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March 23, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-23

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Fair and warmer today : in-

Yl e



Propaganda Analysis
For Democracy .
The State
Labor Bills .



Norman Maier
Wins 1938-39
Russel Award;
Work With 'Neurotic' Rats
Brings Honor To Young
Greek Head Gives
Lecture Before 350
Prof. Norman R. F. Maer of the
psychology department, whose re-
search on neurotic rats earned him
the American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science's $1,000 prize
for the outstanding scientific paper
of the year, yesterday won the Henry
Russel Award for 1938-39, the Univer-
sity's highest honor for an assistant
professor or instructor.
The announcement, made by Presi-
dent Ruthven following the annual
Henry Russel lecture, climaxed a
spectacularrise to fame for the 39-
year-old research expert. His research
on rats which scientists declare prob-
ably will eventually point the way to
the discovery of a cure for trouble-
some human mental diseases brought
him national acclaim.
The Henry Russel lecture, "So-
phocles, Aristotle and the Tired Busi-
ness Man" was given yesterday after-
noon by Prof. Campbell C. Bonner,
chairman of the Greek department,
before a crowd of 350.
The "escape from reality" desire
on the part of audiences was mani-
fested even in the time of Sophocles,
Professor Bonner revealed in discus-
sing the complaint of the modern
"tired business man" that too much
realism exists in the theatre. Out-
right horror in plays and on the
screen is no more necessary to trag-
edy, he declared, than is slapstick to
Dr. Maier has received previous
honors before winning the Henry
Russel Award. Twice the National Re-
search Council honored him with re-
search'fellowships. In 1931 he came
to theUniversity as instructor in psy-
chology.: He was promoted to the as-
sistant professorship in 1935.
A native of Sebewaing, Mich., he
is the author of numerous scientific
articles, monograms and a text on
"Animal Psychology."
Rats Bring Fame
Prof. Norman R. F.. Maier, who
yesterday was naned for the Henry
Russel award, has used a cageful of
"scientific rats" to achieve fame for
himself and the University.
His most recent experiments in the
laboratories of the University have
probed into the mysterious forces of
neurosis upon the minds of these tiny
animals, and may ultimately lead
man to an understanding of the
things which result in anti-social be-
havior and insanity.
Funds for the work were granted
to Professor Maier by the Horace
Rackham estate fund. He had pre-
viously received scientific praise for
his discoveries in the field of learning
by rats.
Professor Maier's findings in neu-
rotic behavior are regarded in scien-
tific circles as his most important
research, however. He employed a
relatively new technique.
Simply stated, the experiment con-
sisted of confronting the rats with
an apparently insolvable situation.
Most of them resorted to some form

of escape. When they found this im-
possible, seven of them became in-
Although Professor Maier as yet
(Continued On Page 2)
ASU To Select
Elec n011 Slate
Executives To Formulate
Plans ForCampaign
A final slate of American Student
Union candidates for the Student1
Senate will be chosen at an open
meeting of the ASU executive com-
mittee to be held at 4 p.m. today at
the Michigan League.
At a membership meeting held
yesterday afternoon a tentative pro-
gram including support of The Daily
board plan, cooperatives, curriculum
changes, an investigation of German
exchange students, a board peace
strike and better student working

German Student Denies System
Of Exchange Is For Pro paganda

Better Feeling Is Motive,
Heinz Jander Declares;
Political Pledge Routine
German exchange students coming
to the United States are under no
compulsion from the German Gov-
ernment to disseminate National So-
cialist propaganda here, Heinz Jan-,
der, an exchange student from Frank-
furt am Main, Germany, said in an
interview yesterday.
(This statement was made to clari-
fy the position of exchange students;
which had been questioned in a series
of articles appearing in The Daily
yesterday and Tuesday).
Aims For Understanding
Declaring that the exchange sys-
tem has as its aim the promotion of
better understanding among the na-
tions of the world and the fostering
of individual friendships between
German and American students in
the United States and Germany,
Jander, here on an exchange schol-
arship arranged through Phi Kappa
Psi fraternity, pointed out that while
German exchange students are un-
der the administration of the State,
they are not regarded as propaganda
agents abroad.
"I admire and appreciate the peo-
ple of this country," he said, "and,
as their guest, feel that it is my ob-
ligation to help maintain the best re-
lations. The Americans desire peace
fully as much as the Germans, and
today all the peoples of the world
must worlm together to prevent war.
The' best way to secure peace is by
mutual understanding.
"A German exchange student here,
being a part of "his country, will
stand up for it as much as an Ameri-
can exchange student in Germany
will stand up for the United States."
Jander pointed out that he had
received no special training in Ger-
on'gress Gives
Huge Arm s B ill
FinalI Passage

many in "propaganda eehn iques as
adapted for use on college campues."
He said that students who are go-
ing to the United States on exchange
scholarships gather to learn the his-
tory and background of the country,
and, before leaving, meet with re-
turning exchange students to become
familiar with life in this country.
There is no attempt, he declared, to
make such students become propa-
ganda agents.
Certificate Unimportant
He said that the "cerificate of po-
litical responsibility" which each
German exchange student is required
to secure and whose importance, has
been much overemphasized, is mere-
ly a routine declaration such as every
German wishing to hold public of-
fice must fill out. It merely consti-
tutes, he said, a guarantee that the
signatory will not work actively
against the State.
my exchange in America is an oppor-
He declared, "I personally feel that
tunity to understand the American
way of living and to help in eliminat-
ing the misunderstanding which is
the basis of international ill-will."
Amendment On
Bill Is Defeated
Unexpected White House
Victory Wins Passage
Of Measure 63 To 23
WASHINGTON, March 22.-()-
Administration forces plucked victory
from defeat today when the Senate
passed, 63 to 23, a Government reor-
ganization bill minus an amendment
which would, have given legislators
more control over the President's re-
organization orders.
The amendment had been attached
to the bill only yesterday, but today
the Senate reversed itself and struck
it out by a two-vote margin.
The bill, authorizing the President
to consolidate or abolish many agen-
cies of the Government, had pre-
viously been approved by the Iouse.
It now goes now to conference for
discussion of amendments added by
the Senate.
Opposition centered upon a section
providing that reorganization orders
to be issued by President Roosevelt
under the act should become effective
in 60 days unless specifically rejected
by both branches of Congress.
Republicans and some Democrats
argued that this gave the Chief Ex-
ecutive too much power and retained
too little control for Congress. Final-
ly, this faction supported an amend-
ment by Senator Wheeler (Dem.,-
Mont.) providing that to become ef-
fective reorganization orders must
havethe specific approval of both
Japanese Will Avoid
Next European War
TOKYO, March 23. (Thursday).-
OP)-The Japanese "Inner Govern-
ment," composed of five key cabinet
ministers, was reported today to have
agreed informally upon a policy of
nuertality in event of a European
The five ministers, headed by Pre-
mier Baron Kiichiro Hiranuma, con-
ferred for five hours Wednesday
night. A formal decision was not
made, but it was understood authori-
tatively that the majority was strong-
ly opposed to voluntary Japanese
participation in the event of a Euro-
pean war should break out.

New Initiates
Of Frater ities
'o Be lloiored.
Dean Bursley To Present
Trophy For Scholarship
fo HighestPledge Cuss
Weaver To Deliver
Address Tonight
More than 500 recent fraternity ini-
tiates will attend the third annual
interfraternity initiation banquet to
!be held at 6:15 p.m. today in the
main ballroom of the Union.
The principal speaker on the ban-
quet program will be Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department,
who will speak on "Putting Ideals to
Work." Dean Henry C. Anderson of
the College of Engineering will also
deliver a short talk. Robert Reid,
'39E, is to act as master of cere-
The scholarship cup for the frater-
nity pledge class having the highest
average grade during the past semes-
ter will be presented to Kappa Nu
at the banquet, Reid declared yester-
day. Dean Joseph A. Bursley will make
the presentation. The cup was won
last year by Phi Sigma Kappa.
Among the guests of honor at the
banquet will be Dean Bursley, Dean
Anderson, Prof. Carl G. Brandt of
the speech department, Prof. Robert
P. Briggs of the economics depart-
ment, fraternity financial adviser,
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
of religious education in the Uni-
versity, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director
of the Hillel Foundation, Prof. Arthur
Van Duren of the German depart-
ment, T.. Hawley Tapping, secretary
of the Alumni Association, and Prof.
Karl Litzenberg of the English de-
partment, recently appointed director'
of University dormitories.
The principal speaker at last year's
banquet was Dean D. H. Gardner of
Akron University, president of the
National Association of Deans and
Advisers of Men and chairman of the
Educational Advisory Committee of
the National Interfraternity Council.
Dean Gardener spoke on "Fraterni-
ties and Their Relation to the Uni-
State May Need
New Revenues

Speaks To Confere'nce

Reich Tk es Memel;
Signs 5-Point Pact

T _ NZ



Rumania Ends
Crisis By Pact
with Germany

Job Application-
Today's Subject
For Conference
Meeting Warned By Beard
Airlines To Be Absorbed
By Government In War
How to interview a prospective em-
ployer for a job will be demonstrated
at today's session of the University's
Guidance and Occupational Infor-
mation Conference. Sales and mer-
chandising fields also will be probed.
Private American airlines will prob-
ably be absorbed by the United States
army in the event of our entrance in-
to war, M. Gould Beard, of Ameri-
can Airlines, told 100 students at a
session of the conference in the Union
ballroom yesterday afternoon.
Speaking on the general topic of
"Aviation," he warned the student
audience that passenger travel will be
sharply curtailed, and that all our
mail and express will be censored if
our country should enter another in-
ternational conflict.
Mr. Beard is chief test pilot for
American Airlines, and a graduate
from Michigan in 1925.
The aviation industry offers a rich
opportunity for young engineers seek-
ing jobs, he said. "We have only
scratched the surface of the demand
for planes and equipment. In future
generations, when there are no in-
hibitions toward travel by air, the
number of opportunities for jobs will
greatly increase."
Beard cited the increasing luxury
of airliners, the building of more
reliable motors, and the growing em-
phasis upon speed in our business
world as reasons why the aviation
industry will continue to expand.
Robert Waldron, Director of In-
dustrial Relations for the Hudson
Motor Car Co., will conduct the model
interview on how to apply for a job
in business at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
A former student of the University,
Mr. Waldron left to enter the United
States Naval Academy.
How to apply for a teaching job in
an interview will also be demonstrat-
ed by L. H. Lamb, Superintendent of
Schools in Flint, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Facts about current opportunities
for Michigan graduates in the selling
field will be disclosed by Lee D. Cosart,
Assistant General Sales Manager of
(Continued On Page 2)

BUCHAREST, March 22.-(JP)-
Rumania and Germany concluded to-
night a "normal" trade agreement
which Rumanian officials joyfully
said preserved their country's "po-
litical and economic independence."
Simultaneously Premier Armand
Calinescu asserted that concentra-
tions of troops along Rumanian fron-
tiers might be dispersed within "10
or 15 days" and that he expected the
international situation to be clari-
As a result, much of the Balkan
peninsula breathed more easily to-
night, for the negotiations of the
Trade Treaty were a major factor in
the "Rumanian crisis" that upset Eu-
rope last weekend, when reports cir-
culated that Germany had demanded
special advantages under political
Details of the treaty were with-
held. Dr. Helmuth Wohlthat, head of
a German trade mission, and Jan Du-
joiu, Rumanian Minister of National
Economy, signed the pact in which,
Rumanians said, Germany was given
no - monopolistic economic conces-
One official commented that the
"open door to purchasers of the whole
world remains open." Negotiatorsj
said the subject of special German
pledges- to respect Rumanian fron-
tiers was not discussed.
John L. Lewis
IDeclares. C10
Unity His Price
AFL Meets In Washington
To Consider Conditions
Of Conciliatory Move

Senate Foreign
We Aid Latin


England Hears Germany
Used Threats Of Force
To Make Lithuania Bow
Ribbentrop Grants
Trade Concessions
BERLIN, March 23.-(Thursday)--
(P)-Germany and Lithuania com-
pleted early today the reunion of
Memel with the Greater Reich as
Adolf Hitler journeyed aboard a
battleship, convoyed by a naval flq-
tilla, to receive his latest acquisition
of territory.
A five-point non-aggression agree-
ment providing for immediate evacu-
ation by Lithuania of the little fringe
of Baltic territory on the Nieman
River and providing also for the ec-
onomic needs of Lithuania was
reached between Foreign Minister
Joachim von Ribbentrop and a Lithu-
anian delegation.
The declared purpose of the non-
aggression pact was "to strengthen"
the decisions taken by Lithuania and
Germany and to safeguard friendly
relations between them.
It pledged the two countries neith-
er to fight each other nor to support
any third power attacking either of
A free port at Memel was assured
Lithuania, who originally seized the
territory by force in 1923 in order to
provide herself with an outlet to the
Baltic Sea.
Commissioners are to be appointed
to carry out details in handing over
the administration of affairs in the
1,099 square-mile district.
The negotiations, a communique.
said, led to a solution "regulating the
reunion of Memelland with the Ger-
man Reich and creating the pre-con-
itions for future good neighborly re-
lations between the two countries."
Fear Baltic Independence
(By Asocatod Press)
KAUNAS, March 22.-Lithuania
surrendered Memel territory to Adolf
Hitler's rapidly expanding realm to-
day, bowing to threats which semi-
official sources said were directed
against independence of the entire
Baltic republic.
Reliable sources said Lithuania was
told bluntly by Germany she must
give up Memel or all Lithuania would
be taken over by German military
(Home Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare
told the British House of Commons
that Germany had threatened to oc-
cupy all Lithuania if Memel were not
surrendered within four days).
Tonight, at the first session of the
Memel diet since a predominant Nazi
majority was elected last December,
the Nazi leader, Ernst Neuman, pro-
claimed Memel's "Anschluss" with
Hundreds of Jews fled from Memel
last night. Thousands more attempt-
ing to flee before Anschluss were
halted by jubilant Nazi storm-troop
ers who virtually took over the Memel
territory while Lithuanian troops and
officials withdrew.
A state of emergency was decreed
in the remainder of Lithuania and
additional military reserves called to
the colors replacing Memellanders re-
leased from duty.
The Lithuanian Parliament agreed
this morning to surrender Memel af-
ter the Cabinet had given in to Ger-
man demands.
"The cession of Memel, which has
been forced on Lithuanians, has de-
pressed the population, but there is
determination to fight for the inde-
pendence of Lithuania herself," an
official announcement declared.
Journalist Predicts
Change In ditorias

The editorial page of tomorrow will
be a product of evolution, not of revo-
lution, A. L. Miller, editor and pub-
lisher of the Battle Creep Enquirer
and News and president of Federat-
ed Publications, declared yesterday
in the fifth of the current lecture se-
ries being sponsored by the journal-
ism department.
As characteristics of the future edi-
torial page, Mr. Miller said the lead-
ing newspapers will have to under-
take the preservation of democracy,

WASHINGTON, March 22.-())-
Congress gave final and ready ap-
proval today to a $358,000,000 re-
armament bill, authorizing the Army
Air Corps to build its fighting strength
up to 6,000 airplanes.
Both branches adopted a confer-
ence report on the administration
measure, while the House, in addi-
tion, voted without a murmur of
opposition a $116,539,287 appropria-
tion to provide the Army with more
weapons and other equipment and to
strengthen the nation's seacoast de-
Other developments bearing on de-
fense and international affairs came
thick and fast :
The Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee heard representatives of the
State, War and Navy Departments
urge the passage of a resolution to
help Latin American nations buy, at
their own expense only, warships and
munitions produced in this country.
They said such assistance would re-
duce any threat of aggression against
this hemisphere by non-American
Approaching a subject which prom-
ises to produce one of the session's
liveliest disputes, the committee de-
cided to determine next Wednesday
when hearings will start on propos-
als for changes in the Neutrality Act,
including that submitted by Chairman
Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) under which
warring nations would be permitted
to buy munitions here if they paid'
cash and furnished ships to trans-
port their purchases.
Swimmers To Try Skill
On The Air Waves Today
Water experts will try their skill
over the air when prominent swim-
mers and coaches will be interviewed
by Stephen Filipiak, '39, at 3:15 p.m.
today over WJR from the Morris
Hall studios.
Previewing the National intercol-
legiate swimming meet which will be
held here tomorrow and Saturday,
Coach Matt Mann, Capt. Tom Hay-
nie, '39, and Walt Tomski, '39, Big
Ten champion in the 50 and 10C
yard snrints: will h the first to face

Governor Adopts
Stand On Civil


LANSING, March 22.-(/P)-Gover-
nor Dickinson declared tonight ad-
ditional taxes may be required to
bring the State's Treasury out of the
The Governor said he had given
no thought to any particular form
of taxation. Other sources speculat-
ed on a so-called "nuisance tax" on
luxuries as a revenue source that
could become immediately available,
or an increase in the levy on liquors.
Dickinson said the consensus of a
meeting of House and Senate Fi-
nance Committee members in his of-
fice with Budget Director Harold D.
Smith was that Michigan could keep
its expenditures at the level of in-
come through rigid economies, but
could find no money to retire the
$25,000,000 deficit left behind the
preceding Democratic administration.
The Governor adopted a neutral
policy in the controversy surrounding
the fate of Civil Service in state gov-


Women Of Alaska Don't Gossip,
Glacier Priest Informs 3,500

"Alaskan women don't know howl
to gossip," the Rev. Fr. Bernard R.
Hubbard, geologist, explorer and
missionary told an audience of moret
than 3,500 last night in Hill Audi-1
When Father Hubbard took his
first lesson in the Eskimo, he was
told to memorize the 670 forms of1
the verb "to see." As soon as these1
had been mastered, there were 300
more forms of the same verb. People
who think the English language is
hard to learn should acquaint them-
selves with the Eskimo tongue where
you have not only prefixes and suf-
fixes, but also about a million "in-

no fatalities is the record established
by the Chief of the King Islanders,
said the "glacier priest." The island
has no professional doctors and the+
chief serves not only as head of the
tribe, but alsoA as doctor, dentist, and
midwife, he said.
One of the queerest reactions which
the Eskimo has to the American is
that he has to read in our geogra-
phies that we want them o live in
igloos, he said. Of course, they think
we're foolish, he declared.
A rare physical feature was ob-
served one morning when Father
Hubbard awoke to discover the Ber-
ing Sea' covered with 'lily pads.' The
phenonomen was caused by the freez-

Shakespeare Play
To Feature Doll's
Costume Designs
Hundreds of costume articles and
30 full costumes are being made fort
Play Production's "Two Gentlemen oft
Verona" by James Doll, brought from
Detroit especially for this play, with
the aid of members of the dramatic
group.. The play will run between
March 29 and April 1.
Mr. Doll, director and supervisor
of the Federal Theatre Project in
Detroit, designed the costumes, and
Mrs. Doll, his mother is making them.'
Mr. Doll has also designed the scenery
for the play and nightly directs its
construction, aided by Robert Mellen-
kamp, Play Production's regular scen-
ery designer.
A novel bit of stagecraft is being
used by Mr. Doll, in an effort to pre-
sent the play as Shakespeare intend-
ed-unhampered by long between-
scene halts for scenery shifts, and
without elaborate properties. For this
purpose Mr. Doll has created chiefly

NEW YORK, March 22. -(1P)-
John L. Lewis declared today that
the CIO and its affiliates "do not t
propose to dissolve and chop them-
selves up into a multitude of pieces" k
as the price of peace with the Ameri- r
can Federation of Labor.
The president of the Congress of t
Industrial Organizations made the t
statement in addressing the anthra- c
cite convention of 'the United Mine
Workers of America as the American
Federation of Labor's executive com- 1
mittee met in Washington to deter- i
mine jurisdictional conditions under t
which the CIO unions might be re-
admitted to the federation.t
Lewis, who also is president of the
United Mine Workers, referred to the l
leaders of the AFL with whom the
CIO is scheduled to resume peace l
negotiations Friday as "hidebound+
aristocrats," and denounced as "liars" 1
any who charge the CIO is commun-i
istic. He said that if an acceptable
basis for peace does not come the:
CIO will change its policy which, he;
stated, has been merely "defensive."
Lewis asserted the CIO had ac-
cepted without qualification Presi-
dent Roosevelt's invitation to discuss
labor unification.
He said the CIO was willing to dis-
cuss any plan or suggestion of any
Halligan Warns Michigras
Booth Deadline Is Today
Michigras booth plans must be sub-
mitted today, James Halligan, '40-
F&C, warned yesterday.
Plans for the booths must be con-
sidered by the committee, he declared.
This necessitates an early presenta-
tion with the deadline resulting. Ac-
tive preparations for the Michigras,
annual "carnival" in which students
turn barker and show-man for two
days, are already underway, he said.
Kay Kyser Becomes
Member Of 'Mimes'
Kay Kyser, popular band maestro
now annearing in Detroit. was pre-

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