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March 22, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-22

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TUEDAY, MARCH -21, 1939



Pig InA Poke'
Initial Showmg
To HonorGroup
S ~P
Supper To Be At 6 P.M.
In Ballroom Of League;
To SingMichigan Songs
Senior women in all schools of the
University will wear their caps and
gowns for the first time when they
attend Senior Supper at 6 p.m. today
in the ballroom of the League.
As part of the program during the
dinner, songs from the 1938 Junior
Girls Play'will b sung. Grace Wil-
son, '39, will lead the singing. All
women attending will take part in
the traditional pin, lemon, candle
To Take Motion Pictures
Motion peitures which will be taken
during the supper will constitute a
part of the University moving pic-
tures to be shown to alumnae groups,
Roberta Chissus, '39, general chair-
man, announced yesterday.
The color scheme for the decora-
tions of the supper will be blue. Cen-
terpieces will be based around the
pin; lemon, candle tradition. Tiny
mortar boards and diplomas placed
on the tables will complete the dec-
Seniors Will Present Program
Followig the senior march into the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, where
they will be the guests of the 1939
JGP, a short senior program will be
presented with Mary Frances Brown,
'39, acting as master of ceremonies in
the character of the Queen Mother
from "The Mulberry Bush.". The
senior song to the junior women,
the words of which have been writ-
ten by Eleanor McCoy, '39, will be
sung before the presentation of "Pig
In A Polk."
Barbara Teall, '39, will sing two
songs from last year's JGP and the
Madrigal Singers and Red Shirts will

[o Observe Michigan

Traditions At Supper



Naivete In

Spring Suits

Local Women
Will Be Guests
At Style Show
Detroit Store Sponsoring
Fashion Parade Friday
Invites More Thad 34
A group of 34 Ann Arbor women
will be guests of the management of
the Detroit store which is presenting
a style show from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30
p.m. Friday in the ballroom of thel
League, Barbara Heath, '39, social
chairman, announced yesterday.
Mrs. Junius Beal, Mrs. Ruthven,
Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. Ira Smith,
Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Mrs. Henry
Bates, Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, Mrs.
James B. Edmonson, Mrs. A. C. Fur-
stenberg, Mrs. E. H. Kraus, Mrs.
Clarence Yoakum, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Miss Jeanette Perry.
Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Dr. Margaretf
Bell, Mrs. S. Beach Conger, Mrs. -
Ruth. Goodlander, Mrs. W. E. For-
sythe, Mrs. Palmer Christian, Mrs.
Earl V. Moore, Mrs. Charles Sink,
Mrs. Ralph Aigler, Mrs. Edward.
Adams, Mrs. Herbert Sadler, Mrs. A.
S. Whitney, Mrs. A. E. White, Mrs.
R. S. Hussey, Mrs. R. W. Bunting,
Mrs. James Bruce, Mrs. Homer L.
Heath, Mrs. C. E. Griffin, Mrs. Her-
bert Sadler, Mrs. Samuel Dana, andt
Mrs. Frederick Coller have been in-1
Drawing for door prizes will take,
place shortly after the show begins.
Three articles of store merchandise
have been selected as prizes and win-
ners must be present in order to re-
ceive them. Free tickets will be dis-
tributed by members of the social
committee of the League or may be
secured from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Friday at a table which will be set up
for this purpose in the lobby of the
Phyllis Miner, '39, secretary of the
social committee, will be on duty at
the table in the lobby. It is impor-
tant that everyone get his ticket since
each ticket bears a number and door
prizes go to the holders of the lucky
Reservations for places at tables in.
the ballroom may be made by calling
Mrs, A. W. Clark at the League..

An opinionated person by profes-
sion, we're atsomething of a loss
this week to decide just what sub-
ject most properly deserves our at-
tention. We might thumb our nose.
at Hitler (and howl we'd like to!), we
might give Michigan's new governor
our blessing, or we might wish the Al-
umnae House girls the best of luck
and hope they didn't all catch colds
in the fire Monday.
On the.other hand, being juniors
at heart, we choose to recommend
"Pig in a Poke" as the best JGP in
history. Yes indeed, there's talent
in the class of '40, and Sophomore
Cabaret and Freshman Project were
mere phantoms of the successful
class project compared to the "Pig"
which opens its initial performance
tonight at the League.
If you're the type that goes for
hoops and luscious colors in a big way
you'll love the costumes which Jane
Nussbaum and her hard-working
committee turned out after many
hours of slaving over the sewing ma-
chine. On the other hand, if you
like your plays with plenty of clever
lines to give them spice you'll ap-
preciate Dick McKelvey, both as au-
thor, and director.
If you're like us and mostly like
them funny, be prepared to roar
when the Colonel goes into action on
"I challenge you!" and practically
cracks the table top when he bangs
on it. It's hard to lay one's finger
on the exact point where the "Pig's"
success will lie because it is practical-
ly perfect in every detail.
Unlimited credit goes to Dorothy
Shipman, general chairman, and her
whole committee for the hard work
they've put in, and only a little less
to every junior participant. It's been
difficult and long, but there was
never a play put on with more en-
thusiasm among those working in it.
Now take the hansom cab, f'r-
instance. A beautiful scene, yes in-
deed. No one will ever know that
the darn thing broke down at every
rehearsal and caused Bob Corrigan
plenty of headaches over making its
wheels go round. 'Nuff said,

Lecture Series
Presents Style
Expert Today

and ,o

Woen's Club Held
Musicale Yesterday

L. B.

Sappington To Talk
Fashion As Applied
All Phases Of Life

Mr. L. B. Sappington, assistant
merchandise manager of the J. L.
Hudson Co., will be the first of three
speakers in the current series of lec-
tures sponsored by the University Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information who will be of
particular interest-to women, Dr. T. L.
Purdom, head of the Bureau, said
Fashion, in its broader aspect as
applied to every phase of modern life.
will be the subject of Sappington's
lecture, to be given at 4:10 p.m. to-
day in the League.
Since 1920 Sappington has been
actively engaged in the field of mar-
chandizing and fashion. After grad-
uating in 1919 from the University
of California, he joined Hudson's as
assistant advertising manager for
three years. He transferred to the
William 1H.engerer Company, Buf-
falo, N.Y., as vice-president and gen-
eral merchandise manager, and re-
turned to J. L. Hudson Co. in 1930 in
his present position.
Though thoroughly acquainted
with the field of fashion open to the
clothes stylist, Sappington's lecture
will place particular emphasis on the
more varied opportunities in other
phases of the general fashion field.
Tau Epsilon Rho Holds
Initiation For Eight Men
Tau Epsilon Rho announces the
initiation of: Marston Busch, '40L;
Bernard Cohen, '40L; Maurice
Greenbaum, '40L; Harold Rosenn,
'40L; William Spitalny, '40L; Alfred
Swiren, '40E; Sidney Salzman, '40E;
and Sheldon Silverman, '40E. Grad-
uate advisory members of the fra-
ternity are: Herbert Galton, Grad.,
and Samuel Milner, Grad. Both men
are members of the Law Review and
Coif, honorary legal societies.

Engagemen ts
Three engagements of interest to
University students were announced
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Widen-
mann, of Birmingham, have an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Mary Louise, to James
Gayle Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher Brien, also of Birming-
ham. Miss Widenmann attended the
University and Mr. Brien is a gradu-
ate and a member of Chi Psi fra-
The engagement of Virginia Mary
Mangold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George R. Mangold of Evanston, Ill.,
to Herbert P. Carrow, Jr., has been
announced. Mr. Carrow is the soi
of Mr. and Mrs. heroert P. varrow
of Detroit. Miss Mangold attended
Marygrove College, while Mr. Carrow
is a graduate of the University and a
member of Zeta Psi fraternity.
Mary Lee Vail's engagement to
Rowe A. Balmer, '37, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert K. Balmer, of Detroit, has
been announced by, the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Vail, also
of Detroit. Miss Vail is a graduate of
Albion College and is a member of Al-
pha Chi Omega sorority.
English Boot and Shoe Maker
o Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.

The music section of the Faculty
Women's Club of Ann Arbor met at
8 p.m. yesterday at the home of Mrs.
John Johnstone, 904 Oakland Ave.
Mrs. Ralph Upson was assisting host-
ess, and Mrs. J. T. Bradbury was in
charge of refreshments.
The entertainment included instru-
mental music under the leadership of
Mrs. H. M. Kendall and a vocal
playlet, "Colonial Tea," directed by
Mrs. H. W. Hann
Your steamship paseage to Europa, for tis Coming pring A
Summer, should be rese'ved now. phone or come In, choose
your ship d a small deposit will guarantee the Apace. 1f goufod
you cannot go,.t will gladly arrange for a Transfer, era full return
of' deposit mouey. All detalls completed hvre. wlthout charge.
,"Puead Service" on eeroy booking Onese 1917. PN1. 6419
10=P.R TRAVEL BUJREAU. 801 E. Huron St. Ann Aram~



"A ~~c
1. Dinner at
The Haunted Tavern
417 East Huron Street
5:30 till 7:30
2. Junior Girls' Play
Lydia Mendelssohin
Theatre at 8:30

The "little-girl" trend can be seen
in this spring suit, with its youth-
ful collar, fitted waist-line and full
pleated skirt. It is made of pastel
tweed, and with a sweater and ank-
lets of contrasting color is fine for
campus wear, while a dressy blouse,
spring hat, gloves and a pair of
spectator pumps make it complete-
ly suitable for more dressy occa-

Ex-Coffin Factory Is Revealed
As Hidden Past Of COliseum

tN FOR 1 AttA
1NK OWN , '
Of f
tt1e315 a Q;s
e ,bo$tl yip x 25 '
" . , .o skiff P




Inquiring Reporter Finds
Out Salient Facts Of
Michigan'sIce Rink
Eleven miles of pipe . . . an ex-.
coffin factory . . then amusement
park . . . a lost petticoat . . . four
inches of sawdust . . . 500 gallons of
water a day . . . large blue spots...
small red spots . . . Doesn't anyone
recognize it? That's the Coliseum,
or with respect for hockey Coach Ed
Lowry's wishes, the University of
Michigan Ice Skating Rink.
'Open for four months of the year,
from the middle of November until
last Sunday, the Coliseum is a ka-
leidoscope of names, people and
events. Not only did the Michigan
sextet play 14 games there this past
winter, but every afternoon skaters
have come from as far as Detroit to
try their skill on both fancy and plain
A short white haired mechanic
from Ann Arbor whizzes by, hands
behind his back. He peers out from.
under his glasses and admits that
le has been skating for over 50 years
and he thinks professional hockey is
exceedingly dangerous.
One girl of 14 in a green skating
skirt and floppy green sweater, on
which a Dick Tracy badge was pin-
ned, has enough enthusiasm and
skill to daunt many a veteran skater.'
Indeed, she proudly displayed a med-
al for fancy skating in the novice,


_ _ fi

class which she won in an all-De-
troit contest. Watching from the
stands, many a fond mother sits and
freezes while she sees her child do
stunts on the ice.
But if one gets -too tired skating,
one can always take "the pause that
refreshes," for the Coliseum operates
a refreshment stand. Furthermore,
there is a check room, a skate-rent-
ing business and a skate-sharpening
Cornering Mr. Elmer Kapp, skate
sharpener and general manager, we
;managed to get a few more additional
facts about the Coliseum. After the
rink, which is 208 feet by 83 feet, has
been flooded with hot water, it freezes
over again in about an hour. In order
not to pile up too much ice during
the year, the rink is planed three
times during the winter. This in-
volves the removal of about 50 tons of
But with spring so definitely in
the air (although it came from re-
liable sources that it was seven above
last Saturday night) the University
has decided to roll up the ice and
save it for next year.
Stuldent Gives Recital
Mary K. Hamlin, Grad., pupil of
Prof. Joseph Brinkman of the School
of Music, preesnted a piano recital
yesterday in the School of Music


K10 /
... ..........

~1~ --
8 O'clock


Exciting Special.
New Spring Hats
Others $2.95 to $10.00

e-_usic by
and His Band
HOSIERY . . Gold Stripe.
SHOES . Peacock, Rhythm
Step, Hill and Dale, Carlisle,
MAKE-UP . . Charles of the
GLOVES . Kislav, Kayser,
ArI Worrp-i,


L"::i' s
P 'i
t; Z
y .


l"ASHION HISTORY in the making . . . important changes in
silhouette and refreshing new uses of color to make a dramatic
presentation of neW clothes even more exciting. Costumes
for sports, travel, daytime and evening occasions will be
shown. Wearable interpretations of a Paris coutourier inspired
mode . . . carefully selected with consideration for varied
figure types and varied budgets.


l v

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