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April 04, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-04

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Tu'"'ES AY, APIZiL 49 1929




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumni r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter. .
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.oO; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pubshers Refesaentaive
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Edit$s-
Managing Editor . . . Robert D, Mitchel
Editorial Director . . . . Albert P., Mayo
City Editor . . . Horace W. Ginnre.
Associate Editor . . Robert L Fitzhenry
Associate Editor . . . . . . H. Kleiman
Asociate Editor, Robert Periain
Associate Editor ... .Earl Gilman
Associate Editor . . . . Wlliam Elvin
Asociate Editor . . . . Joseph Freedman
Book Editor . . :.. . ..Joseph ies.
Women's Editor . . . . . Dorohea Staebler
Sports Editor . B. . . ud Benjamin
Business Department,~
Business Manager . . ,.Phlp W. Buchen
Credit Manager . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager. . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the DaiLy
staff and represent the views of the writers
And Nonsense .
T HE-REACTIONARY line on econom-
I ic, social and political questions is
sometimes obvious, sometimes vague or con-
fused and frequently devious. The means of
apologizing for the status quo and insuring it
against reform take many different shapes;
sometimes appeals to tradition and prejudice,
sometimes a pseudo-logic, sometimes the use
of various propaganda devices.
The tradition of individualism in America has
been just about played out in the trumpetings
of political orators and corporation executives
during the past six years. Rugged idividualism
has lost a good deal of its popularity in a coun-
try where 52 per cent of the people could not
hold out a month against loss of their job or
government relief. Prejudice against foreign
"isms," long a favorite line of attack, is also los-
ing some of its former potency; it becomes in-
creasingly hard to convince 14,000,000 men out
of work that government aid and employment
constitute socialism, or if they do, that socialism
is some form of Bubonic plague.
It becomes necessary, therefore, for the apolo-
gists to construct a pseudo-logical counter-
theory to that of the liberal and radical "plan
ners" who seek to make democracy something
more than a means of filling certain political
offices. From the pen of the ingenious, if some-
what tedious, Mr. Walter Lippmann has poured
tie most distinguished effort in this direction,
a book entitled The Good Society (1937), which
consists of a gigantic plea, sunk deep in the
pontificality of thousands of words of Lippmann
rhetoric, for a turning back of the economic
clock to laissez-faire capitalism, with govern-
ment enforcement of competition.
The advantage of such a position in the meta-
physics of reaction is obvious; it provides sym-
pathetic ground for opposition to social control
of industry without at the same time having to
nmake out a case for corporation privilege and
monopoly capitalism. Everybody is in favor of
competition rather than monopoly-it sounds
fine. The fact that no danger of a curtailment
of the vested interests of Mr. Lippmann's em-
ployers can arise from so ponderously ephem-
eral an idea is sufficiently demonstrated by the

history of the various monopoly investigations
in the U.S. Senate in the past 30 years.
One of the big points that Lippmann and the
little Lippmanns stress in their view-halloos for
competitive ,capitalism is that there is no reason
to believe monopoly capitalism is a necessary
concomitant of the machine age, or more ac-
curately, a necessary development in the history
of capitalism. Government-enforced competition,
they say, can take the place of unchecked mono-
poly. This, however, is precisely what the liberal
and radical economists insist: that it is impera-
tive for the government to exercise the type of
control exemplified by the TVA yard-stick in
the power industry to protect the public. If this
regulation alone is sufficient to give consumers
fair prices and rates, few will complain. But if a
similar type of monopoly industry, like the rail-
roads, reaches the point where it cannot be priv-

accomplishing so revolutionary, or rather so vio-
lently reactionary an overturn of the economic
order is less than that of The Good Society be-
coming a best-seller in Russia.
To return to the reactionary line, the use of
propaganda devices is rapidly reaching the con-
dition of an established formula. To urge govern-
ment regulation is to "undermine economic in-
dividualism," to attack and expose evils is to
"foment suspicion," and to side with 50,000,00
working people, who never know where next
week's bread is coming from, against the cor-
poration owners who buy labor (if they happen
to need it) at their own price, is to "stir up class
strife." How much better it would be, we are told
if certain students turned their attention to such
harmless work as spreading the gospel of love-
thy-neighbor instead of trying to find out what
is wrong with the society in which they live. This
is doubtlessly a matter of individual feeling; fo
most of us there are certain of our neighbors we
can't profess to love.
-Joseph Gies
Little Caesar
The Art Cinema League finished up its his-
torical series for this year with the presentation
last Sunday of Little Caesar. This picture, made
in 1930, is supposed to be representative of the
gangster cycle. I don't think it is. It is historically
important rather for the dialogue, which is
more or less watered down Hemingway stuff:.
There are a lot of well-known people in the
picture: Edward G. Robinson, who is still the
same, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., who has since
acquired a British accent, Glenda Farrell. It is the
old story of the kid who becomes a big shot and
winds up in the gutter-the moral is supposed
to sock you in the eye.
I don't care for Little Caesar. There is too
little shooting and too much clipped conversa-
tion. Robinson floors everyone with: "You can
dish it out, but you can't take it," which is hard
a significant contribution to any collection of
Americana. In short, the whole film is an em-
barrassing portrayal of that perpetual adol-
escence which is characteristic of Hollwood
movies. There is one good shot: Robinson kills a
squealer at the door of a church, and the body
rolls all the way down the steps.
Well, this finished the Art Cinema League's
schedule for the year and I would like you to
ponder on the fact that you are going to see
nothing but the pictures Mr. Butterfield wants
you to see from now until June.
This is an interesting situation. The Cinema
League shows its films in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, which has no more open dates from
now until June; there is no other place in town
where they can screen pictures. Hence, no more
French films, no more Russian films. Few people
would now deny that the cinema has finally at-
tained to the status of an independent art form.
Yet I would like to remind you that Spottis-
woode's excellent book on the film art is not in
the Library, that Paul Botha's fine books on the
movies are not in the Library, that nothing re-
sembling a course on camera work, on directing,
on screen writing is taught in the University.
And we do not even have the facilities to see any
of the good new pictures that are now playing
in New York: Alexander Nevsky, Bizarre Bizarre,
Crisis, The 400 Million, and so forth. Is it because
somebody thinks that movies aren't worth both-
ering with, or is it because Mr. Butterfield wants
everybody on campus to stick with the Majestic
and the Michigan and Gunga Din? At any rate,
it's too damned bad, and if anybody can think
of anything to do about it, he ought to do it.
Harvard University has established a radio
workshop to explore new possibilities in the
development of broadcasting as an art form.

-by David Lawrence--

4- x

(Continued from Page 2)

WASHINGTON, March 29.-Congress has the
power to tax state employees and the states have
the right to tax Federal employees-but this is
no sign that either or both will exercise that
power fully.
Politics will creep into the problem and ex-
emptions will become a matter for pressure. Al-
ready it is apparent that the addition of some
3,655,000 persons to the potential tax rolls is a
. political development of major proportions.
For the new power to tax means that the em-
ployees of the various state political machines
will be subject to a drain, and it is not their num-
erical position, but their influence which will
count. What will happen, also, when states start
taxing army and navy officers who may be
statibned for a year or more in their jurisdiction?
And what of some of the low-paid school teach-
ers in several states who hitherto have been
exempt from Federal taxes?
New Taxpayers
The problems that will arise when legislatures
and the Federal Government get busy on the tax-
ing power will inevitably affect political trends.
Thus, there have been added by the judicial deci-
sion of the Supreme Court of the United States
this very'week millions of persons to the ranks
of those who want to see a program adopted
which will balance the budget some day and cur-
tail expenses.
If the military establishment is included, the"
total Federal employee rolls amount to about;
1,150,000 persons and the state and local em-
ployees combined run about 2,506,000 more. Here,
therefore, is a sizeable total of families about to
be subjected to taxation not felt heretofore. This
comes at a time when the country is seriously
concerned about fiscal policy and when a nation-
al election is in the offing. The chances are the
party out of power will benefit by whatever re-
sentment the new tax policies may bring. That
is one reason why legislatures and Congress may
go slow about applying the new taxing power
too abruptly or too extensively.
Immunity Merely Technical
There can be no doubt that the Democratic
administration here looked with favor on the
'agitation for the abandonment of the system in
vogue heretofore, whereby reciprocal immunity
from taxation was enjoyed. It would appear from
a reading of the Supreme Court opinion that
the immunity of the last 120 years was but a
technical matter and that all these years the
Constitution really did not exclude Federal and
state employees from being taxed by state and
Federal governments respectively. Such a sensa-
tional change moves Justice Frankfurter to sub-
mit a separate opinion, which, while concurring
in the 6 to 2 vote of the Court, takes cognizance
of the surprise which the public may feel at this
outstanding instance of a reversal.
Mr. Frankfurter's comment is significant, and
one paragraph in particular will come back in
the future as a sort of challenge of inquiry
whenever the Supreme Court, with its prepond-
erance of new justices, should reverse apparently
deep-rooted precedents and traditions of Ameri-
can jurisprudence.
Speaking of the old-time custom of explaining
important decisions with individual opinions, Jus-
tice Frankfurter says, in his concurring opinion
in the tax case, that this tradition "still has rele-
vance when, an important shift in constitutional
doctrine is announced after a reconstruction in
the membership of the court.
"Such shifts of opinion should not derive from
mere private judgment. They must be duly mind-
ful of the necessary demands of continuity in
civilized society.

Instructor of Skilled Trades, $1,800.
April 24.
Optional branches: Painting and
Decorating, Plastering and Cement
Finishing, Plumbing, Printing, Sheet
Metal Work, Shoe Rebuilding and
Art Leather Work, Steamfitting. 1
Automotive Mechanics, B 1 a c k-
smithing and Welding, Bricklaying,.
Carpentry, Electrical Work, Farm;
Mechanics, Industrial Arts (Includ-I
ing Wrought Iron and Metal Work),;
Laundry, Machine Shop, Masonry
and Plastering, Steam Engineering.
Complete Announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall: Office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted for the spring vacation period
from 12 noon on Friday, April 7, until
8 a.m. on Monday, April 17.1
*Office of the Dean of Students.1
Academic Notices
Freshmn, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may
not drop courses without E gradeY
after Saturday, April 8. In adminis-
tering this rule, students with less
than 24 hours of credit are considered
freshmen. Exceptions may be made
in extraordinary circumstances, such
as severe or long continuedf illness.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean.
Students, School of Education:
Courses dropped after Friday, April
7, will be recorded with the grade of
E except under extraordinary circum-
stances. No course is considered of-
ficially dropped unless it has been re-
ported in the office of the Registrar,;
Room 4, Vniversity Hall.
All June Graduates in the College
of Architecture, Schools of Educa-
tion, Forestry, and Music should fill,
in grade request cards at Room 4
U.H. between April 3 and April 7.
Those failing to file these cards will
assume all responsibility for late
grades which may prohibit gradua-
Economics 173: Hour examination1
Wanted -A Reply
To the Editor:
Why doesn't someone answer thef
letter written by Leila Robinson inE
the'Daily for March 30? There mustf
be some among our Economics Pro-
fessors or graduate students' who can
demonstrate that Miss (or Mrs.) Rob-
inson is jumping to conclusions when
she says, "no mere good will speechesI
can extirpate, or even considerably<
mitigate our economic illness, i.e.,
cause our capitalist ecoiomy to ex-
pand rather than shrink."
Why doesn't someone show, by giv-
ing reasons, that capitalism is not
tottering, and that the various agen-
cies she mentions are not designed to
act as props and that after all they
are improving the situation. Why not1
show her that current changes are
being made in the various laws only
to make them more reasonable, in
order that business which has been
so harassed may again take courage
and cause the wheels of industry to
hum once more.
Why doesn't someone show Miss
(or Mrs.) Robinson that there is no
"inherent and unavoidable contra-
diction of capitalism, the economy of
social production and private owner-
ship," and that certainly there can
be no relation between the economic
situation, Father Coughlin, Gerald
Smith, and the tragic development
of antisemitism.
Why doesn't someone show her
that she was in error in raising the
question of "confidence?" Aren't
Universities so confident of the in-
herent worth of their functions that
they are encouraging free and open

criticism? Do they try to control the
utterances of their studuents? That
University functions could be" im-
proved if all its members had no wor-
ries about economic security and well
being is a snare and a delusion. Sure-
ly confidence cannot be created by
changes in material conditions. Culti-
vation of the intellect and apprecia-
tion of spiritual values give poise and
Miss (or Mrs.) Robinson's letter
shows evidence on its face that she is
well informed on one analysis of the
causes of the serious maladjustments
confronting us. Is there intelligence
enough in the University to show
where she is wrong? It is exceedingly
Important to understand causes if
remedies are to be effective. A debate
in the Daily would be interesting if
competent opponents were to clash.
Feeling unable to answer her, the
writer urges that someone take up the
challenge implicit in her letter.
-L. D. Manson
agency in The Daily office, able to
make decisions and promote consist-
ency of policy far better than the

today at 8 a.m., Room 348 West En-
Band Concert. The University Band,
William D. Revelli, Conductor, will
give a concert under the auspices of
the University School of Music,
tonight at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium, complimentary to the
general public. An interesting pro-
gram has been provided, commemor-
ating the 80th anniversary of the
founding of the Band.
Organ Recital. Palmer Christian,
University organist, will present a
specially interesting program Wed-
nesday afternoon, April 5, at 4:15
o'clock. on the Frieze Memorial Or-
gan in Hill Auditorium, to' which the
general public will be admitted free
of charge. In response to many re-
quests, the same program will be
played on this occasion as has been'
heard so favorably on Good Friday
for several years.
Graduation Recital: Nancy Dawes,
pianist, of Big Spring, Texas, will be
heard in a graduation recital program
n partial fulfillment for the require-
ment of the Master of Music degree,
Wednesday, April 5, at 8:15 o'clock, in
the School of Music Auditorium. The
public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
The premiated drawings submitted
in the national competition for the
Whea ton College Art Center are be-
ing shown in the third floor Exhibi-
tion Room, College of Architecture.
Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sundays,
through April 4. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Exhibition of Paintings by David
Fredenthal and Helen May, shown
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Alumni Memorial
Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March
24 through April 7.
Harland Danner, Michigan athlete,
will present a lecture on "Life with
the Lacandones" at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, Wednesday, April
5, at 8:15 p.m. This lecture will be
Ilustrated with motion pictures tak-
n during Danner's recent visit
amongs the primitive Lacandone In-
dian tribe of southern Mexico. Tick-
ets will be on reserve at the box of-
fice Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes-
'lay.' This lecture, sponsored by La
Sociedad Hispanica, will be in Eng-
University Lectures: Dr. Otto Heller,
Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School
of Washington University, St. Louis,
will lecture on "The Meaning of
Goethe" on Tuesday, April 18, at
8:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre, and on "Ideas and Ideals
Against Facts and Figures in Educa-
tion" on Wednesday, April 19, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre under the auspices of the De-
partment of German. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Ken-
neth J. Conant of Harvard University
will give an illustrated lecture on
"The Monastery at Cluny" today at
4:15 in the lecture hall of the Rack-
ham School. Under the auspices of
the Institute of Fine Arts. Open to
the public.
Miss Helen Bower of the Detroit
Free Press will give the seventh of the
Journalism Supplementary Lecture
Series at 3 o'clock on Wednesday in
Room. E; Haven Hall, speaking on
the subject"Women in Journalism.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Junior Research' Club: Meeting to-

night at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Mr. R. H. Nichols, Department of
Physics, will speak on "Auditory Fa-
tigue with Reference to Measurement
of Subjective Harmonics," and Pro-
fessor H. L. Kohler, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, will speak
on "Recent Advances in Piston Ring
Algebra Seminar will meet today at
4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Dr. Thrall
will speak on "Determinantal Mani-
The Romance Languages Journal
Club meeting will be held in Room
408 this afternoon at 4:10 p.m.
Program: Professor J. N. Lincoln: An
Aljamiado Iitinerary. Professor. M. S.
Pargment: Tourgueneff and Merimee.
Open Forum: Dr. Jacob Van Tuin-
en, of the Philosophy Department,
will discuss "The Development of
Ethics in Protestantism" at the As-
sociation Forum tonight, 8 o'clock,
Lane Hall.
Omega Upsilon: There will be an

today in the League at 4:15. There
will be election of officers, so every
League House President must be
Crop and Saddle will have a super
ride Tuesday. Members are to meet
in front of Barbour Gym at 5 pm.
Phone the President or Secretary be-
fore Tuesday if you cannot attend.
Bookshelf and Stage 'Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet
this afternoon at 2:45 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. William W. Sleator,
2503 Geddes Ave. Mrs. Charles E.
Koella is assisting hostess.
Michigan Dames. The general
meeting ,featuring the "Do's and
Dont's" pirogram will be held in the
League this evening at 8:15
o'clock. The essential characteris-
tics of dress will be demonstrated in
an original play. A complete basic
wardrobe will also be fashioned. An
invitation is extended to all Michi-
gan Dames and members of the Fac-
ulty Womens Club.
Bibliophiles will meet today at
2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Shorey
Peterson, 1509 Brooklyn Ave. Mrs.
Ermelindo Mercado will assist.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
Coming Events
School of Education Seniors: A
meeting of all seniors of the School
of Education for the purpose of elect-
ing class officers will be held in 2436
University Elementary School on
Thursday, April 6, at 4:10 p.m.
Men's Glee Club: Rehearsal Wed-
nesday, 7:30 p.m. for those making
the spring trip only. Absence will
automatically remove name from ,the
list. Everyone must secure a health
card from the Health Service. Have
your room-mate for the trip select-
ed and bring your money.
The following men have been se-
lected to make the trip to New York:
Brown, G.M.
Brown, Ch.
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Wed-
nesday April 5, 1939, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 319 West Medical Bldg. "The
Utilization of Carbohydrate-Int~er-
mediary Metabolism" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-

in going on the trip to Selfridge Field
Thursday, April 6, for Army Day,
will please sign their names on the
list posted on the Aeronautical En-
gineering Bulletin Board.
The Student Senate will meet pn
Wednesday, April 5, in Room 319 'of
the Michigan Union. All Senators
should add to General Pending' Busi-
ness on their agenda a resoltmtion
urging approval of the Michigan
Daily staff's suggested reorganiza-
tion program.
University of Michiigan Flying Club:
There will be a meeting on, Wednes-
day, April 5, at 7:30 in the Union.
Mr. Aldous, C.A.A. airport investi-
gator, will discuss airports and their
An important business meeting will
be held. All members and others in-
terested in the club are asked to at-
The Michigan Dames' Homemaking
Group will meet in The Rackhain
Building Wednesday evening at 8:00
Newcomepr's'etinof the Facultv


The Editor Gets Told .. .

Critical Date
To the Editor:
April 5 will be a crucial day in the history of
the University of Michigan. On that day the
Board in Control of Student Publications will
pass on the proposed reorganization of The
Daily. That decision, in itself, as it involves the
specific future of The Daily, is not of vital im-
portance, but the significance of that dcision as
a symbol, as a psychological straw in the wind
cannot be overestimated.
With startling accuracy the history of The
Daily for the past several years reflects the
political currents of the nation. A few years ago,
The Daily was a stronghold of conservatism. The
"Daily- boys" were a carousing, debonair lot,
working the student paper for all the social
prestige they could get out of it. No one cared
much about the editorial policy, most of the
editorials not exceeding the gravity of a warning
to keep off the grass or a lament for the miserable
But gradually, the alert liberal spirit that was
burgeoning throughout the, country in connec-
tion with the New Deal penetrated the office of
The Daily. From the substance of its editorial
page ,to the very conduct and attitude of the
"Daily boys" toward their work, there was notice-
able an increasing seriousness and concern with
the great problems of our time. First apparent
during Tom Kleene's editorship; this change came

set in here, too. Characteristically, it was at first
almost imperceptible, taking the form of an order
by Board in Control that all editorials be signed.
Superficially plausible, this step signalized a
new stage in the history of The Daily. Hitherto
substantially following a policy of permitting
free inquiry by The Daily, the Board, if not
changing its policy, was at least showing a bad,
symptom. Nor was it long before a more danger-
ous symptom appeared. Last spring the Board
appointed Robert Mitchell managing editor. To
this day, it has not offered a reasonable explana-
tion for that step. On any known merit basis
except political "rightness," Mitchell was much
nearer the bottom of the list of junior candidates
than the top. No one acquainted with The Daily's
organization had any doubt that the appoint-
ment was an expression of the Board's conserva-
tism and an indirect move toward censorship of,
the liberal viewpoint. Still more symptomatic
of the disease of reaction and suppression was
the recent, irregular appointment of Mitchell to
the editorship of the Summer Daily.
That is the situation to date. Wednesday again
the Board will have to show its true colors. It
will have to proclaim to the campus either its
willingness to let The Daily function as an in-
dependent newspaper democratically controlled,
or its determination to keep it "quiet," responsive
only to the views of the Board. The issue can't
be dodged, because the plan of reorganization
is so obviously a sensible plan. In the first place,
its approval by 17 out of 21 of the junior and


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