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February 15, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-15

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ght Training
[ow Available
To Applicants
Upperclassmen To Be
iven Flying Instruction
iring Second Semester
Alications for the flying course,
ored by the Civil Aeronautics
rity and recently accepted by
oard of Regents, can be secured
at the aeronautical engineer-
epartment, Room 47, East En-
'ing Building.
nty students will be selected to
e flying instruction this semes-
rhich will qualify them for a
e pilot's license. More than
idents have already applied.
blanks must be filled out and
1ed today. Payment of a $60
50 for insurance and $10 for
ederal physical examination,
e charged for enrollment in the
er requirements are: upper-
standing, good physical condi-
a 2. scliolastic average, writ-
rents' consent and a previous
st in flying. '
owing the action of the Board
ents atthe last meeting when
officially approved the selec-
f the University as one of 13
s to test President Roosevelt's
or training 20,000 students for
.ation's air reserve, the Civil
autics Authority accepted the
bid of the Ann Arbor and Ypsi-
airports to furnish instructors
use in this work the Ann Arbor
t ,has two 50 horsepower Aer-
and the Ypsilanti Airport has
'lor Cub. The twenty students
d will be divided between the
course will consist of ground
work and a minimum of 35
of flying instruction.
te Highway Meet
pens Hei-e Today
(Continued from Page 1)
t an illustrated lecture on the
s Blue Water Bridge.
ay's activities will be concluded
5t dinner and entertainment at
).m. which will be directed by
auis Webber, of the Association
d Commissioners and Engineers
', W. Lucas director of Public
ons in the State Highway De-.
Ilight of the Thursday sessions
e a talk at the dinner meeting
:odern Synthetics as Applied to
orld of Tomorrow," by Ernest
ss, of General Motors. State
ray Commissioner Murray D.
Vagoner will also speak.
conference will close Friday
t discussion on the use of cal-
chloride for ice treatment by
se County Engineer John H.
s, and a roundtable on Farm
wsort Service Roads, to be led by
Miles Callaghan, of Reed City;
y M. Powell of the State Farm
u; W. G. Armstrong, former
al president of the Rural Mail
rs Association and Chippewa
y Engineer L. F. Levin.

University Receives
A 10-volume transcript of the
"Munich" broadcasts delivered over
the Columbia Broadcasting System
during the three weeks in September
when Europe was trying desperately
to stave off war has been given to
the library of the University Broad-
casting Service.
Covering 471 programs from 16
world news centers, and including
speeches from 57 leading world fig-
ures, the 10 volumes run to approxi-
mately 500,000 words and represent
almost 73 hours of continuous broad-
The reproduction of the radio
scripts in book form was stimulated
by letters from historians, librarians,
and public officials.

Belgium And Holland Lag Behind
In Armament Race, Says Aiton
The hope of Belgium and Holland trality. In order to make clear the
that they can remain neutral in the neutral stand of the country, half
event of a general European war has the troops were mobilized on the
caused them to lag far behind in German and half on the French fron-
military preparedness, Prof. Arthur tier.
S. Aiton of the history department The Belgian reserve troops, Pro-
believes after observing the forces of fessor Aiton noted, are a 1918 army,
the two countries during the recent equipped with horse-drawn military
European crises. Professor Aiton units which were in use in the World
has returned to Ann Arbor after a War, and are no match for the high-
six-month's leave of absence. ly mechanized forces of surrounding
Both Belgium and Holland are powers.
strongly against war, Professor Aiton Strong Belgian lines of firtifica-
observed, and risk their safety on tion, which Professor Aiton compares
keeping neutral. The mobilization of favorably to the French Maginot
Belgian troops during the Austrian Line, face Germany, and additional
crisis was merely to defend this neu- protection is afforded by the Albert

Dictators Could Be Stopped By Bluffs
If Democracies Act, Sas Prof .Jobin

A few strong bluffs, well placed by
the democracies, and backed by suf-
ficient force of arms and by actual
active preparations for war, would
put an effective halt to Europe's dic-
tators. That is the opinion of Prof.,
Anthony J. Jobin of the French de-
partment, who has recently returned
to Ann Arbor from a stay of four
months in Europe.
Professor Jobin, in discussing the
present European situation, point-
ed out that the democracies are do-
ing a lot of talking, but that the dic-
tatorships are doing most of the act-
ing. In that connection, he de-
plored the democracies' general lack
of unity, both within and among
themselves, as compared with the
solid mutual suport which the dic-
tatorships lend each other.
Professor Jobin includes the Unit-
ed States in this group of "do-noth-
ing democracies," and referred to
the partisan attack on President
Roosevelt ater the state department
took its recent strong stand on Amer-
ican foreign policy as proof for his
gtatement. This country alone, he
declared, could have forestalled the
recent European crisis merely by ex-
pressing a definite official stand
against the dictatorships.
During his stay in France and
England, Professor Jobin was sur-
prised to find that the average in-
dividual in those countries takes a
much less: serious interest in his -na-
tion's foreign policy than does the
average American citizen. For ex-
ample, the movement in France to
support the Spanish Loyalists was
limited to. a large extent to the poor-
er classes; and in England only stu-
dents and extreme liberals took part
in mass demonstrations against
Professor Jobin suggested that the
French people, so close to so many
enemies, and confronted with inter-
national problems on every hand, are
becoming wearied by the numerous
European crises, and are assuming a
rather dangerous fatalistic and apa-
thetic attitude toward the whole sit-
He was surprised at the childish
trust which the French ,public placed
in General Franco, his ability to oust
fcfreign elements in Spain after the
war and his supposed friendly atti-

tude toward France. This same
trust is placed in England's Cham-
berlain, who, according to Professor
Jobin, is looked upon in France as a
kind of "omniscient savior."
France realizes, observed Profes-
sor Jobin, that Germany is her most
dangerous potential enemy. Both the
French and English governments are
deathly afraid of General Goering's
powerful air fleet, and this fear, he
believes, is the chief cause for the
democracies' recent capitulation at
On the other hand, the French
people are inclined to laugh at Italy's
war threats. They still think of Italy
as the rather weak and inconsequen-
tial power it was when it joined the
Allies in 1915. Professor Jobin sees
this as a very dangerous attitude, in
view of Italy's actual formidable war
However', the French, bound by ra-
cial ties to the Italians, deeply resent
Il Duce's recent war threats, and feel
that Rome's axis should terminate
in Paris instead of Berlin.
Professor Jobin, having been right
on the scene during some of France's
most serious crises, has observed the
attitudes of the French people at each
succeeding war threat. After Mu-
nich, for example, although there
was considerable public indignation
at what was called a "sellout," a
great feeling of relief that war had
been averted pervaded the country.

lassified Directory


RENT-Pleasant double room
light housekeeping-adjoining
; garage. Smiles Out on US-12.
ne 789F3. 402
tENT-Ruom for student, reas-
)le. 825 Packard. Phone 2-3051.
ENT-Suite for two, also two
e rooms. Students preferred.
ping privileges. Garage. Reason-
prices. Call 2-2352. 425 S. Divi-
LENT-Single rooms and suite.
t, clean and warm. First house
State. 615 Mon'roe. 393
RENT-Comfortable rooms for
$2.50 week. 326 E. Liberty.
ne 4583. Also suite available.
ENT-A large double or single
for boys in quiet house, nice:
ion Phone 7856. 395
ZENT-Small single with study,
1232 White, 2-1954. Only two
r students. Near Intramural
ling. 396
RENT-Two single rooms for
reasonable. 509 S. Division.
;ENT-Desirable room, faculty
ly. S.W. Section. Tel. 5602. 399
illation and service included
ENT-For furnished houses or

Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
TYPING at reasonable rates. Mrs.
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176
LOST-White beaded evening bag
with zipper, containing gold com-
pact. Near I.M.A. Building or Theta
Chi House. Reward. Call Martha
Dailey at 2-3279 .392
LOST-Sunburst diamond ring two
weeks ago at the Michigan League.
Reward. Call 2-2547. 400
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
807 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Shirts .................... .14
Shorts .....................04
Pajama Suits ............... .10
Socks, pair .................. .03
Handkerchiefs ................02
Bath Towels................ .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel. washed pebbles. Killins

l '3' t~rfie1A

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