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March 23, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-23

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Job Application
Today's Subject
For Conference
Meeting Warned By Beard
Airhines To Be Absorbed
By Government In War
(Continued from Page 1)
the Plymouth Division of Chrysler
Corporation, at a meeting at 4:10
p.m, in the Union. "I know of no
vocation that offers better oppor-
tunity right now for rapid advance-
ment and financial success," he told
the Daily.-
Merchandising will be the center
of discussion at another meeting at
4:10 p.m. today in the League. Jose-
phine Sutton, merchandising manag-
er of Himelhoch Brothers and Co.
witl outline opportunities in this field.
Prospective personnel workers were
advised to "get a job in industry, learn
about people and take some knocks"
before seelking to break into indus-
trial relations by W. P. Edmunds,
Director of Industrial Relations for
the Standard Oil Company of Ohio
at yesterday's session.
Industrial relations heads will not
employ green college graduates, he
warned. They prefer to recruit their
men from the firing line of industry.
Ability to "get along with people,"
perserverance and the "breaks" are
more important than specific educa-
tion or knowledge, he declared.


THURSDAY, MARCH ''23, 1939

a sau ir a Vas v [". 1\ u ZM aL 1 .. ._T _..RSDA.y ... AR H 2. 193

JGP 'Can- Canl -- Chor"ines.

Norman Maier
Wins 1938-39
Russel Awa r d
Work With 'Neurotic' Rats
Brings Honor To young
(Continued from Page 1)
refuses to draw a close anaogy be-
tween the behavior of !'and hu-
man beings, scientific observers have
regarded the experiment as a pos-
sible clue to the ever-increasing num-
ber of insanity cases in the world to-
Professor Maier, slender and be-
spectacled, professes a sincere de-
votion to his rats, after years of work
with them. A large, weird picture
intended to portray the depth and
motion of rats, is mounted before
the desk at which he works.
Summarizing the neurotic experi-
ments, Professor Maier stated:
"Many persons have expressed the
feeling of being 'trapped,' and this is
exactly what happened to the rats.
They were faced with a situation
which demanded that something be
done, yet all modes of behavior were
"The experiments would seem to
indicate that the cure of the neurotic
patients lies in finding some new way
for him to behave, in providing an
outlet for his accumulated emotional

Sales Mager-

Alumni See Campus Traditiont
Losing Ground With Passing Time

When the Junior Girls opened their annual play last night, the hit
of the show was the "Can Can" chorus. Shown bringing a, bit of Parisian
spice to staid Ann Arbor are left to right, Dorothy Boyer, Barbara Guest
and Ellen MacDonald,

_ . .




Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on-the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
paynent, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of 10c.
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynard
FOR RENT-Single room, with board
if required. North of campus. Phone
7530. 549
FOR RENT-Furnished first floor 5
room apartment May 1st. 1602 Fern-
dale Place. Phone 9540. 536
FOR RENT-Three room apartment,
private bath, electric refrigerator
and stove, furnished. 1201 E. Uni-
versity. 539
unfurnished, stove, refrigerator and
garage $60. Phone 2-3259. The F.
A. Sergeant Co. 534
FOR RENT-Single room with ad-
joining lavatory. Also newly dec-
grated double. Steam heat. Shower
bath. Better Sight lamps. Phone
8544. 422 E. Washington. 463
ROOMS FOR RENT-A furnished
apartment for two or three gradu-
ate or business women. Also beau--
tiful studio room, 426 E. Washing-1
ton. 470

Chevrolets at bargain prices. Lewis
Nixon, 416 So. Main St. 479i
FOR SALE-Complete Leica camera
1.9 speed lens. Built in precision
range finder. Call Owen R. Baker,
Jr. 4296. 478
FOR SALE-New shower clacks, guar-
anteed to prevent athlete's foot. All
sizes. Richard Mead. Phone 2-4401.
FOR SALE--DeLux Shades installed
DeLux Way. De Lux Window Shade
Co., 207 So. Main. Ph. 8778. 492
FOR SALE-9 tube Radio-Phono-
graph combination, $16. High-grade,
guitar in case. Bargain. STOFF-
LET'S,-523 E. Liberty St. 484:
FOR SALE-Senior cap-black tassle,
size 7, new. For sale cheap. Call
2-3241. Mrs. Rogers. 485
zine subscriptions. Readers Digest
$2.50. Esquire $4.50. Cooperative
Magazine Service. Phone 6877. 464
FOR SALE-Used typewriter for sale.
1134 Forest Ave. 461
FOR SALE-Antique furniture, china,
glass, silver, books, colored prints
and Bric-a-brac. Colonial Antique
Shop, 303 N. Division. 460
FOR SALE-Complete set of drums
for dance band. Excellent condi-
tion. Will sacrifice at $75. Call for
R. Maschine, telephone 2-4401. 546
FOR SALE-All kinds of beer in
bottles, kegs, and cans. We deliver
until midnight. 303 N. Fifth. Phone
8200. 515
FOR SALE-Canaries, beautiful sing-
ers. Parakeets. Also talking parrot.
Peachface lovebirds. Bird supplies.
Cages. 562 S. 7th, phone 5330. 512
FOR SALE-Sampson card tables.
These are genuine Sampson tables.
Special $1.98 Student lamps $1.95
up. "Midwest", 209 E. Washington.
Open evenings. 511
FOR SALE-Day Bed $7, cot $1, play
pen $1, ice box $5, Boy Scout equip-
ment. 523 or 525 Linden St. Call

two weeks ago. Reward. Simon,
2-1777. 499
LQST-Bach English Suites; Schu-
mann Nochturne lost, in University
IHigh. Reward. Call Margaret
Mathews, 2-2852. 504
LOST-An oval black onyx ring with
Michigan seal. Reward. Call Jean
Pray, 4759. 486
LOST-Small rectangular yellow gold
wristwatch, black cord bracelet.
Call Irma, 2-2286. Reward. 456
LOST-Ladies gold Elgin watch. Two
diamonds on round watch. Senti-
mental value. Reward. Box 11. 452
FOUND-A good place to eat. 914
Hill St. Phone 4546. Reasonable.
JOB WANTED-Experienced camper,
Eagle Scout, 18, desires position at
Summer Camp. Call Dan Huyett,
2-4401. 503
JOB WANTED-Ambitious student
desires work in Ann Arbor for
Summer Vacation. Call Hanson,
5251. 502
WANTED-Work of any sort. Willing
capable and intelligent. Call 2-1717.
J. D. Austin. 495
WANTED-Young man, college grad-
uate, wants part time or full time
emploment inside or outside. Phone
2-1297. 489
WANTED-Part-time work for stu-
dent girl-after 10 a.m. or prefer-
ably afternoon-housework or soda
fountain, experienced. Box 16. 487
ART LESSONS under experienced in-
structor. Decidedly reasonable rates.
Apt. 114, 339 S. Division. 506'
I CAN NOW help those having trouble
with French. Simply dial 5158.
Moderate rates. 4971

SANFORD Hat Cleaning and Shoe
Shining. Open day and night. 121
E. Ann. 524
Sweepers. Parts and service. Phone
6990. Moore Maytagqo. 307 S.
Main. 521
motors. Your motor repairid or ex-
changed. Maynard Battf', 332 E.
Washington. 513
ALTERATIONS and dressmaking.
Store, shop and home-eXperience.
Reasonable. Gladys Sturis, 1426
Washington Hghts. Phone 2-2975.
SIX WHITE uniformsi ze46, short-
sleeved, only slightly worn. Price
very reasonable. Call 4121 ext. 303,
from 8-1.2 or 1:30-4:30.
Call for our special rates. Ask for
"Tiger" Walker. Phone 4776. 480
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
STUDENTS-When laundry becomes
a burden call 4776. Quality work,
reasonable. We call and deliver. 519
RESERVATIONS for vacation train
rates may be placed at THE
and WeEdnesday afternoons.
WANTE.Two to share expenses to
California and Yellowstone. Leave
A.A. about June 17. Call 2-3941
WANTED-Two rides to New Jersey
Spring Vacation. Willing to share
expenses. Call Bill 2-2372. 542
WANTED-A ride and share expenses
to Cincinmati, Louisville or Frank-
fort, Ky, for Spring Vacation.
Mosher 2-4561 No. 444. 507
WANTED-Ride to Buffalo or its en-
virons, April 7. Phone 2-1777, ask
for Dick. 528
WANTED-Passengers to Idaho or
vicinity. Leaving about June 10th
via New York Fair and Washing-
ton, D.C. New car, Call 7849 by
March 30th for reservation 530
WANTED-Two rides to :New York
City or New Jersey Spring Vacation.
Call Al 2-2372. 543
RAIL EXCURSION reservations tak-
en now. Superior Dairy, State St.
4-5 daily. Student op6 6 t. 475
RIDE WANTED-To buffalo or
Niagara Falls for Sprink Vacation.
Call King 7220, 462
WANTED-To drive or shaitp xpenses
to Pittsburgh and back for Spring
Vacation., Call Bill, 2-3588. 496
wanted to the Upper Peninsua
Spring Vacation. Share expenses.
Phone 8852. 491
WANTED TO RENT-Two-bedroom
furnished home, preferably on east
side. Available April 1. Tel. 2-2273.

Lee D. Cosart, assistant general
sales manager, Plymouth Division
of Chrysler Corporation, Detroit,
will address a session of the Univer-
sity Vocational conference in the
Michigan Union ballroom at 4:10
p.m. this afternoon.
VOL. XLIX. No. 125
Women Students: Application
blanks for the Lucy Elliott Fellow-
ship of $500 and the Cleveland Mem-
orial Scholarship of $100 are now
available in the Alumnae Council
Office anid the Office of the Dean of
Women. All applications must be
turned in before April 1. Winners
will be announced following Spring
Foreigin Students Attention: Any
foreign students specializing in Edu-
cation or Sociology who would be in-
terested in securing a position as
counselor at the University's Fresh
Air Camp for the summer, should ap-
ply at once at the office of the Coun-
selor in the International Center. ,
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
There will be available in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing two Frank P. Sheehan Scholar-
ships and probably three assistant-
ships for the year 1939-40. These
scholarships and assistantships are
in general restricted to upperclass-
men and graduate students and the
selection is made very largely on the
basis of scholastic standing.
Applications for these positions
will be received up to April 1, 1939.
Students wishing to make applica-'
tion should address them to Pro-
fessor E. A. Stalker, B-47 East En-
gineering Building, and should give a
brief statement of their qualifica-
tions and experience in regard to
both their scholastic work and any
outside experience that they may
have had. A statement should also
be made giving their plans for fur-
ther study in Aeronautical Engineer-
Applications may be made for both
the scholarships and the assistant-
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German.
Value $40.00. Open to all undergrad-
uate students in German of distinctly
American training. Will be awarded
on the results of a three-hour essay
competition to be held under depart-
mental supervision on Thursday,
March 23, from 2-5 p.m., 201 U.H.
Contestants must satisfy the Depart-
ment that they have done the neces-
sary reading in German. The essay
may be written in English or German.
Each contestant will be free to choose
his own subject from a list of 30 of-
fered. The list will cover sixrchap-
ters in the development of German
literature from 1750 to 1900, each of
which will be represented by five
subjects. Students who wish to
compete and who have not yet hand-
ed in their applications should do so
immediately and obtain final direc-
Kothe-Hildner Vrxze in German:
Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respec-
tively will be awarded to students
taking German 32 in a translation
competition (German-English and
English-German) to be held March
23, from 2-5 pm, Room 201 U.H.
Students who wish to compete and
(Continueed on Page 4)

Feature starts at 2, 3:57, 7:11, 9:23
ge' .
O -St t
e ra l

"Not only has the campus changed,
but I've noticed that the spirit is
gone, too."
This lament of a returning alumnus
is nothing new. Traditions at the
University have been dying and be-
ing revived ever since the World War
era. There was a sad lack of inter-
est in the old traditions during and
after the war, which might be ex-
pected. As a student put it in a let-
ter to The Daily in November, 1919,
" . true Michigan was in the
service.' This student, W. C. Pal-
mer, '22L, believed ". . that the
Michigan spirit of yore lies dormant.
It is on the campus but is sleeping."
He went on to make an earnest plea
for a revival of that spirit, suggesting
ways and means. His efforts and
those of others were not in vain, for
the first of the "great revivals" be-
gan, with the establishment of "Tra-
ditions Day" in 1918, a gigantic pep-
meeting designed to acquaint fresh-
men with the traditions and instill
in them the desire to keep them alive.
The Daily's report of the affair stat-
ed, "The student body gave vent to
the pent-up enthusiasm suppressed
since pre-war days." ,
Students Did Best
For two or three years the students
did their best. They soon began to
relax, however, and again there was
a revival. Campus organizations led
the way. An indication of their seri-
ousness about the whole matter is the
"Report of the Traditions Committee
to the Upperclass Convocation" in the
spring of 1921. In this report the
committee listed a number of the
more famous traditions, recommend-
ing their revival.
This revival was no more success-
ful or lasting than the first had been.
"Traditions Day" remained, later be-
coming "Traditions Night," but with-
out its original force. By 1925 it
had become merely a meeting of the
freshman class to hear a few ad-
dresses and elect officers. The old
enthusiasm was gone.
Throughout the "Roaring 20's" tra-
dition made feeble efforts to rise
again, but never with much success.
Such hallowed old customs as Cane
Day, Cap Night, Class games, Senior
Benches, Toques, Swing-Out, the va-
rious prohibitions to freshmen-all
these and others were revived. Fresh-
than Pots especially were the sub-

jects of much controversy. The
Student Councif and others tried
vainly to force the yearling4 to wear
them. As soon as these efforts stop-
ped, the Frosh, in a sudden fever of
school spirit, demanded their. return..
But as a rule the traditions were not,
observed as they once had been. There
was a growing disinterest in them,
coupled with a growing resentment at
the abuses which some of them give
rise to. Damage to property and in-
juries which over-enthusiastic stu-
dents inflicted and received after ral-
lies andr during various extra-legal
encounters between classes were con-
demned. Swing-Out degenerated in-
to an excuse for drunkeness, until, it
was abolished in 1934, to be revived
.again in 1935.
Process Going On
This process of keeping Michigan
spirit alive in the form of traditions
is still going on, but it seems to be
ebbing at present. The freshman Pot
is out of existence: . women walk
through the front door of the Union
with impunity; and the Senior Ben-
ches are still here, but everybody sits
on them. Cane Day, Cap Day, and
some of the others are things of whieh
the majority of students probably
haven't even heard. Black Friday, of
old the foremost Michigan custom,
has been relegated to the position of
"something to amuse the old timers."
Last year the custom was revived in
a big way; this year, however, the
turnout of sophomores was micro-
scopic and that of the freshmen not
much bigger. "I Want To Go Back
To Michigan" is on the decline be-
cause of its references to Joe's and
the Orient, places which the more
recently entered' students did not
and do not know.
'Roll-Em-Up' Exception
One exception is the "roll-'em-up"
tradition, whose origin, unfortunate-
ly, has been lost. However, all those
who have been at Varsity Night cele-
brations will remember' the "raised-
arm" of Fritz Crisler, which, accord-
ing to Wilfred Shaw's "The University
of Michigan", goes 'way back to an
address given by the late William
Jennings Bryan in 1900, at which
time, after a fifteen minute ovation,
he raised his hand for silence, only
to see every student present wave
back at him. Many arrests were
The Swing-Out is still with us, and
may be here to stay if the old faults
don't reappear.

Call or Phone for an Appointment.
112 South Ashley Street Phone 8908

DAILY 2-4-7-9 P.M.
s., g ae
by dwas I 1.Scten 0 N OTa~n

In Color
"Pow Wow"










FOR. RENT-Large double room,
choice location for upperclassman
or graduate man. Reasonably
priced. Church St. Phone 3227. 488
FOR RENT-One sute, one single,
hot water, inner spring mattress.
Hot air heat. Phone 2-1241. 476
FOR RENT-Bridge tables and chairs
for rent. Phone 2-2931. Fox Tent
and Awning, 624 S. Main. 466
FOR RENT-Large double room with
sleeping porch, choice location for
graduate w o in e n. Reasonably
priced. Box 14. 450
experience typing theses. Rates
reasonable. Phone Mrs. Branch
Field, 8871. 490
TYPING and EDITING-by experi-
enced graduate English major. Ac-
curacy guaranteed. Reasonable.
Call Miss Kerns, 3957. 457

LOST-Corwim's "Constitution and
What It Means Today" in Angell
Hall, Reward. Call 4054. M. W.
Reider. 535
LOST-Racoon coat in Parrot. It was
just like new. Reward. Call Web at
7758. 540
LOST-A men's brown and tan twin
sweater set. Please return to 411
Allen-Rumsey. 538,
LOST-Gold rectangular Gruen wrist
watch. Gold metal link band. Lo st
about 3 weeks ago. Bernie Simon,
8590. 527
FOUND-One man's brown oxford at
P.B. Sunday night. Write Box 8.
Michigan Daily. 549
LOST-"Social Disorganization" byj
Elliot & Merril. If found please no-!
tify David Jassy at 3590. 5471

WANTED-Canvassers, good return;
minimum of one hour per day.
Call Gene Freedman, 9738. 483
WANTED--Men to work in spare
time. Minimum of one hour a day.
Call Phillips, 2-3519. 482
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
TYPEWRITER and Adding Machine
Repairs at Office Equipment Serv-
ice Co, 209 S. Main. Tel. 2-1213. 465
cert Thursday, March 30, Hill Aud.
No admission charged. 494
FOR BETTER Spring Dances con-
sult. Macal-Johnson Orchestral
Service. Phone 2-3297. A Band for
the Occasion. 473
DRESS MAKING and alterations
skillful work done at' reasonable
price. Miss Avery, phone 2-3912.
courteous, efficient, economical.
Call ,Johnson i. 2-3297 or Schwartz

" on't Worry Dear!



EXPERIENCED TYPIST, University LOST-One freshman pot on March
Graduate, can copyread and edit. 20 near Mosher-Jordan. Culprit call
Rates reasonable. Call 5126. Flannigan, 2-3187. Thanks. 544






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