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March 30, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-30

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Such munitions are defined as machine guns,
sawed-off shotguns, long-range tear gas and
sickening gas missiles.
The bill will act as a check not only on employ-
ers engaging in unfair labor practices but also
on the notorious strike-breaking and espionage
agencies which have served them. Maximum pen-
alties of a six months prison term or a $10,000
fine are provided. Enforcement would be through
the Secretary of Labor, cooperating with the De-
partment of Justice.
According to a statement by the two senators
on the bill, it "contains nothing that will cause
concern to the great majority of business men,
most of whom now conform to present enacted
national policies." A powerful minority, it is
asserted, have "fostered the oppressive practices
banned in this bill and have developed their use
to the point of constituting a menace to civil
liberty generally."
The statement also pointed out that many large
automobile, radio, coal mining and steel firms
have voluntarily discontinued the practices which
the committee has been investigating. For those
who persist, however, something stronger than
an appeal to the big business conscience is neces-
sary. Coercion, on certain occasions, is an essen-
tial part of a peace program.
Joseph Gies

-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, March 28.-It

was disclosed

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumrd "r Session.
Member of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

The Editor
Gets Told'

Managing Editor
Editorial Director .
Cit7 Editor.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor. .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor.
Book Editor . .
Women's Editor
Sports Editor-.


. Robert D. Mitchell
. * Albert P. May1o
* Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kieiman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
S . William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
* . .Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
. . Bud Benjamin

the other day that 50 United States Senators had
signed an informal circular advocating passage
of a bill which would tax individual incomes up t-o
99 per cent in time of war, and that only about
ten Senators had read the document carefully
before signing.
This particular proposal has turned out to be
impractical, because whoever drafted it forgot
that out of individual incomes there must be
paid state and city taxes and that, if incomes are
virtually confiscated when war begins, the whole
structure of private credit might collapse and
bring on a financial crisis at the very moment
when national unity was most desired.
Why, it will be asked, did 50 Senators sign
such a preposterous proposal, and why didn't
they read it carefully before giving even informal
approval? The incident brings to the forefront
of attention a problem on which relatively little
has been said, but which is really at the root of
our legislative situation, namely, the inability
of members of Congress to give personal atten-
tion to the thousand and one things that crowd
before them, and the inadequacy of their office
staffs to handle communications from constitu-
ents and others.
The way the Congress of the United States is
forced to do its work is nothing short of a pub-
lic scandal. Just at the time when the citizens are
deeply interested in an important bill or the
repeal of an existing law and the mails are
flooded with letters and telegrams, the Senator
or member of the House may be tied up with
other matters which are his particular province
of inquiry. He is importuned for answers to let-
ters and he is asked for personal interviews. He
really does not have either the time or the staff
to handle effectively the duties of his office un-
less out of his own pocket he is able to hire addi-
tional staff.
The entire cost of the salaries of the House and
Senate members and their respective offices is
about $8,500,000 a year, and yet this group of
531 men is expected to pass minutely on appro-
priations totalling around $10,000,000,000 a year.
It might be thought that the Congressional com-
mittees have special staffs available, but they
do not. Each committee has a clerk or secretary
and occasionally an extra assistant is engaged,
but, on the whole, the committees do not have
any special staffs.
Ir __

Business Department
Business Manager . ., . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager .Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
United States
Aid1 hnian Rights . .
come stronger, the fascist leaders
lash out their contempt for the democracies of
the world. Mussolini last Sunday jeered at
"brotherhood, sisterhood, cousins, and .,other
such bastard relationships" between states. The
increasing confidence on the part of the fascists
is due largely to the apathy and indifference dis-
played by the democratic peoples toward the
fate of democracy elsewhere.
We in America are particularly culpable.
Americans are prodded into the strenuous action
of slipping a vote into the ballot box every four
years when there is a national election. We are
galvanized into action on specific issues which
affect immediately our daily life. But there is no
widespread, sustained interest in the cause of
democracy. When the Gallup poll published its
findings on the Spanish war which showed the
majority of Americans to favor the /Loyalist
cause, letters should have streamed into Wash-
ington petitioning Congress and the President
to lift the embargo on Spain.
Now, with the annihilation of a once flourish -
ing republic, Czechoslovakia, the defeat of the
Loyalists in Spain, the need for determined lead-
ership in the democracies becomes self-evident.
In Britain and France, Chamberlain and Dala-
dier play upon the people's fears of war to justify
their betrayal of weaker nations to the fascists.
Nor are these leaders the men to make a new
stand against the fascists.
The United States, the most powerful democ-
racy in the Western hemisphere, can take the
lead in preventing further outbreaks of lawless-
ness and utter disregard for the rights of minor-
ity peoples. Th' 25 per cent increase on German
imports is a step forward. Laws placing econom-
ic sanctions on aggressor nations should follow.
-Adrienne Rauchwerger
And Strike-Breaking .. .
A POLL of the American Institute of
Public Opinion recently revealed that
about twice as many people have heard of the
Dies Committee on unAmerican activities as have
heard of the LaFolette Committee on Civil Lib-
erties. Newspaper publishers may or may not,
blush at this testimony on the manner in which
.he wort of these two committees has been
luindled: the LaFollette Committee has been in
existence for a much longer time, and its findings
have been much more carefully documented;
while as for the relative newsworthiness of the
activities of the two bodies, it is difficult to find
anything in the testimony of the Dies experts to
exceed in sensationalism the LaFollette disclos-
ures concerning the far-flung industrial espion-
age systems engaged in fighting the labor move-
In any case, the LaFollette Committee appar-
ently has no intention of limiting itself to revela-
tions, however sensational they may be. Senator
LaFollette and his collaborator, Senator Thom-
as, have just climaxed their two-and-a-half year
investigation by the introduction of a bill de-
signed to curb oppressive labor practices on the
mr ofr Omnve.-The bi-antim a four evis.

Patch-Work Or Change?
To the Editor:
On March 1st you printed an article quotin
remarks of some of our Economics faculty com-
menting on the recent speech of Secretary Hop-
kins, holding out the peace pipe to business.
It is interesting that both the "conserative
and "liberal" economists used phraseology in-
volving some reference to "business confidence."
Apparently all we need do to regain happy days
is to discover the nostrum which creates this
state of mind in our capitalists, and then get
them to swallow these innocuous pills. Unfor-
tunately, however, no, mere goodwill speeches
can extirpate, or even considerably mitigate our
economic illness, i.e., cause our capitalist economy
to expand rather than shrink.
As capitalism totters, it resorts to a variety of
pump-priming measures intended to facilitate
mass coisumption of "surplus" commodities.
When such measures fail of their mark, then
capitalism resorts to other measures slightly less
cloaked in their intent-to the smashing of
unions, cutting down on WPA, thus leaving mil-
lions the freedom of choice between starvation
on a kind of dole or starvation on non-union
wages. Whatever protection to its weak status
labor found in the NLRB now threatens to be
withdrawn by proponents of change in, or writ-
ing-off of, the Wagner Act.
When the scene, such as ours today, grows
more confused by the recognition of many that
reformist and progressive measures are not
capable of leading us into our Promised Land of
Abundant Life, then the stage is set. It is set for
the conscious use of demagogs such as Father
Coughlin and Gerald K. Smith who divert the
people's eyes from the real villain, i.e., the in-
herent and unavoidable contradiction of capital-
ism, the economy of social production and private
ownership. Instead, a people of a particular relig-
ious and ethnic culture, the Jews, who themselves
are diversified in social understanding and point
of view, are said to be the cause of our troubles.
Funny, were it not so tragic!
Since the idea of "confidence" is fashionable
today, might it not be questioned whether or not
the masses of Americans, workers of one kind or
another, should have confidence in business, in
the kind of society which it has created. Perhaps
they might realize after sufficient analysis that
we can't muddle our way out of situations, and
then we shall turn our energies from patchwork
to genuine construction of a society that can have
confidence in itself.
-Leila Robinson
Rings For Senior EngieerS
.To the Editor:
It has been the ambition of the present Senior
Engineering class for the past three years to
introduce an official class ring for the Senior
graduates of the Engineering College.
We believe that this may finally be accom-
plished with your cooperation, if you will print
the substance of this letter in the Michigan
We request that all Senior Engineers, who are'
definitely interested in such a ring, please call at
the Burr, Patterson Jewelry Co., 603 Church St.,
as soon as possible. and ask to se the ring which
will sell for $13.50.
The ring will be designed distinctly for the
University of Michigan Engineering School and
will represent an individuality unknown to the
other schools on the campus.
It is the hope of the officers of the Senior
Class, that this may be enthusiastically accepted
as a tradition on the part of the students, and
that, in the years following, the other classes will
tend to follow the example of the class of '39E.
Your consideration in this matter will be deeply
Richard R. Roemer, '39E
Vice President
The University of Chicago has become the cen-
ter of the movement which protests the death of
Czecho-Slovakia, for on its campus as a visiting
lecturer is Dr. Eduard Benes, former president
of the war-born republic. Just what Dr. Benes'


A Point Of Vew
WE LEANED over a long mahogany
table in the South lounge of the
Union, thumbing wearily through a
thick history text and tossing up ran-
dom names for identification. The
hour was late and our eyes burned
from an evening of intensive study,
but there was still much to be cata-
logued. Across the table sat a dis-
tinguished-looking old man-grey-
haired, bespectacled and prosperously
tailored-mumbling his reactions to
something in Newsweek magazine and
twitching nervously at the mouth as
though he were afflicted with a mild
Our discussion went on uninterrupt-
ed until our companion mentioned
the name, "Debs . . ." The old man
looked up from his magazine and
heard us say, "Socialist candidate for
president in 1912." He tsk-tsk'ed us
and said, almost plaintively, "Say more
about him than that . . . Say that he
was labor's first great humanitarian.
Say that he established the first great
railroad brotherhood and devoted his
life to improving the lot of the work-
ingman. 'Gene Debs was a real labor
'Gene Debs! This man sounded like
he knew the man personally.
"Knew him? Of course I did. I
was an active organizer of rail-
road telegraphers when 'Gene
Debs was jailed in Woodstock, Ill.,
as a result of Judge Gary's in-
junction in the Pullman strike."
This directly concerned our history
course, and thinking to cultivate the
gentleman's acquaintanceship, we
prompted him to speak further of his
-xperiences. But he required little
coaxing, warming to a story he must
have told a thousand times, a story
is ruggedly individualistic as any-
thing Horatio Alger ever conceived, a
story of tough, meager beginnings as
a telegrapher at 15, a newspaper re-
porter in Albany (where "by organiz-
ing the reporters who got only $6 a
week, we went to the boss, demanded
and got a $2 raise on the week"), a
struggling undergraduate at Yale and
a law graduate of DePaul University
in Chicago. Now the lawyer for sev-
eral railroad brotherhoods, his story1
was one essentially of a labor union.
He smoked cigarettes from a tin,
and wore spats. As he recounted this
"typically American" story, with an
emotional mixture of delight and dis-
appointment, chagrin and exultation,
that properly accompany sharp mem-
ories, we were reminded of a senior
friend who thinks he'd like to join
the labor movement as an organizer.
"Labor leaders are born, not
made," he thundered. "You've got
to work up through the ranks,
feel the sweat and grime of work.
'Gene Debs was a railroad man in
Terre Haute, Ind., before he set
out to organize the railroads. He
felt the need for organization.
The AFL is full of such men . . .
men who starved and had to stay
in their hotels in small towns un-
til they got enough initiation fees
to pay their bills. They made tre-
mendous sacrifices, those men.
Men like Charlie Moyer and Bill
Haywood ..."
What about the current split in
labor's ranks, we ventured. The old
gent scoffed.
"It won't ever be solved. You can't
have industrial unionism, and I'll
tell you why. You've got to identify
the workers. The metal trades union,

the typographer's union, the carpen-
ters' union-they fight their battles
oujt together because they have iDenti-
ty. How are you going to let a colored
sweeper and a Hunky watchman to
stand side by side? Give them a Union
card, and what happens? They quit
their jobs and go somewhere else, work
at something else and where's your
Union? A carpenter may quit his job,
but he'll turn up somewhere else as
a carpenter, proudly displaying his
Union card. He'll fight you for that
card. He's conceited, arrogant, smug
with that card in his pocket-because
he knows no employer can tell him
how to vote or live his own life as
long as he stands together with other
carpenters . . .
"As for John Lewis," the geitic-
unan Conti ned, "b proves what
the A1111,has ,stioul for, tat Yoi
can't mix politis with unionism.
I'll tell you what sort of a man
John Lewis is. He rode on the
back platform of a train with
Harding; he did the same thing
with Coolidge, and went all over
the country the same way with
Hoover, and when Hoover didn't
make him Secretary of Labor he
got resentful and fought lhn.,"
The old lawyer had other things to
say about employers, automobile
makers and nationalities. "Every gain
the worker has made he fought for
. . . When they invented the auto-
matic coupler, do you think the rail-
roads would put it in? Hell, no! They
would let switchmen keep getting
their fingers and hands cut off. We
1-i p4d 1 a iimakin them i:su= it

Room 3089 N.S. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
daily. George R. La Rue, Director.
Ice Skating Classes, Women Stu-
dents. The women's ice skating
classes will meet at 3:20 on Wednes-
day and Thursday, respectively, at
Barbour Gymnasium dressed for bi-
cycle riding instead of skating. 35
cents will cover the cost of riding for
two hours.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in English will be given
this spring as follows:
April 26, 2-5 p.m. American Lit-
erature with Continental Back-
April 29, 9-12 a.m. English Litera-
ture 1700-1900.
May 3, 2-5 p.m. English Litera-
ture 1550-1700.
May 6, 9-12 a.m. English Litera-
ture, Beginnings to 1550.
All those intending to take the ex-
aminations should communicate with
me by April 15. N. E. Nelson, Secre-
tary, Committee on Graduate Work.

(Continued from Page 2)

Organ Recital. Thomas Lyles, 'eJo1UUof5, aniriam Bon-
Spartanburg, South Carolina, pupil ner.
of Palmer Christian, University or- The Observatory Journal Club will
ganist, will give an organ recital in meet in the lecture room of the Ob-
Hill Auditorium, Thursday afternoon, servatory today at 4:15 p.m. Miss
March 30, at 4:15 o'clock, in partial Marjorie Williams will review "Va-
fulfillment of the requirements for riable Stars" by Gaposchkin. Tea will
the Master of Music degree. The be served at 4 p.m. All interested, are
general public is invited to attend. cordially invited to attend.
Glee Club Concert. The University
of Michigan Glee Club, under the di- The Graduate History Club will
rection of Professor David Mattern, meet at 8 p.m. tonight in the East
will present an interesting and va- Conference Room of the Rackham
vied program of music in Hill Au- Building. Mr. Kooker will speak on
ditorium, Thursday evening, March "The National Archives." Refresh-
30, at 8:30 o'clock. The general ments.
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited to attend. "Nursing as a Profession" will be
discussed by Miss Marian Duxell
Exhibitions today at a tea at 4:30 p.m. at
Couzens Hall. Individual questions
Exhibition, College of Architecture: will be answered following the talk,
The premiated drawings submitted after which conducted tours will take
in the national competition for the interested persons through the facili-
Wheaton College Art Center are be- ties of University Hospital.
ing shown in the third floor Exhibi-
tion Room, College of Architecture. University Girls' Glee Club: No re-
Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sundays, hearsal tonight. All girls who have
through April 4. The public is cor- not had eligibility cards signed, please
dill nvte.leave your cards on the board in the

day. This lecture, sponsored by La
Sociedad Hispanica, will be in Eng-
Events Today
Mr. Louis Untermeyer. Schedule for
week of March 27-April 3.
Thursday, March 30. 4 p.m. Cof-
fee hour. Room 308 Michigan Union.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting at
7:30 p.m. tonight in Room 1024 East
Engineering Building.
Professor M. J. Thompson will
present a summary of papers given
at the Seventh Annual Meeting of
the Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences, held in New York. These pa-
pers deal with -airplane structures,
instruments, areonautical symposium,
power plants, meteorology, air trans-
port, aerodynamics, and airplane de-
The Psychological Journal Club
will meet tonight at 8 o'clock p.m.
in the East Conference Room of
the Rackham Bldg. Recent studies
of Lateral dominance in behavior will
be reviewed by Sidney G. Armitage,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

'.Tw oentlemen Of Verona'
Although dressed up in James Doll's most
gorgeous costumes and stunning hand-painted
curtains, and although performed by some of
the best acting seen on the Lydia Mendelssohn
stage, and although directed with a nimble and
flowing hand, one could not overcome the feel-
ing when the curtain fell for the last time last
night that "The Two Gentlemen of Verona,"
while one of Shakespeare's most charming early
comedies, is still a minor one.
Let this be our premise then: it is a weak play,
but within the limits of the play, it is superbly
done. And being so well done, it is virtually a
duty for every student of literature to pay a visit
to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. There he
can see that from this first or second comedy,
the master's deft hand built from the court
comedy of Lyly to the definite romantic comedy
of his later creations.
"The Two Gentlemen Of Verona" finds Shake-
speare still in affinity wjh Italianated coloring
and its use of the interrelations of love and
friendship as a theme; the Comedia del Arte pro-
vided the Bard with tricky and farcical action
such as befalls Launce and his dog; further, the
pairing off of lovers and the unwelcome suitor
were prominent figures in the Italian Popular
These are all here. But Mr. Windt has racy
actors who dive head over heels into comedy with
infectious enthusiasm. And Mr. Windt's ideas are
fresh; he has kept with tradition and emerged
with a show. "The Two Gentlemen" is presented
with but one break which gives the satisfied
theatre-goers a chance to stretch. The scenes
flow into one another by the dexterous use of
the previously mentioned three beautiful cur-
tains, which differentiate the various locales.
Incidental music by the Little Symphony Orches-
tra, two vocal solos, and a charming dance,
directed by Ruth Bloomer of the Department of
Physical Educaton, to close the festivities, con-
bined to give a lyrical touch that would have
been otherwise impossible to create.
Giving corporeal reality to this lovely back-
ground, the two servants offer the greatest at-
traction. James Moll, as Speed, relished his own
humor, thereby adding to the zest of it. William
Halstead played Launce uproariously; his first
scene especially, where he is overwhelmed with
grief at leaving his parents and with indigna-
tion at the insensibility of his dog to his sorrow,
was genuine comedy, as were the scenes where
he describes his mistress and when he gets the
beating instead of his dog.
Marguerite Mink as Sylvia spoke and moved
with imposing rhythmic grace. Betty Howard,
the Julia of the show who roams the world
looking for a lover who is not worthy of her,
was sweet and simple. Edward Jurist's Valentine
cut a commanding and graceful figure, charged
with intelligentt feeling, Karl Klauser ' as Proteus

Exhibition of Modern Book Art:
Printing and Illustration, held under
the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art
Association. Rackham Building,1
third floor Exhibition Room; daily1
except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; on,
view through Saturday, April 1.
Exhibition of Paintings by David
Fredenthal and Helen May, shown
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Alumni Memorial
Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March
24 through April '7.
. ..
University Lectures: Professor Ken-
neth J. Conant, of Harvard Univer-
sity, will give illustrated lectures on
"The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem"
on Monday, April 3, and "The Mon-'
astery of Cluny" ,on. Tuesday, April
4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts.
University Lecture: Dr. Friedrich.
Oehlkers, Visiting Professor at Co-
lumbia University, will give an illus-
trated lecture on "Cytoplasmic In-
heritance" on Thursday, March 30,
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Au-
ditorium under the auspices of the
Departmnent of Botany. The public
is cordially invited to attend
University Lecture. Sir Raymond
Unwin, Town Planning and Housing
Advisor to the British Government,
will discuss "Present Day Trends in
Town Planning and Housing" at 4
p.m. today in the auditorium of the
Architecture Building. This is open
to all University students and the
general public, and should be of
especial interest to students in Land-
scape Design, Architecture, Civil En-
gineering, Political Science, Sociology
and Economics and Geography.
Harland Danner, Michigan athlete,
will present a lecture on "Life with
the Lacandones" at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, Wednesday, April
5, 'at 8:15 p.m. This lecture will be
illustrated with motion pictures tak-
en during Danner's recent visit
among the primitive Lacandone In-
dian tribe of southern Mexico. Tick-
ets will be on reserve at the box of-
fice Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes-
Anglo-Saxons, the Irish and Welsh-
men are individualists and independ-
ent. They don't want anyone telling
them what to do, and how to do it
We were getting sleepy, and the
speaker was doing so well that we
hesitated to interrupt him. But there
was just one more observation we
wanted to hear: What was his opin-
ion of President Roosevelt.
"Aell, Rofu'e1vet's doing some

Undergraduate Office for Betty Sta-
French Lecture: The lecture on the
Cercle Francais Program which was
to be given by Professor Eugene Ro-
villain this afternoon has been post-
On April 28 the annual French
Play will take place in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. The title of the
play is: Ces Dames aux Chapeaux
verts" by Acremant.
Independent Men interested in as-
sisting Congress in the Michigras,
will meet today in Room 306 of the
Michigan Union at 5 o'clock. New-
comers are welcome.
Sir Raymond Unwin will speak at
9 a.m. today' in Landscape Design
102, Room 231 Angell Hall, on the
"Planning of Letchworth Garden
Modern Dance Club: There will be
a regular meeting of the Modern
Dance Club tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
Barbour Gymnasium. All members
are urged to attend since the 'Ensian
pictures will be taken.
JGP Costumes will be sold this af-
ternoon in Room 5 from 4 to 6 p.m.
The Chars in Current Jewish Prob-
lems will meet at the Foundation
tonight at 8 p.m. Dr. Isaac Rabino-
witz will speak on, "The Problem of
the Refugees."
Rover Crew meeting tonight at the
Union at 8 o'clock.
Coming Events
Botanical Seminar will meet on Fri-
day, March 31, at 4:30 p.m., Room
1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Dr. Fried-
rich Oelkers "The Physiology of
The Ammnuai Meeting of the Alpha
Chapter of Michigan of Phi Beta
Kappa will be held in Room 2116
Natural Science Building Friday eve-
ning, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. All
members are urged to attend this
The Suomi Club will sponsor a so-
cial evening at Lane Hall on Fri-
day, March 31, at 8:00. All Finnish
students are invited to attend.


Treasure Hunt: Saturday,
meeting at 8:30 p.m. at the

April 1,

gational church. Open to all students,
30 cents a person, 35 gents a couple.
For information call 2'4679.
Ping Pong Tournament: Finals in
the women's all-campus ping pong
tournament will be held at 2:30 in

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