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February 15, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-15

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The Editor
Gets Told'



'1 c7 r 1N aMrrppboR tones a ae s]o+s.,>e

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumni r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all newedispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions duringregular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, hc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Board of
Managing Editor
Editorial Director .
City Editordr
Associate Editor
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor,
Associate Editgr..
Associate Editor.
Associate' Editor
Book Editor . - .
Women's Editor
.orts Editor.

Robert D. Mitchell
. . Albert P. Mayio
Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
* . S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
. Earl Gilman
. r William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
. Joseph Gies-
. . Dorothea Staebler
. . Bud Benjamin

Business DepartMent
Business Manager. . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelmnan
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Case History
In Labor Unity

0 0

HE AMERICAN Newspaper Guild
strike against Hearst's Chicago
Herald and Examiner and Evening American,
which is being discreetly neglected in the daily
press, has arrived at the injunction stage. The
newspaper's lawyers obtained a writ in Cook
County Superior Court that practically ham-
strings all effective action by the strikers.
But while attorneys for the Lord of San Simeon
were working through "legal" channels, anti-
strike activity took a more direct form when
three unidentified thugs raided a garage, stole
the newspaper guild's sound truck and dumped
it in the Chicago River.
Nor were the striking reporters and photo-
graphers encouraged when Vice-President Gar-'
ner, despite a ruling by the National Labor Re-
lations Board that Hearst was guilty of violating
the law of the land, pushed a button in Wash-'
ngton to start new presses in the struck plant.
In spite of these obstacles, in spite of a court
order that is aimed at preventing strikers from
urging subscribers and advertisers not to patron-
ize the paper, there is a very encouraging sign
in the battle in Chicago-the local and national
unity of labor in support of the Guild. Even
after the months that have passed since the
fight began, more than $3,700 was contributed
to the strike fund within a two week period by
scores of unions from the AFL Federation of
Teachers in Milwaukee to a United Cigar Workers
local in New York City.
This solidarity among organized wage-earn-
ers throughout the country is significant, for
they have learned after many bitter lessons
that their interests are common, and that a
sweeping injunction issued in Chicago is a
product of the same social process that suc-
ceded in passing anti-labor laws in Oregon.
The situation in Chicago is being closely
watched by working newspapermen and their
friends, for its outcome may have far-reaching
consequences in the world of the press. To put
it succinctly, the fate of the American Newspaper
Guild, affiliated with the CIO, may be seriously
affected by the guild's success or failure in this
strike, which is its largest thus far.
Defeat for the American Niewspaper Guild
would be not only a victory for Hearst over labor
in this country, but it would be a signal for pub-
lishers and editors throughout the nation to re-
new their battle against a much-weakened union.
Moreover, failure would be a serious blow to all
white-collar and "professional" labor organiza-
tions in the United States, just when many
"professionals" and white-collar wage-earners
are coming to realize that in the final analysis,
they are as much workers as the man in over-
alls in the factory, except that the "profes-
sionals" are often paid less than the industrial
The implications of the Chicago Guild strike
are clear to organized labor, and that is why
the rank and file of the CIO and the AFL (de-
spite the openly strike-breaking activities of
some AFL leaders) are helping the newsmen in

(Letters published in this'column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. All contributions must be signed with
name and address of the sender. The names of
communicants will, however, be regarded as confi-
dential upon request. Contributors are asked to be
brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters, upon the criteriar of general editorial im-
portance and interest toi he campus.)
Looking Under The Bed
To The Editor:
The Fuhrer of the German-American Nazi
Bund, Fritz Kuhn, has published in his organs,
the Deutscher Wechruf and the Beobachter, an
open letter of congratulations to Representative
Dies. What is the significance of this?
The Dies Committee was organized at the be-
hest of its chairman to investigate un-American
activities in the United States. As to what con-
stitutes an un-American activity we will let Dies
speak for himself. Last year on the House floor
he declared:
"I am not inclined to look under every bed
for a Communist, but I can say to this House
that there is in my possession a mass of infor-
mation showing the establishment and operation
of some 32 Nazi camps in the United States, that
all of these camps have been paid for, that they
claim a total membership of 480,000 . .~ . tltQ,
in these camp9 men are marching and saluting
the swastika." (Cong. Record, page 9961.)
With such a statement the nation had reason
to hope for a thorough expose of the pernicious
fascist plots and of theNazi spy activties so
widespread in America. It was not wishful think-
ing in view of the above and similar remarks by
Dies to expect his committee to bring before the
people the real menace to our democracy:
Instead of following the line set forth in his
speech before Congress, Martin Dies let the
Nazi spies slip out of his fingers and concen-
trated his attack upon every progressive person-
ality and movement within the broad range of
his Committee.
Following the same tactics of Mrs. Dilling
who, in her Red Network, labels such Americans
as Mrs. Roosevelt, Dr. Roy Blakeman, Felix
Frankfurter and Glenn Franck as Communists,
Dies slandered progressives such as Frank Mur-
phy, Olson and Downey in chosen red-baiting
language. The real danger of the committee was
not that a communist was called a communist
but that all shades of progressivism were said
to be of one color-red. The absurdity of the
Committee's activities can be seen when we ob-
serve that even Christopher Marlowe, Shirley
Temple and the Greek dramatists were accused
of being communists.
Now, Fritz Kuhn, the leader of the un-Ameri-
can organization which was to be hunted out
sends his congratulations to Dies and adds:
"Mr. Dies' wish (for more appropriations)
should by all means be gratified."
When Hitler's lackey presses forward on be-
half of the Dies Committee, it is the danger sig-
nal to the President, Congress, and the Ameri-
can people that the Committee itself be probed,
that it be denied further funds and that a bona
fide committee be set up to investigate the do-
ings of such fascistic organizations as the. Ger--
man-American Bund and the Silver Shirts.
-Harry Stutz
Our Sports Writers
To The Editor:
As an alumnus of the University of Michigan
there are several matters that have occasioned
me considerable thought, especially since the
termination of last football season.
Since graduation, I have been very proud of
my membership in the "M Club" and feel that
there is not a more loyal alumnus nor one more
interested in the success of Michigan both ath-
letically and scholastically. The University's
fortunes good or bad have been mine and will
continue to be so.
This past season has been a brilliant one for
us. Too high sounding words of praise cannot
be found to express the way all of us feel towardsj
Fritz for the splendid job he and his well-round-
ed, harmoniously-working corps has done withI
the best material Michigan has had in years.I
But in this newly awakened glory, this old famil-
iar but almost forgotten effulgency of spirit al-

ways engendered by a successful football season,
have we not been somewhat remiss along the
line somewhere or in several places?
This year, we had the annual Bust in Detroit.
Various celebrities were there, the outstanding
All City high school and parochial school foot-
ball players and ther respective coaches, numer-
ous famous alumni, the coaching staff, our foot-
ball team, its trainer, and others who had rend-
ered inestimable service to the University. At-
tention was called to each of the above-men-
tioned and recognition accorded them by ap-
With others I was seated near a table about
which the various members of the press were
grouped, the fellows who had followed our team
around this past season and had given out first-
hand and for the most part very accurate infor-
mation to sport-minded readers. Momentarily
I expected to hear each of them called upon to
say a few words concerning their happy relation-
ships with our school during the few preceding
months. The common courtesy was not extended
to even recognizing the fact that they were
there. It was a slight no matter how uninten-

ifeemi l o ie
Heywood Broun
MONTEREY, Mexico, Feb. 13-We had break-
fast at Pop Lane's Place before heading back for
the border. My friend the bartender was on the
job and said that the sym-
pathy strike for the school
teachers was still in process
of negotiation. "Maybe we
go out this afternoon," he
said, "or maybe tomorrow
morning." I looked at him
in some surprise because Pop
sane, the proprietor, was sit-
ting with us. "Oh, it doesn't
make any difference if he knows about it," the
bartender told me, "because you see when we
go out he can't put anybody in our place.
That's the law in Mexico."
"If they close me up for a day or an hour,"
said Pop savagely, "I'll never open tle saloon
"Don't pay any attention," remarked the bar-
tender. "He'll open again as soon as we get the
school teachers' salaries adjusted. If he didn't
he wouldn't have any place to play dominoes or
sit around with Americans and complain about
"Roosevelt's our President," snapped Pop Lane.
"You keep your Mexican nose out of our poli-
tics. We'll do the worrying about the New Deal;
and you can worry about Cardenas and Com-
* * *
The Bartender Explains
"Pop," the bartender explained, "is a little
confused about political and economic ideology.
Cardenas isn't a Communist or a Fascist, and he
has no truck with Trotsky. What we've got in
Mexico is a kind of creeping Socialism. It'll go
faster before it goes slower."%
The bartender moved away to get some coffee
and a tequila daisy.
"That's the trouble with the saloon business in
Mexico," Pop' remarked sourly. "The bartenders
read books.",
Floyd McGowan, the young interpreter, came
in with a fresh copy of El Porvenir, and a re-
port on the lottery tickets we bought the day
before. "We lost," he said. "Neither number
10285 nor 10286 won anything. It was just as
well. All through the night I had worried lest
Floyd and I should split the capital prize of ten
thousand pesos, which would have been a thous-
and dollars apiece in our money. It seemed to
me as if it might impair Mexican and American
relations. In fact, just before the draw, I had
resolved to give half my share to the strike fund
of the Bartenders' Union in Monterey. Now
even that seemed an insufficiently generous con-
"But we got a long interview in El Porvenir,"
said McGowan to console me. "It runs about.
three columns."
"I don't remember that I got in more than
a hundred words edgewise," I objected.
"Yes," answered Floyd, "but when you didn't
know the answers, you'll find this Mexican
journalist helped you out. You'll find that you
did about half a column, in which you pointed
out that under the Mexican Constitution it
was illegal to give ownership of any natural re-
sources such as land or oil or minerals to outside
"Well, that's true," said the bartender, who
was back by now, "even if you didn't say it."
* * *
Saying It In Spanish
"You got a two-column headline." Fred Mc-
Gowan identified it for me. "Que La Prensa
Americana No Dice La Verdad Acera De Mexico,
Intersantes declaraciones de Mr. Brown, period
ista de Estados Unidos y lider de la C. I. O."
In a reckless good mood I attempted a rou
translation myself without help from the bar-
tender or the college boy from St. Mary's. "The
only word I really know is C.I.O.," I admitted,

"but I think it says that an American columnist
named Brown is of the opinion that newspaper
comment in the United States is often no dice
as far as Mexico is concerned." That seemed to
pass muster.

- By Roy Heath -
DIOGENES, it is chronicled, was a
seedy old citizen who used to poke
around his home town in Greece with
a lantern. He would enter bath houses,
the house of representatives, sewers,
and other spots, hold his lantern up
and peer around. Every so often, some
of the denizens of the places which
he so rudely illuminated would grab
him by the beard and ask him just
what the hell he thought he was do-
ing anyway. Diogenes' answer used
to floor them. "I'm looking for an
honest man," he would tell them
amiably, like a mad owl, and stamp
Now nobody around Athens used
to pay much attention to the old
gentleman, which didn't make him
any happier. He lived in a barrel to
avoid rent and taxes and generally
went around in a last year's toga and
an old. yellow straw hat. I can tell
you, he didn't carry much weight in
Athens. But the point is this. While
Diogenes didn't find many honest
men in his wanderings, he did un-
cover a number of other yiteresting
things. He spotted bribery, thievery,
lying, pick-pocketing, monkey busi-
ness and double-dealing at every
show-up he made with his lantern.
All these things he duly noised about,
but, as I say, Diogenes was small
potatoes around Athens and nobody
paid any attention to him.
However, Diogenes had a salutory
effect in one respect. He got people
in the habit of turning the merciless
light of publicity on situations which
needed investigation. Now I intend to
turn some light on what I consider
to be discrimination and injustice of
the first water. It ws only by the
merest chance that the affair came
to my attention. There was a letter
in the mail drawer addressed to "The
City Editor or The Farm Editor,"
from the Percheron Horse Associa-
tion Of America. City Editor Horace
Gilmore, resenting the implication,
asked for a volunteer Farm Editor.
Being a Kansas boy, I stepped out
and claimed the letter. Sec Terry
would have been the logical man,
with his wide experience in certain
aspects of rural life, but he wasn't
about so I had to.
The letter from the Percheron Horse
Association disclosed the discrimina-
tion to which I refer. According to1
their news release, Rosalae, Dhu Var-
ren Farms' Michigan champion Per-
cheron mare is going to. compete in
the Percheron Association's contest
to determine the best Percheron mare
of not only America, but Canada, as,
well. I am not trying to get Rosalae
pulled out of the contest. I have only
the best wishes for her success. What
I do want to know is: If Rosalae can
enter a contest, Why couldn't Michi-
gan's Beauty Queens enter the Big
Ten Contest at Chicago two years
ago? If that isn't discrimination I'll
eat my 7% with spumoni ice cream.
I trust that the University commit-
tee on Student Affairs will be able
to explain and remedy this siuation.
Maybe the Beauty Queens could be
allowed to enter this contest with
Rosalae. That would be a step in the
right direction anyway.
* * *
With everyone thinking all this
time that Sec Terry could not read
at all, it came as a distinct shock in
his yesterday's column that he has
read "Arrowsmith." Congratulations,
Sec. (for the exact meaning of the
word "Sec" see the advertisements of
a certain whiskey company).

Nazi Refugees
The plan for emigration of refugees
from Nazi Germany, evolved after
prolonged conferences with Berlin
authorities by George Rublee, is re-
ceived with great approval in Lon-
don, where the American negotiator
has made his report. The greatest
concession he announces is Hitler's
consent for Jews to re-enter the
economic world and earn a living
while waiting for their exodus to be
arranged. Restoration of this ele-
mentary human right emphasizes
anew the sweeping character of the
ostracism to which these people have
been subjected under the Nazis' origi-
nal plan for their elimination.
It is obvious the Nazis have been
amazed and impressed by the world-
wide reaction to their sweeping anti-
Semitic campaign, and the decline in
German export trade which was a
spontaneous result. Otherwise, it is
unlikely they would have abandoned
Dr. Schacht's ingenious plan for ty-
ing up emigration with exports,
whereby every refugee would have
been forced to become a traveling
salesman for the wares of his perse-
cutors. World opinion, too, must have"
been a factor in the reported decision
to permit emigrants to take out equip-
ment and machinery in exchange for

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2) '
dents in this course today at 4:00 in
room 3216 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter
English 301D, Seminar in English
Drama, will meet on Thursday at 4
o'clock in 3217 A.H.
Paul Mueschke.
French 202. Methods and Tools.
This class will meet in Room 110 on
Thursday at 4 p.m. to arrange hours.
Genetics and Evolution (Zoology
Proseminar): The first meeting will
be held in Room 2116 N.S. on Thurs-
day, Feb. 16 at 5 p.m. The regular
hour of meeting will then be chosen.
A. F. Shull.
Math. 161. Theory of Numbers. Will
meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9
o'clock in 3011 A.H., and Saturdays
at 8 o'clock in 3010 A.H.
Math. 193, Introd. to the Theory of
Sets. Will meet Mondays and Fridays
from 3 to 4:30, in 3011 A.H.
M.E. 33. Advanced Testing and Re-
search. Preliminary meeting Thurs-
day, April 16. All semester arrange-
ments made at this time.
Philosophy 132, intermediate course
in metaphysics and theory of knowl-
edge, will meet MWF at 10 in 205
Mason Hall.
Psychology, English 228. Class will
meet to fix schedule Thursday at 5
in 3126 N.S. instead of date given
in catalog.
J. F. Shepard, A. R. Morris.
Psychology 106 will meet TT at 10
in Room 307 W. Med.
Psychology 116 will meet MWF at
11 in room 307 W. Med.
Psychology 166 will meet MF at 8 in
Room 307 W. Med.
Choral Union Concert: Yehudi
Menuhin, violinist, will give a con-
cert in the Choral Union Series, Wed-
nesday night, Feb. 15, at 8:30 o'clock
in Hill Auditorium. A limited num-
ber of tickets are still available at
the office of the School of Music.
' Exhibitions
Exhibition of Water Colors by Ar-
thur B. Davies and Drawings by
Boardman Robinson, shown under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art
Association. North and South Gal-
leries of Alumni Memorial Hall; daily
from 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 15 through
March 1.
University Lecture. Dr. Alexander
Silverman, of the University of Pitts-
burgh, will speak on "Glass and the
Modern World" in the Chemistry
Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m., Thurs-
day, Feb. 16. This lecture is spon-
sored by the U. of M. Section of the
American Chemical Society.
French Lecture: The fourth lecture
on the Cercle Francais program will
take place Thursday, Feb. 16, at 4:15
p.m., Room 103, Romance Language
Building. Prof. Michael Pargment
will speak on: "Les Ecoles Francais-
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Romance Language Depart-
ment (Room 112, Romance, Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Hector Bolitho, noted Eng-
lish biographer, will appear in Hill
auditorium Thursday, Feb. 16, at

8:15 p.m. Tickets are available at
Wahr's. The season ticket cdupons
for the Lord Strabolgi lecture will!
University Lecture: The Right Hon-
orable The Earl Russell, Fellow of
Trinity College, Cambridge, will lec-
ture on "Space in Modern Philosophy
and Physics" on Saturday, Feb. 18, at
11 a.m., in the RackhamLecture Hall
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Philosophy. The public is
cordially invited.
Lee A. White, pulblic relations di-
rector of the Detroit News, will give
the first of the series of Supplemen-
tary Lectures in Journalism at 3-
o'clock today in Room E, Haven Hall,
his subject being "The Right of the
Public To Know." University stu-
dents and the public are invited to
Events Today

terested in intercollegiate or intra-
mural debating during the semester
are urged to be present at a meeting
in Room 3209 Angell Hall today. at
4 p.m.
Graduate Luncheon: There will be
a graduate luncheon today in the
Russian tea room of the League at
12 noon, cafeteria style.
Prof. Howard Ehrmann of the
History Department will give an in-
formal talk on "Colonial Aspirations
of Fascist Italy." All graduate stu-
dents are cordially invited.
Actuarial Students: Mr. John E.
Little will speak on "The Organia-
tion of Fraternial Life Insurance
Companies" tonight, 8 p.m., in the
West Lecture Room of the Rackham
Building. All those interested are
invited to attend.
Alpha Delta Chi will meet to-
night at 7:15, and new officers will
be elected.
Varsity Glee Club: A special meet-
ing will be held to fulfill an engage-
ment at 7 ,p.m. today. We are sched-
uled to appear at a banquet.
Congress District Council meeting
at 5:00 this afternoon. It is impera-
tive that all members be there on
Engineer, second semester fresh-
men and sophomores. All those in-
terested in trying out for the staff
of the Michigan Technic please re-
port in Room '3046, East Engineering
Building, this afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Women's Fencing Club: There will
be a short meeting of the Women's
Fencing Club today at 4:30 p.m. at
Barbour Gymnasium. New members
especially welcome.
Freshmen Glee Club: There will be
a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi-
gan Union.
The Michigan Dames Art Group
will meet in the Rackham Building
today at 8o'clock.
Coming Events
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon,
Feb. 16, in the Observatory lecture
room. Dr. Heber D. Curtis, recently
returned from a semester abroad, will
talk on "Impressions of English Ob-
servatories." Tea will be served al
Scimitar meeting will be held at
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16 at the
Michigan Union. All members are
urged 'to be present, for plans are to
be completed for an all-campus tour-
Tau Beta Pi will have a sleigh ride
and party on Friday, Feb. 17. The ride
will start from the Union at 8 p.m.
and further particulars will be found
on the Mechanical Engineering bulle-
tin board. Members are asked to sign
there by Wednesday.
Albion College Alumni. An informal
party will be given at 8:00 o'clock
in the parlors of the Methodist
church on Albion-Round-the-World
Night, Thursday evening, Feb. 16.
One of the members of the Albion
College Faculty will be present at
the party. All former Albion College
students are cordially invited to this
Athena: Meeting Thursday night at
7:30 in the Apha-Nu room. It is im-
portant that all members attend and
bring their dues. Attendance at this
meeting will determine your member-
ship for the coming semester. For
excused absence please call me.

Executive Committee of the Ameri-
can Student Union at 4 p.m. on
Thursday, Feb. 16, in the Michigan
The Graduate Outing Club extends
an invitation to all graduate stu-
dents to attend open house in the
club room in the Rackham Building
on Saturday evening, Feb. 18, at 8
p.m. There -will be dancing and
games, and refreshments will be
On Sunday the group will meet at
the Rackham Building at 3 p.m. and
will go for a hike. If the weather
permits, there will also be outdoor
American Student Union member-
ship meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16,
at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union.
Congregational Student Fellowship.
Today is the last day to make your
reservations for the Dinner-Dance



An elementary lesson about censorship hUb
been learned and set before the public by the
Luther League of the Augustana Synod of North
America. A forum of the organization met at
Omaha to discuss preparation of a "forbidden
list" of b:ooksn connection with its fight against
salacious literature. The delegates saw the mat-
ter from a different angle after the Rev. Paul
M. Lindberg, president of Luther College, Wahoo,
Neb., had spoken.
"The minute we try to bar a book," he said,
"its sales pick up immediately." So they voted
almost unanimously against publication of the
blacklist. Instead, the meeting accepted the con-
structive suggestion of the Rev. Mr. Linberg that
the group recommend good literature.r
The lesson is old as Genesis, but is all too
rarely heeded by the zealots of moral reform.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
inside of any of the sports departments of our
three daily Detroit papers, how many visits have
been made.
The treatment accorded the sports-writers

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