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March 25, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-25

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.IUZ&hAX, R OR H2-511939



Radio Actors
To Broadcast'
To Give 'Rip Van Winkle'
Over WJR Today
Portraying that bewhiskered cen-
tenarian, Rip Van Winkle, Harold
Gast, '39, will head a cast of five stu-
dents in the dramatization of that
"story over station WJR at 9 a.m. to-
day. . Included in the cast are Mar-
gery Soenksen, '39, Hazel Barton,
James Barton, Grad., Henry Hudson,
and Bettie Howard, '39.
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, chairman
of the surgery department, will dis-
cuss cancer at 5:45 p.m. today over
station WJR as a part of the program
of the American Society for the Con-
trol of Cancer.
Join the Choir, under the direction
of Prof. Joseph E. Maddy, of the ra-
dio music department, will be heard
at 9 a.m. tomorrow and the Marital
Relations series is scheduled for 12:30

California Professor
To Talk Here Today
Cosmic rays and new elementary
particles of matter will be discussed
by Prof. Carl Anderson of the Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology at 8
p.m. today in the auditorium of the
Rackham building under the auspices
of Sigma Xi, honorary scientific so-
Professor Anderson received the
Nobel Prize in physics in 1936 for
work done in investigating cosmic
Heywood Broun To Run
For Congress In 1940
Heywood Broun, columnist for The
Daily and other newspapers, has an-
nounced his intention of campaigning
for nomination to Congress in 1940 on
a "New Deal" platform in Connecti-
cut, it was learned yesterday. It will
be Broun's second attempt to gain a
seat in the national legislature.

Congo-Ann Arbor 'Hams' Meet

Two men who had never before
seen each other, although they hadl
carried on lengthy conversations for
more than six years and correspond-
ed regularly over the same period,
met for the first time yesterday after-
noon when the Rev. Carroll R. Steg-
all, Presbyterian missionary from the
Belgian Congo, arrived in Ann Arbor
to visit Dr. John Kraus, son of Dean
Edward H. Kraus of the literary col-
Friendship Via Ether
This strange friendship, although'
not so strange among the amateur
radio "hams," began one day in the
fall of 1933 when Dr. Kraus, operat-
ing station WSJK, answered an un-
usual telegraph signal and found it
to come from ON4CSL, located at
Lubondai, Belgian Congo, Afria.
Since that time Reverend Stegall's
call letters have been changed to
Reverend Stegall is a native of
Chattanooga, Tenn.. and is a gradu-

ate of Georgia Tech. In 1915 he was
sent to the Congo and was impressed
by the great length of time it took
for communications to reach the out-
side world, one way mail service to
this country, over 7,000 miles, tak-
ing from six to eight weeks. From
Lubondai to the coast was a 14 day
journey. He began to consider radio
as a means of communication.
Natives Rub Elbows
In 1923 he set up his first receiver
in the jungle, and the Bakete natives
crowded around. All he could hear
on the set was static. He put the ear-
phones on the head of the most in-
telligeit native, who looked at him
in surprise and exclaimed, "I thought
you said the Great War in Europe
was over!"
In 1925, while in this country on
sick leave, he learned the techni-
calities of radio from an acquaint-
ance who had been a radio operator
in the navy. On his return he was able
to set up a successful station.

German Club
To Offer Play
Post-War German Farce
Set ForApril 24
The cast for the annual German
play, "Die Gegenkandidaten," is busi-
ly rehearsing for its presentation on;
April 24, according to Dr. Otto G.
Graf of the German department who
is directing the play.
The Deutscher Verein, in putting
on "Die Gegenkandidaten," will be
presenting its fifth annual play since
it reestablished the presentation of a
drama as a club project in 1934. Be-
fore the World War, Dr. Graf said,
the club had a great number of dra-
matic successes.
"Die Gegenkandidaten," by Lud-
wig Fulda, is a comedy which reflects
the political confusion of the im-
mediate post-war period in Germany,
Dr. Graf said.


Wood Scores
Plan To Slice
Relief Funds
The proposal to slice one and a
half million dollars from WPA ap-
propriations, already passed by the
House and on the calendar of the
Senate, will put a severe burden on
local relief agencies and small com-
munities, Prof. Arthur E. Wood of
the sociology department pointed out
The WPA by its work program has
kept unemployed from being "un-
employable," Professor Wood de-
clared. These men will not be sud-
denly absorbed by business, he said,
but will be forced to local relief agen-
cies. This will mean immediate de-
creases in relief given to those now on
the rolls and the complete exclusion
of some people now on federal relief
rolls, 'Professor Wood said. It will
also cause a reduced standard of
living in the entire community, he
pointed out.
Other members of the sociology de-
partment emphasized the psychologi-
cal effect of the new economy move.
The stigma of direct relief is much
greater than work relief, they point-'
ed out. Outright doles will have a de-
moralizing effect upon the men, their
families and the community, it was
Local relief negates the attempt of
the WPA to keep unemployed men fit
to take up private employment at
any time, psychologists and sociolo-
gists pointed out.
Wolverine Parties
Feature Dancing
Since the Wolverine, cooperative
cafeteria, has innaugurated its policy
of weekly open houses, Sunday nights
have found the usual masculine hub-
bub replaced by swing music and
dancing couples.
Informal supper dances are held
each Sunday from 6 to 9 p.m. From
six to seven classical music is played
and for the remainder of the evening
popular music is played for dancing.
More than a hundred people have
attended the socials for the past two
weeks and according to John Scheibe,
'42M, president, they are a decided
success. The open houses are being
held to acquaint the campus with the

Job Parleys
Close 3-Day
Series Today
Occupational Conference
Considers Advertising
And Business Personnd
(Continued from Page 1)
Adviser, Southeastern Junior High
School, Battle Creek.
11 a.m.-Placement of High School
Students, Michigan Union. Speak-
er: Mildred M. Hickman, Supervisor,
Guidance and Placement, Cleveland
Public Schools, Cleveland, Ohio.
11:30 a.m.-Vocational Education
in Action, Michigan Union. Speakers:
H. W. Paine, Professor of Vocational
Education, University of Toledo.
12:30 p.m.-Luncheon, Michigan
Union. Outline of Cooperative Guid-
ance Programs.
Edgerton Speaks
1:30 p.m.-Your Life-Career Out-
look. Speaker: A. H. Edgerton, Dirc-
tor of Vocational Guidance, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, Madison.
Stressing the need for revamping
educational methods outmoded by a
changing society, Dr. A. H. Edgerton,
Director of Vocational Guidance at
the University of Wisconsin, called on
guidance counsellors to help students
make the adjustments necessary for
the "swift changes and reorientations
of the "'30's" at yesterday's banquet.
Technological change and growing
industrialization have placed a pre-
mium on adaptability and versatility,
he declared. Inflexibility in educa-
tional methods, he said, is blocking
the type of education necessary ,to
enable students to make these vital
Extra-Curricular Work
Seventy-nine per cent of failures
are due not to lack or skill or knowl-
edge but to "inability to get along
with people," he emphasized.
Debating, dramatics, music train-
ing and special radio courses are
among the advantages the University
has to offer to students desiring to
enter the radio field, Joseph Ries,
Director of the Nation's School of the
Air, WLW, Cincinnati, said in the ra-
dio section.
For students interested in entering
the announcing, dramatic and sing-
ing end of the business, Mr. Ries
prescribed a good musical back-
ground. For those desirous of enter-
ing the writing part of the business,
the need for recognition of the sounds
meaning was stressed.

Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
Eo pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of 10c.
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynard


for sale. 1134 Forest Ave.

FOR SALE-Day Bed, $7, cot $1, play
pen $1, ice box $5, Boy Scout equip-
ment. 523 or 525 Linden St. Call
FOR SALE-English riding saddle,
reasonable. Ned Arbury, 228 So.
Thayer. Phone 2-2992. 573
FOR SALE-Complete set of dance
band drums. Excellent condition.
Cheap. Call Ronnie Maschino,
2-4401. 574
FOR SALE-Public address system.
Beautiful, clear tone and in excel-
lent condition. Reasonable price.
Call 2-1080. Ask for Irv. 571
FOR SALE-2-wheel box trailer, 6
feet deep, sturdy construction. Call
Fletcher 5838. 579


FOR RENT-Single room, with board
if required. North of campus. Phone
7530. 549
FOR RENT-Furnished first floor 5
room apartment May 1st. 1602 Fern-
dale Place. Phone 9540. 536
FOR RENT-Three room apartment,
private bath, electric refrigerator
and stove, furnished. 1201 E. Uni-
versity. 539
unfurnished, stove, refrigerator and
garage $60. Phone 2-3259. The F.
A. Sergeant Coy 534
FOR RENT-Two 2-room apartments
in good location. 209 S. State. Tel.
2-1124. 575
FOR RENT-Large studio room.
Lavatory. First floor. Phone 2-1196.
1022 Forest. 577
FOR GIRLS-New furnished double
room. Nightly or weekly. Desirable
location. Call 7132. Board if de..
sired. 578
FOR RENT-Large double room with
sleeping porch, choice location for
graduate w o m e n. Reasonably
priced. Box 14. 450
FOR RENT-331 E. Liberty St., front
room, first floor. Heat, light, bath.
Lady preferred. Phone 3690. 553
FOR RENT-Suite with cooking
privileges for students or business
men. Also single room. Shower,
garage. 425 S. Division. 555
RAINEY HOTEL, 303 E. Ann St. Clean
quiet rooms $1.00 night, $4.00 per
week. Phone 9383 for reservations.
Graduate, can copyread and edit.
Rates reasonable. Call 5126.
TYPING-Reasonable, rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2835
or 2-1416. 79
FOR SALE-Sasieni Deonds $2.00
Blue Front Agor State .State and
Packard. 560
FOR SALE-Complete set of drums
for dance band. Excellent condi-
tion. Will sacrifice at $75. Call for
R. Maschine, telephone 2-4401. 546
FOR SALE-All kinds of beer in
bottles, kegs, and cans. We deliver
until midnight. 303 N. Fifth. Phone
8200. 515

LOST-Corwim's "Constitution and
What It Means Today" in Angell
Hall. Reward. Call 4054. M. W.
Reider. 535
LOST-Racoon coat in Parrot. It was
just like new. Reward. Call Web at
7758. 540
LOST-A men's brown and tan twin
sweater set. Please return to 411
Allen=Rumsey. 538
FOUND-One man's brown oxford at
P.B. Sunday night. Write Box 8,
Michigan Daily. 549
LOST-One Psi U sweetheart pin
near upper Hill St. Please call Mar
Rogers at 5617. Reward.
LOST-Brown leather wallet, con-
tains draft, identification card, etc.
Reward. Believed lost in East Hall
or West Eng. 576
LOST-Near bank or State St., black
wallet. Initials J.W.F. L. Doral. Re-
ward. Phone 3998. 572
LOST--Purse containing fraternity
and sorority pin, Parker Pen, Gold
Elgin watch at the League Thurs-
day night. Liberal reward. No ques-
tions asked. Call Ellen MacDon-
ald, 2-2569. 570
LOST-Gold rectangular Gruen wrist
watch. Gold metal link band. Lost
about 3 weeks ago. Bernie Simon,
8590. 527
LOST-"Social Disorganization" by
Elliot & Merril. If found please no-
tify David Jassy at 3590. 547
LOST-White print kerchief Tuesday
night March 14 between Health
Service and Rackham Building.
Phone Goldstein 2-2276. 509
LOST-Coin purse on first floor front
Natural Science Bldg. Reward. Tele-
phone 3952.
LOST-Large brown leather purse
containing glasses and fountain
pen. Call 4329. 557
WANTED-Student boy to work for
his room and board or both. Phone
9815. 552
er, one drummer. Call Polis, 7236 or
2-1937. Leave name. 556
WANTED-Canvassers, good return;
minimum of one hour per day.
Call Gene Freedman, 9733. 565
WANTED-Students in spare time to
sell men and women's sport shoes,
also nurses', direct to consumers.
Customer gets a discount, students
a commission. H. S. Lombard, fac-
tory agent, 807 So. State St. Tel.
4844 Ann Arbor.
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.

SANFORD Hat Cleaning and Shoe
Shining. Open day and night. 121
E. Ann. 524
ALTERATIONS and dressmaking.
Store, shop and home experience.
Reasonable. Gladys Sturgis, 1426
Washington Hghts. Phone 2-2975.
SIX WHITE uniforms, size 16, short-
sleeved, only slightly worn. Price
very reasonable. Call 4121 ext. 303,
from 8-12 or 1:30-4:30.
RESERVATIONS for vacation train
rates may be placed at THE
and Wednesday afternoons.
WANTED-Two to share expenses to
California and Yellowstone. Leave
A.A. about June 17. Call 2-3941
WANTED-Ride to Chicago over va-
cation. Call 3733. Sid. 568
TO HIRE-Car for spring vacation.f
Call Jack, 8461. 563
WANTED-A ride to Cincinnati, leav-
ing Friday noon. Phone 6232. Will
share expenses. 567
WANTED-Vacation passenger to
New York and back. 1938 Chevrolet.
$13. Call Jampel, 4570, evenings. 559.
WANTED-Ride over vacation to
Pittsburgh or vicinity. Call George
3733. 569
WANTED-Two rides to New .Jersey
Spring Vacation. Willing to share
expenses. Call Bill 2-2372. 542
WANTED-Ride to Buffalo or its en-
virons, April 7. Phone 2-1777, ask
for Dick. 528
WANTED-Passengers to Idaho or
vicinity. Leaving about June 10th
via New York Fair and Washing-
ton, D.C. New car. Call 7849 by
March 30th-for reservation. 530
WANTED-Two rides to New York
City or New Jersey Spring Vacation.
Call Al 2-2372. 543
WANTED-Passengers going to North
or South Carolina for"Spring Vaca-
tion. Call Russell Wilson, 8747.
WANTED-3-room completely fur-
nished apartment in campus sec-
tion for Spring Vacation. Call Skur-
la, 2-2591. 554
WANTED-Old copies of Michigan
Daily for Sunday, April 3, 1938, and
Friday, March 18, 1938. Call Mrs.
Rogers, 2-3241. 458
WANTED-Clothing wanted to buy.
S u i ts, overcoats, typewriters,
watches. Sam pays the most. Phone
6304 for appointment. 388
WANTED-Textbook for Political
Science 52, Government of Fascist
Italy. Call Ed, phone 6092. Thanks.
WANTED-Model A Ford in good
condition. Will pay good price.
Phone Tom at 8518. 545

WANTED-I want a squash racket.1
Must be in good condition. Howard!
Novasel, 6539. 5321
WANTED-Three tickets for Nation-
al Collegiate Swimming Meet. Call
Morin, 2-2171. 537
WANTED-Speech book, The Work-
ing Principles of Argument by
O'Neill and McBurney. Bob Wag-
ner, 2-2565.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
STUDENTS-When laundry becomes
a burden call 4776. Quality work.
reasonable. We call and deliver. 519


JUANITA'S HOUSE of Beauty, ex-
perienced complete service, reason-
able prices. Phone 3023, 410 Wol-
verine Bldg., 4th and Washington.
Eugene permanents $3.50. College
BeautyShop, phone 2-2813, open
evenings. 531,
MOVING-A and C Cartage, storage.
Local and long distance hauling.
Every load insured. 325 S. Fifth,
Phone 9835. 522
ELSIFOR Cartage Co., Inc., local andJ
long distant moving, storing, pack-
ing, shipping. Every load insured.
310 W. Ann Phone 4297. 526
1H. B. GODFREY Moving, storage.
Local and long distance moving.
410 North Fourth Ave. Phone 6927.1
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181
PAINTING and Decorating, interior
and exterior. Cleaning windows,
walls, woodwork washed. Guaran-
teed. Reasonable. References. Phone
2-1280 8-6. 548

PAINTING Paperhanging, wall wash-
ing,' paper cleaning and all interior
and exterior decorating. First class
workmen. Phone W. P. Jacobson,
2-1320. 517
GRANGER Avenue-Six rooms with
large living room and fireplace and
three good sized bedrooms. Garage.
Priced reasonably with terms. Ed-
ward M. Couper, Realtor, State.
Savings Bank Bldg. Phone 2-1322.
FOR SALE, Lease or Trade, 9 room
house in Detroit, Grosse Pointe sec-
tion, large living room, sun room,!
fireplace, oil heat, electric refriger-
ation, 5 bedrooms, newly decorat-
ed. Owner, 9815. 551
FOR SALE-Choice lot on Vinewood
Blvd. near Geddes Ave. Restricted
section. Inquire 422 East Washing-
ton. 562
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
FURNACES VACUUM cleaned and re-
paired. Carl Sweet, 2-3578. Succes-
sor to Carl Heinzelman, formerly
Marshall Furnace. 518
BLACK DIRT and manure. Also ashes
and rubbish hauling. Work guaran-
teed satisfactory. H. Tolman. Phone
2-2926. 523
SPECIAL-Paste Waterless Cleaner.
Was $1 gal. now 79c. Factory Paint
Store. Phone 2-2440. 516
laying. Oriental rugs washed. Amer-
ican Rug Cleaning Works, Green
St. Phone 8115. 520

II SHOWS DAILY 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. II





School of
Social Dancing
Taught daily, 10 to 10.
Terrace Garden Studio'
2d Floor, Wuerth The-
ater Bldg. Phone 9695.

L "

L.G.P.'S play for 1939
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
SOc 75c $1.00 8:30 P.M.



Feature starts at 2, 3:57, 7:11, 9:23
Ve C ng

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