ments . . . should not preclude either
government from making arrange-
ments with other countries in the
general interests of the consolida-
tion of peace," Chamberlain said.
Asked by Geoffrey Mander, oppo-
sition liberal, whether "the Home
Secretary will continue to watch
closely the activities" of German sec-
ret police and other Nazi organiza-
tions in England and "take what ac-
tion may be necessary from time to
(time?" Sir Samuel answered:.
"Yes, certainly."
He assured another member that
no Nazi agent enjoyed diplomatic
immunity in England.

Solicitor-General Pledges
Federal Action Io Free
Interstate Commerce
CHICAGO, April 6.-(JP)-Solicitor
General Robert H. Jackson informed
representatives of 44 states and four
territories tonight that the Federal
government would support efforts to
remove state trade barriers.
In an address prepared for de-
livery at a conference called to con-
sider means of restoring free trade
among the states he promised:
"The Federal authority must and
will uphold the constitutional man-
date that commerce among these
United States be free. We will con-
tinue to take direct action in the
courts where necessary, wherever
and whenever a predatory parochial-
ism or a local parasitic interest tries
to flourish by obstructing the gen-
eral commerce among the states."

Japs Inflict Damage
On Railroad Center
SHANGHAI, April 6.-(P)--Be-
lated reports indicated tonight that
Japanese air attacks had inflicted
heavy damage on Chengchow, impor-
tant Chinese-held Lunghai Railroad
center in Honan province.
The attacks typified the continu-
ing aerial warfare of the Japanese,
apparently checked in their westward
offensive toward Changsha, capital
of Hunan province.
TheChengchow raids, according to
these reports, occurred March 27, 29
and 31, causing 800 casualties among
Chinese troops and undisclosed non-
combatant casualties.
Chinese reported 200 casualties
from raids today which Japanese
said were aimed at military estab-
lishments, particularly along the
Chekiang-Kiangsi railway and the,
Kan River. An attack on. Changsha
itself, Chinese said, caused 40 deaths.
Retiring City Councilmen
Will Meet With Ruthven
The city council last night passed a

Aging gracefully, Queen Mother
Mary of England acknowledges the
cheers of Britons in this recent,
photo. She is 72.
Spring Hopwood Contest
Entries 'Due In 13 Days
Students planning to enter the
spring Hopwood contests will have
only until Wednesday, April 19, the
contest deadline, to submit entries.
Manuscripts submitted to the con-
test must be accompanied by a tran-
script of the entrant's scholastic
record ard a certificate testifying
that his present grade in each course
is at least C. Entrants are urged to
secure transcripts before Spring Va-
cation to avoid possible embarrass-
ment. .

Rubber Glass
Will Be Ready
For 1939.Cars
Roosevelt Wires Praise
Of Safety Discovery
To Scientific Institute
A new high-test laminated safety
glass, known as "rubber-glass" will
be available for 75 per cent of the
1939 automobiles at no additional
cost, manufacturers recently an-
The new "rubber glass" received
considerable praise from the Franklin
Institute. President Roosevelt, in a
telegram to a gathering of scientists
and industrial leaders at its introduc-
tion in Philadelphia, added his praise
to that of the Insiitute:
Roosevelt Adds Praise
"It is especially fitting that we rec-
ognize every achievement in which
the practical application of scientific
principles adds to human happiness
through the promotion of traffic
safety. Such an occasion is doubly
significant because it is indicative of
the great benefits to mankind which
result from a social-mindedness on
the part of industry. It seems to me
especially appropriate that the meet-
ing is being held at the Franklin In-
stitute which perpetuates the memory
of a great American who devoted most
of his life to the service of his coun-
Offers Greater Flexibility
The new product, "rubber glass,"
is similar to present day safety glass,
but substitutes a highly improved
plastic filler for that now in usd. This
new filler is much more flexible, does
not become brittle in cold weather,
and is not discolored by the sun's
rays. The composite glass made with
this material is entirely shatter-
proof. It is strong enough to stop
a half-pound steel ball travelling 40
miles per hour, yet it is flexible
enough to be rolled up after it has
been broken.
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181
Fountain Pens
302 S. State St.


FOR RENT-Two pleasant rooms,
one large, reasonable. 1004 Forest
Ave. Ph. 4671. 599
TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
TYPING and Stenography, experi-
enced. Fred Dickens, 625 E. Liberty
(cor. State over Xroger's). Apt. 1.I
Telephone 2-1129. 560
FOR SALE-Tuxedo in good condi-
tion, size 36 long. Price $15.00. Phone,
7664. 600


WANTED-Any Old Clothing. Pay $5
to $500. Suits, overcoats, mink, Per-
sian lambs, diamonds, watches,
rifles, typewriters and old gold.,
Phone and we will call. Cadillac
9458. 388
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9

Reckless Driver Sought
DETROIT-(P)-The accident pre-
vention bureau of the Detroit police
department "chipped in" Thursday
to post a reward of approximately
$100 for apprehension of the hit-and-
run driver that killed Mrs. Delphine
Bartlett, 18-year-old expectant moth-
er early this week.



resolution retiring members of the
council should be invited to sit in on
the proposed meeting of the council Alumni Clubs Plan f
with President Ruthven to discuss the S e
city-University taxation issue. The To Meet Students
resolution was passed in view of the
fact that the retiring members are S
Ietter acquainted with the contro- .Several Michigan alumni chapters
betery acquadthn the incng dern. will entertain various groups of trav-'
versy than the incoming aldermen. cling undergraduates during the coin-
The meeting is to be arranged in the ing Spring Vacation, T. Hawley
neTapping,general secretary of the
Alumni Association announced yes-
Ohio Growers Organize terday.
The University of Michigan Club of
LANSING, April 6. -(IP)- At a Washington will entertain both the
meeting at Michigan State College baseball and tennis teams April 13,
Friday, 40 leaders in the newly organ- immediately after contests with
ized Michigan Onion Growers AssOcia- Georgetown University and George
tion will formulate methods of keep- Washington University.
ing culls and sprouted onions off Sunday, April 9, the University of
the market and will attempt to inter- Michigan Club of Schenectady will
est Elmer A. Beamer, newly appointed entertain a group of engineering stu-
State Commissioner of Agriculture, dents who, are making a tour of eas-
in imposing shipping regulations on hterntechnical attractions.
the industry. The Rochester, N.Y. alumni club
will play host to the traveling Var-
Northwestern Head Named sity Glee Club at a concert and dance
at a local country club Tuesday, April
EVANSTON, Ill., April 6.-(IP)- 11.
Election of Dr. Franklyn Bliss Snyd- The University of Michigan Club
4r, vice-president and dean of facul- of Cleveland is holding a member-
ties of Northwestern University, as ship campaign party April 15, to
eleventh president of the school was which all undergraduates in Cleve-
announced tonight land for the vacation are invited.



For Results Try A Want-Ad

WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17

Complete ARROW Spring Stock at
The Foremost Clothiers in Washtenaw County
DOWNTOWN - Next to the Wuerth Theatre

- - - --

I _:



hq I




Arrow, makers of famed Arrow shirts
...now make neckties. And here tells
you how to tie them. First, put the
Wide end over and under narrow end
... thus. .
Then form a pre)
bringing wide end
and up throughc
Smooth out the pr
Next, put the wide end through the
loop-loosely-and smooth out again.
Keeping the knot smooth is important.

iminary knot, by
over narrow end
opening at collar.
eliminary knot.

* * *





JD aidicq. La th , t fwatg

5. The finished job o
not too big - a
screeches. Tie one
in this manner and
word in necktie sm

Now make a groove lengthwise in the
wide end by pinching the sides to-
gether. This groove-when you pull
the tie tight-forms a dimple beneath
knot. Arrow Ties, because of their rich
fabrics, achieve this drape easily.
ooks like this. Knot
nd not so tight it
of our Arrow Ties
d you have the last

APRIL 21st

9:00 - 1:00


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